The Architect of Annihilation (23)Full unit name: The Architect of Annihilation
Last updated: 23.07.2024 12:00:29
Navigation (2)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Taris
Events: Desolator Crisis
Desolator Crisis
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (16)
  • Hero of Tython's Defender-class Corvette arrived on Taris
  • Hero of Tython served as Pilot
  • Kira Carsen served as Communications Officer
  • T7-O1 served as Astromech
  • C2-N2 (Hero of Tython) served as Steward and Maintenance
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Hero of Tython
    General, I'm on Taris. You seemed worried about this place after Ord Mantell. What's the big mystery you wouldn't reveal?
    Var Suthra
    I apologize for the secrecy, but this involves someone the Empire would love to get its hands on. Angral's son, Tarnis, was the lead scientist on our advanced warfare projects. But these technologies were all invented by Doctor Nasan Godera. Doctor Godera's a genius. Calculates targeting algorithms in his head for fun. The Republic couldn't have survived the last war without his technological breakthroughs.
    Hero of Tython
    Since I'm on Taris, I assume he must be too.
    Var Suthra
    Correct. But the situation is... complicated. Doctor Godera hates the Empire. So much so, he quit in protest when the Republic signed the Treaty of Coruscant. Disappeared completely. We recently discovered he's hiding on Taris--but the swamps, predators and city ruins are keeping us from finding him. He's a resourceful man - and he isn't alone. He brought advanced droids with him.
    Hero of Tython
    City ruins? There's no civilization here?
    Var Suthra
    Your Masters never taught you about the Jedi Civil War? Three hundred years ago, there was a conflict between two fallen Jedi named Revan and Malak. Malak obliterated Taris hoping to kill Revan. Billions of innocent people died.
    Hero of Tython
    Did Malak succeed in killing Revan?
    Var Suthra
    Revan escaped Taris's destruction and eventually killed Malak. Many more died before it was over.
    Hero of Tython
    What sort of weapon did Malak have that could destroy this world?
    Var Suthra
    We didn't have planetary shields back then. A fleet of battle cruisers leveled the city towers from orbit.
    The Republic is recolonizing Taris. Recently, we found evidence that our missing doctor has been here for years. Reconnaissance discovered one of Godera's outposts in the swamp. It's entirely automated. Nothing but droids inside, and they're not cooperating.
    Hero of Tython
    How do you know this outpost doesn't belong to someone else?
    Var Suthra
    The droids kept demanding Godera's passwords from us. They work for him. Godera took no chances. The droids' memory cores are sealed and encrypted. I've had people scouring Taris for other outposts. The survivors returned empty-handed.
    general_var_suthra: After what you learned on Ord Mantell, we need that man's expertise. You're our best shot at finding Doctor Godera.
    Hero of Tython
    I'll bring him back alive, whatever it takes.
    Var Suthra
    I left a small team monitoring the outpost. They'll aid your search. Transmitting outpost coordinates. Good luck - Var Suthra out.
  • Hero of Tython
  • Var Suthra (from Desolator Crisis)
  • Shadow Operatives killed all 5 members of Republic Recon Squad
  • Hero of Tython's Followers killed at least 8 Shadow Operatives
  • Hero of Tython's Followers destroyed a number of Stalker Droids
  • Hero of Tython's Followers killed a number of Shadow Commando and Intelligence Officers
  • Hero of Tython's Followers killed Imperial Assassin
  • Hero of Tython's Followers destroyed 2 Assassin Droids
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Watcher One
    That's enough bloodshed. Let's be professional about this. I'm Watcher One with Imperial Intelligence. Those men you fought served me.
    Hero of Tython
    Watcher One? What kind of name is that?
    Watcher One
    My title is who I am. Any other name I gave you would be a lie.
    Hero of Tython
    Your agents slaughtered Republic citizens. That's an act of war.
    Watcher One
    On the contrary, it was self-preservation.
    Despite what General Var Suthra believes, I've known about this outpost for some time. Your imminent arrival forced me to take action. My mission is to protect the Empire from Doctor Godera's weapons. I'm afraid I can't let you have him.
    Imperial Intelligence prides itself on accurate threat assessment. I've known you were coming; analyzed your strengths and weaknesses in preparation. You defeated the fallen Jedi, Bengel Morr, to become a Knight. You're an exemplar of your order.
    Kira Carsen
    Either this guy reads minds, or he's got spies on Tython.
    Imperial Intelligence = infiltrated Tython?
    Hero of Tython
    He's trying to get under our skin. Make us paranoid.
    Watcher One
    Your mental state is immaterial to the situation.
    As fortune would have it, Doctor Godera will be in my custody shortly. You've already failed.
    Hero of Tython
    You've confused me with someone else. I don't intimidate easily.
    Watcher One
    This isn't about intimidation, Jedi. It's about facts.
    I see my reinforcements are finally in position. Terminate them.
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Kira Carsen, Watcher One
  • Hero of Tython's Followers killed 3 Shadow Soldiers
  • Hero of Tython's Followers destroyed 2 Assassin Droids
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Blasted Imps. Death is too good for them. Thank you for liberating this facility. Good riddance to Imp scum. I will shed no fluids in their memory.
    Hero of Tython
    Are you one of Doctor Godera's droids? What happened here?
    My designation is RE-M0. Doctor Godera assigned me to this facility. Primary function: enemy surveillance. The facility was compromised when Republic cowards arrived on Taris and again by these Imp scum.
    Hero of Tython
    Why do you call the Republic cowards? These people died defending you.
    Republic cowards surrendered to the Empire many years ago. These deaths do not alter that fact. My programming forbids cooperation with non-Godera life-forms, except under extreme circumstances. That criteria is now met. Cooperation protocols were unlocked by Imp invasion.
    Watcher One reprogrammed this facility's tracking relays. He traced Doctor Godera's encrypted bioscan to its present location.
    Hero of Tython
    If it worked for Watcher One, it'll work for us.
    The Imp scum destroyed the central computer hoping to prevent this. Imperial Intelligence is well funded and highly motivated. Filthy Imps....
    I must repair it while you reset the outdoor tracking relays. I will provide you with the tracking relays' coordinates, but be advised: the outdoors are dangerous.
    Hero of Tython
    You fix the computer, and I'll reset the tracking relays.
    Jedi were never included in Doctor Godera's "Republic coward" designation. Now I comprehend why. Commencing computer repairs. Contact me when all tracking relays are reset. Then we can triangulate Doctor Godera's location. If you encounter any Imp scum, please annihilate them. How you handle Republic cowards is your discretion. Good luck, Jedi.
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Kira Carsen, RE-M0
This event took place shortly before the end of the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on the planet Taris
, during the Desolator Crisis
Desolator Crisis
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
As the Jedi
Hero of Tython
Major Characters
sensed that General
Var Suthra
(Mon Calamari)
Minor Characters (TOR)
was more concerned over the situation on Taris, than Nar Shaddaa, the Knight ordered T7 to set a course for the world. Taris had been a thriving city-planet until the Sith Lord
Sith Lord
Darth Malak
Major Characters
ordered an orbital bombardment over 300 years before in an attempt to kill the Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight
Bastila Shan
Bastila Shan
Major Characters
. Over the last three centuries, the wreckage of the city had become overgrown, and the world was now a tangle of jungle and metal, haunted by wild beasts, including vicious creatures known as rakghouls
. Recently, the Republic
Galactic Republic
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
had started a resettlement initiative supported by the Republic Army
Republic Army
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
, and the reconstruction efforts had seen progress under the leadership of the Governor Leontyne Saresh
Leontyne Saresh
Supporting Characters
The Knight arrived on Taris and contacted General Suthra via ship's holoterminal. Suthra asked Jedi to track down Doctor Godera, a brilliant scientist who used to serve the Republic and was the original creator of the different technologies that the Republic superweapon division
Superweapon Research Division
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
later weaponized during the Cold War under Suthra's leadership, including the Planet Prison. He instructed the Knight to rendezvous with a squad he sent to one of Godera's known hideouts in the Republic Resettlement Zone.
Imperial Intelligence
Imperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)
Reconstituted Sith Empire
also discovered Godera's location and sent a task force to capture him. Led by Watcher One
Watcher One
Supporting Characters
, shadow operatives infiltrated the hideout and, after destroying Godera's defense droids. While searching through the hideout looking for Godera, they came across Suthra's squad, and, with surprise on their side, the operatives quickly killed the Republic squad. Then they used the facility's tracking relays to trace Godera's bioscan to another laboratory. Watcher One left after destroying the central computer to prevent others from doing the same, leaving his men behind to guard the lab.
The Jedi and companions
Hero of Tython's Followers
Temporary Unions
soon arrived to the hideout and fought their way through the Imperial forces that they encountered as they descended into the now-wrecked lab, and defeating Imperial shadow operatives, commando and stalker droids
AT-A01 Assassin Droid
Old Republic Assassin Droid classes
as they cleared the lab of hostiles. An Imperial assassin and two assassin droids
SREC-A01 Assassin Droid
Old Republic Assassin Droid classes
ambushed them on the lower level, but they too were defeated.
The assassin had been speaking with Watcher One via a holoprojector, and Watcher One - already on his way to Godera's location - addressed the intruders as they approached the device. The agent also contacted his forces nearby and dispatched a number of operatives and droids to the lab. Speaking to the Jedi, Watcher One began to stall for time so that his operatives could get into place, revealing his knowledge of the Jedi's exploits on Tython
as a way of undermining the Knight's confidence. When the Knight brushed off Watcher One's comments, Watcher One ordered his operatives to decloak and take out the Jedi before he terminated the transmission. Despite their advantage of surprise, however, the three Imperial operatives and two droids who attacked the Knight were ultimately defeated by the Jedi and Knight's companions.
After defeating Watcher One's forces, the Jedi was greeted by Godera's droid assistant RE-M0
(BMF-GNK-A01 Droid)
, who had remained hidden when the Imperials attacked the lab. RE-M0 reported that the Imperials tracked Godera's biosignature to locate the Doctor and then sabotaged the equipment. RE-M0 and Knight agreed that while RE-M0 repaired the equipment, Knight would reset external tracking relays around the area, allowing them to track Godera's location and save him.


See also
Related organizations
Republic Army
Imperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)StructureCharactersWatcher One (Operation Commander)DroidsAT-A01 Assassin DroidStalker DroidsSREC-A01 Assassin DroidAssassin DroidsRanksWatcherOneRolesOperation CommanderWatcher OnePart of / Served onReconstitued Sith EmpireWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH1 Heavy BlasterWatcher OneIntelligence OfficersShadow SoldiersL7 RifleShadow Commando - L7.1.4 Rifles, UPG: Plasma PowercellAssassin Droids - L7.1.4 RiflesL1 Sniper RifleShadow Operatives - L1.1.4 Sniper RiflesWrist-mounted LauncherWatcher One, AMM: Sleep DartShadow Operatives, AMM: Electro DartAssassins, AMM: Toxic Dart and Sleep DartShadow Soldiers, AMM: Electro Dart and Toxic DartRetractable BladesShadow OperativesL5 ElectrobladeStalker DroidsAssassinsTriple-bladed Energy KnifeWatcher OneShadow OperativesAssassinsShadow SoldiersCryo GrenadeShadow OperativesThermal GrenadeIntelligence OfficersPlasma ProbeShadow CommandoShield ProbeAssassinsArmorImperial Heavy Trooper Armor A11.5Shadow Operatives and Shadow CommandoGE01 A10.1 HatIntelligence OfficersGE11 A09.1 HelmetShadow SoldiersGE26 A11.5 HelmetShadow OperativesGE26 A11.5 Heavy HelmetShadow CommandoAssassinsImperial Soldier Uniform A09.1Shadow SoldiersImperial Soldier Uniform A09.4AssassinsImperial Officer Uniform A10.1Watcher OneIntelligence OfficersStealth Field GeneratorShadow OperativesAssassin DroidsShadow Soldiers
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Knight Hero of TythonJedi Padawan Kira CarsenRanksJedi KnightHero of TythonJedi PadawanKira CarsenWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 Jedi Dual LightsaberKira Carsen
Reconstitued Sith EmpireStructureOrganizationsImperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)
Hero of Tython's FollowersStructureCharactersHero of Tython (Leader)T7-O1Kira CarsenDroidsT7-series Astromech DroidT7-O1StarshipsHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteRolesLeaderHero of TythonWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 Jedi Dual LightsaberKira Carsen
Related units, characters and other technologies
Hero of TythonMembershipHero of Tython's FollowersLeaderJedi OrderJedi Knight Hero of TythonHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvettePilotWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsHero of Tython's LightsaberRelationsKira Carsen (Apprentice)
Kira CarsenMembershipHero of Tython's FollowersJedi OrderJedi Padawan Kira CarsenHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteCommunications OfficerWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 Jedi Dual LightsaberRelationsHero of Tython (Master)
Watcher OneMembershipImperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)Watcher One (Operation Commander)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsH1 Heavy BlasterWrist-mounted LauncherAMM: Sleep DartTriple-bladed Energy KnifeArmorImperial Officer Uniform A10.1
C2-N2 (Hero of Tython)MembershipHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteSteward and Maintenance
T7-O1MembershipHero of Tython's FollowersHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteAstromech
AT-A01 Assassin DroidUsed by / onImperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)Stalker DroidsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL5 ElectrobladeStalker Droids
SREC-A01 Assassin DroidUsed by / onImperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)Assassin DroidsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL7 RifleAssassin Droids - L7.1.4 RiflesArmorStealth Field GeneratorAssassin Droids
T7-series Astromech DroidUsed by / onHero of Tython's FollowersT7-O1
Hero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteCrewCharactersHero of Tython (Pilot)Kira Carsen (Communications Officer)T7-O1 (Astromech)C2-N2 (Hero of Tython) (Steward and Maintenance)Used byHero of Tython's Followers
WatcherMembershipImperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)One
Jedi PadawanMembershipJedi OrderKira Carsen
Jedi KnightMembershipJedi OrderHero of Tython
Operation CommanderMembershipImperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)Watcher One
LeaderMembershipHero of Tython's FollowersHero of Tython
Complete list

Full unit name: The Architect of Annihilation Last updated: 23.07.2024 12:00:29