The Separatists' Stronghold (43)Full unit name: The Separatists' Stronghold
Last updated: 12.06.2024 22:04:00
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Ord Mantell
Ord Mantell
Events: Mantellian Separatist Crisis
Mantellian Separatist Crisis
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (25)
"Breach the perimeter, use that data spike on the comm terminal and shut the ZR-57 down for good. Thousands of lives are on the line here, Sergeant. We're counting on you."
Lieutenant Jorgan to Meteor

This mission took place during the Civil War
Mantellian Separatist Crisis
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on Ord Mantell
Ord Mantell
. Meteor
Major Characters
Oradam Village
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
to Fort Garnik from his assignment in the village of Oradam and reported to Lieutenant Jorgan
Aric Jorgan
Supporting Characters
at Republic Command. Jorgan welcomed the sergeant and offered to sit down and watch the final phase of the mission from the operations room. Meteor guessed that Havoc squad
Havoc Squad
(Republic Special Forces Division)
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
was already deployed, which Jorgan confirmed, saying that Havoc Squad was infiltrating the separatists' stronghold to retrieve the ZR-57. He added that Commander Tavus
Harron Tavus
Supporting Characters
was very clear: under no circumstances can Jorgan send Meteor in to join Havoc on this mission - and Jorgan admitted, he was a little surprised that Tavus wasn't yet convinced Meteor was ready for the big time. Meteor showed no disappointment, saying that the Commander knew better.
At that moment they were interrupted by a technician who informed them that they had a situation - they had lost contact with Havoc Squad - comms, video, locators, everything. Jorgan said that it was unacceptable and ordered techican to restore the communications at once. Meteor suggested that Zak
Minor Characters (TOR)
and Jaller
Minor Characters (TOR)
might have set them up, and Jorgan replied that it was impossible to tell from here. Technician reported that he wasn't able to restore the link and believed that they lost the whole squad. Jorgan told everyone in the room that infiltrating the stronghold was the mission that only Havoc squad could pull off - and luckily for them they still had one member of Havoc squad and he wouldn't let this mission fail on his watch. Jorgan continued that they had hoped to get the bomb back intact, but that was no longer possible and he had a new plan - they had the deactivation code for the ZR-57 and needed to disarm the bomb, leaving the Separatists
Mantellian Separatists
Planetary and Sector
with nothing but a big, radioactive paperweight.
The technician handed over to Meteor the data spike and told that the sergeant needed to hijack the comm system and broadcast the deactivation code, while Jorgan gave Meteor the coordinates of the base. Meteor acknowledged the order and headed for the exit.
After leaving the building, they Meteor met Voidhound
Major Characters
and Corso Riggs
Corso Riggs
Supporting Characters
, who were also on a mission to the Separatist base. They all agreed to help with a couple of side missions and headed towards the mountain as a team
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
. They made a brief stop at the Republic camp near the volcano, discussed mission
Securing the Landing Zone
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
parameters with Sergeant Vandal
Minor Characters (TOR)
, and continued on their way to the Separatist base. When they stealthly reached the entrance to the base, they spotted a human male who was hiding among the nearby trees. The operatives approched to the man, who introduced himself as SIS
Strategic Information Service (SIS)
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
Agent Burne
Minor Characters (TOR)
. Seeing that the operatives go into the stronghold anyway, he asked them to assist with another important mission
Alliance of Evil
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
, and operatives agreed.
All three ascended the levels of the base, fighting the separatists and carrying out previously taken missions. On the second level Voidhound and Corso agreed to wait while Meteor to capture
The Separatists' Stronghold
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
the communication center and transmit the deactivation codes for ZR-57 bomb.
Meteor entered the communications center and was surprised to find not Separatists, but Imperial soldiers
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)
Reconstituted Sith Empire
. It seems that Lieutenant Jorgan was right when he suspected that the Separatists were being helped from outside, and that help was being provided by none other than the Empire. Wasting no time, Meteor killed all the Imperials guarding the communications center and sliced into the central computer. Several moments later the sergeant successfully broadcasted the bomb's disarm code, ensuring that the separatists could never use that destructive weapon. Meteor commed Jorgan, who congratulated the sergeant on the excellent job done. Jorgan was very concerned that the Imperial forces operated alongside the separatists. He ordered the sergeant to go further into the base and investigate. Jorgan emphasized that finding and rescuing other members of the Havoc was a priority one task, but finding and retrieving ZR-57 was also important because it cost about forty million credits and Command wanted it back. Meteor went out of now-empty comm center and rejoined with Voidhound and Corso.
The operatives ascended to the level three and found a group of Mantellian army
Mantellian Army
Planetary and Sector
infiltrators and a lone medical droid hiding in one of the caves. Having replenished their medical supplies, the operatives continued their journey further into the base. When they were deep inside the third level of the base, Voidhound and Corso parted ways with Meteor, agreeing to meet again once they had completed their separate personal missions.
Meteor entered the huge hangar and was surprised once again, but this time the surprise was overwhelming. The sergeant saw all the members of the Havoc squad, alive and well and among the Imperials troopers, they spoke with an Imperial officer. Under the ceiling Meteor saw a crane and ZR-57 hanging down from it, an Imperial transport
Troop Transport (Sith Empire)
Starship Models
stood nearby.
When Meteor came to them, Wraith
Supporting Characters
attempted to kill the Sergeant but was stopped by Tavus, who then revealed to the Sergeant that Havoc was going to desert the Republic for the Sith Empire, as the latter seemed to value soldiers more than the former. The Sergeant attempted to redeem Havoc Squad, but to no avail. Tavus continued to explain that Havoc felt betrayed after the Senate abandoned them during the mission to Ando Prime
Mission to Ando Prime
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
. He thought that the Republic Senate didn't actually believe it could win another war against the Empire - and every Havoc Squad victory fired up people's imaginations, filled them with pride - which meant the bureaucrats couldn't afford to let Havoc squad keep succeeding, making them a threat to the Republic. Meteor tried again to change the mind of the Commander, saying that they all still could come back and Republic actually could beat the Empire, but Tavus retorted that Republic wanted them all dead and gone. He added that he was sorry it did come to that and that Meteor could understand if only been longer with the squad, but at least the seargant will die with the ideals intact, a luxury others couldn't afford anymore. Fuse
Vanto 'Fuse' Bazren
Supporting Characters
jokingly thanked Meteor for finding the bomb for them, and Needles
Ryler 'Needles' Dorant
Supporting Characters
concured, adding that they now would present this magnificent tool of destruction to the Empire. The sergant replied that the Empire wouldn't be impressed with the bomb which was deactivated, but Tavus didn't believed the sergeant and called it a bluff. Bex "Gearbox" Kolos
Bex "Gearbox" Kolos
Minor Characters (TOR)
, who was already standing at the top of the shuttle's boarding ramp, called the others to board as soon as possible, saying that in a next few minutes all the AA guns would have a clear shot on them.
Tavus then ordered the Imperial Colonel Vorr
Minor Characters (TOR)
and his Imperials to attack the Sergeant. The Imperials attacked and Meteor fought back, defeating the opponents, but the fight gave Havoc Squad enough time to escape in a shuttle. Wasting no time, Meteor headed back to the fort.
At Fort Garnik, the sergeant met with Voidhound and Corso, and together they reported back to Milo Phipps
Milo Phipps
Minor Characters (TOR)
and Captain Xuss
Minor Characters (TOR)
about the outcome of the missions they took earlier.
Upon returning to the operations center, the Sergeant witnessed the heated argument between General Vander
Minor Characters (TOR)
- Republic chief of operations for Ord Mantell - and Jorgan, who had been demoted to sergeant because Vander's superiors needed a scapegoat. The general greeted Meteor and told the sergeant that Republic Command was well aware of Tavus' betrayal after witnessing the events through the Sergeant's armor camera. Due to the honorable yet unsuccessful efforts of the Sergeant, Vander promoted Meteor to the rank of lieutenant and tasked Meteor with rebuilding Havoc squad while Sergeant Jorgan was placed under the command of the lieutenant as a first member. He then ordered them to report to General Garza
Elin Garza
Supporting Characters
, head of SpecForce Division, by taking shuttle from Ord Mantell to Republic Fleet and then to Coruscant
When Vander left, Jorgan spoke his mind to Meteor, saying that he was not thrilled about the demotion, but it was a honor for him to be here. He told Meteor that he studied four years at the academy and then served seven years in the military, receiving multiple decorations and commendations. He was sure that he would soon be promoted to a rank of Captain if Havoc had not deserted. Meteor told Jorgan that they both new it wasn't Jorgan fault, and Jorgan expressed his gratitude. He added that he was put in Havoc squad to help Meteor find Tavus and he intended to do just that. He was sure he was capable, having previously commanded the Deadeyes
(Republic Army)
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
- finest sniper unit in the Republic Military. When Meteor expressed the interest in Deadeyes, Jorgan said that he would tell more later. Meteor thanked him and they went outside.
Meteor and Aric Jorgan proceeded to take a shuttle to Republic Fleet staging area. They boarded the shuttle and traveled to the fleet, same shuttle as Voidhound and Corso Riggs.
See also
Related organizations
Republic ArmyStructureCharactersLieutenant Aric JorganTechnicianGeneral VanderSentient speciesCatharLieutenant Aric JorganRanksLieutenantAric JorganGeneralVanderWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH3 Heavy RifleAric JorganL3 ElectrobladeTechnicianArmorRepublic Officer Uniform A02.2VanderAric Jorgan
Republic Special Forces DivisionStructureCharactersSergeant Meteor, Havoc SquadLieutenant Meteor, Havoc Squad (promoted from Sergeant) (Commander)Harron Tavus, Havoc SquadCaptain Zora, Havoc SquadRyler 'Needles' Dorant, Havoc SquadVanto 'Fuse' Bazren, Havoc SquadBex "Gearbox" Kolos, Havoc SquadSergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadSentient speciesMirialanCaptain Zora, Havoc SquadZabrakVanto 'Fuse' Bazren, Havoc SquadCatharSergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadRanksSergeantMeteor, Havoc SquadAric Jorgan, Havoc SquadCaptainZora, Havoc SquadLieutenantMeteor, Havoc SquadRolesCommanderLieutenant Meteor, Havoc SquadWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterHarron TavusZoraRyler 'Needles' DorantBex "Gearbox" KolosH3 Heavy RifleZoraVanto 'Fuse' BazrenRepublic Sniper RifleAric JorganArmorHavoc Squad ArmorHarron TavusZoraRyler 'Needles' DorantVanto 'Fuse' BazrenBex "Gearbox" KolosAric Jorgan
Havoc SquadStructureCharactersSergeant MeteorHarron TavusCaptain ZoraRyler 'Needles' DorantVanto 'Fuse' BazrenBex "Gearbox" KolosSergeant Aric JorganLieutenant Meteor (promoted from Sergeant) (Commander)Sentient speciesMirialanCaptain ZoraZabrakVanto 'Fuse' BazrenCatharSergeant Aric JorganRanksSergeantMeteorAric JorganCaptainZoraLieutenantMeteorRolesCommanderLieutenant MeteorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterHarron TavusZoraRyler 'Needles' DorantBex "Gearbox" KolosH3 Heavy RifleZoraVanto 'Fuse' BazrenRepublic Sniper RifleAric JorganArmorHavoc Squad ArmorHarron TavusZoraRyler 'Needles' DorantVanto 'Fuse' BazrenBex "Gearbox" KolosAric Jorgan
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)StructureCharactersColonel VorrRanksColonelVorrWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH1 Heavy BlasterImperial OfficersL7 RifleImperial SupervisorsVorrL5 ElectrobladeArmorImperial Heavy Trooper Armor A11.1Imperial SupervisorsGE01 A10.1 HatImperial OfficersGE01 A11.1 HelmetImperial SupervisorsImperial Officer Uniform A10.1Imperial Officers
Republic DefectorsStructureCharactersHarron Tavus (joined)Vanto 'Fuse' Bazren (joined)Ryler 'Needles' Dorant (joined)Zora (joined)Bex "Gearbox" Kolos (joined)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterHarron TavusZoraRyler 'Needles' DorantBex "Gearbox" KolosH3 Heavy RifleZoraVanto 'Fuse' Bazren
Mantellian SeparatistsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 BlasterL5M RifleL3 Electroblade
Related units, characters and other technologies
MeteorMembershipHavoc SquadSergeant MeteorLieutenant Meteor (promoted from Sergeant) (Commander)Republic Special Forces DivisionSergeant Meteor, Havoc SquadLieutenant Meteor, Havoc Squad (promoted from Sergeant) (Commander)
Vanto 'Fuse' BazrenMembershipRepublic DefectorsjoinedHavoc SquadRepublic Special Forces Division, Havoc SquadWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH3 Heavy RifleArmorHavoc Squad Armor
Ryler 'Needles' DorantMembershipRepublic DefectorsjoinedHavoc SquadRepublic Special Forces Division, Havoc SquadWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterArmorHavoc Squad Armor
Aric JorganMembershipRepublic ArmyLieutenant Aric JorganHavoc SquadSergeant Aric JorganRepublic Special Forces DivisionSergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH3 Heavy RifleRepublic Sniper RifleArmorHavoc Squad ArmorRepublic Officer Uniform A02.2
Harron TavusMembershipRepublic DefectorsjoinedHavoc SquadRepublic Special Forces Division, Havoc SquadWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterArmorHavoc Squad Armor
ZoraMembershipRepublic DefectorsjoinedHavoc SquadCaptain ZoraRepublic Special Forces DivisionCaptain Zora, Havoc SquadWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterH3 Heavy RifleArmorHavoc Squad Armor
Bex "Gearbox" KolosMembershipRepublic DefectorsjoinedRepublic Special Forces Division, Havoc SquadHavoc SquadWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterArmorHavoc Squad Armor
VanderMembershipRepublic ArmyGeneral VanderWeapons and EquipmentArmorRepublic Officer Uniform A02.2
VorrMembershipImperial Army (Sith Empire)Colonel VorrWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL7 Rifle
TechnicianMembershipRepublic ArmyWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 Electroblade
CRSEC-A01 Security DroidWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL2 Rifle
REC-A01 Probe Droid
CatharWere among members ofHavoc SquadSergeant Aric JorganRepublic Special Forces DivisionSergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadRepublic ArmyLieutenant Aric Jorgan
MirialanWere among members ofHavoc SquadCaptain ZoraRepublic Special Forces DivisionCaptain Zora, Havoc Squad
ZabrakWere among members ofHavoc SquadVanto 'Fuse' BazrenRepublic Special Forces DivisionVanto 'Fuse' Bazren, Havoc Squad
Fortitude-class Troop Transport
Troop Transport (Sith Empire)
SergeantMembershipHavoc SquadMeteorAric JorganRepublic Special Forces DivisionMeteor, Havoc SquadAric Jorgan, Havoc Squad
LieutenantMembershipRepublic Special Forces DivisionMeteor, Havoc SquadHavoc SquadMeteorRepublic ArmyAric Jorgan
CaptainMembershipRepublic Special Forces DivisionZora, Havoc SquadHavoc SquadZora
ColonelMembershipImperial Army (Sith Empire)Vorr
GeneralMembershipRepublic ArmyVander
CommanderMembershipRepublic Special Forces DivisionLieutenant Meteor, Havoc SquadHavoc SquadLieutenant Meteor
Complete list

Full unit name: The Separatists' Stronghold Last updated: 12.06.2024 22:04:00