H2 Heavy BlasterShow All (2)DetailsTreacherous Republic RecruitsRepublic Defector |
H3 Heavy RifleShow All (2)DetailsTreacherous Republic SoldiersRepublic Defector Corporal, loaded with HI/RAIL Ammo |
L3.1.2 RifleShow All (2)DetailsLoaded with EX AmmoMarpessa Security Guards and Technicians |
L1 ScattergunMarpessa Security Guards |
L1 Sniper Rifle |
Shoulder-fired LauncherRepublic Defector |
Multiple Launch Missile System |
Ion DischargerWith Ion Powercell |
Wrist-mounted FlamerShow All (2)DetailsRepublic DefectorMarpessa Security Guards, loaded with TA Fuel |
Retractable BladesMarpessa Security Officer |
H4 Heavy Assault Cannon |
Grapple GunShow All (2)DetailsRepublic DefectorMarpessa Security Officer |
L3 ElectrobladeMarpessa Security Officer |
Cryo GrenadeRepublic Defector Corporal |
Flash Grenade |
Gas Grenade |
Thermal Grenade |
Fire BombShow All (2)DetailsRepublic DefectorMarpessa Security Guards |
Rakghoul Plague Pathogen |
Explosive Probe |
Plasma ProbeMarpessa Technicians |
Kolto ProbeMarpessa Technicians |
Interrogation ProbeMarpessa Technicians |
Portable Shield Projector |
Personal Energy ShieldMarpessa Security Officer |
Concussion Charge GeneratorMarpessa Security Officer |