Pirate (23)Full unit name: Pirate
Last updated: 23.08.2024 19:41:13
Navigation (9)
Basic info
First appearance: A New Hope
A New Hope
Known Facts (7)
Massacre on Mandellia (2) »
Ord Mantell History (GGW) (1) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    When Rona's father came looking for Rona while she was on the shuttle pod with some Agamarian pirate, her cousin Corso, who was about twelve, started a fight to to distract her farther.
  • Rona Riggs, Corso Riggs
Taris Resettlement Initiative (4) »
The term pirate referred to the variety of rogues that were scattered across the galaxy who would attack, rob or commandeer ships as they saw fit. While their actions were inherently illegal, the morals of various pirates varied considerably. Some were cutthroat brigands who were petty murderers or thieves, but others, such as Nym
Supporting Characters
, had a set of morals that prohibited killing the innocent, and generally restricted their actions to the rich. Other pirates, referred to as "privateers," operated under the sanction of governments or organizations like the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Privateers tended to hold themselves to a more "civilized" standard than other pirates, and restricted their activities to specific targets. Most pirates were orphans or citizens that were unemployed because of either being uneducated or having a lust for adventure, riches or anarchy. Indeed, on a few occasions, pirates have pulled through to help the galaxy as a whole. Nym himself aided the Naboo
around the time of the Battle of Naboo
Battle of Theed
Twilight of the Republic
by destroying a Trade Federation droid foundry on Eos, and helping the Naboo resistance hold off an army attempting to flank the Gungans
Sentient Species
on the Naboo plains.


See also
Related organizations
Aquaris Freeholders
Bala D'ur
Binayre Pirates
Lok Revenants
Ohnaka Gang
Twin Suns
Related units, characters and other technologies
Cade Skywalker
Ponda Baba
Ohnaka, Hondo
Jariah Syn
Drea Renthal
Kath Scarlet
Known members
Jiinan E'ron
Taris Resettlement Initiative
Veem Set
Witness Protection
Known sub-organizations
Death's Claw
Known sentient species
Witness Protection
All the characters that this organization dealt with (as an organization)
Nok Drayen
Massacre on Mandellia
Corso Riggs
Ord Mantell History (GGW)
Rona Riggs
Ord Mantell History (GGW)
Known weaponry & equipment
L4 Blaster
L1 Scattergun
Wrist-mounted Launcher
Carbonite Rounds
Known armor & apparel
Mercenary Armor A15.4
Territories under control
Massacre on Mandellia
Complete list

Full unit name: Pirate Last updated: 23.08.2024 19:41:13