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Known Facts (2)
- Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
Dialog transcript |
Master ParPadawan, look. In the map's code - there's something else hidden here. A warning?"The Fount of Rajivari has mechanisms for intruders. Only those who know Rajivari's path will walk through unscathed, to gain his wisdom."Barsen'thorRajivari's philosophies are somehow the way past these mechanisms - likely traps.Master ParRajivari was ruthless, Padawan, those traps will be fatal if you go unprepared.We know Kaleth was Rajivari's stronghold. And excavators have uncovered ancient computer terminals in Upper Kaleth.Those terminals might hold answers, if they weren't all locked with passwords.Barsen'thorThe hilt of the first blade accessed the coordinates to the Fount of Rajivari. It could unlock these terminals, too.Master ParOf course! Those engravings... some of them resemble security algorithms.Go to Upper Kaleth, and investigate those terminals for any clue. I'll wait here for Qyzen. We're close, Padawan; I know it! |
- Barsen'thor, Yuon Par
- Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
Dialog transcript |
Barsen'thorMaster Yuon? I have the clues we need. The terminals held the last words of Rajivari's apprentices. I think I recovered enough of Rajivari's philosophy to help me.Master ParSo the Jedi besieged Kaleth, after Rajivari tried to kill the Council. And his apprentices held the line, all by themselves. Remarkable.Barsen'thorRajivari's apprentices knew there was no hope, but they defended their beliefs to the last.Master ParYes. With a different master, they could have been great Jedi.Hopefully the principles you've recovered will help you pass into the Fount of Rajivari safely. And once Qyzen brings us the last coordinate... |
- Yuon Par, Barsen'thor
This event took place on the planet Tython | TythonPlanet | during the Flesh Raider uprising | Flesh Raider UprisingEventCold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY) | shortly before the end of the Cold War.jpg) | The Cold WarEventCold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY) | .After the mission | Hunter's EyeEventCold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY) | to the Tythos Ridge, the Padawan | Barsen'thorCharacterMajor Characters | , Master.jpg) | Jedi MasterMiscellaneousRanks | Par | Yuon Par(Human)CharacterSupporting Characters | and Qyzen Fess | Qyzen Fess(Trandoshan)CharacterSupporting Characters | analyzed a set of three coordinates shown in Rajivari | Rajivari(Human)CharacterSupporting Characters | 's map. They were able to decipher two of them, but the third one, which looked like a rock formation, was unfamiliar to both Par and the young Jedi. However, Fess stated that during his hunting trips, he had seen similar markings around a nearby cave located behind a waterfall. The Trandoshan | TrandoshanSentient Species | told the two that he would investigate | Exploring the Waterfall CavesEventCold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY) | the area in an attempt to find something that could help their search and left.After Fess left, Master Par and her Padawan realized that the map's code also contained a warning that the path to the Fount of Rajivari was filled with numerous traps that only those who had knowledge of Rajivari's philosophies and who followed his steps could pass. Kaleth was known to have served as the fortress of Rajivari and his followers, and several computer terminals had been found earlier among the ruins. Believing that the terminals could be accessed using the hilt of the First Blade, the Padawan traveled to Kaleth in hopes of finding some records of Rajivari's teachings in those terminals.The terminals indeed contained recordings made by Rajivari's apprentices. The Padawan discovered that Rajivari's attempts | Rajivari's CoupEventPre-Republic Era (before 25000BBY) | to kill the Jedi Council | Jedi CouncilOrganizationJedi Order | had failed and he was killed, and the Jedi Order | Jedi OrderOrganizationGalaxy-Wide Organizations | had besieged | Siege of Kaleth(Rajivari's Coup)EventPre-Republic Era (before 25000BBY) | Kaleth in retaliation. Rajivari's followers | Rajivari's FollowersOrganizationPlanetary and Sector | had held the line to the end, but had ultimately all been killed. The young Jedi learned several of Rajivari's principles, which dictated that mercy was a foolish act and held strength in great esteem. Returning to Par, he discovered that Fess had not returned from his mission yet. Concerned, Par asked her Padawan to find Qyzen. |
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Full unit name: The Footsteps of the Fallen Last updated: 02.02.2025 17:33:40