Basic info
Rapotwanalantonee Tivtotolon, also known by the stage name of Rappertunie, was a Shawda Ubb | Shawda UbbSentient Species | musician from Manpha and member of the Max Rebo Band | Max Rebo BandOrganizationPlanetary and Sector | . Filled with the desire to explore, Rappertunie took up the growdi to finance his travels. He played his instrument, the Growdi Harmonique (a combination of a flute and water organ), at scattered settlements, eventually reaching the capital and gaining passage offworld. Despite his preference for the swampy atmosphere of Manpha, Rappertunie took a position in the Max Rebo Band playing on Tatooine | TatooinePlanet | . Eventually, the arid heat affected Rappertunie's playing and attitude, which prompted him to push for the band to leave the lucrative gig. He declined to accompany the group assembled to execute | Battle at the Sarlacc's Pit(Rescue of Han Solo (Tatooine))EventGalactic Civil War | Luke Skywalker | Luke Skywalker(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | , Han Solo | Han Solo(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | , and Chewbacca | Chewbacca(Wookiee)CharacterMajor Characters | . Fortunately for him, this was his salvation, as Jabba the Hutt | Jabba the Hutt(Hutt)CharacterMajor Characters | died in the explosion of his sail barge | KhetannaGround VehicleNamed Vehicles | at the Great Pit of Carkoon.Read more... |
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Full unit name: Tivtotolon, Rapotwanalantonee Last updated: 20.12.2024 0:26:46