Basic info
Known Facts (2)
Battle of Hoth (2) »
Venka was a human male officer in the Imperial Navy | Imperial NavyOrganizationGalactic Empire Navy | during the height of the Galactic Civil War | Galactic Civil WarEventGalactic Civil War | . A native of Coruscant | CoruscantPlanet | , Venka had a spoiled childhood, raised the son of a wealthy industrialist. Venka attended one of the oldest military training academies in the Core Worlds | Core WorldsGalaxyTerritories | , where his many connections helped him graduate at the top of his class.After the Empire's catastrophe at the Battle of Yavin | Battle of YavinEventGalactic Civil War | , Venka was one of many non-commissioned personnel promoted to fill the void of so many officers lost in the destruction of the Death Star | Death StarStarshipSpace Stations | battlestation. Venka's academy connections earned him a prestigious assignment to the Super Star Destroyer | Super-class Star DestroyerStarshipStarship Models | Executor | Executor(Super-class Star Destroyer)StarshipNamed Starships | , the personal flagship of the Dark Lord Darth Vader | Darth Vader(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | , at the young age of twenty-seven.By 3 ABY, Venka served as a lieutenant | LieutenantMiscellaneousRanks | on the Executor's bridge, under the command of Captain | CaptainMiscellaneousRanks | Firmus Piett | Firmus Piett(Human)CharacterSupporting Characters | . When Vader killed Admiral | AdmiralMiscellaneousRanks | Kendal Ozzel | Kendal Ozzel(Human)CharacterMinor Characters | , the Executor's commanding officer | CaptainMiscellaneousRoles | , for incompetence during the Battle of Hoth | Battle of HothEventGalactic Civil War | , the Executor's admiralty passed to Piett, although Piett denied Venka a corresponding promotion to captain, declaring that the remainder of the Hoth campaign would be a test of Venka's command abilities. Venka secretly detested Piett for the denial, but he nevertheless resolved to do his job the best he could.At the conclusion of the Hoth campaign Piett finally granted Venka his promotion to captain.Read more... |
See also |
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Death SquadronLieutenant |
Known for serving or being a passenger on the following ships
Executor |
Complete list
Full unit name: Venka Last updated: 14.02.2024 20:09:39