Eli Tarnis (13)Full unit name: Tarnis, Eli
Last updated: 01.08.2024 0:15:37
Navigation (2)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Was killed by: Hero of Tython
Hero of Tython
Major Characters
(Race to the Ruins
Race to the Ruins
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Family Relations
Son of: Darth Angral
Darth Angral
Supporting Characters
Known Facts (23)
The Jedi Envoy (3) »
  • Held a rank of Doctor and was Scientist in Superweapon Research Division (undercover)
  • Held a rank of Sith Lord in Sith Order
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Orgus Din
    Glad to see you in one piece. Heard there was some trouble getting to Coruscant.
    Hero of Tython
    An Imperial battle cruiser attacked my shuttle.
    Var Suthra
    You see, Orgus? The Empire grows bolder by the day. This is only the beginning.
    Orgus Din
    You remember Master Kiwiiks and Padawan Kira. This is General Var Suthra and Doctor Eli Tarnis. We're discussing why the Republic secretly built a planetary-scale weapon without consulting the Jedi.
    Eli Tarnis
    My work barely qualifies as a weapon. It's the most humane military technology ever invented. With a single activation, the Planet Prison super-charges a world's upper atmosphere, turning it into an enormous ion cannon.
    Any starship entering or leaving the planet will be completely disabled. Perfect enemy containment, without casualties.
    Hero of Tython
    Have you tested this Planet Prison's safety?
    Eli Tarnis
    We were about to begin field testing when this pointless debate started.
    The Jedi of all people should appreciate what we've created. It's a non-violent means of ending war. How many lives are lost during a full-scale invasion? Our new weapon will end war as we know it.
    Bela Kiwiiks
    Regardless, you've allowed the Planet Prison's design files to be stolen by common criminals.
    Eli Tarnis
    I doubt the thieves even realize what they have. Besides, the data is encrypted.
    Var Suthra
    Our people are pursuing every possible lead.
    Orgus Din
    With all due respect, old friend, don't you think it's time the Jedi got involved?
    Orgus Din
    Master Kiwiiks and I must speak with the Supreme Chancellor. I need you here, finding those design files.
    Hero of Tython
    I won't let you down.
    Bela Kiwiiks
    You stay as well, Kira. Your security expertise may come in handy.
  • Orgus Din, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Kira Carsen, Var Suthra, Bela Kiwiiks
Stolen Secrets (3) »
  • Held a rank of Sith Lord in Sith Order
  • Held a rank of Doctor and was Scientist in Superweapon Research Division (undercover)
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    General, we have a lead on the thieves.
    Var Suthra
    This is Agent Galen with the Strategic Information Service. Agent, these young Jedi will assist you.
    Thirty-two hours ago, thieves raided a military storehouse. They stole weapons, supplies and data files for the Planet Prison project. The thieves' leader slipped up--showed his face to a security camera. We identified him from our criminal database. Vistis, Rodian smuggler, staying with the so-called Migrant Merchants' Guild. Nasty bunch of criminals.
    Eli Tarnis
    Why would alien gangsters rob a military storehouse?
    Hero of Tython
    They must know what you're working on.
    Eli Tarnis
    Impossible. It must be a coincidence.
    The guild is a violent, well-armed criminal cartel. Invading their headquarters is something only a Jedi could pull off.
    Eli Tarnis
    Oh, dear. I really must go sit down. Excuse me....
    Kira Carsen
    Agent, let's use your fancy security network to distract those gangsters. Give my friend and the thief some quality time.
    When you find Vistis, contact me. The data files are top priority, but try to recover anything else that was stolen from us. Good luck.
  • Var Suthra, T7-O1, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, Galen
Kidnapping of Doctor Tarnis (3) »
Stealing the Prison Planet Prototype (8) »
  • Held a rank of Doctor and was Scientist in Superweapon Research Division (undercover)
  • Held a rank of Sith Lord in Sith Order
  • Wore Sith Inquisitor Armor A02.1
  • Used L2 Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Tarnis! We risked everything for you. Stealing those data files, faking your kidnapping... this is how you repay us?
    Eli Tarnis
    You were compensated with enough weapons and armor to make Black Sun invincible.
    Invincible? There's a Jedi carving up my base! This is your fault. We never should've trusted a Sith!
    Eli Tarnis
    If a Jedi has come for you, Salarr, it wasn't my doing.
    Hero of Tython
    You traitor! You won't get away with betraying the Republic, Doctor Tarnis.
    Eli Tarnis
    The name is Lord Tarnis. I've shed that old skin.
    Hero of Tython
    I thought your kidnapping was a little too convenient.
    Eli Tarnis
    I would have preferred a more graceful exit, but your Masters forced my hand. I have no time for this nonsense. Finish your pointless battle. Coruscant's fate is already sealed.
  • Salarr, Hero of Tython, T7-O1 (from The Rescue)
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Sith Lord Tarnis contacted his research team, the members of whom were unaware of his true identity, and urged them to bring him the Planet Prison prototype, as he claimed that the Jedi were planning to shut down the project.
  • Jonkan
  • Killed a number of Scientists and Technicians
  • Wounded Jonkan
Race to the Ruins (6) »
  • Held a rank of Sith Lord in Sith Order
  • Wore Sith Inquisitor Armor A02.1
  • Used L2 Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Eli Tarnis
    I'm departing Coruscant now, Father. The Planet Prison deploys in minutes. The Republic will have no choice but to surrender.
    Darth Angral
    You return to me as a hero of the Empire, my son. Our victory is complete.
    Hero of Tython
    I wouldn't count on that.
    What's this, Tarnis? A loose end? For shame.
    Eli Tarnis
    Have you come to die, Jedi?
    Hero of Tython
    Don't do this, Tarnis. You can still surrender.
    Eli Tarnis
    You'll forgive me if I don't offer you the same opportunity. Fighting petty criminals is nothing. Now you face a Sith.
    Darth Angral
    Channel your rage, my son. Don't let this Jedi steal your moment of triumph.
    Eli Tarnis
    Your blood flows through my veins, Father. I cannot fail.
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen
  • Darth Angral, Praven, Sadic, Nefarid (from The Cold War)
  • Fought Hero of Tython's Followers
  • Was killed by Hero of Tython


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Superweapon Research Division
Show all (4)DetailsThe Jedi Envoy (Doctor, Scientist)Stolen Secrets (Doctor, Scientist)Kidnapping of Doctor Tarnis (Doctor, Scientist)Stealing the Prison Planet Prototype (Doctor, Scientist)
Sith Order
Show all (5)DetailsThe Jedi Envoy (Sith Lord)Stolen Secrets (Sith Lord)Kidnapping of Doctor Tarnis (Sith Lord)Stealing the Prison Planet Prototype (Sith Lord)Race to the Ruins (Sith Lord)
Known roles
Superweapon Research Division
Known weaponry & equipment
L2 Lightsaber
Known armor & apparel
Sith Inquisitor Armor A02.1
All characters this character met
Hero of Tython
Show all (4)DetailsThe Jedi EnvoyStolen SecretsThe RescueRace to the Ruins
Darth Angral
Race to the Ruins
Kira Carsen
Show all (3)DetailsThe Jedi EnvoyStolen SecretsRace to the Ruins
Orgus Din
The Jedi Envoy
Stolen Secrets
Stealing the Prison Planet Prototype
Bela Kiwiiks
The Jedi Envoy
Race to the Ruins
Race to the Ruins
Race to the Ruins
The Rescue
Var Suthra
Show all (2)DetailsThe Jedi EnvoyStolen Secrets
Show all (3)DetailsThe Jedi EnvoyStolen SecretsThe Rescue
Complete list

Full unit name: Tarnis, Eli Last updated: 01.08.2024 0:15:37