Rogue Squadron (36)Full unit name: Rogue Squadron
Last updated: 11.01.2025 18:09:39
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Basic info
First appearance: Empire Strikes Back
Empire Strikes Back
Known Facts (3)
Battle of Hoth (3) »
Rogue Squadron was a starfighter squadron that flew for over 130 years.
Originally a part of the Rebel Alliance
Rebel Alliance
Rebel Alliance
, it went on to serve the Alliance of Free Planets, New Republic, Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, and Galactic Alliance Remnant. Its roster routinely included some of the galaxy's best pilots, and its successes in battle gave the squadron an almost mythical presence that reassured galactic citizens someone was in space protecting them. The Rogues were important symbols to the different governments they served and a key part of public morale. Led by a pilot with the callsign Rogue Leader, the squadron flew various types of fighter craft throughout their history, usually a version of an X-wing starfighter
T-65 X-Wing
Starfighter Models
, and they were assisted by astromech
droids in the fighters' droid sockets.
The Rogues were originally a smaller flight group known as Rogue Flight, formed by the Alliance's Commander Arhul Narra in 0 ABY from the remnants of Red Squadron
Red Squadron
Rebel Alliance Navy
following the Battle of Yavin
Battle of Yavin
Galactic Civil War
. Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Major Characters
and Wedge Antilles
Wedge Antilles
Major Characters
led a core group of pilots on various missions, and the flight's members were a part of the Rogue Group that flew against the Galactic Empire in 3 ABY's Battle of Hoth
Battle of Hoth
Galactic Civil War
Antilles expanded the Rogues into a full twelve-person squadron after Hoth
was evacuated, and they went on to serve in the Battle of Endor
Battle over Endor
(Endor Campaign)
Galactic Civil War
one year later as Red Squadron, where Antilles helped destroy the Empire's Death Star II battlestation
Death Star 2
Space Stations
As the group went on to serve the New Republic, it was disbanded for a year due to the amount of new recruits who were dying too soon after signing up. Rebuilt with a heavily-trained group of elite pilots in 6 ABY, Rogue Squadron played a key role in capturing the galactic capital world of Coruscant
from the Empire, but its twelve members soon afterward resigned their commissions in order to pursue a private guerrilla war against the warlord Ysanne Isard
Ysanne Isard
Major Characters
. The operation was retroactively sanctioned by the New Republic, and the Rogues went on to fight for their government in such conflicts as the reborn Emperor Palpatine
Major Characters
's assault
Battle of Mon Calamari
New Republic Era
on Calamari
Dac (Mon Calamari)
, the Orinda campaign, and a battle at Yaga Minor that brought the long Galactic Civil War to an end.
When the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong
Yuuzhan Vong
Sentient Species
invaded the galaxy in 25 ABY, Rogue Squadron were among the first defenders on the front lines.


See also
Related units, characters and other technologies
Jaina Solo
Corran Horn
Plourr Ilo
Soontir Fel
Gemmer Sojan
Known members
Luke Skywalker
Show all (2)DetailsExtraction on CorelliaBattle of Hoth (Commander)
Wedge Antilles
Show all (2)DetailsBattle of HothAttack on Firith Olan's Hideout (Tatooine)
Dash Rendar
Battle of Hoth
Tycho Celchu
Show all (2)DetailsBattle of HothAttack on Firith Olan's Hideout (Tatooine)
Wes Janson
Show all (2)DetailsBattle of HothAttack on Firith Olan's Hideout (Tatooine)
Derek Klivian
Show all (2)DetailsBattle of HothAttack on Firith Olan's Hideout (Tatooine)
Nep Dllr
Attack on Firith Olan's Hideout (Tatooine)
Tarn Mison
Battle of Hoth
Dak Ralter
Battle of Hoth
Known parent organizations
Rebel Alliance
New Republic Military
Starships that were used by this organization
Battle over Phaeda
Battle over Phaeda
Vehicles, structures and fixed equipment used by this organization
T-47 Airspeeder
Known sentient species
Attack on Firith Olan's Hideout (Tatooine)
Known roles
Luke Skywalker
Known weaponry & equipment
Model 57 Blaster Pistol
Battle of Hoth
Known armor & apparel
K-22995 Light Flight Helmet
Diagnostech Life Support Unit
Complete list

Full unit name: Rogue Squadron Last updated: 11.01.2025 18:09:39