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Known Facts (2)
Falcon's Escape (2) »
Zuckuss was a successful Gand | GandSentient Species | bounty hunter who was active during the height of the New Order. Referred to as "The Uncanny One" by his fellow hunters, Zuckuss was renowned for his ability to discover hidden quarry. His tracking skills derived both from his training as a findsman and from his innate Force-sensitivity, which allowed him to sense individuals at range and decipher the motives of his prey. Due to his famed abilities, Zuckuss was highly sought after, and he found employment with the Bounty Hunters' Guild, the Hutt Cartel | Hutt CartelOrganizationGalaxy-Wide Organizations | , TaggeCo, and even the Rebellion for a time. During his long career, Zuckuss worked with many associates but was known primarily to partner with the droid 4-LOM | 4-LOM(LOM-series Protocol Droid)CharacterDroids | . The two made a formidable bounty hunting team and were successful in retrieving the Yavin Vassilika, over such opponents as Bossk | Bossk(Trandoshan)CharacterSupporting Characters | and Dengar | Dengar(Human)CharacterSupporting Characters | . Though the partnership was forged under the insistence of Jabba the Hutt | Jabba the Hutt(Hutt)CharacterMajor Characters | , Zuckuss and 4-LOM eventually bonded, with 4-LOM staying loyal to Zuckuss after the Gand was critically injured during the Galactic Civil War. In order to pay medical expenses, Zuckuss and 4-LOM took a job from the Rebel Alliance to pursue Governor Nardix, which eventually attracted the attention and incurred the wrath of the Empire. However, the pair's involvement in that affair was overlooked when they were hired by Darth Vader | Darth Vader(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | to find the Millennium Falcon | Millennium Falcon(YT-1300 Light Freighter)StarshipNamed Starships | after the Battle of Hoth. Zuckuss and 4-LOM planned to infiltrate the Alliance under the guise of rescuers, bringing with them the surviving passengers of a downed Rebel transport to the rendezvous point, hoping to kidnap Han Solo | Han Solo(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | then. However, the rival bounty hunter, Boba Fett | Boba Fett(Human (Clone))CharacterMajor Characters | managed to capture Solo prior on Cloud City.Read more... |
See also |
Related units, characters and other technologies
Mist Hunter |
Known for traveling as a passenger on the following ships
Executor |
Known weaponry & equipment
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Full unit name: Zuckuss Last updated: 01.11.2024 14:28:54