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Kira Carsen (43)Full unit name: Carsen, KiraLast updated: 12.02.2025 0:37:08Version: |
First appearance: The Old Republic![]() | |
Species: Human | |
Gender: Female | |
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Orgus DinGlad to see you in one piece. Heard there was some trouble getting to Coruscant.Hero of TythonAn Imperial battle cruiser attacked my shuttle.Var SuthraYou see, Orgus? The Empire grows bolder by the day. This is only the beginning.Orgus DinYou remember Master Kiwiiks and Padawan Kira. This is General Var Suthra and Doctor Eli Tarnis. We're discussing why the Republic secretly built a planetary-scale weapon without consulting the Jedi.Eli TarnisMy work barely qualifies as a weapon. It's the most humane military technology ever invented. With a single activation, the Planet Prison super-charges a world's upper atmosphere, turning it into an enormous ion cannon.Any starship entering or leaving the planet will be completely disabled. Perfect enemy containment, without casualties.Hero of TythonHave you tested this Planet Prison's safety?Eli TarnisWe were about to begin field testing when this pointless debate started.The Jedi of all people should appreciate what we've created. It's a non-violent means of ending war. How many lives are lost during a full-scale invasion? Our new weapon will end war as we know it.Bela KiwiiksRegardless, you've allowed the Planet Prison's design files to be stolen by common criminals.Eli TarnisI doubt the thieves even realize what they have. Besides, the data is encrypted.Var SuthraOur people are pursuing every possible lead.Orgus DinWith all due respect, old friend, don't you think it's time the Jedi got involved?Orgus DinMaster Kiwiiks and I must speak with the Supreme Chancellor. I need you here, finding those design files.Hero of TythonI won't let you down.Bela KiwiiksYou stay as well, Kira. Your security expertise may come in handy. |
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GalenGeneral, we have a lead on the thieves.Var SuthraThis is Agent Galen with the Strategic Information Service. Agent, these young Jedi will assist you.GalenThirty-two hours ago, thieves raided a military storehouse. They stole weapons, supplies and data files for the Planet Prison project. The thieves' leader slipped up--showed his face to a security camera. We identified him from our criminal database. Vistis, Rodian smuggler, staying with the so-called Migrant Merchants' Guild. Nasty bunch of criminals.Eli TarnisWhy would alien gangsters rob a military storehouse?Hero of TythonThey must know what you're working on.Eli TarnisImpossible. It must be a coincidence.GalenThe guild is a violent, well-armed criminal cartel. Invading their headquarters is something only a Jedi could pull off.Eli TarnisOh, dear. I really must go sit down. Excuse me....Kira CarsenAgent, let's use your fancy security network to distract those gangsters. Give my friend and the thief some quality time.GalenWhen you find Vistis, contact me. The data files are top priority, but try to recover anything else that was stolen from us. Good luck. |
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Hero of TythonI got your files - but the thief transmitted a decrypted copy to Black Sun. I got your files - but the thief transmitted a decrypted copy to Black Sun.GalenKrand! Run a full diagnostic. Find out what was in these files.You found our stolen military hardware. Good - we need it.While you were gone, kidnappers grabbed Doctor Tarnis.Hero of TythonThis is the most secure building on Coruscant. It's full of guards.GalenGuards never stood a chance. Whoever the kidnappers are, they knew right where to hit us. We were guarding Tarnis night and day. Whoever did this knew our procedures.Hero of TythonWho are these kidnappers?GalenNo idea - but they're well organized and dangerous.Kira led a security team in pursuit, but the kidnappers split up during the chase - hang on. Signal coming in....Kira Carsen (HOLO)Agent Galen! I've got these creeps pinned down - but they won't surrender!T7-O1Padawan Kira = in danger // Jedi + T7 = must helpKira Carsen (HOLO)Don't know how long I can hold them! |
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Kira CarsenJust in time. These guys get points for courage, but we're a little outnumbered. There's more than a few trigger-happy thugs in that docking bay.T7-O1T7 sensors indicate "more than a few" enemies = accurate assessmentKira CarsenThe kidnappers are threatening to kill Doctor Tarnis, but they might be bluffing. I'm not even sure they have him.Hero of TythonAre they open to the possibility of surrender?Kira CarsenTried negotiating with the leader. He shot at me. Very rude. We lost the other kidnappers. This bunch is our best shot at saving Tarnis.So how do we handle this?Hero of TythonI won't risk them killing Tarnis. We'll do this the hard way.Kira CarsenThen you shouldn't go in alone.I borrowed a stealth field generator from Agent Galen's office. Makes me practically invisible. I can sneak in first, then when you attack, I'll take a few thugs by surprise. What do you think?Hero of TythonIt's a good plan.Kira Carsen (activates stealth field)Great. Now you see me, now you don't.I'll get into position and attack on your signal. Let's rescue us a doctor. |
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ZeerAgh! Jedi scum. I'll kill you... someday....Kira CarsenHe sure killed my stealth field generator. Oh well - it was fun while it lasted. Isn't teamwork grand?Hero of TythonYou handled yourself like a true Jedi, Kira.Kira CarsenWait, I need a holo of that. I want to play it back for Master Kiwiiks.No sign of Doctor Tarnis. Kinda puts a damper on things.ZeerWe were the decoys. Now you'll never see your little doctor again.Kira CarsenIs that so? Give me a minute with this guy. I'll make him talk.Hero of TythonBe my guest. If nothing else, this'll be entertaining.ZeerYou can't even protect your own people. I ain't saying nothing.Kira CarsenThing is, we don't need him to talk. Not when I can just read his mind....ZeerWhat? Stop that! Get out of my head! Get out! The doctor's in the Black Sun headquarters! Salarr has him! Just leave me alone!Kira CarsenCheap thugs'll believe anything. I can't read your mind, stupid.ZeerYou... you tricked me?Hero of TythonNice work, Kira. Smooth, Kira. Very smooth.Kira CarsenBlack Sun is a major crime syndicate. Whatever they want with Tarnis, we'd better save him quick.Me and my security detail will clean this up. Agent Galen will want to hear about this. |
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NidaljoCan't believe it! We just took down Salarr. Black Sun won't forget that anytime soon. We lost some good soldiers, but this victory gives their deaths meaning.Hero of TythonYour men fought bravely. You should be proud.NidaljoThanks for leading this mission. This is my first time seeing what a Jedi can do. I shouldn't have doubted you.Black Sun will have reinforcements here soon. Any sign of the man you came to rescue?Kira CarsenThere you are... we intercepted Salarr's holocall to Tarnis. Can't believe he's a Sith! But that's not the worst news. The Planet Prison prototype here at the lab? A fake. Tarnis stole the real Planet Prison.Hero of TythonWe have to find him. Trace that holocall you intercepted. Use it to locate our Sith's base of operations.Kira CarsenWe need you back at the Senate tower. Kira out.NidaljoSounds like your work is just starting. We won't hold you up. Goodbye, Jedi. |
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Var SuthraA Sith, working as my chief scientist! How can I defend the Republic if I can't trust my own people? Tarnis's entire engineering team vanished along with the Planet Prison. They're all traitors, too!I've known that team for years. I never saw a hint they were anything less than patriots.Hero of TythonThe Sith want us to panic. Don't give in to fear. Sith are masters of deception. We can't be certain of anything.Var SuthraI'm certain the Sith want us dead. Tarnis will use the Planet Prison against Coruscant. He could trap us here forever. Paralyze the Republic by holding us hostage. You're our only hope of stopping that. You and Kira are the only Jedi with the Council's authorization.Kira CarsenFor good reason. We're both amazing.Hero of TythonI'll stop him, General - but I need to know where he is.Kira CarsenThat's where I come in. I just traced that holocall we intercepted from the Black Sun base. Tarnis was communicating from down in sector 439.Var SuthraJusticar territory! Tarnis knows we're not welcome there. Justicars are paramilitary vigilantes. They took over a sector - cut ties with the rest of Coruscant. And they don't like visitors.Hero of TythonYou called them vigilantes. Explain.Var SuthraMany Justicars are ex-Republic military who came home to find gangsters controlling their neighborhoods. They believe the Republic abandoned Coruscant to crime, so they've taken matters into their own hands.The Justicars are well trained and armed, but they don't concern me. It's the Sith Lord I'm worried about.Kira CarsenYou shouldn't face Tarnis alone. I may only be a Padawan, but I can help you.Hero of TythonWhat do you think, General?Var SuthraAn excellent idea. In fact, I insist you take her.Kira CarsenYou'll be glad to have me before this is done. I promise.T7-O1T7 = wait here // Kira + Jedi = be careful + be fast!Var SuthraStop Tarnis before he uses the Planet Prison against us. The fate of the Republic rests on your shoulders, Jedi. May the Force be with you. |
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JonkanUhh... Jedi? Thank the stars.Kira CarsenI don't see a Planet Prison anywhere. That's not good.JonkanWe've been such fools. Tarnis - he's a Sith!Hero of TythonI've come to stop him. What happened here?JonkanTarnis tricked us. Said you Jedi were going to shut the project down. Told us to bring the Planet Prison here. Keep it safe. Thought we were saving the Republic. We brought Tarnis the prototype. He turned on us. Killed everyone.PLAYER: Tell me how to find him. I need to know where Tarnis went.Hero of TythonHang in there. I'll get you to a medical bay.JonkanNo time. Tarnis has the Planet Prison. He'll use it.Prototype creates a massive heat signature when activated. Run a thermal scan. You'll find Tarnis. Planet Prison needs time to build up power. Enough time for you to destroy it. Save Coruscant....Kira CarsenPoor man. He didn't deserve this. kira_carsen: I'll run a thermal scan from one of these terminals. Come on... |
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Kira CarsenRunning a thermal scan... whoa, the technician wasn't kidding. Something's really lighting up. Tracking....Here we go. Sector 167, coordinates 8863.... Oh, you've got to be kidding me. The signal's coming from the ruins of the Jedi Temple.Hero of TythonIf the Planet Prison has been activated, we don't have much time. But I thought the Jedi Temple was destroyed in the war...Kira CarsenPieces rained down into the lower levels. The temple ruins are in a hazard zone called "the Works." People go in but don't come out. There's an old elevator down to the Works near here. Hope you're ready for anything, because that's about as much as I know.Hero of TythonIf a Sith can get down there, so can we.Kira CarsenLet's hope we get down there in one piece - and he didn't.Hero of TythonCan't you find out anything more about the Works?Kira CarsenLet's just assume the file describes a lot of awful badness and leave it at that. |
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Hib-R-akOperator units always inherit fouled labors. I administrate as well as Pat-aK, but I am marooned to waste processing! What have I done to incur white acute?Barsen'thorUnhappiness is a sign one has lost one's balance.Hib-R-akMy gyros respond positively. Balance remains stable. Your statement advances nothing.MeteorIs that what you are? An Operator unit?Hib-R-akYou submit curiosity? Bewildering. Foreign species customarily embody flawless self-centeredness. Gree units fulfill four caste-assignments: Crafter, Operator, Researcher and Administrator. I am Operator. I ensure proper function of Gree ingenuity. Pat-aK is Administrator unit. His sole aptitude is communication-command-governance-argument. I can serve Pat-aK's function. Can he serve mine? No!Hero of TythonIf you dislike your assignment so much, why not change to a different one?Hib-R-akMy aptitudes are gray sphere, but the enclave permits only Operator unit assignment. This is inequitable distribution of my aptitudes.VoidhoundHow do you know you can do Pat-aK's job?Hib-R-akI share aptitude for communication-command-governance-argument. Operator caste was compelled to me, not programmed at origin.Pat-aK commanded me: Optimize Coruscant's waste processing system. Preserve your organs from filth-disease-poisons. But Ugnaught porcine-bipeds plunder Gree ingenuity from waste processors. With Gree optimization solution stolen, filth-disease-poisons spread uncontrolled. Plagues imminent!MeteorWhat would Ugnaughts gain from possessing your technology?Hib-R-akMany species attempt access of Gree ingenuity. This is no white convex- ah, mystery-puzzle-labor. The Ugnaught porcine-bipeds plundered Gree optimization solution unaware of internal transmitters. I detect the plundered device's coordinates. Pat-aK authorizes compensation of Republic credits to the black bisector who repossesses the optimization solution.MeteorYou can count on us.Hib-R-akThat is the expected response, black bisector. Why exhaust respiratory functions on it? |
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GotrutNo blasters! We got no blasters! It's just a workshop. We're not with those Justicar crazies you been fightin' out there.MeteorCooperate and you won't be harmed. Where's the Gree device?GotrutOh, great. I told you guys we should've left that alien thing where it belonged!Take it, all right? We thought we could make it work, but we can't. We'll have to find some other way to save everyone on this level.MeteorAre the people on this level in some kind of danger?GotrutYes. We're not thieves, we're engineers. We work to keep this area clean and safe, but it's gettin' harder every day to do that. People here count on us for essential services. We give them power and light.The Gree stuff is all yours, don't worry. We never woulda taken it if we weren't in such a hopeless situation. This level's got a big problem we can't fix. The air filters stopped working. The Senate won't send anybody to make repairs, and things are gettin' bad. We got too many people living in the same area.Barsen'thorThis is Coruscant. Why wouldn't the Senate help with repairs?GotrutThey don't bother keepin' any of our major systems running. Why should they, when the Justicars won't let 'em in?VoidhoundIt sounds like it's time to find a new home.GotrutCoruscant's always been our home. We're all here because we believe in the Republic. Can't you understand that?Without our air filters, the smog seeps in fast, which is even harder on the non-humanoids. Pretty soon we're gonna have an epidemic on our hands.Hero of TythonThere must be some way to avoid that outcome.GotrutThat's what we keep tellin' ourselves, but so far we've come up empty. If we get our air filters workin', you'll never hear from us again. I know I'm askin' a lot, but will you tell the Gree about us? Maybe ask them to show us how to fix things up? Please?Barsen'thorWe'll tell the Gree representatives about your situation.GotrutYou don't know what this means to us. You're savin' innocent lives. Here, this datapad's got stuff about us the Gree will wanna know. Schematics of what we're workin' on, our repair manuals, all that stuff. Just show it to them. It'll explain everything about our situation. |
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Hib-R-akInternal transmitters reveal you convey the optimization solution to me. I also scan a crude Ugnaught porcine-biped proposal of collaboration. Curious.Hero of TythonI think you'll find that datapad worth reading.Hib-R-akThe Ugnaught porcine-bipeds submit esteem for my efforts and honor my faculties. This is unforeseen pleasantness.VoidhoundThis is a great opportunity to show your skills as an Administrator unit.Hib-R-akThis unlikely collaboration acknowledges my true aptitude. What a purple tangent, to achieve astounding me this way. With this optimization solution repossessed, Coruscant's waste processors revive. Filth-disease-poison levels recede, plague outbreaks averted. All resolves to purple parallel. |
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JaffkeeHey, you- hold up. No, no, don't look at me, just look casual. Act like you're not talking to anyone.My name's Jaffkee. I'm with Republic security. Is the street clear? Any Justicar patrols?VoidhoundAre you always this jumpy?JaffkeeI am when I'm in a place like this! I already tangled with the Justicars. Trust me, you don't want to underestimate these guys. I'm supposed to disrupt the Justicars' signal jammers, so Republic security can run some useful surveillance on these guys.VoidhoundIf you survived, the Justicars can't be that tough.JaffkeeI'm only alive because I ran. Hard.Republic security was actually excited about the Justicars at first. A bunch of ex-military guys forming a militia to take back the streets!MeteorYou can never rely on militias, agent - even ex-military.JaffkeeRepublic security hoped the Justicars would work alongside our officers - bring order to Coruscant's lower levels. But they pushed out Republic forces just like they did the criminals. They keep the peace down here, but they definitely aren't on the Republic's side.MeteorThen whose side are they on? If the Justicars aren't working with the Republic, then who are they working with?JaffkeeNo clue. They pushed out Black Sun and the other criminal groups, but their goals are still a mystery.Hero of TythonYou were sent to find out more about the Justicars, right?JaffkeeUh, not exactly. We've tried to run surveillance on their activities, but their signal jammers block every attempt. I thought disrupting the jammers would be easy, but the Justicar patrols are everywhere.MeteorObjectives don't complete themselves, agent.JaffkeeI just... I really hate to let everyone down like this. They were counting on me. You definitely look like you can handle the job... better than I could, anyway.I built the devices to disrupt the Justicars' jammers. They just need to be installed - can you do that for me?Barsen'thorWe'll take the devices and place them for you.JaffkeeThank you so much! Here, take the devices. They need to be planted at several points around the district. That's the tricky part--Justicar patrols are everywhere. Once you've planted the devices, make your way back. Good luck, and... thanks. |
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JaffkeeYou're back! Thank goodness. Did you get all the devices in place?MeteorYes, it's done. The devices are all in place.All right, let's see if these things work. They're booting up now... synchronizing and....It's working! The frequencies are all clearing, one by one! This is fantastic!MeteorWill you be able to conduct your surveillance?JaffkeeWhat? Oh, yes, definitely. The air couldn't be clearer.I'll notify headquarters that the jammers are down. Thanks again for your help - this mission would have been a complete failure without you. |
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Renalda AgarethEx- excuse me. You don't look like a Justicar. I hope.... The Justicars say they're protecting us from the Black Sun, that they're better than the gangs - but they're not! I hate them! You're... you're really not one, right? I don't want to get in trouble. Like Braedon did.Hero of TythonWho's Braedon? Are you asking for my help?MeteorWe're not from Coruscant. We're not in any of the gangs.Renalda AgarethPlease, can you help me rescue Braedon? He's my brother. He's only fifteen, but they think he's older. They say they "indentured" him because he broke one of their stupid curfew laws. So they lock him up all day and make him shoot the Black Sun all night. He's going to die They're going to send me offworld! They say Braedon doesn't need any distractions!MeteorDon't worry. We'll get your brother back.Renalda AgarethPop always told us to trust soldiers, but I wasn't sure... after the Justicars.... Thank you.Hero of TythonWho exactly has your brother?Renalda AgarethThey're, I don't know, cops or soldiers or something. But they act like just another gang. Please help me! To get to Braedon, you'll need some special belt they all wear. It's the only way to get past the security field where Braedon is. Please, please bring him back to me! |
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MeteorYour sister sent us. You're free.Braedon AgarethRennie? But she's... she's a little girl. How could she...? And why? Oh, now they're going to kill me! Quick, can you, uh, put that back... um, get it working again or something?Hero of TythonYou want to be the Justicars' captive?Braedon AgarethI can't escape. As long as the Justicars have me in their records as a curfew-breaker, they'll just hunt me down again. And if they get me for going AWOL, they'll use torture! Unless....Look, if you really want to help, go into their computers and delete my file. I'll hide out somewhere. When things die down, I'll find Rennie again. |
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Barsen'thorYour brother is free. He says he will find you as soon as it's safe.Renalda AgarethR- really? The Justicars were saying he'd been killed. But he's alive? Really? Thank you! Thank you! You're my second-best friend in the whole world! |
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Luran GonthorYou look strong, armed for a fight. Maybe I can interest you in restoring some law and order down here.Name's Luran Gonthor, president of Gonthor Industries. Finest custom metalwork on Coruscant. Least we used to be before the Sacking. Once the attack began, I went off the grid, lost my connection to the upper levels. Took elbow grease to stay afloat. Did well until those Justicars arrived. They took over my shop and kicked me into the street!MeteorJusticars give the Republic a bad name.Luran GonthorMaybe you can show 'em how a real patriot fights.The Senate and such won't help; they don't want to face the Justicars. Also, they say they've got no record that it's my shop. Of course those records are long gone, blown away during the Sacking of Coruscant. Only proof I have now is the deed--and that's inside my old shop. If you get it, I can force the Senate to push the Justicars out.Hero of TythonYour company will be back on its feet in no time.Luran GonthorGlad to hear it! You'll always have a friend in Gonthor Industries!Here's my personal security card. It's got an access code that will get you inside my vault. Once you're in, grab the deed and run. |
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Reid GandonWelcome to Justicar territory, citizen. Nice to see a friendly face. Agent Reid Gandon, Strategic Information Service. Notice anything odd down here? Like how quickly the Justicars took control?reid_ganden: Weapons and armor don't just materialize out of thin air. The Justicars have a supplier, and it isn't the Republic. You follow?Hero of TythonYou suspect the Justicars of illegal trade?Reid GandonAnd worse. Black market goods are one thing, but trading with the Empire is treason. The Justicars were supposedly formed by Republic citizens. Fear and martial law's not how the Republic operates.MeteorWhere else can the Justicars get what they need?Reid GandonIf not legally from the Republic, there's a few options - the Exchange, separatists, even the Empire. But as ruthless as they've become, the Justicars are keeping the Black Sun at bay. So, Republic security won't move on this without proof.Whoever's got the weapons runs the show. The SIS needs to know where those supplies are coming from. The Justicars control their own shipping dock, and I'm sure they keep records. I just need someone who can handle an ambush to get them.Barsen'thorStorming the docks might make the Justicars suspicious.Reid GandonIf there were another way, I'd be topside and long gone by now.MeteorWe will do it a hard way.Reid GandonGet those records to me as soon as you find them. You don't want to get waylaid by the Justicars. |
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PausWhoa, look at you! You're perfect, just perfect! So, my name's Paus, right, and I'm a journalist. The only journalist down here who isn't afraid to dig up the truth! I'm on to something major with these Justicars. I'm gonna blow the lid on all their tyranny and oppression, and show all of Coruscant what they really are!VoidhoundI try not to argue with lunatics. If you say you're onto something, that's great.PausHey, if it's crazy to love freedom and hate totalitarian thugs like the Justicars, then yeah, I'm plenty crazy. I'm working on a major scoop. A clear-cut case of wrongful arrest, illegal imprisonment and unjust execution! Proof I need is just out of reach, though. I need a fearless hero to get that evidence. I need you!MeteorWhy us?PausBecause I can tell! You're brave, you're tough! Everything a hero of freedom and justice should be!Rikael Lysannis. Son of a wealthy family, arrested and executed without trial or explanation. He's the key to everything - the catalyst, the dirty little secret. Nobody's talking about Rikael's death. Not the Justicars, not his family, nobody. So I need the facts, straight from the source: the Justicar tower. And that's where you come in.Barsen'thorOdd. Why do you think the boy's parents won't speak on the matter?PausI'm sure the Justicars got to them - told them they were dead meat if they talked to anybody.Hero of TythonWe'll find out the true circumstances of this poor boy's death, Paus. Perhaps then, justice can be served.PausYeah! And not the Justicars' jack-booted justice, either - the real thing! And we've all got to cover the bills, right? I'll make it worth your while, don't worry.Interrogation droids. They're the key. Justicars use 'em all the time, and they record everything they see. Find the droid that recorded Rikael, smash it and yank the memory core. You can check the core on the Justicar computers, to make sure you've got the right one.MeteorIf innocent people are suffering, then something must be done.PausAll right, then. Soon as you've got the recording I need, bring it back here and we'll show Coruscant the truth about these Justicars! Good luck, buddy, good luck! |
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PausI've been hearing some serious comm chatter, pal! Sounds like you made a mess in the Justicar tower! Did you find any recordings of Rikael? Don't keep me in suspense!MeteorRikael's story didn't unfold quite the way you thought it did.PausWell, that doesn't sound too good. Let me see what you've got here. Oh no! Rikael, you snake! No wonder your parents won't talk about you, you little thug! Great. My whole story, shot to pieces. That little jerk was my best lead. Now I've got nothing to go on.VoidhoundEven if this lead didn't work out, you're still right about the Justicars.PausI won't let this keep me down. I'll find the proof. Just got to stick it out a little longer down here, that's all. Anyways, thanks for all your help. Keep fighting the good fight! I'll see you around. |
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Eli TarnisI'm departing Coruscant now, Father. The Planet Prison deploys in minutes. The Republic will have no choice but to surrender.Darth AngralYou return to me as a hero of the Empire, my son. Our victory is complete.Hero of TythonI wouldn't count on that.SadicWhat's this, Tarnis? A loose end? For shame.Eli TarnisHave you come to die, Jedi?Hero of TythonDon't do this, Tarnis. You can still surrender.Eli TarnisYou'll forgive me if I don't offer you the same opportunity. Fighting petty criminals is nothing. Now you face a Sith.Darth AngralChannel your rage, my son. Don't let this Jedi steal your moment of triumph.Eli TarnisYour blood flows through my veins, Father. I cannot fail. |
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Darth AngralJedi filth... you've killed my son!PravenJedi will die for this, master. I'll see to it personally.Darth AngralYou've no idea what you've unleashed, Jedi. There's no place in the galaxy to hide from my wrath.Hero of TythonI've sworn to protect the Republic. I took no pleasure in your son's death.Darth AngralI will inflict unimaginable suffering on your people. Billions will die because of you.NefaridWe already control your secret weapon facilities. All that power is ours, now.Darth AngralMy son's death will be avenged on the entire Republic - and you will bow down before I let you die.Hero of TythonYour grudge is with me alone. There's no need to hurt others.Darth AngralAs they die, you will suffer - and I want you to suffer before the end comes.Tell your pathetic Masters that Darth Angral has returned. This time, there will be no mercy. We'll meet again, Jedi. That is a promise.Kira CarsenSuch a charmer. I miss him already. The Planet Prison is officially scrap metal. Looks like we saved Coruscant.Hero of TythonCouldn't have done it without you, Kira.Kira CarsenMuch as I'm enjoying these toxic ruins, maybe we should get back to the Senate tower? |
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Var SuthraNo one saw this coming, Master Satele - not even the Jedi Council.Satele ShanWe sensed it for weeks, General. If you'd told us of your secret project, we might have averted this disaster.Var SuthraHere they are - the heroes of Coruscant. Glad to have you back.Hero of TythonCoruscant is safe, but I had to destroy the Planet Prison and kill Tarnis.Satele ShanYes, we've heard. We also know Tarnis was the son of Darth Angral. Darth Angral personally led the forces that sacked Coruscant in the last war.Var SuthraRepublic comm channels are being flooded with threats from that maniac vowing revenge.Hero of TythonIt seems the Empire has abandoned our treaty.Var SuthraThe Empire has formally disavowed Darth Angral's actions, saying he's gone rogue. It's a lie, but the Senate refuses to authorize a military response.Satele ShanFor good reason. Neither the Republic nor the Jedi are prepared for another war. We would lose.Var SuthraAnd if the enemy turns our weapons against us, billions will die. Tarnis transmitted details of all our top secret projects to his father. We traced that transmission to the planet Ord Mantell. Darth Angral must have a base there. I need you to find it.Hero of TythonIf we catch him in his lair, we could end this crisis right now.Var SuthraI doubt Angral's on that world, but his spy network certainly is.Satele ShanMaster Orgus senses greatness in you, and so do I. This mission is yours.Kira CarsenI'm going, too. Master Kiwiiks left me here to help.Satele ShanAgreed. Take Kira. Train and protect her like she's your own Padawan. Like you, she has great potential, but she needs guidance to unlock it.Hero of TythonIt's an important responsibility I won't take lightly.Kira CarsenWe'll get to know each other - it'll be nice.Satele ShanI must inform the Council of these developments. Travel safely, young Jedi. May the Force be with you. |
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Var SuthraAll I've ever wanted was to protect the Republic. I was stationed here when the Empire attacked Coruscant. Saw the Jedi Temple destroyed. All those Padawans and Masters cut down... I started these weapon projects in their honor.Hero of Tython"There is no death, there is only the Force." Weapons won't restore what was lost.Var SuthraMaybe not, but I can at least stop the Empire from committing more atrocities.I already have one of our best starships waiting for you at the spaceport. Your astromech droid is prepping it for takeoff. There's civil war on Ord Mantell. It's a no-fly zone. Dock at the orbital station there and contact me. Good luck. |
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C2-N2 (Hero of Tython)My new master, at last. I am Seetoo Enntoo, steward of this vessel. It is my extreme good fortune to serve you.Barsen'thorAlways happy to have another droid. My Teeseven unit has been invaluable.C2-N2 (Hero of Tython)The Teesevens are a fine utility model. I am programmed to provide for your "creature comforts."C2-series droids represent the latest advances in everything from starship technical maintenance to nutritional advice tailored for your specific organic needs. Welcome aboard this Corellian Defender-class Light Corvette. It was custom-built to offer a Jedi both first-rate combat performance and meditation amenities. Along with the usual accommodations, you'll find a secure captain's locker for storing valuables. Your bridge contains an ever-updating map of the galaxy. It's quite beautiful to look at.Priority alerts from the Republic network are accessible at the HoloNet console. Long-range communications are available via the holoterminal. And finally, the ship's intercom will inform your crew that you wish to meet. Do you have any questions, master?Hero of TythonSounds like you're good at everything. Does that include combat?C2-N2 (Hero of Tython)As you can see, I am not equipped for physical danger. My function is to maintain this starship as your home away from home. I am happy to assist you with any non-hazardous task, of course. I pride myself on the utmost attention to detail.Hero of TythonWhat do you consider a "non-hazardous" task?C2-N2 (Hero of Tython)I am programmed to modify other technology. I can also perform long-range surveillance and diplomacy. I'm quite useful, I assure you.The ship is fueled and ready, master. Whenever you are ready to depart, consult the galaxy map on the bridge. The ship's computers will handle the rest. |
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In-iKThe black bisector comes! Pleasing, as it is needed. I am In-iK, science unit. Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.Barsen'thorWe do... appreciate anything you can do.In-iKIndubitably!VoidhoundWhat's with your language, anyway? I can barely understand you.In-iKThe Gree language-form is dissimilar to Basic language-form. Because Gree senses are unique red bisectors! Five Gree senses analyze forms. Three Gree senses soak color. So goes language. Other species miscommunicate our language-words.Coruscant power comes from the Works. Darkness comes from the Works. Coruscant-Senators, traders are blind. The power-darkness must stop.MeteorThe Works are where Coruscant's power is generated?In-iKThe Works is very low on Coruscant. There, Gree spawning generators breed electrons for machine-consumption. But enemy droid-machines intersect the power conduits and yellow-shift their functionality. Enemy droid-machines must stop, and conduits must be fixed.Hero of TythonWhy are the enemy droid-machines disrupting the power conduits?In-iKAll droids in the Works were damaged when the Empire attacked. Now they are corrupt. I monitor the power conduits, and know where to implement purple-shifting. As black bisector, you can "take out" many, many droid-machines. With information planted inside you, and our tool-sphere repair-mother in your many fingers, you can perform the fixing function! It is efficacious?VoidhoundSounds efficacious to me.In-iKExcellent-red tangents envelop us! You will do well, black bisector. |
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In-iKThe power-darkness is obsolete! The conduits are fully functional, and I have witnessed through our monitors. Also, you destroyed many enemy droid-machines, so well done!MeteorFinally finished.In-iKPlease remember Gree technology is exclusive to the enclave. Do not attempt to duplicate, or you will be absorbed into the gray pentachoron.Barsen'thorNo more blackouts?In-iKNow. Not eternally. In one millennium, if our interests intersect, we will ask for help again. |
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Fez BurbaGreetings, humble citizens. I am Fez Burba, scientist-notary of the Republic and planetary consult to the Galactic Senate. My current project could alter history. If my theory proves correct, I will be the most famous scientist who ever lived. Consider this - we all know the Imperial bombardment of Coruscant wreaked havoc on the infrastructure. But what if it also damaged the planet's very core?MeteorWould there be a way to repair the damage?Perhaps, depending on the extent of it... but most likely, the planet would have to be evacuated.Hero of TythonGo on.Fez BurbaDamage to the core could cause geothermal instability, plate fragmentation - in short, level the whole city.VoidhoundThat's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.Fez BurbaI assure you, it's not impossible. The bombardment of Lexus Nine created a rift beneath the surface that caused unprecedented cataclysms. Everyone died.It is crucial that I get seismic readings from the lower levels. Specifically, from the Works sector. In the spirit of scientific inquiry and on behalf of the safety of the Republic, I need you to perform this critical mission. Prove my theory correct, and the Senate will grant me a substantial endowment for further research. I will give you a generous reward as compensation.Barsen'thorIf your theory's incorrect - what happens then?Fez BurbaI will still pay, of course, but your compensation will be significantly less. Budgetary constraints, you know. All that's required is that you take the Burba Seismic Activity Reader - my invention, of course - and use it in the Works. The reader is both accurate and user-friendly. The challenge will be in the journey, not in the science. |
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Fez BurbaWelcome back, my illustrious colleague. Tell me you've taken the seismic readings?MeteorWe managed the job.Fez BurbaFantastic. I tell you, we are going to make history together. Quickly. Please, let me examine the Burba Seismic Activity Reader....What? It can't be. This indicates there is no unusual seismic activity at all!VoidhoundIt seems your theory proved to be incorrect.Hero of TythonThis means the planet won't be destroyed, right?Fez BurbaYes... I mean, of course. I'm just surprised. It's atypical for one of my theories to be wrong. I just can't believe it. I haven't been wrong in so long.... This could reflect very poorly on my reputation. I suggest you take your compensation and keep quiet - I believe the reward is generous, given the outcome. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have much to consider. Farewell. |
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OzuristHail to the glory of the apparatus! Welcome to the hallowed walkways of the great Works! I am Ozurist, the chief engineer. I serve the great machines, the true rulers of Coruscant.Barsen'thorIt's a pleasure to meet you, Ozurist.OzuristIt's always good to see another humble biological down here.MeteorYou're the engineer. Don't the machines serve you?OzuristNo. I am small. I am weak and organic. My lifespan is but a blip on the machines' sensors. These machines are the vital organs of the planet. Biologicals are merely parasites, totally dependent on the infinite energy of the great ones. But discord emerges among the exalted masters. The stationaries grant sustenance to the biologicals, but the mobiles long to destroy our kind.Barsen'thorEngines and droids don't want anything. They can't think.OzuristBiologicals ignore the reality. They will learn.MeteorWhat are "stationaries" and "mobiles"?OzuristThe stationaries are industrial behemoths. Creators. The mobiles - some call them "droids" - are workers. Understand this: One of the stationaries, Thermodraft, is in great pain. He is melting down, but the mobiles will not let me help him. When he dies, thousands of biologicals above will die with him. His energy will be unleashed.MeteorAre you talking about some sort of explosion? Radiation leak...?OzuristBoth. Thermodraft dies an angry death.Hero of TythonWill you do something?OzuristI could fix Thermodraft if I could get past the mobiles, but they're too powerful and they would kill me. You are only a mere biological, but perhaps you could help save Thermodraft. You'd have to release the control valves on his steel skeleton. Do this, and matters could be set right.MeteorLet's call this, "Operation Machine Rescue."OzuristThat seems fitting. Thermodraft lives farther down into the Works. You'll see him. He is astounding to behold. |
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OzuristI have been awaiting your return, biological. I feared for the fate of my lord. I heard his cries grow silent. Tell me that means you saved him - tell me the great Thermodraft lives on.Hero of TythonWe saved him.OzuristPraise the Maker. I don't know what I would have done if Thermodraft died. The machines have given me many amazing gifts. Take this one. May it serve you as you have served Thermodraft.Barsen'thorWe appreciate it.Hero of TythonI'm just glad the big guy's gonna be okay.OzuristI am, too. Did I tell you that Thermodraft is one of the originals? He is a legend. I must return to my duties now. The great machines need me, and I am proud to serve. Glory to you, biological, and glory to the great machines! |
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BelkanThey... they're going to get it... please... you've got to stop them....MeteorWhat happened?BelkanWe were on a mission... on our way to the Jedi Temple.... We were ambushed... Imperial scum... you can't let them get it!MeteorGo on.BelkanWe were sent to get... astrogation charts.... top secret... general said... the charts are critical.... The Imperials know about them... a traitor... one of our own... sold us out.... they can't get those charts!Hero of TythonWere there any Sith with the Imperials?BelkanMaybe... I couldn't see... there were too many of them....MeteorWhere are those charts, soldier?BelkanThe old Jedi Temple... top level... in a sealed case, in the Council chambers... that's where the charts are....MeteorThen that's where we'll be going.BelkanThe charts... must take them to... General Wendin... Senate tower.... Do it... for the... Republic! |
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WendinLieutenant, get me Republic High Command! Captain, I want six squads prepped for a high-speed shuttle assault! Somebody get these blasted gawkers out of my way!VoidhoundGuess you don't want this old astrogation computer, huh?WendinWhat? What did you just say? Let me see that thing.... Well, I'll be hung with the Chancellor's shorts. You've got the astrogation computer from the Jedi Temple ruins! I was mobilizing half the Republic army to go after it. The squad's holocam recorded those scragging Imperials ambushing my men. They killed them all!MeteorYour squad fell in battle, but their mission was a success. We spoke with one of your men before he died.WendinKnowing them, his last thoughts were on the mission. They were good soldiers. They'll receive the highest honors for their sacrifice. You honored my squad by getting that device here and made me as happy as a bantha on the beach. Do you have any idea what that device is? What it can do?MeteorIt's an astrogation computer.That's the understatement of the decade. The computer contains secret hyperspace routes the Jedi shared with the Republic military decades ago. The Empire gets their hands on those hyperspace routes, and they could ambush every ship in our fleet.Hero of TythonYes, but the Empire failed. The Force was with us, General.WendinBeen a while since I heard those words. I've missed them.Barsen'thorThe Empire is not destined to win this war.Wendin I'll let you trust in destiny, Jedi. Personally, I prefer power armor and a good auto-cannon.VoidhoundThose hyperspace routes could come in handy for me.If you're looking for shortcuts through the Rimma trade lane, you'll be disappointed. These are military patrol routes, and they need to stay secret.MeteorYou can always count on Havoc Squad, General.WendinYou're the new leader of Havoc Squad? Blasted good to meet you, soldier!WendinYour efforts kept the Republic safe from the Empire - for that, you deserve more'n a clap on the shoulder. Haven't got a medal, so I guess credits will have to do. I can't make you rich, but I can do something.Hero of TythonKeep your reward. We did this for the Republic.WendinThen let the Republic do something for you in return. Go on, take the credits. I insist. |
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Memnon DemartusThanks for the rescue. Come on, boys. This job's a bust. Didn't think anyone else was fool enough to wander this pile of rubble. Stupid move, trusting some prig Senator. Jedi Temple's abandoned, he says. No one to fight, only trouble's getting there. What do we find? Battle droids, Imperial commandos, Sith... we're lucky all they did was take our haul and lock us in here to die.Barsen'thorMany Jedi died here. Selling their belongings is disrespectful.Memnon DemartusNone of them tried to stop me. This stuff should go to someone who can use it.MeteorServes you right for stealing from the dead.Memnon DemartusI'm no grave robber. The Senator's got a rightful claim.MeteorDo you know what the Imperials are trying to do?Memnon DemartusBesides attack mercs on a legit job? No idea.Memnon DemartusSenator Starsnow's after a journal that belonged to his dead kid. Some bigwig Jedi, fell during the Sacking. Journal's all that's left of him. I feel for the Senator, and his credits, but those commandos have the journal now. They aren't going to spare us twice.Hero of TythonWe'll take on the commandos. The Senator should have his son's journal.Memnon DemartusWhatever you say, Master Jedi. But the kid's dead - that journal's not going to bring him back. We came in armed to the teeth. You think you can do better, be my guest. Senator Starsnow's waiting near the Senate tower. If you can get that journal back, he'll be expecting you. |
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Senator StarsnowWhatever it is, take it up with your local representative. I'm waiting for a very important delivery.Hero of TythonYour son's journal, Senator. There were Imperials in the temple, and your mercs were overwhelmed.Senator StarsnowImperials? In the Jedi Temple? No wonder the mercenaries never returned. The Empire couldn't be after family heirlooms. I must inform the Senate of this. Thank you, Master Jedi. It must have been difficult to enter those ruins, but you've eased a father's pain. This journal is all I have left of my boy. Thank you for finding it. |
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Kira CarsenSo. Ground rules? Master Kiwiiks let me do whatever, long as I wasn't in her way.Hero of TythonDo what I do and you'll be fine.Kira CarsenWe make it up as we go. Nifty.Question two... what's my job on the ship? Hate standing around. Makes me antsy.Hero of TythonListen to the starship broadcast frequencies. If the enemy makes a move, I want to know about it.Kira CarsenThrilling work. But I'll take it. We'd better get moving. Let's go save the galaxy.(from Ground Rules) |
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Hero of TythonGeneral, I've arrived at Ord Mantell.Var SuthraPerfect timing. I've just finished coordinating things with my man on the ground there. SIS Agent Ottau followed the enemy transmissions to a specific location planetside. He'll give you the full details. Your T7 unit can interface with Darth Angral's hyperspace data transceiver and download his communications. Take the droid with you.T7-O1T7 = oiled + charged + ready for action!Kira CarsenHmph. Guess I'll be playing dejarik against myself while you have all the fun.But General's right. Scanning a hyperspace data transceiver is a little over my head. Besides, Teeseven can handle himself.Hero of TythonI'm ready to go, General.Var SuthraTake a shuttle to the surface and meet Agent Ottau. Good hunting. Var Suthra out... |
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Kira CarsenI've visited my share of seedy ports, but this one's the seediest. Just as well I'm staying behind. I'll make sure nobody steals our landing thrusters.Hero of TythonCheck out the spaceport while we're gone. If this place is as bad as you say, Darth Angral may have a presence here.Kira CarsenWouldn't surprise me. I'll poke around and see what's what. Have fun down there. |
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Darth Angral came for a personal interrogation of Kira Carsen, who were able to convince him that her Master was on Corellia.Angral left the station, but ordered Ferav not to kill Karsen and to keep her captive. |
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FeravSo your Master was here all along. Well-played, Padawan. Your lies convinced even Darth Angral.Hero of TythonPut down that lightsaber and step away from my Padawan.FeravSpare me your pathetic demands. I hold the power here, not you.Imperial Intelligence noticed this girl wandering the station and alerted my master. Darth Angral came from twenty parsecs away for a personal interrogation. Unfortunately, we were led to believe you weren't here.Kira CarsenTold them you were on Corellia. Suckers.FeravNo matter. We have you now. Surrender - unless you want your Padawan to die.Kira CarsenHe's lying. He can't kill me. Angral's orders. Don't worry about me. Get rid of Lord Pompous here.Hero of TythonRelease my Padawan. It's your only way out of this.FeravYou do realize you're vastly outnumbered? Not to mention outmatched. I'll never understand what drives you Jedi to throw away your lives. You risk certain death to free this girl. Why? Some misguided sense of duty?Hero of TythonJedi accept responsibility for others. Sith only care about themselves.FeravYou're as dull as you are pointless. Let's get this over with. When I present Darth Angral with your head, he'll be most appreciative. |
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Kira CarsenDon't take this the wrong way, but I've never been happier to see anyone my whole life.Hero of TythonI'm glad you're safe, but I need to know what this was all about.Kira CarsenNot much to tell. One second I'm watching smugglers haggle over spice, next thing I know the Sith have me.Angral wanted to know everything about you. Threatened to kill me if I didn't answer all his questions.Hero of TythonYou obviously didn't tell him anything useful.Kira CarsenI knew what I was signing on for when we left Coruscant. And we never got to the actual torture part. He was sending me to Dromund Kaas for that.Angral left with an Imperial admiral to refit his battle cruiser, Oppressor. Sounds like they have some new weapon.T7-O1T7 = scanned Tarnis + Angral design schematics // Desolator world-killer weapon = attaches to battle cruiserKira Carsen"Desolator"? We should warn the general about this right away. |
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T7-O1T7 = transmitting files nowHero of TythonLooks like Tarnis was combining all your weapon projects to create something code-named "Desolator." We believe Angral's arming his battle cruiser with it.Var SuthraThen it's no coincidence I've lost contact with Agent Galen. The enemy is raiding our weapon research facilities to build that device.Hero of TythonWhat about Master Orgus and Kiwiiks? Have they checked-in?Var SuthraThey went on comm-silence after leaving Coruscant. They're due to check in soon.Hero of TythonWhat planet was Agent Galen assigned to?Var SuthraNar Shaddaa. It's Hutt territory - neutral - but the Empire has a strong presence there. We can't let Darth Angral complete this Desolator weapon, whatever it is. I need your help stopping him. Securing Nar Shaddaa is vital, but there's another target just as important on Taris.Kira CarsenYou have another super-weapon on Taris you didn't tell us about?Var SuthraI'd rather not say more until you're there.Hero of TythonI can only do one mission at a time, General. What's more important - securing Nar Shaddaa or Taris?Var SuthraNar Shaddaa is the immediate danger, but Taris holds the key to all of this. I'm trusting your Jedi instincts on this. Too many security breaches here; I won't risk the enemy finding out about this. When you reach Taris or Nar Shaddaa, contact me. And good luck. |
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JudinMaster Jedi, honored. Flight Commander Judin, Republic Navy. Afraid there's bad news from open space. The Imperial armada's attacking Republic assets in secret, goading us into violating the Treaty of Coruscant.Hero of TythonGive in to their taunting, and the Republic will have the blood of a galaxy on its hands.JudinDon't worry, Master Jedi. We're taking measures to prevent war. Fleet Admiral Numinn has authorized the formation of the Coruscant Aegis - an elite attack squadron meant to break the Imperial offensive, swiftly and quietly. If you're interested, I'd say you're more than qualified to join the squadron.Hero of TythonI would be honored to fly with the Coruscant Aegis.JudinExcellent, Master Jedi. As a defender of the Republic, your call sign shall be "Shield."Silence the Imperial threat, and guard the Republic well. |
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BardoHold a moment, please. Strom?StromScanning... ID confirmed. It's them.BardoGood to meet you, Lieutenant, Masters Jedi, Captain. We've got some... security concerns with the reconstruction project, and Governor Saresh hopes you and your teams can help.VoidhoundYou know, the military isn't the only place to find skilled, enterprising individuals....BardoThe governor is... aware of your reputation as well, Captain. She would actually welcome your assistance, if you're available. The governor is prepared to be very generous.Hero of TythonIf there's anything we can do to help protect your people, we'll do it.Barsen'thorBut you wouldn't need a Jedi's assistance for a simple security matter.StromYeah, I think you could say that. I wouldn't call this one "simple."MeteorIs Governor Saresh the official in charge here?StromYep. "Duly appointed Senatorial Supervisory Governor for Planetary Affairs," if you're feeling long-winded.BardoTaris is substantially more... hazardous than initial reports had suggested. The specifics aren't common knowledge offworld, but....Strom ...But we're trying to rebuild a planet covered with toxic junk and diseased, carnivorous monsters, and it ain't working.BardoAhem. Governor Saresh has plans to alleviate some of these issues, but they require highly skilled individuals to carry out. Individuals like you.VoidhoundHow does the governor plan on dealing with this, exactly?StromShe'll be happy to discuss the details with you in person. I'll let her know you'll be stopping by.StromJust hear her out - you can make a huge difference here.BardoThank you for your time! |
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TrigI'm sure it would work if we had the manpower, but we don't. The numbers just aren't on our side.Leontyne SareshSuccess isn't in the numbers, Chief. We don't need more people - we need the right people.Hero of TythonSorry to interrupt. Excuse me, but we were told to meet with Governor Saresh?Leontyne SareshBardo and Strom found you after all, good. Thank you for coming - I'm Governor Saresh. Our goal on Taris is straightforward: rebuild everything the Sith destroyed, and remind the galaxy that the Republic never gives up. But resources are tight, and we have some serious challenges: toxic chemical spills, scavenging pirates and... the wildlife.TrigRakghouls. You've fought your share, I'm sure.Barsen'thorWhere do these creatures come from? How did they get here?TrigNo one's totally sure. They were here before the Sith bombardment, and their numbers have only grown since then.Leontyne SareshThe rakghouls use tunnels buried in the ruins to attack by surprise and overwhelm our soldiers. Every work crew we send out is decimated. We came here to achieve the greatest reconstruction project in Republic history. Instead, the workers hide in this outpost like frightened children. No more.MeteorWith respect, it sounds like your men have good reasons to be afraid.Leontyne SareshYou're right, of course. We have scientists working on locating the rakghouls' lairs. Until they do, we have to settle for the next best thing. Chief Trig has a plan....Trig ...A suicidal plan....Leontyne Saresh ...A bold plan to collapse the tunnels the rakghouls are using to ambush our people. I know you're up for the task.TrigOld ventilation shafts still connect a few hubs in the tunnel network to the surface. Drop explosives in enough of them, and the whole thing collapses.VoidhoundDon't you have soldiers here who could handle the job?Leontyne SareshLarge groups of soldiers attract too many rakghouls, just like the work crews. We need to keep this small.Barsen'thorHopefully, this will seal the rakghouls' warrens as well as their escape routes.TrigLet's hope we're so lucky.Leontyne SareshYou each have a reputation for handling extraordinary situations. Live up to that reputation. Help us transform Taris into the future of the Republic. |
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Hull ...I don't care what your plan is! We're not sticking around to get eaten alive. Me and my crew are leaving - period.Leontyne SareshIf you want to abandon the work you agreed to do for the Republic, I can't stop you. But you aren't leaving. A six-month quarantine requirement has been put into effect. Anyone trying to leave without prior authorization is subject. You can sit in a medical bay and go broke, or you can help us accomplish something unprecedented. It's your choice.VoidhoundYou shouldn't be so harsh, Governor. These men aren't fighters.Leontyne SareshWe are what we choose to be.HullThis is insane! We're construction workers, we didn't sign up for this!Leontyne SareshI know you're going to make the right decision here, Hull. Come back when you do.Scouting parties are already reporting lower rakghoul populations. Most of our work crews are gearing up - we're finally gonna get this project moving.MeteorIs there something more we could do to help, Governor?Leontyne SareshNot at the moment - but I'm sure there will be. I'll have Bardo and Strom find you if anything comes up.My ancestors called Taris home, once. Thanks to you, millions of people might call it home again someday. Stay safe. And stay in touch. |
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Watcher OneThat's enough bloodshed. Let's be professional about this. I'm Watcher One with Imperial Intelligence. Those men you fought served me.Hero of TythonWatcher One? What kind of name is that?Watcher OneMy title is who I am. Any other name I gave you would be a lie.Hero of TythonYour agents slaughtered Republic citizens. That's an act of war.Watcher OneOn the contrary, it was self-preservation.Despite what General Var Suthra believes, I've known about this outpost for some time. Your imminent arrival forced me to take action. My mission is to protect the Empire from Doctor Godera's weapons. I'm afraid I can't let you have him.Imperial Intelligence prides itself on accurate threat assessment. I've known you were coming; analyzed your strengths and weaknesses in preparation. You defeated the fallen Jedi, Bengel Morr, to become a Knight. You're an exemplar of your order.Kira CarsenEither this guy reads minds, or he's got spies on Tython.T7-O1Imperial Intelligence = infiltrated Tython?Hero of TythonHe's trying to get under our skin. Make us paranoid.Watcher OneYour mental state is immaterial to the situation.As fortune would have it, Doctor Godera will be in my custody shortly. You've already failed.Hero of TythonYou've confused me with someone else. I don't intimidate easily.Watcher OneThis isn't about intimidation, Jedi. It's about facts.I see my reinforcements are finally in position. Terminate them. |
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RE-M0Blasted Imps. Death is too good for them. Thank you for liberating this facility. Good riddance to Imp scum. I will shed no fluids in their memory.Hero of TythonAre you one of Doctor Godera's droids? What happened here?RE-M0My designation is RE-M0. Doctor Godera assigned me to this facility. Primary function: enemy surveillance. The facility was compromised when Republic cowards arrived on Taris and again by these Imp scum.Hero of TythonWhy do you call the Republic cowards? These people died defending you.RE-M0Republic cowards surrendered to the Empire many years ago. These deaths do not alter that fact. My programming forbids cooperation with non-Godera life-forms, except under extreme circumstances. That criteria is now met. Cooperation protocols were unlocked by Imp invasion.Watcher One reprogrammed this facility's tracking relays. He traced Doctor Godera's encrypted bioscan to its present location.Hero of TythonIf it worked for Watcher One, it'll work for us.RE-M0The Imp scum destroyed the central computer hoping to prevent this. Imperial Intelligence is well funded and highly motivated. Filthy Imps....I must repair it while you reset the outdoor tracking relays. I will provide you with the tracking relays' coordinates, but be advised: the outdoors are dangerous.Hero of TythonYou fix the computer, and I'll reset the tracking relays.RE-M0Jedi were never included in Doctor Godera's "Republic coward" designation. Now I comprehend why. Commencing computer repairs. Contact me when all tracking relays are reset. Then we can triangulate Doctor Godera's location. If you encounter any Imp scum, please annihilate them. How you handle Republic cowards is your discretion. Good luck, Jedi. |
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G-5KNAlert // Distress signal = intercepted // Urgent intervention = requiredAMILLE RAZNATo anyone receiving: this is Amille Razna, Republic Security team seven. We've been captured by the man we came to arrest: the Locust. This scumbag is a scavenger on a massive scale - his droids have scoured entire planets down to the crust. And Taris is next! We need armed assistance at these coordinates immediately. The Locust's ship must be disabled before he escapes and gathers his droids for full-scale operations. Please - hurry!G-5KNCoordinates = downloaded // You = hero // For the Republic! |
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Amille RaznaYou aren't guards! I wasn't even sure my message got out... this is perfect. We have to finish the mission. We have to capture the Locust - alive. We came here to capture the Locust - probably the galaxy's biggest scavenger. He uses a legion of droids to strip whole planets clean. Stopping the scumbag is important, but the real goal is to get control of those droids. "Advanced" doesn't even start to describe them. The Republic could repurpose those droids for something productive - maybe even use them to help here on Taris. But only if we can convince the Locust to hand over control.MeteorWhat do you have in mind?Amille RaznaWe'll make sure he's not in a position to refuse.VoidhoundSounds like wishful thinking.Amille RaznaThe Locust isn't a fool. Back him into a small enough corner, he'll cut a deal. Then everyone wins. Judging by the explosions, you've made sure the Locust won't be leaving us - all we have to do now is find him.Blast! All right, new plan: we make a diversion, you go for the Locust. He won't go down easy, but if anyone can take him, it's you.Hey! We're over here, you junk-eating sons of slugs! |
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Amille RaznaYou got him! Great work!The LocustNo. I do not die here. Not like this!Hero of TythonWe don't kill prisoners. Even a criminal like you deserves the chance to make amends. Drop the hostility and listen.Amille RaznaWe're here to arrest, not to execute. And if you're willing to cooperate, we can offer a lot more than just a jail cell. The Republic wants to put your droids to work developing new settlements, instead of tearing them down. Make it happen, and you'll get full profit sharing and a reduced sentence.The LocustThis "offer" is gilded chains. I am the Locust.VoidhoundYou could become a powerful and respected ally of the Republic, instead of a hated pirate.Amille RaznaBesides, we can protect you from the relatives of the people you enslaved.MeteorYou're a Republic prisoner, and we're making you a very reasonable offer. Do you understand?The LocustHa. Good to see honest dealings at last. Fine. Shall be your "ally." But to get my men under control... much time. Fighting may take long to stop.Hmm. Of all opponents, you fought hardest. I fail, but I remain strong.VoidhoundKeep saying that if it helps.Hero of TythonYou'd better keep your word.Amille RaznaTaris saved. A galaxy-wide threat ended for good. None of it would have been possible without you. I'll make sure the bounty on the Locust gets sent your way - plus a little extra from me and my team. We owe you our lives. Now, it's time we escorted our new "ally" back to civilization. Thanks again - take care. |
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Relus PohWe've been waiting weeks! And those things are still swarming our property while you sorry excuses for defenders of the Republic sun yourself on the base.SakalThis is a military operation, sir. This planet hasn't been cleared for civilian occupancy.Jaymizu PohMy brother didn't mean to be insulting. But for three centuries, our family has dreamt of reclaiming our place on Taris. And now to be stopped by those things....Hero of TythonI couldn't help overhearing....SakalTheir old estate's off base, so we got no way to secure it.Relus PohTaris is our home. We're not going to wait until the army takes its pick of the planet and then throws us the scraps!SakalI got orders I got to follow. No civilian claims 'til the place is secure.MeteorTaris is a dangerous place. What are you doing here?Jaymizu PohOur ancestors escaped Taris before the bombardment. They kept everything - deeds, papers, we've even got holo-images of the estate. They always intended us to return.SakalWe can't go chasing civilian claims, justified or not. We've barely got the men to hold the base.Jaymizu PohThe Republic validated our records. But some outlaws set up a camp there - they've got security droids all around the perimeter.VoidhoundThis is an argument about three-hundred-year-old real estate?Relus PohNo. This is about a Republic citizen, whose home has been invaded by someone with an army of sec-droids, being ignored by the soldiers who should protect him! We almost got killed entering our own property!SakalThe Republic will respond to all such claims of hostile non-indigenous life-forms based on strategic value.VoidhoundAfter three hundred years, you can't blame someone for thinking it was up for grabs.Relus PohEach generation has passed down these deeds. We always knew we would return to Taris, that we were merely exiles.Jaymizu PohIf the Republic won't help us claim it, we're going to have to go back to Alderaan.Barsen'thorIt is wrong to risk lives for mere property.Jaymizu PohJedi, I know that you are just kids when you leave to train, but isn't there anywhere that you miss? A place, that you will always feel in your heart, is home?VoidhoundWhere does their property stand in the expansion plans?SakalPersonal land, sir. It'll be explored once all the public space is secured.Jaymizu PohThat's what they keep saying. That we can only claim it if we fight those awful droids ourselves. But how? Unless... could you help us?Hero of TythonYour claim seems just.SakalGreat. They're all yours, then. You find anything important, you can fill out a form at HQ.Relus PohAll we need is to get those blasted droids cleared out and find out who's controlling them. I can handle the rest.Jaymizu PohOur family was fortunate to escape the bombardment with their fortune intact. Help us reclaim what's ours, and you'll be well rewarded.Relus PohOf course we'll pay. But no droids. No... whatever's living there. Clear them out, I don't care how. |
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AchitanHold. We have no more with which to defend ourselves. You have left us helpless before the rakghouls and everything that haunts this planet. My people are refugees, survivors of the battle on Coruscant. Would you turn us out of yet another home?VoidhoundWho are you?AchitanMy name is Achitan, and you might call me the leader of this colony. We fled here after the war. The lower levels were in shambles, thousands of people from thousands of species homeless and hurt. The humans in the Galactic Senate barely slapped on a new coat of paint. We came here to start a new life.Hero of TythonA horrific story.AchitanSo many men are here to reclaim this planet who know nothing of its past. Ancient Taris was a blight on the Republic, the black mark on its reputation for freedom. Humans on Taris did as they do on all planets. They seized the surface, claimed Taris's wealth and forced every other species underground. Every meter of land owned by a human was probably seized from another species, just as this was seized from my ancestors.Barsen'thorYou need somewhere to settle, I'm sure there's unclaimed land.AchitanThis is my land. My ancestors owned it for generations before the humans on Taris exiled them and all other species belowground. I have their documents, so old they were kept in printed form. Read them yourself if you doubt me.Barsen'thorEvery person should be judged on their own merit.AchitanThe Jedi Order has always understood that.Hero of TythonYour kind has contributed many Masters who are strong in the Force.AchitanWe connect to the Force through our ties to our homes.VoidhoundIf you have legal claim, why not bring it to the Republic?AchitanThey prefer not to admit Taris's ugly history. Still, we came to start over. I had hoped the new Taris would not be so quickly tainted by the old.MeteorWhat happened? There must have been a reason.AchitanIt was about money, of course. A human governor cut taxes to favor his people, and when others rebelled, they were the ones punished. I think the claim was "aliens are dangerous to Tarisian trade." If you have any sympathy for our cause, perhaps there is something you can do? We are alone and at the Republic's mercy.Hero of TythonWe would not wish to see you turned away from your home.AchitanI thank you for softening your heart to my story. I will tell my people to begin repairs on our droids. |
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Relus PohExcellent job! We could smell the smoking metal corpses from here-Jaymizu PohI told him that's not really possible-Relus PohSo, who are the crooks who set themselves up on our property? Did you drive them off?MeteorWe took out the droids, but it won't be safe to live there.Relus PohWhat are you talking about?Jaymizu PohIs it the rakghouls, monsters...? I told you we should have waited until the planet was opened to settlers.Hero of TythonThe land is held by the alien who owns this deed. Her claim is better than yours.Relus PohNo! I am not just going to give up like this!Jaymizu PohWe've got no choice, Relus. We can't do this on our own. There are alien survivors who kept their claim? I'd have thought they would never want to come back here. I- I studied the history. It wasn't right.Relus PohIt was justified! You can't make us leave because of that.MeteorAfraid I can.Relus PohYou can't do this to us! Our family governed this planet. We owned it!Jaymizu PohIt's been a long time since that mattered, Relus.Barsen'thorYou should work together. It'll take more than two people to turn this place civilized.Jaymizu PohI agree, Relus. This isn't our ancestors' estate. This is a frontier. We'll need to grow food, sew clothes, defend ourselves. Wouldn't it be better to ally with these aliens?Relus PohSew clothes? Hmm... maybe we should just hear them out, see what they're looking for.Jaymizu PohWe won't turn them away. I know what it's like to want a home. |
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SakalHey, good job. Both on the droids and getting to the bottom of that mess. Taris politics, huh, who cares about this dump anyway? Brass called me when you left. Wanted to see if your work's as good as your rep.MeteorIs there something else you want me to do?SakalWell, I doubt he's asking you over for a cup of mudleaf tea. Captain Childress calls, it usually means something needs fixing. He's got something for you to do, and he said to pass the word. If you're interested, go look him up. His office is at HQ, other side of the base. Tell them you're the one who ran off the brat brigade. |
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Urana KielHey. You're not a refugee and you're not an aid worker. Why are you here?Hero of TythonI'm a Jedi, I go where I'm needed.Urana KielWell, we needed you a week ago. First the scavengers attacked us, then the local troops forced us out of our homes. Name's Urana, Urana Kiel. See, people with no reason to be here are usually thieves. But I'm not getting thief vibes from you. If you're looking for... well, anything, you won't find it here. Scavengers have our homes, and the army's fighting them. While one side's looting, the other's bombing. And we get to sit in a tent and hope.MeteorIt's better to move you here than leave you on a battlefield.Urana KielThey didn't have to drag us out in the middle of the night like they did. They could have let us grab a few things. My mom's in shock - barely leaves our tent.Barsen'thorAre you okay?It's not me I'm worried about. It's my brother, it's my mom who hasn't left her tent. So I'm trying to keep us together and stay honest. Some people around here... I'm not going to do what they do for credits. What else am I going to do? Got no job. No house. My mom's practically catatonic.Hero of TythonWe could check out your home, see if it's still standing.Urana KielSeriously? Well, if you could get back there, we left a lot of things behind-Fayem SchallHey! Did you say you're going to her house?Vidas KawatsSomeone's going to the settlement? Get me my landspeeder!Leisha VamdenMy farming droids are still out there! Oh, and my sonic washer. Hey! Bada! Get out here, someone's making a trip!Urana KielAll of you, back off! We do this one at a time, or nobody gets anything! This, uh... this could take a while. Are you still in?VoidhoundJust- everyone can't talk at once.Urana KielOkay. One at a time. You get one item - one portable item. Make it count.Leisha VamdenI want my digging tools. I don't know how long we'll be here, and if we're going to build or grow anything, we'll need them.Fayem SchallAll I hear all day is dumb boys fighting 'cause there's nothing to do. I've got a box with ten custom pazaak decks. Bring those.Vidas KawatsI got a micro-generator in my toolbox. Bring the toolbox and we can plug in everything electric.Semist BadaI've spent years working on a novel in my spare time. It's on datafile. I'm sure it won't have been stolen.Urana KielAnd what I need is our nadu seeds. Just a few packets would go a long way. It'd mean everything to my mother. Please... hurry. |
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Urana KielLeisha! Vidas! Everybody, they're backVidas KawatsIs everything okay? What did the scavengers take?Urana KielOkay, calm down, people. Let's deal with the possessions first so those who want to can leave.MeteorHopefully, this will help you start over.Leisha VamdenWe can only hope. Now... what do we have?Barsen'thorHere you are. No charge.Semist BadaThis is fabulous. Not a page lost.Vidas KawatsYeah. I can't wait to turn this on.Urana KielI have to show these to my mother. She's been so worried... be right back!Leisha VamdenI think what she meant to say was "thank you," but... she's a little giddy. Don't worry. None of us will forget your generosity. |
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Ivan StahlY- you don't look like a pirate. You're not a pirate, are you? Please tell me you're not a pirate.Dana HuntDon't mind him. Pirates attacked our settlement and fed his family to the rakghouls. None of us have been the same, really. Perhaps- perhaps you can help us?Hero of TythonNobody should go through what this man has. Tell us what we can do.Ivan StahlFirst pirate that crosses my path... bang! Feed him to the rakghouls! See how he likes it!Dana HuntLook - maybe he's not all there, but all of us know how he feels. We built a settlement out here. We defended it from rakghouls. We started families. And those pirates attacked and took everything! It's hard not to want revenge, but mostly, we just need to move on. Start a new settlement, on a different part of the planet maybe.MeteorHow can we assist?Dana HuntWe had equipment at our camp that made Taris liveable, protected us from the rakghouls. If we can get that equipment back, we can start over. Maybe start to forget, and heal. Can you help?VoidhoundWe'll help. |
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Dana HuntOh, thank goodness you've got our equipment. I've got word of another group of settlers not far from here. We'll probably set up camp together.MeteorYou might want to set up in a safer place this time.Dana HuntWe'll take your advice to heart.Ivan StahlI smell blood - pirate blood. Stinky, gooey pirate blood.Dana HuntThe pirates are all dead, Ivan. Now we can leave. We can build a new settlement. Let's go. |
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Hero of TythonI finished resetting all the tracking relays. Is that central computer online?RE-M0Affirmative. Triangulating Doctor Godera's coordinates now.... This facility has outlived its usefulness, and my programming provides no secondary mission. I am uncertain how to proceed. Serving Republic cowards is unacceptable, but I am not armed to combat Imp scum. Recommendation?Hero of TythonDoctor Godera needs all the help he can get. You should come.RE-M0Excellent suggestion. Perhaps I can acquire new mission parameters from my maker. Triangulation complete. Transmitting the coordinates to you now.... I am coming, but do not wait for me. My maker needs you, Jedi. |
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"Kulaa" (Watcher One)A Jedi! We're saved! Please, you must help. Imperials shot my friend. They want Doctor Godera. They're everywhere!Hero of TythonHow do you know Doctor Godera?"Kulaa" (Watcher One)We came with him to Taris, years ago. Helped him build these outposts.Hero of TythonHow did you manage to escape the Imperials?"Kulaa" (Watcher One)They left us for dead. They only want the doctor. He's barricaded himself in the main lab. He can't hold out much longer. You're the only one who can help. Hurry!Hero of TythonStay safe. Keep out of sight and protect your friend."Kulaa" (Watcher One)I will. Thank you. The main lab is surrounded by Imperials. Good luck, Jedi! |
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Watcher One (holoshroud)There's no need for further violence here. Stand down, Jedi. I'm afraid we both lose this contest. Doctor Godera killed himself rather than be captured. It's a tragic loss.Hero of TythonYou backed him into a corner. What did you expect?Watcher One (holoshroud)I assured him he wouldn't be harmed, but his hatred of the Empire was beyond reason. He was far more valuable to us alive. We are prepared to leave Taris without further violence. Full cessation of hostilities. Do you accept?Hero of TythonYou've committed crimes against the Republic. I'm taking you in.Watcher One (holoshroud)You know I can't allow that. Be reasonable. Unlike the men at the outpost, we're trained to fight Jedi. Don't underestimate us.RE-M0Wait, Jedi. These filthy Imps are lying to you. My maker is not dead. I conducted a second triangulation on my maker's bioscan, just to be sure.Watcher One (holoshroud)Thought we destroyed that irritating machine... Now you all have to die. |
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RE-M0Critical damage... circuits failing.... Transmitting my maker's new coordinates to you now. Save him. Do not let my functions end in vain....Hero of TythonI'll save your memory core. Your main processor and memory circuits are intact. If there's a way to repair you, I'll find it.RE-M0Filthy Imps... kill them all. |
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Watcher OneHello again. Your ability to survive is impressive, to say the least. Not my finest performance, but serviceable. Do not fear, Doctor Godera is unharmed. I painlessly rendered him unconscious and gently carried him to safety.Hero of TythonHow did you make yourself appear to be Rodian?Watcher OneA good Watcher never gives up his secrets.The loss of my men is regrettable, but they understood what's at stake. We could continue this chase forever - but what a waste of resources. I suggest a compromise. Give me time to administer truth serum to Doctor Godera. Once he reveals his secrets, he's yours. We'll both have what we want.Hero of TythonYou've already deceived me twice. I'd be a fool to give you another chance.Watcher OneMy deceptions have failed to produce the desired result. Now, I'm telling the truth. I will purchase time for interrogating Doctor Godera by offering you something of great personal interest. A Sith assassin is on Taris preparing to massacre a small Republic settlement. I can tell you where.Hero of TythonWhy would you do that?Watcher OneThe information Doctor Godera possesses is worth more than terrorizing defenseless colonists.Kira Carsenkira_carsen: We have to help those people.T7-O1First Jedi duty = protect lifeWatcher OneRescue your settlement. When that's done, come here and you'll receive Doctor Godera unharmed. You have my word.Hero of TythonWhether you're lying or not, I can't condemn those people to die.Watcher OneThe Republic colonists have a temporary shelter near some ruins. Sending the coordinates now.... The Sith assassin is noted for being a master of beasts. She likely won't be alone. I advise caution. Good luck, Jedi.... |
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ChildressHey, there. Captain Childress. I want to thank you for taking the time to see me. You did nice work on that land claim mess. Like we flew this many troops to the armpit of the galaxy so some kids could play pioneer. It'll take way more than it's worth to make this planet livable. Only thing interesting about Taris is that it's the worst failure the Republic's ever had.MeteorThe destruction of Taris was a terrible loss.VoidhoundI don't know much about Taris's history.ChildressWay back when, the Sith were searching for a Jedi here. When they couldn't find her, they tried destroying the entire planet. The Jedi escaped, but millions of people died an ugly flaming death. The Empire tried the same thing on Coruscant in the last war. Three hundred years after Taris, we still don't know squat about how to defend against a bombardment once ships are in low orbit.VoidhoundI'm good, but not that good. I could take a battle cruiser or two, but I don't know if I can stop a whole bombardment.ChildressHa! We're not there yet. Right now, we're just trying to learn what we did wrong. That's why I'm here. Learn what we can so we don't repeat the mistakes.I sent commandos to defend a research team at the crash site of the Endar Spire - the last Republic warship shot down over this planet. If we're lucky, that ship recorded the whole bombardment. But my team's lost contact... which means there are desk jockeys in the wild with the most valuable data on Taris.MeteorWe'll go find the team. If they've still got coms, tell them help is on the way.ChildressThe crash site's a ways out. Fast as you can make it - I don't know if we've got survivors. Research team's your number two priority. Data's the most important thing. Take anything the Endar Spire recorded to Commander Viqui at the outpost. |
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TeranosMove it! Secure the objectives! Every last warhead accounted for, and that scum Gorr taken down for good. That's some impressive work! We've got to get these back to base ASAP, but here's that bonus I promised. Thanks for lending a hand - you really saved the day on this one.MeteorGlad to help.TeranosAs long as we've got help from people like you, we might just get this place under control someday.Let's move out! |
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CeraThank you for coming so fast! I told you the commander would send someone, Garthe!GartheThe commander didn't send them! You think they're from base? You ever seen a regulation group of soldiers look like that?CeraOkay, maybe. But that doesn't mean they can't help us. Please, sirs, have any of you ever faced a rakghoul?MeteorIs this a research station or something?CeraWe're a Republic archaeological salvage team. They call us the "corpse counters" because we're cataloging the bodies from the bombardment. It's important work-GartheIt's pointless work! People are dying out here so the Republic can have a list they'll never look at.CeraThese people deserve someone to acknowledge their deaths.GartheWe were in an old Czerka Works pipe this morning when those monsters came out of nowhere. They killed our guards and dragged down half a dozen of our team before we could do anything. We don't know if anyone's still alive, but if they are, every second counts.CeraThey might not be dead. We ran, we didn't see. Could you please... just check if anyone survived?GartheLet it go, Cera. They're dead already. Another few hours won't matter.Hero of TythonIf there is any chance your friends live, they deserve every effort to save them.CeraThank you. I'm honored that you would help us.MeteorDon't expect miracles. If your friends have been gone long, there's not much hope.GartheThat's what I've been saying. Rakghouls don't leave survivors. They just make more rakghouls.CeraSomeone could have hid... you never know!VoidhoundI wouldn't want to be the one left behind in a hole full of those things.CeraI wanted to go back for them-GartheDon't be ridiculous, Cera. Then we'd just be dead, too.Barsen'thorMight give it a shot.CeraThank you. It means a lot, knowing we're not abandoning them. We were in the Czerka Works pipeline. If you go soon, there may still be someone there.GartheNo. There's no hope for our friends now... but maybe you can make those monsters pay for what they did. |
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CeraYou're back! And... I don't see anyone with you. Did you...? A- are they...?GartheDead? What did you think? The rakghouls would buy them flowers and send them home?MeteorI'm sorry. Your friends are gone, but I made sure those rakghouls will never kill again.GartheCold comfort. There's probably another swarm already moving in. If you killed those freaks, I'll call it even. At least we can clear out the corpses without becoming one.VoidhoundActually, one of them left you a message, Garthe....CeraA message? Oh, that must be Elihsu. They were very close. I'll call the base and tell them what happened.GartheI'm putting in for a transfer. No job is worth this.VoidhoundI hear you've found a way to make it worth your while.GartheWha- what did you find? Was Elihsu alive? What did that lying coward say about me?Hero of TythonYou should have more respect for those murdered by the Sith.GartheThree hundred years ago! All the Sith involved are just as dead as them.Barsen'thorGreed's one thing, Garthe, but grave robbing's just low.GartheOkay, fine. So I'm sending some trinkets into the black market instead of Republic archives. So what?Barsen'thorElihsu says he knows how the dead feel now when you desecrate them.GartheI've given five years of my life to this rock! Now that's worth nothing because I laid claim to a few forgotten necklaces?GartheSo, fine. You found me out. Who cares?MeteorWe'll see if you think prisoners have as few rights as the dead.GartheVery funny.CeraThe commander's sending a team to retrieve the bodies. Thank you for doing what you could.MeteorAsk your partner what's been happening to the valuables you find.GartheOh, please. This is so humiliating. Yes, Elihsu and I were stealing some trinkets for the black market. The blasted dead don't cry over it, why should you?CeraHow could you! You told me those boxes were going to the Republic archive.CeraYeah, so I lied. What... you going to turn me in for that, too?CeraWe'll work this out later - we've asked enough of your time. Although... if you have a moment.... |
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SynodaIt's amazing, isn't it? To stand at the site of such history? The fall of Taris has always cast a shadow over the Republic. So many millions of our people are descended from the refugees who fled its destruction. And we've carried its effects for far too long.VoidhoundDo we know you?SynodaI'm sorry. I am Doctor Synoda. I have made it my life's work to cure Colu's syndrome - a rare cancer that affects only the descendants of Tarisian refugees. But I have reached the limits of what I can do without the original settlers' medical records. I came here to access the systems in Taris's old general hospital, but I, ah, underestimated the dangers.Hero of TythonIt sounds like a worthy cause. Is there a way we can assist?SynodaMaster Jedi, I am honored by your interest. Please, go to the old hospital. I have the plans here - there are emergency generators that may still work. If you bring them up, you can download the old records. Bring them back, and you could save millions of people from a life of pain and early death. |
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MeteorThese are all the medical records we could find.SynodaThank you. I'm sure you have braved many higher-profile dangers, but you will never do anything more important. You have saved countless lives. One of them may well be mine. My ancestors fled Taris three hundred years ago, and my family still carries their curse. I thank you. |
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Ianna CelAs you can see by the data, there is no disease in known space that propagates as quickly as the Tarisian rakghoul plague. Even one individual rakghoul can start a pandemic, as we have observed in eighty-one colonies to date. Until a vaccine can be widely distributed, it is highly doubtful that any civilian colonization effort will yield lasting results. Thank you.MeteorIf you're working on a vaccine, We'd like to help. I didn't know rakghouls had gotten so many colonies.Ianna Cel"Working on" is a generous term. The last breakthrough in rakghoul plague research was three centuries ago.Doctor Ianna Cel, but no one gets famous doing Tarisian rakghoul work. The last breakthrough was three centuries ago. HoloNet archives say a Doctor Forn developed a "rakghoul serum" vaccine just hours before the bombardment. I've been trying to acquire this serum, but short of putting a blaster to someone's head, that's not going to happen.Hero of TythonIf there's a cure out there, you'd be saving millions.Ianna CelDon't tempt me. There's a pirate camp not far from here. I heard they went after the ruins of Sepanik Memorial Hospital. Sepanik was well preserved. If there's rakghoul serum to be found, it'd be there. I asked Commander Viqui to step in, but since it wasn't a Republic hospital, the pirates have legal salvage rights.Barsen'thorWe'll see what they want in trade for this serum.MeteorCommander Viqui has her hands full. We'll handle the pirates. What is legal and what is right are often different. We'll pay them a visit.Ianna CelThat's... that's extremely brave of you. The Death's Claw pirate gang robs anything that talks and shoots anything that doesn't.Hero of TythonThis serum is worth a lot more lives than mine. We're in.Ianna CelBut please - be careful. This plague has made enough martyrs. I can't say what will be required to get this done, but this plague has infected half a planet's worth of people. So if that serum shows up on my lab table, it'd be unethical to throw it away for any reason. I hope my position is clear. |
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RyamnYou picked the wrong medbay to rob, vac-brain! There's gonna be two hundred Death's Claw pirates coming through that door!MeteorThere's not that many left. Trust me.RyamnWait, uh... wait, when I said you picked the wrong place to rob, I meant, uh, that we don't have a lot of money. You see these guys lying here? They've got the rakghoul plague. You touch me, and they'll be on you like Hutts on a buffet. Except, you know... faster. And don't think they're incapacitated. They just look that way. I've got a serum you wouldn't believe.Hero of TythonSo it works, does it? I'd heard you dug something up. I'm going to need it.RyamnYeah, we've been using it to... wait. No, you don't. You can't take it! These people are infected! If you cut off my supply of serum, these guys are going to turn. You know what that means? I'm going to have to shoot them all in the head before they try to eat my liver.Barsen'thorYou're a doctor, right? Synthesize some more.RyamnWith what? My state-of-the-art facilities? I can only use what I find, and we don't find much. The only place I can think of that might have some left is the ruins of Dynamet General. The place was basically ghoul town. The moment we got near, the rakghouls went berserk. It's one of their breeding grounds or something. You want serum, you get it there and leave us alone.VoidhoundWe'll look there... once.RyamnNo, the stuff is down there. I swear on my medical license. The real one. |
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Ianna CelWelcome back. Let's get those serum samples analyzed and see what we've got. Well, thank the Force for good Tarisian storage technology. I wasn't sure anything would still be viable after three centuries. While we wait... is there a cost to these samples I should be aware of? A deal with a pirate crew, perhaps?VoidhoundNothing worth mentioning.Ianna CelAh, here we are. Fortunately, the plague is so virulent, it cultures very rapidly. |
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KarlsuLieutenant Karlsu. I'm all that's left of Commander Childress's fifth detail. Please tell me you're our reinforcements.MeteorYour hopes are answered.KarlsuGive me a moment. All's clear, guys. And we've got some muscle from back on base. This is what's left of our research team. The others got ambushed while working. Scavengers must have guessed we were after something good. We need to hold them off long enough for the research team to recover and download that data.RSL1You'll need to reactivate the generator subsystems as we go, so we can grab the data when we hit the main computer. We'll follow you.MeteorI'm on point. Researchers inside; anyone who's not working, fan out behind me.KarlsuAye, sir, aye. Okay. Data's priority one. Everyone into the ship. Go! |
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KarlsuIf you hadn't come when you did, those would be our smoking corpses there, no question. Unfortunately, we're not done, not until this wreck's data is in the hands of Commander Viqui.MeteorGive me what you have. I'll get it to the commander.KarlsuWe've recovered all the high-priority info. If you run that to the outpost, I'll hold off what's left of the scavengers until our reinforcements arrive.RSL1Please - get the data to Commander Viqui. It's the only way to be sure all of our work doesn't go to waste.KarlsuWell, I'd offer a salute, but that don't mean much to someone like you. Best way you can help is to take this datapad to Commander Viqui at the outpost.RSL1Thank you for protecting us. And good luck. |
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ViquiIf you have any questions about military operations on- Wait- are you the ones who recovered the Endar Spire data?MeteorEverything from the primary computers is on here.ViquiThe data from the Endar Spire will be invaluable to the Republic's war efforts. Lieutenant Karlsu tells me there's close surveillance footage of the Imperial warships.MeteorHavoc Squad belongs to the Republic, sir.ViquiAnd the Republic is honored to have you. Thank you for your service. Republic intelligence has been waiting for this data since the bombardment fell. |
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CeraDid you notice anything about the number of rakghouls in that pipe? I think it's more than most places, right?GartheOh, not that nonsense again....VoidhoundYou sound like there's something more on your mind.CeraOkay, this'll sound crazy - but there's more rakghouls at our grave sites than any of the Republic target zones.GartheThey're just drawn to the noise and the smell of flesh.CeraWe're not any noisier or... fleshier than a platoon of soldiers. I think they're protecting their ancestors.Hero of TythonAncestors?CeraI'm not saying they discuss it over tea, but I think something is driving them to defend these grave sites. They were human once, you know. The first ones, anyway. It's a disease that turned them into monsters. And we still don't understand how it works. All we know about rakghouls right now is they have a disease that can turn people into monsters, and they've taken over all of Taris. But if my theory is correct, it'll be our first insight into how they think. This could be a first step toward taking the planet back from them.MeteorUnderstanding your enemy is the key to defeating him.CeraExactly. Right now, rakghouls are like something out of a nightmare. We never know when or where they'll attack.Hero of TythonOnly if we look through their eyes can we understand what they see.CeraI kind of hope they're really the beasts they seem. Imagine if there's still a sentient person, trapped inside....VoidhoundCan you prove it?CeraThe salvage team can't get to the main bombardment sites...GartheYou're not sending them to the bombardment site, are you? That place is so thick with rakghouls you can see them from orbit!CeraDon't you interfere! We know what you think of the people of Taris. I'm right about this. Why else would they be so determined to guard the bombardment sites? Why so many rakghouls at the bombardment sites unless they're staying near their human ancestors?GartheI told you no one cares about your crackpot theories, Cera. Stick to counting bones. Let someone else do the science.CeraShut up and wait to be arrested.Really. I think I can prove it... If you could get samples from both the rakghouls and the skeletons at one of the main sites, we could see if they're related.MeteorDo you have details? What exactly are we talking about?CeraThere probably isn't a way to get a rakghoul to volunteer a genetic sample, so, um, I guess you'll be killing them. Then we'll compare their blood samples with genetic material from corpses in the same area.VoidhoundBy tomorrow, you should be able to answer this question once and for all.GartheThe bombardment site is chock-full of salvage no one's ever managed to get to-CeraYou never change, do you? Those are important archaeological artifacts, not some kind of... pirate treasure.GartheThis is ridiculous. Are you really going to take up more of their time with your crazy theories?CeraLet them decide if it's worth it. Please don't let Garthe discourage you. This is important. And I don't think there's anyone else on this planet willing to brave those rakghouls to find out. I'll be waiting to hear what you find. |
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CeraThe Republic sent a unit to retrieve our team's bodies. They said to thank you for your help.GartheYou're not going to ask if they went after your pet project?CeraWhy do you always try to ruin everything? Do Sullustan moms not hug their children or something? Um... did you get to the bombardment site? I don't see a scratch on you.VoidhoundThe rakghouls didn't want to give up their blood, but we convinced them.CeraI'm sure you can be quite... persuasive.GartheAw, is that hero worship I see there?CeraJust let me see the samples. I've got a portable scanner that can give us preliminary results right.... Now. That's amazing. There's over a fifty percent correlation. Genetic drift usually means a much less marked connection even in a normal population after so many years.MeteorWhat does that mean? They really are defending their ancestors, then?GartheIt means we just made one of the most important discoveries in Tarisian history.MeteorDoes that give us any insight into how to defeat them?CeraIf we know they defend a territory, then we know where to avoid... or even how to draw them out.GartheBut consider what you're saying! This means rakghouls have remnants of sentience. We can't kill them.Hero of TythonThey cling so desperately to their lost humanity.CeraIt could just be geography, remaining close to their initial infection site. We'll need a xenobiologist out to study this--GartheDon't just dismiss it now! This is an incredible find!CeraWhat? Where's the cynical disbelief?GartheYou can't dispute the numbers, Cera. You're right. This is amazing. If rakghouls have enough rationality to remember people and places that matter to them, we can't keep treating them like mindless animals.Barsen'thorIf they can think, maybe someday we can make peace with them.GartheExactly. We need to cancel our operations in these grave sites. We can't keep antagonizing them.CeraBut if we know they come to the defense of certain territories, we can bait them, draw them out so the Republic can send in troops to exterminate them.GartheNo! If they're sentient, we can't just keep murdering them.CeraI'll contact the Reconstruction Authority. Do you have an opinion on this?Barsen'thorIf there's any way to coexist peacefully with the rakghouls, we should take it.CeraI- I guess it's a virtue to forgive, right? At least this way, maybe we can avoid those kinds of attacks in the future. I'll give the Republic your recommendation. Thank you again for all your help. |
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Ianna CelHmm. Bad news. The serum you recovered looks like it was effective three hundred years ago, but the rakghoul plague has mutated since then. This serum will only provide effective immunity for extraordinarily healthy individuals.VoidhoundNo one's going to take an unreliable vaccine.Ianna CelYes, but it gives us options. Right now I need what we call a "lucky survivor," whose system has antibodies to the modern plague.MeteorHow do we make it stop modern rakghouls?Ianna CelManufacturing a true vaccine requires what we call a "lucky survivor," someone whose system has made antibodies to the plague. We haven't had a survivor yet, for obvious reasons. But this serum might provide the link we need. If I infected an extraordinary individual protected by the serum, I could collect the antibodies and make an effective vaccine.VoidhoundUh-oh.Ianna CelI need someone with proven recuperative powers. Someone who gets injured almost on a daily basis. Ideally, they would have survived stabbings, shootings, poison, infections... maybe all of the above. Or, barring that, someone with conscious control over their bodily processes. Such as a Jedi.Hero of TythonI am well versed in that art. It should be safer for me than others.VoidhoundI've been shot more often than the family holocamera. This can't be much worse.Barsen'thorDoctor... We don't get a chance to save a billion lives every day. I'm in.Hero of TythonTo immunize every Tarisian for generations to come? To recolonize what the Sith destroyed? There is not one of us who wouldn't lay down our lives.Ianna CelI hoped to convince maybe one of you - but to see more than that is... I'm overwhelmed. Well... and I had this whole speech ready... all right. We have a medical droid, CB-08-4, set up to observe rakghouls in the field. He'll be able to collect the antibodies and slow any potential complications. After I give you the serum, go out there and test it. Let the rakghouls attack you and... see what happens.MeteorGet it over with. Inject us and let's get going.MeteorAre there any other medical facts I should know?Ianna CelUh... sure. You're doing the right thing. Now here's your serum injection.MeteorYou don't have this plague in a needle or something?Ianna CelIf it needs to work in the field, it needs to work in the field. Now, here's your serum injection. I hope the Force is with you, because the science is stretched to the limit. |
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CB-08-4Ah, I see your infection is progressing. Hold still, I will take samples for analysis. While I transmit the data to Doctor Cel, there are some questions I should ask. Do you have any of the following symptoms: dizziness, fever, shortness of breath or an inexhaustible hunger for sentient flesh?VoidhoundCan you do anything about these cuts? I'm losing blood, here.CB-08-4I'm sorry, my core function is in analysis, not trauma care. Ah, here's Doctor Cel.Ianna CelGood news. Your antibody count is off the charts. I'll start work on a vaccine immediately. You are remarkably brave. Our progress has just jumped forward by years. While you recuperate, I'm going to transmit the usual secrecy agreements. Just use your thumbprint to sign on the sensor.MeteorWhat do you mean "usual" secrecy agreements?Ianna CelThis is standard procedure when the Republic develops biotech with significant earnings potential. We develop the vaccine for Republic soldiers first, and when it's proven, sell it to colonists. Until then, it's under wraps. We don't want the Exchange or the Sith funding some horrible operation with an underground version. The amount of money we're talking about is staggering. I could make a career out of a vaccine like this.Hero of TythonLives will be lost while this profit is being made.Ianna CelTell me something I don't know. Every week we hear another rakghoul horror story. But every colonist on the planet is going to want this vaccine. How do I tell my superiors we gave up that kind of money?Barsen'thorIf you get a sample to the Jedi, I bet they'd find someone to make it fast.Ianna CelI'll keep that in mind. We'll get this cure out one way or another.VoidhoundAn entire planet succumbed to this plague. Are you a doctor or a patent office?Ianna CelI'm a doctor. And this cure will get made, even if I have to build the manufacturing plant or hand-synthesize every macrophage....CB-08-4Well, I think she's angry. But from past experience, may I say that usually motivates her. If it means anything coming from a droid, congratulations on your research and also, your remarkable survival. |
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Kahrin WekNormally, our fourth outpost comes here to pick up its supplies, but their convoy never arrived this month. I'm afraid something happened - they need to be found.MeteorJust tell us where to look.Kahrin WekYou've got to be the best friend these soldiers ever had. The route between the outposts runs along Lake Brell - not the best planning. There's rakghouls there and a nexu spawning ground, and worse. Usually the convoys manage by only traveling when the sun is highest. Plus lots and lots of firepower. But if they're out there too long... well, you need to find them.Hero of TythonEvery moment we delay risks their lives. We'll leave right now.Kahrin WekWhatever happened to the convoy, we need to make sure Morne Outpost gets their supplies. Sonic emitters along the route usually keep off the worst of the critters. But if they're on the fritz, that convoy would have walked into a feeding frenzy. Fix the emitters and see what you can find about the convoy. When you're done, report to Commander Yajak at Morne Outpost. And thank you. |
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GilrohWe just stopped to rest! Geozel found a scratch, and we don't know if it's the rakghoul infection, so we're waiting. And Ferdoin might be coming down with Geonosian swamp flu, but we're on our way, I swear, and- You're looking at me very strangely.Hero of TythonAre you part of the Outpost Four supply convoy?GilrohUm, yes. Private Gilroh. I assumed you were looking for us.VoidhoundWhat are you expecting me to accuse you of?GilrohNothing! I mean, I know we're late, so people naturally start thinking....VoidhoundThinking what? That you were dead?GilrohWould they care? I'm sorry. I shouldn't- are you even Republic? I don't recognize....Barsen'thorWhat are you trying to say?GilrohNothing. There's nothing to tell. I mean- I'm Private Gilroh, Taris Outpost Four. I kind of assumed you were looking for our convoy. We, uh, just stopped to rest. Sorry to trouble everyone.MeteorYou're forty-eight hours late. Have you been here that whole time? Are you afraid of something? Is someone after you?GilrohWhat isn't after us on this awful planet? The nexu, the--the blasted rakghouls! Like I said, Ferdoin was hurt- I mean, Geozel, and- Oh, forget it. I was never a good liar. We aren't going back, is that what you want to hear? We've deserted.All I wanted was to serve the Republic, fight Imperials, see new parts of the galaxy. I never asked to be sentenced to this forsaken hole.Hero of TythonAre conditions so bad you would turn against your every oath of loyalty?GilrohI love the Republic, I do, but I've been here five years on a one-year tour. I've sent complaints, talked to psych counselors, nothing.Five years we've been out here, no break. Most of our friends have died. We're wounded, tired, broken. Fighting something that can't think, can't be frightened. And if you get the slightest scratch, you become the enemy and your own squad puts you down like a dog!MeteorHow could you do that? What kind of man abandons his comrades in the face of such an enemy?GilrohHa. We're not the only ones talking about running for it. We just got the first chance. You think we didn't agonize about that? If we were fighting the Sith... if our deaths would mean something... there's nothing on Taris!VoidhoundI know army life stinks, but don't they kill you or something if you desert?GilrohPrison on Coruscant - which is way better than being stuck here. At least your family can visit!Hero of TythonYou have given the Republic as much as it can reasonably demand.GilrohY- you're not going to turn us in?Hero of TythonYou'll never survive alone out here. You've been through enough.GilrohWe're heading back near the main base. There are scavengers with ships there. Maybe we can make it offworld. Please, tell Commander Yajak that you found our bodies. That way no one will ever come looking.Barsen'thorWe'll buy you a ticket home. Take this. It should be enough to buy a berth on a smuggler's ship.GilrohYou... I can't... I mean, we thought we might get a spot with one of the scavengers, but then we heard they kill strangers on sight. This- this would save my life. Maybe I can even get back in time to fix things with my girl. |
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YajakRepublic Outpost Four, sovereign territory of the Galactic Republic. No unauthorized visitors. We will defend ourselves with deadly force if necessary. State your business!MeteorFirst lieutenant, Havoc Squad. Most recently of Ord Mantell.YajakThere's no unauthorized travel this far into the wilds; best policy's usually blast first, chat later. Don't suppose you were sent by Commander Gardit with news about our supplies?MeteorYour supplies are on the way, but no thanks to him.YajakSounds like there's a story there, but I won't waste your time asking for it. Let me just say "thanks."Our own convoy never reported back - wouldn't be the first time we lost one to the nexu. I was about to send another, but that means leaving the whole outpost understaffed and undefended. And the rakghouls have been real active this month. Don't suppose you saw any sign of our boys? If they're still alive, they better have a good excuse for leaving us hanging.Hero of TythonWe found their bodies along the route.YajakNo surprise. Ah, well, they'll be missed. I'll send their uniforms home to their kin. |
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Reldar KandikRana Squadron's down. Every last one. I caught some flak, bailed out. Got a few durasteel splinters in my hide, but nothing that will keep me from making it back. But my wingmen, all proud Duros, ace pilots... they didn't make it. Shot down by those blasted pirates!MeteorWhat was your mission?Rana Squadron was sent to obliterate the old Taris Reclamation base. Previous occupants were killed by rakghouls and toxins, but their data's still intact. Our bombs were supposed to incinerate the intel, but the pirate scum beat us there, killed my squadron... my Duros brothers!MeteorThe Republic intel's compromised. We can't let the pirates sell it off.Reldar KandikCorrect, sir. If those records get out, the Empire could ruin our entire reconstruction plan. But if anyone can stop them, it's your team. The pirates will sell our entire Reclamation strategy to the highest bidder, crippling our reconstruction, unless you stop them first.MeteorWe'll disappear your intel.Reldar KandikRana Squadron thanks you. Recover our datalogs, force your way into the central command station and destroy our control droid. Brute force and thoroughness encouraged. After that, the pirate scum won't find a scrap of intel worth selling. |
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MeteorThe old Reclamation base data is wiped clean.Reldar KandikThen the mission's a success. Major Dejan will be pleased, not to mention the Reconstruction Authority. But no one will be as grateful as me. Consider yourselves honorary members of Rana Squadron. You've more than earned it. And once I'm back at base, I'll let the men's families know their last mission is complete. |
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Reconstruction Ofiicer (holo)What do you think, Kon?Kon YelThe foundation of the Taris ChemWorks Factory cannot be repaired. I expect total collapse within two weeks. Once the building falls, the stored chemicals will flood this area. They are... highly toxic to humans. I am sorry.Reconstruction Ofiicer (holo)I'll make sure there are speeders on hand, but we can't just pack up and go. Do what you can.Kon YelAs always. I will pursue an alternative. Excuse my inattentiveness, masters - you are with the reconstruction effort? I advise you not to stay long.MeteorYou were talking about evacuation. What's going on?Kon YelMany of these ruins are unstable. A nearby structure used for chemical storage is on the verge of crumbling. As I was explaining to my colleague, there is only one way to remove the chemicals before they spill - a burnoff. A well-armed demolitions team could reach the structure and incinerate the chemical stockpiles. I can provide the incendiaries; unfortunately, no team is available.Hero of TythonWe're willing to try.Kon YelYour generosity is considerable. You should know, however: between the structural instability, the toxicity levels and the incendiary chemicals, the mission does carry substantial risk. It is nonetheless urgent. You are not a demolitions team - I fully recognize this. But if you could arrange the burnoff, I would humbly welcome your aid. |
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WelkinsExcuse me, friends. The Republic told me you might be able to help with a difficult situation. They say you are our most reliable operatives on Taris. Have you heard anything about Titroxinate being sold on the black market?Hero of TythonIt's rare for Jedi to be consulted about the black market.WelkinsI suppose that's true. My apologies, Master Jedi.VoidhoundWhat makes you think we know anything about the black market? What are you implying?WelkinsN- nothing. Only your reputation... I thought maybe you would... it doesn't matter. I just thought... you might be able to help us keep it out of the wrong hands. Titroxinate was the pre-patent name for the weaponized agent we think was responsible for the rakghoul plague. The Empire could fashion it into a terrible weapon - turning our soldiers into monsters and setting them against us.MeteorWhere's the arms dealer who's selling this stuff?WelkinsrI'm more worried about his source.Barsen'thorSo, how do we stop that?WelkinsWe've traced the original Titroxinate samples to an old ChemWorks factory. It's overrun with nexu; we can't get near it. If you can retrieve any canisters that remain, the Republic will see you're well rewarded for your effort. |
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MeteorThese are all the canisters we were able to recover.WelkinsThank you. The Republic thanks you. Imagine how horrific it would be if this rakghoul nightmare had spread to the rest of the galaxy. |
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Kon YelI can smell chemicals on you. But I also smell fire and smoke. Did you complete the burnoff? All the toxins and pollutants have been incinerated?Barsen'thorAbsolutely.Kon YelNothing could please me more. Thank you. The structure will still collapse, but it shall leave no poison in its wake. Perhaps we can rebuild the area after all. |
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GarditWelcome to Taris. I hear you've done the Republic a good turn in the past, so I'm sorry not to have a warmer welcome for you.Hero of TythonYou look worried.GarditUh, we're having some trouble, nothing you could have predicted, but... there you are. Our bases here are far from self-sufficient. We're not farmers, and there's no existing infrastructure here to work with.MeteorI can't believe the Republic sent you out here without sufficient supplies.GarditOh, we get supplies. Every month. Shipped in from Ord Mantell. Problem is, this month's ship went nose-down into some of the worst territory on Taris. It'll take another month before the next one arrives, and in the meantime, my men are stewing their gloves.VoidhoundSo, deal with it.GarditOh, we'll live. But you know soldiers - spend half their paychecks on pazaak, then wonder why they've got nothing left for a rainy day. Lot of discipline slips since the reduced rations went into effect, though. Almost let a rakghoul right through the perimeter. It'd be a great service to the Republic if you want to help us out...Barsen'thorNo one should be left to starve while serving the Republic.GarditThe Republic thanks you for your service. Every package you recover from the crash site means another week we can hold out at full strength. Our men tried to reach the ship once, but they turned back after taking serious casualties. They said it's more than just rakghouls, but couldn't make an ID. You still want to go, you'll need to talk to our quartermaster at the supply shed across the base. She's got the exact coordinates of the crash. |
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Kahrin WekAnd you're just going to make this all better, huh? I'm Kahrin Wek, quartermaster. Commander Gardit just called to say you're retrieving our supplies. For which, by the way, I and the rest of the troops here humbly thank you.Hero of TythonWant to calm down and point me to where your supply ship crashed?Kahrin WekOf course! You think I want to see everyone here starve? But I don't want Commander Fat-Pants to think it means he gets away with this. Steal from your troops, spend the Republic's money on vintage wine and silks from Alderaan, build your office out of Alderaanian timber, but it's fine, because there's a gang of big-hearted heroes around to save you.MeteorThat's a serious accusation.Kahrin WekThen let me be straight. Getting our supplies would be a great help, but pulling Commander Gardit from his position would be the best help of all. I said over and over that that ship needed repairs. The left stasis generator was loose, and the hyperdrive motivator was seeping fluid. But Gardit had already spent our allotted maintenance budget. On himself.MeteorCan you prove this?Kahrin WekEvery shipment has some personal item he's bringing in. And then some! But he simply slashed the rations budget in half and figures it's over. The men are starving. And starving men don't hold up well against creatures where one tiny scratch could lead to a base-wide epidemic.Barsen'thorYou have proof?Kahrin WekI'm telling the truth. Somehow he's juggling the numbers he sends to HQ. No commander needs a personal vehicle in an outpost this size. If you can take this holocamera out to the crash site, you could get the evidence I need to get him court-martialed.MeteorGive me the camera.Kahrin WekThank you. If you take holopics of the engines, I can show that the documented lack of repairs is what caused the crash. The most important thing is the supplies, though. The crash site isn't far. When you get everything, bring it back here so I can distribute it. |
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Kahrin WekWe don't have antibiotics. They come on the same ship as everything else.GarditYou're supposed to keep better tabs on that sort of thing. These men have the Csillian flu. They could die if- Ah, you've returned. And with all of you unhurt. Dare I ask if you've managed to recover our supplies?MeteorTell your men they're off rationing.GarditNot a moment too soon, Lieutenant. Let me tell you, you really saved my stripes on this one. The men came close to mutiny when I cut rations again. Hmph. They knew this wasn't going to be a luxury cruise.MeteorYour outpost won't starve now, no thanks to you.GarditNow you just watch yourself. I did everything in my power to-Kahrin WekWhat do you expect? You ask your men to starve while you eat bantha steaks from offworld?MeteorThese pictures prove you knew the ship was damaged, and you sent it anyway.Kahrin WekThey're going to Republic Command. Along with my documentation of every personal purchase you've made. These men left their families and risked their lives to come here. If they die, it should be for someone better than you.GarditI- I didn't know the ship was so bad. I thought, if it was serious, they'd catch it on Ord Mantell.MeteorThe men on Taris deserve a better leader.VoidhoundA good commander lives under the same conditions as his troops.GarditI never realized how quickly we go through our supplies. If I'd thought we couldn't last the month, I- I have some, uh, personal stores. I'll distribute them while you finish here. As a gesture of good faith.Kahrin WekI never thought I'd see anyone put the righteous fear into him like that. Good job, and thank you. But there may be something else, too. |
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YelzrinWelcome, Master Jedi. How did our humble settlement earn this honor? Do you need food or water? Anything we have is yours.Hero of TythonA Sith wants you all dead. I'm here to defend you.YelzrinSith? But why us? We haven't done anything.Kira CarsenSince when do Sith need a reason to kill people?YelzrinThis is horrible. We're not prepared for this.Rora SeakeThen you should not have come back to a world that is not yours. Taris belongs to the Sith Empire - now and forever. Even my beasts understand that.Hero of TythonYou presume too much. I can sense the fear in your animals.Rora SeakeThey're only afraid of me. You... just make them hungry. Before you die, satisfy my curiosity. My mission was secret. How did you know about it?Hero of TythonI'm not here to satisfy you.Rora SeakeBut you will. One way or another.Rora SeakeMy pets are ready to play. Are you? |
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Rora SeakeYou should feel honored to die at my hand. |
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YelzrinThat Sith and her beasts... if you hadn't been here, they'd have torn us to pieces. Our settlement is new. We have fresh supplies. Please take some.Hero of TythonYour safety is all the reward we need.YelzrinMy parents told me stories of the Jedi when I was a boy. Now I know they're true. One thing is certain... building up our settlement's defenses just became the top priority.Kira CarsenGlad we did this, but we need to wipe that smug grin off Watcher One's face. Shall we?T7-O1Doctor Godera = still prisoner // T7 + Jedi = to the rescue?YelzrinWe'll be alright now. I'm sure you've got important business elsewhere. |
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Watcher OneLord Angral, my interrogation is complete. Transmitting my report to you now.Darth AngralYour efficiency will be noted. Take Doctor Godera to Dromund Kaas. I have plans for him.Hero of TythonYou never mentioned you were working for Angral.Darth AngralWhat is this? Explain yourself, Watcher.Watcher OneTo ensure mission success, I compromised with the Jedi. They're here for the doctor.Darth AngralYou... compromised? With the Jedi vermin who killed my son? You escaped me on Ord Mantell. You will not be so fortunate this time. Perhaps I should be grateful. You've spared me the effort of hunting you down.Hero of TythonYou talk a big game from across the galaxy, Angral.Darth AngralWe'll be face-to-face soon enough. You will beg for mercy. Watcher, bring me this filth alive. I'll kill them myself.Watcher OneRespectfully, my lord, I'm duty-bound to honor our bargain.Darth AngralEnough! Do as I command! Don't trifle with me! I want that Jedi!Watcher OneVery well, Lord Angral. You're heavily outnumbered, Jedi. I apologize for reneging on our deal, but I have orders. You understand. I recommend you surrender.Hero of TythonGive me Doctor Godera. Walk away, while you still can.Watcher OneWe seem to be at an impasse. This is not the ending I would have chosen. |
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Watcher OneAgain, Darth Angral underestimates you. Twenty years, I've avoided becoming a casualty of Sith madness. But, an order is an order. I've never broken the chain of command. That is my self-respect.Hero of TythonYou have my sympathy.Watcher OneI'm proud to serve the Empire and served as best I could. I have no regrets. Regardless, you are the victor here. How do you wish to proceed?Hero of TythonAngral will kill you for failing. You can't return to the Empire. Go - find a new life in the Republic. You may discover we're not the enemy you think. You may discover we're not the enemy you think.Watcher OneWhat? I... only a fool would question such a generous offer. I thank you. Perhaps our paths will cross again. Farewell, Jedi. |
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Hero of TythonDoctor Godera, are you alright? I'm a Jedi Knight sent by General Var Suthra to rescue you.Nasan GoderaVar Suthra? That old man never gives up, does he? The Imperials gave me a class-four truth serum. Don't remember the interrogation, but I fear they learned too much. I suppose you plan to take me back to Coruscant? I left for a good reason, you know.Hero of TythonI'd like to hear it.Nasan GoderaThe Republic doomed itself when we signed that blasted treaty. I told the Senate that treaty would never last. Perhaps it is time I returned... finish the war and wipe out the Empire for good. The Sith Empire only sought a strategic pause in the fighting; time to gather strength for a final crushing blow. The Senate ignored my projections. I refuse to serve such monumental ignorance.Hero of TythonThe Republic needed time to regain strength, too. So did the Jedi.Nasan GoderaHmph. And are we ready to finish this war, or will we sit back while the Empire devours the galaxy? If it hasn't started already, all-out war is imminent. I'm ready to face what's coming. |
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WintagAchoo! Excuse me. Something in the air... the spores, I think. Name's Wintag; I'm working on the Republic Tarisian Archival Database. We call it Rep-TAD. I'm assigned - achoo! - to explore the old city myself, but I'm, ah, not handling the change of atmospheres very well. I don't suppose you'd be up for a little job exploring the ruins? We're well funded, so I can pay you for your trouble.Hero of TythonJust let us know how we can be of service.WintagThank you. Your generosity is a refreshing change.I'm talking about finding the archive set up by Taris's own government to preserve their knowledge and culture in the event of disaster. I've been working on this for years, and I believe I've finally pinpointed the location of their archive. I've tried to approach the location before, but it is positively overrun with rakghouls. I couldn't get close. If you can get past them, let my assistant know how to arrange retrieval--her constitution is stronger than mine... achoo! |
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QM-35This is a restricted area. There have been no security breaches for the past... one hundred and eleven thousand, three hundred and twenty-five days. Please show your credentials to enter.Hero of TythonHave you been guarding this place for three hundred years?QM-35That is correct.Barsen'thorIs this the Taris Archive?QM-35Yes. And be aware, while I am not programmed to fight, there are numerous automated defenses in place.My programming appears to contain a contradiction. I am instructed only to open this door to a member of the Tarisian government. But when the archive was brought online, all members of the ruling government were contained within. I have received no information on their successors.VoidhoundWhat do you mean they were "contained within"?QM-35This is the ruling government of Taris, as last appointed, plus representatives of every major science and industry.MeteorTaris was destroyed. This place has been a wasteland for three hundred years. There is no government.QM-35Ah, let me update my programs... my fall-through under that condition is to open only to representatives of the Galactic Republic. Is that you?Barsen'thorYes. I am a member of the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic.QM-35Excellent. Welcome to the Taris Archive. |
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Tiffan NyeI was told you might be coming. Was there anything in the archive?Hero of TythonApparently, the ancient Tarisian government thought the most important thing to preserve was... themselves.Tiffan NyeThemselves. What do you...? Do you mean literally? That's amazing! All this time, we've been working from old recordings and the occasional droid when the key to the whole planet's history is right here. I must notify the Republic. Thank you for braving the rakghouls to uncover this! |
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SelroWait! Please, they've all gone silent! There's no time for me to call for help! We've lost contact with Project Quell, in the lower ground labs. It's, um, supposed to study those rakghoul creatures. They kept a whole pack of them there. The scientists wanted to study the rakghouls' behavior, try to find weaknesses we could use.MeteorSomeone approved this?SelroDoctor Zalaren was project lead. But he only took the job after checking all the security himself!Hero of TythonYou can't fight an opponent you don't understand.SelroBut what's to understand, Master Jedi? They're rakghouls. You shoot them.MeteorGive me numbers, Private. How big is this rakghoul pack?SelroI never saw them, sir, only those huge crates of food they brought in.VoidhoundSounds like an Imperial lab.SelroWait, what? No! Project Quell was just to watch the rakghouls, not do anything to them!I kept saying it was a bad idea! But I'm just a private, who cares what I think. All I know is, nobody's answering my check-ins. There was a power surge not long ago... maybe that opened the rakghoul pens. None of our scientists have come out. But if they reached the lab's panic room, they might still be alive. Please, you have to find them!MeteorDon't worry, we will.SelroHere - this code will arm Project Quell's security systems. If anyone's in the panic room, the defense droids will protect them. Just don't let your guard down. I don't know just what you'll find down there. Good luck. |
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ZalarenRescue? At last. Friendly face and weapons. After so many rakghouls, most welcome.MeteorYou're one of the scientists?ZalarenDoctor Zalaren, lead of Project Quell. Apology for such inconvenience. So unacceptable. Future, rakghouls will all have shock collars. Security systems active - excellent, most excellent. We go safely. Much is owed for this. |
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SelroI just heard from Doctor Zalaren. Between the panic room and your help, I think almost everyone got out okay. Thanks again. And don't worry, we're building power surge defenses in right this minute. |
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Hacken BergeWould you like a chance to be part of one of the great mysteries of the Republic's past? We have irrefutable proof that Revan once sheltered here, soon after returning to the Republic from the Sith. There are many tales of how Revan rescued Bastila Shan and changed galactic history, but there were smaller lives touched as well.I am Hacken Berge, historian from the Galactic Library on Coruscant. I am undertaking one of the most important historical research projects of our lifetime.Three hundred years ago, Revan was the great Jedi general of the Mandalorian Wars. He turned to the dark side but was brought back to the light by Master Bastila Shan. The outcasts of Taris lived deep below the city, where the rakghoul plague originated. Revan's journals record bringing them a cure for the plague and leading them to a secure colony called "the Promised Land." Yet we don't know if they survived.Barsen'thorAre you asking us to look for a lost colony from three hundred years ago?Hacken BergeOr any sign of what became of them. What killed them? And what might that teach us about Taris? If you are braving the wilderness anyway, keep your eyes open. My assistant is coordinating excavations. Anything you find, bring to him. Perhaps these Promised Ones left some record - something to talk to us across the ages. |
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Hero of TythonYour supervisor sent us. We found out what happened to your "Promised Ones." There's no happy ending.Ashwyn TejeraI knew they couldn't have disappeared without a trace! Give me what you found. Let us learn the history of this doomed planet, so we don't repeat it. |
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StromFantastic, you're back! Governor Saresh needs to speak to you right away - hold on.Leontyne SareshHow wonderful to see you again! I'm sure you're already noticing the changes your efforts have brought. Rakghoul attacks are down eighty percent in the resettlement zone, and the few we encounter are repelled more easily. Construction crews are back to work - with a bit of arm twisting - and they're developing more ambitious projects. They believe in what we're doing again - thanks to you.MeteorIt's always good to see people fired up about the Republic's work.VoidhoundNow that progress is being made, will the Republic send more resources?Leontyne SareshI'm doing my best to see that they do. But in spite of our success, we still have some serious challenges.Unfortunately, not all of the news is good. Our success has come at a price. The rakghouls we've displaced now threaten our forward expedition teams. We've endangered our most vulnerable projects. The work those teams are doing is critical to reclaiming Taris. If we don't help them, the confidence we've worked so hard to restore could die forever.Rakghoul attacks in the wilderness have reached epidemic proportions. Our expedition teams are in danger of being completely wiped out. The scientists and workers on those teams are critical to our plans to expand across Taris. If they can't finish their work, our entire project will fall apart.Barsen'thorWe won't stand by while innocent lives are at risk.MeteorAren't there security forces to protect these people?Leontyne SareshOf course. And their numbers are dwindling rapidly.Hero of TythonYour people will get the job done - you've got our word.Leontyne SareshI knew I could count on you. Everyone working in that wilderness has lost friends and comrades - they're frightened, and losing hope quickly. I need you to rekindle that hope - to show our people that no enemy is too powerful to overcome.StromThe team leads are at Brejik's Run - it was a top-notch swoop track before the Sith attacked.Leontyne SareshA speeder will take you out once you're ready. When you land, find my agent, Vealo - he'll be your guide. Hundreds of lives and millions of credits were sacrificed to bring us to this point. Do whatever it takes--our project cannot fail. |
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VealoYou can't do this, Major! The governor even sent us more help - look!JazenThe governor has sent us plenty of help already. Volunteers, mercs, even Jedi, and they're all dead or working on it. I'm not watching the body count go any higher. We're pulling out - ASAP. You want to help, help us load up for evac.VoidhoundThis work is too important to abandon.JazenThat's not your call to make.Barsen'thorIt's natural to feel afraid, Major. But don't let that blind you to hope.JazenI'm no coward, Jedi. I've got lives to save.MeteorNo need for evac, Major, sir. We can still win this.JazenI'll take your five-second tactical appraisal under advisement while we strike camp, Lieutenant.Hero of TythonDoes Governor Saresh know you're pulling out?JazenShe's not here - we are. If you want to get yourself eaten or turned into a monster, go right ahead. Anything and anyone that isn't packed when we leave is meat. Your choice. My orders are to keep these people safe. If you work a miracle and this place ends up being safe again... we'll see.VealoYou'll have to work quickly to get this place safe and running again before the major's evacuation. Maybe then he'll change his mind. Talk to any of the people here - they'll tell you what needs to be done. I just hope we're not too late.Hero of TythonDo whatever you have to, Vealo--don't let him take these people out of here.VealoI'll see what I can do. Good luck to you. |
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StromWe heard the good news!BardoThe governor wishes to....Leontyne SareshThe governor wishes to congratulate you herself. You've done some truly incredible work for Taris - every last person here is in your debt.Hero of TythonWe all have a responsibility to help restore what the Sith have destroyed.Leontyne SareshStill, you've taken on a much greater responsibility than most people could. Very few people could have achieved all of this.MeteorAre there any other problems that need attention, Governor?Leontyne SareshYou've done so much already - but there is always more. I'm certain there will be many more challenges to overcome as we continue our work. But I'm also certain your heroic example will inspire everyone who works to make Taris the brightest point in the Republic. We're all proud to have had you with us. Travel safely. |
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Kord MurdokM- Master Jedi! But how... there were no survivors! You... weren't part of the research team, were you? Then I gotta warn you, there's something around here that hunts Jedi. Like the mother of all rakghouls. Now I ain't no coward; I've hunted Sand Demons on Tatooine, fought Sith during the war on Coruscant. Clearing the wildlife on Taris seemed like an easy gig. But these creatures ate a whole team of Jedi for lunch! What are we supposed to do except be dessert?Hero of TythonWho are you? Why are you telling us this?Kord MurdokKord Murdok. Used to lead the Blaster Brothers mercenary company. Now I'm the only one left.Barsen'thorWhat creatures? Something attacked the Jedi?Kord MurdokSomething that makes rakghouls look downright cute and cuddly.MeteorTake it easy.Kord MurdokYou watch a dozen men in heavy armor get eaten like candy and see how calm you are! Should've known when they said the Jedi got wiped out. What am I supposed to do that half a dozen Jedi can't? I don't know if those monsters ate the Jedi and barfed up the Force, but they were using powers like I've never seen.Hero of TythonWe cannot ignore a menace on that scale.Kord MurdokYou think you can do better than the other Jedi? Be my guest. You go after those monsters, just be careful. They're smart, people-smart. And let me know what happens. So I can convince them not to send me back in.... |
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Larris CozekkGet out while you can! There's nothing they can pay to make this job worth it! I hope you all have your own ship, or you'll be stuck here like the rest of us. I'm just a hired merc; figure they give us the jobs that are too nasty for the guys in uniform. Like rakghouls aren't bad enough? They need to start breeding in the middle of a blasted nuclear reactor? Makes 'em twice the size and mean.MeteorWho are you?Name's Larris Cozekk. The Republic hired us to clear this wasteland for settlement. What a joke! I went into the rakghoul warren right over that way. With two dozen men! I'm the only one who crawled out alive. They're swimming in radiation. They've mutated into monsters that don't slow down even when you blast their brains onto the wall.Hero of TythonI've yet to meet a beast that can stand up to the Force.Larris CozekkGood. Because a blaster was about as effective as a water gun.Barsen'thorThese creatures must be cleared out.Larris CozekkI couldn't agree more. As long as I'm not the one doing it. If they aren't destroyed down to the last beast, the whole settlement will be a graveyard! Once you're done - if you live, talk to Androclus Methodius there; he's heading up this task force. |
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VoidhoundOne of your mercs asked us to clean up some mutant rakghouls he couldn't handle.Androclus MethodiusWell, you certainly don't look like an ordinary group of mercenaries. Master Jedi, I am honored that you would take on such a task. Oh, Lieutenant! I didn't realize Havoc Squad was here. I would certainly have come to you first. I don't know what they're thinking, opening this place to colonization... |
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Hero of TythonThe rakghouls are dead.Kord MurdokAnd the other things? The big ones? What were they? You know what, long as they're dead, I don't give a bantha's backside. Let the Jedi figure it out. |
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Mola HaxtorThis is not a grooming behavior. That's tool use at the very least.Sadus VraalI know that and you know that, I'm just saying neither the university nor the garrison - nevermind, we have company.Mola HaxtorHi, I'm Mola Haxtor, this is Professor Vraal, we're applied xenozoologists. Could you settle something for us?VoidhoundI'm sorry... "xenozoologist"?Sadus VraalWe study alien life-forms. On Taris, that pretty much means rakghouls.Mola HaxtorCome look at this. We implanted a recording device in a rakghoul and released him. This image is from the footage of his warren. It looks like a new species of rakghoul. Taller, meaner, dominates normal raks, and when it was being recorded, it, uh...Sadus VraalIt reached over and shut the transmitter off.MeteorI didn't think rakghouls were that smart.Mola HaxtorThey may not be, but the evidence is compelling. If he were playing with a switch, he'd flick it on again. He hasn't.Sadus VraalBecause rakghouls barely use tools. They're not sentient. If these ghouls are capable of tool use, our colony defenses need to be changed. But we need the footage off our device to be sure.Mola HaxtorThis is why we need someone - you - to find our rakghoul and extract his recording device. Besides the obvious academic prestige, it is essential that the Republic find out how dangerous this new species is.Barsen'thorWe'll go.Mola HaxtorThank you. Obviously, the footage and your life are top priority. Find the rak, kill the rak, grab the camera.Sadus VraalAnd run.Mola HaxtorBe careful. It's extremely unlikely this species evolved since the bombardment. Either it was under extreme pressure to diverge... or it had help. |
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Mola HaxtorYou're back! Let's cue up that footage and see the rakghouls.Mola HaxtorCalm down, Mola. I think some thanks are in order.Mola HaxtorYes, of course. We'd never go into the warrens, even with an escort... this wouldn't have happened without you.MeteorThe swarms were pretty thick in that warren. You'll get something you can use.Mola HaxtorI'm sorry, this is a chance for a doctorate... for a significant contribution to xenozoology and the colonist effort. I got excited.Sadus VraalMola, how about phrasing it like, "Tarisian colonists probably all owe you their lives"?Mola HaxtorYou don't think that's more abstract?Sadus VraalI'll upload the footage. Let's talk after we've looked it over. |
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Mola HaxtorThe new species has a lair that looks like an ex-power plant. And it's got - get this - crude, recent construction.Mola HaxtorMola, the fact that they can build a ladder is the least of our worries. Day two, minute eleven - one of the new species pushes away the others in order to get at a food source.Mola HaxtorBut he pushes them without touching them. It's very clear, there is no contact.Sadus VraalThe new species can use the Force.Hero of TythonRakghouls know only aggression and fear. That's a recipe for the dark side.Sadus VraalThat's what we're afraid of. We're no experts in the Force, but this new species seems more psychotic than predatory.There is a widespread theory that the rakghoul plague was an artificial creation of the so-called "dark side." Thus, their evolution deviates from the standard model. But it leaves us with some disturbing possibilities.Barsen'thorThe order will want to know of this... as well as a great many scientists.Sadus VraalWe'll publish our findings soon enough, but right now we have greater concerns.MeteorGlad we didn't find this out during an attack.Sadus VraalThat was the base commander's opinion, too. And we still don't know the most critical information.VoidhoundThere's no other explanation?Sadus VraalWe're sure.Mola HaxtorWe don't know if just one of the new species is Force sensitive, or all of them. If it's all of them, the garrison is considering evacuation.Sadus VraalThis is the largest threat facing Taris. We need eyes in that rakghoul lair!Hero of TythonThis could be easier than you think. An intelligent species might try to communicate.Sadus VraalDon't think I'd take that bet.Mola HaxtorAll right. The lair you want is deep in rakghoul territory. Some of the power plant structure is still recognizable. I'll fit you with a transmitter so we can see what you see. Get close enough to film the creatures - but if one notices you, do what you have to. |
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Bay-Yon SiuApproach. I am Bay-Yon Siu, of the Sanej Temple. My body perished long ago. This holocron projects my recorded personality, which we Jedi use to educate future generations.Danah JorHey! You, the one who killed the nekghoul! Open the lock, this holocron is crazy.Bay-Yon SiuCalm yourself. I am incapable of madness. Madness is internal chaos, and there is no chaos, only harmony.VoidhoundWhat did you call the dead thing?Danah JorNekghouls. He named them, not me.Hero of TythonBefore I open that door, maybe you want to tell me who's in there.Bay-Yon SiuHe is the Jedi Knight Danah Jor. He entered the warren. He sought battle, and the nekghouls... reacted.Danah JorOf course I did. Anyone could sense the darkness here. And you, old man, are the source.Bay-Yon SiuDanah misunderstands. The nekghouls became Force sensitive and activated me. I have taught them, but only to help them master themselves. Had he not invaded their territory, my lessons would have sunk in better.Danah JorAll they learned is better ways to kill. You saw it.Bay-Yon SiuThis Jedi Knight, Danah Jor, entered the warren. He sought battle, and the nekghouls... reacted.VoidhoundHow can you justify teaching predators the Force?Bay-Yon SiuHumans are predators, as are Twi'leks, Togruta and other sentients. Nekghouls, also, can choose their path.Danah JorHe keeps saying that, but he's been trying to teach them manners for years. It won't work.Barsen'thorWhy are they keeping him alive?Bay-Yon SiuThe nekghouls are currently drawing power from dark emotions.Danah JorSay it! They tear out colonists' hearts in front of me because they feed on fear and disgust.MeteorSo they've attacked colonists. Then this is no theoretical threat - they're sadistic, premeditated.Bay-Yon SiuSome Sith have done worse before choosing another path. What they do is from ignorance, not hatred. If you lived in a cave all your life, the first time you saw light it would be painful. The darkness would comfort you, and you would only go toward light again when you found the courage. That is how it is with nekghouls.Danah JorThere's hundreds of those things beneath us, by the reactor. He sees them as no threat, but they can't be allowed to live. He wishes you to use that control panel to fire the reactor and lower its shielding. That would bathe them all in radiation. It would be the mass murder of sentient creatures and make this place uninhabitable.Bay-Yon SiuRevenge is not the Jedi way, Danah. Your plan will create ruin and poison.Barsen'thorThe creatures are dangerous, but we would hear both sides.Danah JorThey were born of dark side sorcery. They cannot change.Bay-Yon SiuIt merely requires time, which I have. They cannot harm me. Leave me here with them and seek death no more.Barsen'thorTeach them, then. If they can think and choose, they can learn. Reach them if you can. We will go.Bay-Yon SiuYour trust will not be forgotten. Now free this man.Danah JorI'm free, but they live unpunished. If I can't give justice to their victims, what will I do?Hero of TythonLearn from your mistake. Return to the surface. Then meditate upon the actions that led you here.Barsen'thorReturn to the Jedi. Tell them they can't invade this place like you did.Bay-Yon SiuYes... no one can enter here in hate. They will be fed upon, as you were.Danah JorI... I will do so. Thank you for saving my life.Bay-Yon SiuYou are a remarkable person not to give in to instinct, a lesson these nekghouls must also learn. It may be generations, but what is done with the dark can be undone by the light. One day, they will walk on Taris as humans do.Sadus VraalProfessor Vraal here. We got everything recorded. Good work. We heard the plan. We'll keep watch on the site. Now, clear out of there before something hears all this talking. |
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LiefurHow many teeth did you say those things have? Over three thousand? Because I think I feel every one of them.Co'overmaStop complaining; she barely grazed you. Besides, this gave us solid evidence of changes in nexu maternal behavior as a result of- You! What do you know of the plight of the endangered nexu?Hero of TythonDid some sort of creature attack your friend?Co'overmaOh, he's just my assistant.Barsen'thorDo we know you?Co'overmaI am the voice of the voiceless, protector of the nexu, the most beautiful, intelligent, adaptable-LiefurGiant, drooling cat monsters with big pointy spikes....Co'overmaLiberated zoo specimens started a thriving population here on Taris. But the sows are starting to frenzy because their pups are being stolen. Blasted scavengers!VoidhoundYou're crazy.LiefurWhat an incredibly smart thing to say. Why didn't I think of that?Co'overmaYou shut up. We're making a difference here.LiefurYeah. I eat through a tube now. That's different....Hero of TythonWhy would they go after cubs? Are nexu good eating or something?Co'overmaSome unscrupulous piles of dung think it's fun to throw helpless animals into gladiatorial pits so people can laugh while they're cut to pieces.LiefurMost of the time, the nexu win-Co'overmaI'd go after those scavengers myself, but I, uh, lost all feeling in my blaster hand--LiefurTo a nexu love bite.MeteorYou're being a little vague. I don't like it when horribly mauled people are vague with me.Co'overmaGo into the scavengers' camp and destroy the cages they're using to trap nexu. What could be simpler?LiefurNot going into the scavengers' camp and destroying the cages they're using to trap nexu?Barsen'thorWe are here to restore Taris's environment, not destroy it further.Co'overmaThank you. I knew I wasn't alone in wanting to see a thriving nexu colony.LiefurI think they ate outpost five....Co'overmaI have given all my worldly possessions to the cause of animal rights. But Liefur would be happy to pay you.LiefurI would not!Co'overmaAnd I control his accounts while he's convalescing. Just go to the scavengers' camp, to the southeast. Destroy their cages and they won't be able to trap nexu anymore.MeteorCan't say much for nexu, but we're always up for wiping out scavengers.Co'overmaPerfect. I knew I liked you.LiefurShe also likes rancors - it's not a big compliment.Co'overmaThe best thing to do is hit the scavengers' main compound. Destroy all the cages and they can't take another nexu.Barsen'thorHow can it be right to take the lives of sentients in defense of mere beasts?Co'overmaSentients build cities, destroy planets, wipe out entire species. They don't need anyone to stand up for them.LiefurExcept when they're being snacked on by nexu.Co'overmaThese scavengers spend their whole lives tearing helpless babies from their loving mothers-LiefurNexu mothers eat their young.Co'overmaIf you want to help, you could go to the main scavenger camp and destroy the cages they're using to trap nexu. |
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Co'overmaWell, did you do it? Did you strike a blow for nexu everywhere?LiefurOddly easier than striking a blow against nexu....Co'overmaTell me how it went.Hero of TythonYour nexu pups are safe. And we took care of the scavengers.Co'overmaAh! Because of your efforts, future generations can enjoy the magnificent sight of a nexu stalking its prey through the Tarisian swamps...LiefurProbably human prey...Co'overmaNexu attacks should drop dramatically now that they're no longer defending their cubs. Thank you.LiefurAny chance of changing our plans to focus on saving the rare Tarisian bark beetle? |
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WellerCommander. Commander! Damn! Who are you? What's happened here?VoidhoundThey seem to be... eaten. It looks like rakghouls are what happened here.MeteorI'm Havoc Squad, agent. I was hoping you could tell me what happened.WellerHavoc Squad! Oh, thank goodness. You're the best there is.This whole thing... it's all wrong. This wasn't supposed to happen! How did I get stuck cleaning up the Republic's old messes? These men were here to deactivate bombs that the Republic gave to a Taris street gang three hundred years ago during the Sith occupation. The bombs were meant to empower a revolt - but the Sith killed that idea when they decided to destroy the planet. The holos say they were trying to prevent the Jedi Bastila Shan from escaping. Typical Sith overkill.Hero of TythonAnd the bombs? What happened to the bombs?WellerAs we learned the hard way - the bombs survived. We didn't realize that the bombs withstood the planet's destruction until one of our scientific expeditions was inadvertently blown up. I don't know who I angered, but it fell to me to ensure that the remaining bombs were deactivated. These commandos were my last shot. Please, you've survived out there, you have to help me.MeteorOf course.WellerThank you - you'll be saving lives, not to mention my job. |
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WellerThe last of the active bombs just disappeared from the grid. I- I can't thank you enough.Hero of TythonWe're honored.WellerYou've saved countless lives, and for that, I'm grateful. |
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Tarkos SundListen here, all you blaster-wielding frontier fighters! Sund Technologies is the best provider of wartime technology the Republic has. Now, I'll tell ya, there are some very violent creatures out there - rakghouls, nexu- I have the injuries to prove it. But when there's work to be done and credits to be made, Sund Tech doesn't rest, and neither should you. What I am offering is a high-paying technological recovery operation that will revolutionize the Republic's work here on Taris.VoidhoundIt's good to be dedicated to your work, but this seems like a strange place to look.Hero of TythonWhat kind of technology are you researching here on Taris?Oh, the usual - the kind that makes me filthy and disgustingly rich. No, no, I'm kidding.VoidhoundTrust me - you'll be lucky if you dig up a rusty can opener in this dump.Tarkos SundRusty can opener? That's a good one. I'll have to remember that one.MeteorThis is no place for civilians.Tarkos SundI'm no ordinary civilian. I'm a businessman, a man of the galaxy. And, if I may say so, a brilliant - and handsome - inventor.Barsen'thorIn other words, you're a profiteer.Tarkos SundLike that's a bad thing? People expect companies to be profitable, but a person who profits is called a profiteer. I happen to know that three hundred years ago some enterprising swoop racers got their hands on a revolutionary engine accelerator. And I thought, here's the Republic struggling to reclaim Taris because of bad conditions and poor transportation - and the solution's right here! All they need is someone to transform that accelerator into the kind of innovative high-efficiency transportation Sund Technologies is known for.MeteorHave you had any luck recovering it?Tarkos SundWell, there has been a little bit of a - minor - setback.Hero of TythonWas it the usefulness or the credits that occurred to you first?Tarkos SundMoney, pah. It's the thrill - can you imagine how fast a speeder would be with that accelerator attached? Problem is the old swoop tracks are crawling with beasts - beasts that nearly chewed my leg off. I'm not going to say I've overreached myself here, but I'm not really the fighting kind. I could use some help finding the accelerator.VoidhoundWill you pay?Tarkos SundOne up-front finder's fee. No royalties. A man's got to turn a profit somewhere. I'll throw in some genuine Sund tech if you like. Just head out to the old tracks and scan the old bikes. If you can clear out the beasts so we can salvage the accelerator when you're done, even better. |
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Tarkos SundThere are two things that would really make my day right about now - an Alderaanian brandy, or news that you found the accelerator and cleared the track. One or the other. I'm not picky.VoidhoundThe track's clear, and we found the accelerator.Tarkos SundYou did good work. I appreciate it. Sund Tech appreciates it. The Republic appreciates it. Here you go. Don't spend it all in one place - I hear there's a superfast speeder hitting the market in ten to twelve months. |
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BaileyThree... two....FerronDamn it! Shut it off! Shut it off! Everyone okay?BaileyJust a few burns. I'm- ah! I'm sorry, sir. We didn't get anything.Hero of TythonThat looked like a nasty shock. You should see a medic.BaileyYes, thank you. I'll do that, Master Jedi.MeteorBuck up, soldier. Just be glad you're still alive.BaileyI'm okay, sir. No need to worry about me.FerronWe're supposed to get the old city computer systems back online. My team's been soldering hardware for weeks.ImaniProblem is, some of the power systems are still operational. We keep hitting electrical surges, someone's going to get killed.FerronEngineering Team Gamma was supposed to find the generators and set them to emergency mode - but that ain't happening now.VoidhoundGamma can't do the job?ImaniNot without a lot bigger guns than we've been issued.MeteorDon't tell me - the friendly Taris wildlife is causing problems?ImaniThat's what they keep telling us.FerronYou want the Republic to stay on the planet, the reconstruction needs to move forward. Right now it's not. The generators are outside the safe zone. Area's crawling with rakghouls and prowlers. Until someone regulates the power, my team can't do a thing. I'm sure you've got your own problems - but if you can lend a hand, don't be shy. |
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FerronHow's it looking, Imani?ImaniPower readings are stable, sir. No reason we can't go in.FerronThe power generators are reset... and it's you we have to thank, am I right?Hero of TythonIt was the least we could do. Your team's taking a risk out here, too.FerronYou got my thanks, at any rate. We should get back to it. We lost time, and there's still a long way to go before systems integrity is restored.ImaniPleasure working with you, sir! |
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MeroptaIf you're here from Republic Command, don't worry, we got the message. It's too dangerous. And if you're from the union, same thing. None of my men are working as long as those tremor maws are in the lake.MeteorI don't know what a tremor maw is, but it doesn't sound good.MeroptaSwamp lizards the size of a speeder. We tried to build a pipeline to the lake. You try and get the colonists a little fresh water and what happens? Deaths, dismemberments and your project shut down. Some colonies and survey camps are running out of fresh water, so we were building a pipeline from the north lake down to them. But the machinery attracted tremor maws. One minute we're enjoying the scenery, and the next, screaming and death and the project shut down. We exploded a few demolition charges to scare the maws off, but it just makes them want to fight. Our blasts were more like bait.MeteorThe Republic outpost has soldiers. Can they spare a few to kill these things?MeroptaYou'd think, but they're the ones who told us to wait. They're exploring options. Flying water in, filters, moisture vaporators, it's nonsense. The pipeline's our only long-term bet. Everything else, colonists can't afford. They'll start deserting soon. No money, no colony. It's frustrating because the charges were already laid. You could flush out every tremor maw in that lake if you wanted. What I wouldn't give for someone to just shoot those lizards. It's not like we ever removed the bait.Hero of TythonThis colony won't fail on our watch. We'll let you put down that pipe safely.MeroptaThe demolition charges are in the lake. Set them to go and get way, way back. The blast will be big. Obviously, when you key them in to blow, don't walk - run out of the blast radius. That stuff is construction-grade detonite. Then get ready for the fight of your life. Maws can bite through a gripper crane, let alone humanoids like us. |
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MeroptaThe lake team said they heard you at work. Given the size of those blasts, I'm surprised we didn't down here. Any problems detonating those bombs?VoidhoundNo trouble. It's more fun than trying to defuse them.MeroptaI wouldn't know. Sounds like your life is a bit more exciting than mine. But there's good news. I told the Republic the swamp is clear, and they instantly gave the go. No more bureaucratic boondoggle. Now, we'll double-time it until the pipeline is done. Those colonists are going to feel a lot better when they can afford to shower. |
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BhoennAh, an intrepid explorer. Good to see there's still folks in the Republic who aren't scared away from our little colony.MyahhTh- they're coming! At the door - the door! We have to get out! Alert the base! Everyone needs to evacuate.MeteorIs the base under attack? What's going on?Barsen'thorWho are you?BhoennThat's Myahh, former first lieutenant of the Endar Rebirth, the first scout vessel sent here to evaluate the possibility of recolonization. Ship disappeared five years ago. Then three days ago, Myahh comes staggering out of one of the collapsed buildings outside the base. He lived out there, no weapons but what he made from salvage, holding his own against the rakghouls, all that time.Hero of TythonWhen pressed beyond endurance, a man can find great reserves within.BhoennThose boys know they're part of the battle to keep the Sith out of our galaxy. They're hard to keep down. Myahh swears there are other survivors trapped in those ruins, tormented by rakghouls. Upper brass, sitting on Ord Mantell, say it's too dangerous to send in a rescue unit, so those boys'll die to spare some others the risk of it.MeteorFive years... those soldiers should not be left to suffer another day.BhoennI was hoping you'd jump on the chance. I'd have been right there with you back when I had no stripes to wear.MeteorAre the brass right, or are they jumping at shadows?BhoennNo, they've got it right. We go in there, we'll lose three men for every one we save. Just beyond the base, thickest part of the city collapsed in on itself. Rakghouls everywhere, tunnels so tight there's nowhere to run. But I say, to deep space with logic! These good Republic boys deserve better! Up for a little adventure?VoidhoundWe'll do it. If it was me, I'd want to know the Republic would come after me.MyahhY- you'll help? They're in the ruins. The city... it's all collapsed. Y- you can't see the ghouls, just the yellow eyes... and the smell....BhoennAnyone you find, bring them here. We'll make sure they finish their days in comfort. |
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BhoennMedic! Don't worry. You're safe now. We'll give you something to help you sleep. You did good. Myahh says that's all that's left alive. If it wasn't for you, every one of those men would have turned rakghoul. I wish I could have been there!MeteorSmoking ghoul corpses left and right. Tell those scouts they've earned their retirement.BhoennAh, to be ten years younger....Hero of TythonDo you think those scouts will ever recover?BhoennNot like they used to be, but they'll get the best care we can give.Barsen'thorWe felt their anguish and sought them out in the thick of the rakghoul nests.BhoennWe're... lucky to have you. When those boys wake up, I'll tell them a real Jedi Master thought their lives were worth saving.Soon as those boys pass quarantine, we'll get them to a real hospital. Whatever they need, it's theirs on the Republic's tab. And I'll tell them it's all thanks to you. |
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SenaruPlease, kind friends. Please, a moment of your precious time is all I ask. I came here seeking help for my home. A small moon, so rich in life. Now it is all threatened. A chemical freighter crashed, spilled hrucium-5 on the surface. Already our wildlife is suffering, and the hrucium-5 is beginning to spread.Barsen'thorHrucium-5 is highly toxic. If it passes into the atmosphere, you could lose half the plant life on your world.SenaruSo you see, friend Jedi, my need is very great.VoidhoundSorry, We're not scientists.SenaruI understand. But your skills as a warrior are what I need. The flora and fauna of Taris is remarkable. I hoped that, by studying it, I could find a way to adapt our ecosystem artificially. But Taris is so dangerous. Scavengers, hunters... I cannot take the scans I need. Meanwhile, the toxicity back home grows ever greater. Soon it will be too late.Hero of TythonWe want to help out.SenaruI need readings on the local wildlife. For one like you, it will be no trouble, if you are careful. Here - my scanner. When you have the data, take it to Representative Lessah, at the Kanner Outpost. She promised to see it sent to my people. And please, hurry. |
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LessahIsn't that Senaru's scanner? Well, well. He got his data after all. I'll see it's sent to his people. This'll look great on my diplomatic resume. I might even get transferred somewhere civilized - I knew helping Senaru would pay off.VoidhoundThat's why you helped him? An entire world is in danger, and you're using it to advance your career?LessahWell, no, I... there's no reason not to find the positive in a bad situation!MeteorDiplomacy means supporting others in their misfortune, not taking advantage of it.LessahI'm not... taking advantage, I.... Here. This is the Republic's stipend for... compassionate environmental assistance. I... it's all yours. Thank you. |
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MackYou boys make me sick. Did you think Taris was beaches and pretty girls? Working on your tan? We came here to make credits! But the credits aren't here, are they? They're out there!VoidhoundWhat's the matter?MackThese lazy slugs call themselves "mercenaries," but they seem to have developed an allergic reaction to getting paid. We just gotta take a few scans at the sliding plate so the Republic knows it's safe to rebuild. How hard is that? But no, all the retired soldiers, security officers and bounty hunters in the Republic are no match for readouts on structural damage!Matthew HerralThat place is crawling with those rakghoul things - you saw what happened to Cal.MackYou're really gonna pass up the most lucrative opportunity of your careers on account of some oversized rats?MeteorWe'll take the mission.MackI knew you'd have the guts. But then again, it'd be hard to find another group as weak-kneed as this lot. If these boys can't grow up, they're in the wrong business. But I'm sick of waiting around. If the money on offer is any indication, the Republic needs this data badly, and I ain't leaving empty-handed. And don't let all this talk of rakghouls scare you. They're blaster fodder. |
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MackWell what do we have here? Back and with all your limbs? Not frothing at the mouth? Hey, you lazy slugs, pay attention while I hand your pay over to someone more deserving. You did good work. These scans'll be a big boost to the rebuilding effort, and I can finally get these boys back home to their mommas. |
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Devon RaceYou're a Jedi! It's- I didn't know anyone else was out here. I'm Devon Race. I've nearly finished my training and have permission from Master Silvarte to be on Taris - exploratory mission to the old Jedi Enclave.Barsen'thorYou look hurt.Devon RaceI'm a little scraped up, but I can keep going. I have a mission. Centuries back, the Jedi had an outpost on Taris. They left shortly before the world burned - I'm here to recover anything left behind. But between the fauna and the looters, I haven't had much luck. We were hoping for holocrons, diaries - Jedi history! In truth, we knew it was a long shot.Hero of TythonLet us join the search.Perhaps. I am a bit... overwhelmed, and we need to find everything we can to help build a future for the order. Master Silvarte warned me that any artifacts left behind would be hidden. Protected. Sealed in ferrocrete pillars or disguised as statues. Our tools are lightsabers and blasters. If you can cut away the outer layers, find anything from the enclave in these ruins... bring it to me. I'd be grateful. |
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Devon RaceGood to see you again. Incredible. You actually went through the ruins? Here it is - the history of the Jedi on Taris. Artifacts I don't even recognize. Exactly what we need to rebuild the order.Hero of TythonWonderful.Devon RaceYou don't know what this means. I'll get them back to the Masters unharmed, I swear. Thank you, my friend. Thank you. And may the Force be with you. |
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PlennidIf you know what's good for you, don't set foot outside this spaceport. It's practically a war zone. I'm Minister Plennid with the Republic's Diplomatic Corps. I was almost killed out there! The Kintan Kings gang controls this part of Nar Shaddaa. They're violent and well-armed Niktos who hate the Republic. The gang attacked me right out on the street, in full view of everyone. My bodyguards were dead before I knew what was happening.MeteorWhere can we find these killers?PlennidThey're still outside. But I have worse news. The murders aren't the worst of it. My bodyguards all carried Republic passcodes - and now the gangsters have them! With those passcodes, the Kintan Kings can slip right through our security. We'll be defenseless.MeteorDon't worry, we'll get those security passcodes back.PlennidI hope you and your friends scare the scales off those degenerates. When you get the passcodes, deliver them to Ambassador Averdon on the Promenade. |
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AverdonThis is a disaster, Bareesh. How can I deal with enemies who don't negotiate?Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillThe Kintan Kings only understand one language, Ambassador.MeteorMinister Plennid sent us. We have your stolen security passcodes.AverdonI couldn't believe our luck when he sent word you were coming. You have my gratitude. I'm Ambassador Averdon. This is Bareesh Fenn'ak Torill, one of the system's most prominent business leaders. Welcome.Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillI am honored to meet such brave defenders of the Republic. Make yourself comfortable. Any friend of the ambassador's is a friend of mine.Barsen'thorWe were starting to wonder if the Republic was all alone here.AverdonFar from it. Bareesh has been a great friend to the Republic in a dark time.MeteorBring us up to speed.AverdonI'm afraid we're at war with the underworld. My mission is to establish strong Republic ties on Nar Shaddaa. We need its technological assets to defend ourselves against the Empire. Nar Shaddaa's leaders sold us an entire sector to use as our base of operations. Unfortunately, it's overrun with Kintan King gangsters. The gang considers us invaders. They've turned our sector into a war zone. The Kintan Kings want us out of their territory - and they're winning. A Jedi who was helping us was found butchered in the open street. Those gangsters did horrible things to him.VoidhoundNar Shaddaa isn't known for its law-abiding citizens. No offense, Hutt.Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillNegative propaganda, I assure you. Most of our citizens are decent people.Hero of TythonYou're sure it was gangsters who killed the Jedi?AverdonYes and no. Reliable information is scarce.Barsen'thorThe Jedi Masters on Tython need to hear about this.AverdonI'm not authorized to contact Tython, but we have done some investigating.VoidhoundIt takes more than a few cheap thugs to kill a Jedi.AverdonThe Jedi was young, but very strong. We believe this gang is indeed unique. We also believe the gang's leader is more than a mere criminal. We're not certain, but there were strange cuts and markings on his body. Almost ritualistic. It's an inconceivable tragedy that such a strong young Jedi could die so easily.Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillWe hear rumors that the gang's leader is a Morgukai.AverdonMorgukai are a Nikto cult - Jedi hunters trained to resist the Force.Barsen'thorWe've been trained to deal with Sith, Ambassador.AverdonI assume the dead Jedi was, too. The gangsters' attack on Minister Plennid was a diversion. Their true goal was hijacking a Republic military freighter carrying cybernetic combat implants.Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillThe implants were my goodwill gesture to the Republic. They are finest-quality technology.AverdonWe don't need Kintan Kings with enhanced speed and strength. When you have the implants, take them to an arms merchant named Nurkolas. He secretly works for Bareesh.Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillNurkolas will provide a fortified base of operations for you. He has many things you will find useful. Now go - bring those Kintan King scum to their knees! Er, for the good of the Republic....AverdonThe hijackers flew the freighter to a "chop shop" to turn the ship into spare parts. They're unloading it as we speak. hatever you plan to do, do it quickly. |
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NurkolasWelcome to Nurkolas Arms. If it shoots, stabs, fries or detonates, I stock it. I see you've got Bareesh's combat implants. He'll be a happy Hutt. What are mercenary spacers like you doing for the Republic's top ambassador?MeteorWhen there's fighting to be done, it falls to people like us.NurkolasWe all have our burdens. I'm sure your friends understand what I mean. I'm more the neutral type, myself. But people like you keep people like me in business - and I really appreciate it. One thing's for sure, the Mountain won't be happy when he finds out what you did. That's what they call the Kintan Kings' leader, by the way- "the Mountain." Three guesses why.MeteorHe must be very tall.NurkolasWookiees are tall. The Mountain ducks when clouds pass overhead.VoidhoundGangsters like to sound tougher than they are.NurkolasIn this case, it's no exaggeration. Saw him once. Wish I hadn't. Just figured you'd want to know what you're up against. Only thing the Kintan Kings fear is the Mountain. He's everywhere, all the time.Hero of TythonPeople who rule by fear always have a vulnerable spot.NurkolasJust be careful that you don't trigger an avalanche when you hit the Mountain's weakness. All I know is, the Mountain has a reputation for staying on top of things. Take care you're not one of them. You just made the top of the Mountain's to-kill list. I'm concerned for your well-being.Say... since we're being so cordial and sharing, maybe we can discuss a little side business? Those combat implants are first-rate merchandise. We could score a sweet profit selling a few on the black market.Hero of TythonThat technology is a gift from Bareesh to the Republic.NurkolasI'm not saying we take them all. Besides, Bareesh has other gifts.VoidhoundDo you make a habit of cheating your employer?NurkolasOf course not - that would get me killed. I only profit when opportunity knocks. Fifty-fifty split of the profits, with your share paid in advance, 'cause I'm a generous guy. I'll tell Bareesh the Kintan Kings used some combat implants before you raided them. He'll believe me, long as you don't disagree. What Bareesh doesn't know won't hurt him - and it'll make us richer. Sound good?Barsen'thorI'm not making any deals with you.NurkolasTake it easy. I was only kidding. Hey look - Bareesh is on the holo.... |
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NurkolasWe got back all those combat implants, boss.Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillWonderful news. Please leave us, Nurkolas. |
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YedduThis sector used to be a good place to live. Quiet. Clean. Safe. My family has lived here for too many generations. Then the swoop gangs took over. They terrorize the shopkeepers. Attack innocent civilians on the streets. Destroy our homes. And they slaughter anyone brave enough to stand up to them, leaving him bleeding in the gutter while they roar off on their swoop bikes.Barsen'thorThey killed someone you cared about, didn't they?YedduMy brother. We ran a little shop together. The swoop gangs demanded we give them protection money. My brother refused to pay the swoop gangs off. He said, "Yeddu, we must take a stand!" They killed him for his defiance. I swore I would avenge him.Barsen'thorYou're not thinking clearly. You seek closure in your brother's death, but throwing your life away is not the answer.YedduYou don't have to worry. I have a plan, but I'm too much of a coward to act on it. I bought some EMP immobilizers from the black market. The blast will fry the circuits of any swoop bike caught in the explosion. The swoops are parked in the streets near the gang's base. But I'm too afraid to go there and plant the immobilizers. What if they see me?Hero of TythonLeave this to us.YedduYou would consider helping me with this? A stranger? I... I don't know what to say. Thank you. Take these EMP immobilizers. Place them near the gang's swoop bikes. When you set them off, the blast will fry all the circuits. We'll see how tough those gangs are when they can't just fly away on their precious swoops! Be careful. With or without the immobilizers, the gang will not be happy to see you. I'll wait here. Come back and see me when you're done. |
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VoidhoundThat swoop gang won't be causing any more trouble.YedduI heard what happened - news travels quickly in this sector. They attacked you, but you fought them off! You have avenged my brother and freed us from the tyranny of the swoop gangs! The residents of this sector will have a better future because of you. |
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Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillYour attack on those gangster scum reaped unexpected benefits. They revealed a new den of evil to us! We intercepted a holomessage ordering the Kintan Kings to protect their slave market. They're selling kidnapped Republic citizens!Barsen'thorThese criminals are truly depraved.AverdonIt's much worse than you think, Master Jedi.VoidhoundIs the news reliable?AverdonOur people have been disappearing for weeks. I thought they were being murdered, but now we know better. Some of the kidnapping victims are Force-sensitive children who were passing through here on their way to the Jedi. I shudder to think what those criminal scum have in mind for the children.Hero of TythonNothing good, I'm sure.AverdonThe Sith Empire is always looking for new children to train on Korriban. Bareesh believes the gang's slave market is in the ruins of an old casino.Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillIt used to be a very fine establishment. The Kintan Kings do not deserve such splendor!Barsen'thorYour priorities are suspect.Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillWhat have I said to earn your mistrust? I'm deeply concerned for the children.AverdonThere's no need to discuss this further. Please hurry - free our people before it's too late. |
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The Mountain BrothersYou anger the Mountain, Republic scum. You provoke a fury you will not survive. When the Mountain rages, the ground shakes and the skies turn black!VoidhoundAny man who talks about himself in the third person is clearly an idiot.The Mountain BrothersYou don't understand the Mountain, stupid spacer - but you will. Come to these coordinates. If you do not, thousands will die.MeteorThat's an empty threat.The Mountain BrothersYou gamble with innocent lives. The Kintan Kings have hidden explosives all over your Republic spaceport - but the detonator is here. Come and face the Mountain, or scores of your people will perish in smoke and flame.MeteorYou just signed your own death mark, you cowardly pile of filth.The Mountain BrothersThe Mountain will see you in hell, Republic scum. |
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Jatta KuumFinally! Someone who might be able to make a difference. My name's Jatta Kuum - I'm with the Strategic Information Service. You've heard about the various separatist movements, yes? Discontents trying to break away from the Republic? Lately, it's gotten serious. Dozens of possible mini-wars within the Republic.The separatists are growing and becoming more violent every day. Most of their funding comes from right here. A local crime lord - Kata the Hutt. He funnels the credits he makes from illegal pit fighting to Ord Mantell and other hot spots. The separatists use it to plan their next atrocity.MeteorWhy don't you just lock him up?Jatta KuumWith his kind of money, he'd be out in hours. We want something more... permanent.VoidhoundSo what's the plan?Jatta KuumWe take out his pit fighting business, he won't be able to fund the separatists anymore. I tried once before, but things got too hot. Now I'm being watched. That's why I need you. All Kata's important files - contacts, money, everything - are in a vault where he holds the fights. Destroy the vault, destroy the business. It won't be easy. Guards, pit fighters, scum of the galaxy. Those guys won't fight fair. Get in there, place this mine and stand back to watch peace break out all over the galaxy. |
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Jatta KuumThe drones I had watching the warehouse picked up the explosion. You succeeded. You put Kata out of business. That's the important thing. I only wish the same could be said about the separatists. But we've put their operations back by at least a year. I'll use that time to infiltrate their operations, take them down from the inside. Thanks again. |
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The Mountain BrothersYou survived the gauntlet, Republic vermin, but now you can see.... There is no escaping the Mountain. Alone, we are deadly. Together, we are death incarnate. Five brothers. Morgukai Jedi-hunters. Kings of the underworld. Your doom.VoidhoundWhy didn't someone tell me the Mountain is five ugly freaks?The Mountain BrothersShadows and mist surround the Mountain. They part only for those about to die. The Mountain fights as one. You will die here, and for what? You throw your life away for nothing. The Republic-loving Hutt has used you. Bareesh was leader of the Kintan Kings until the Mountain drove him out. You and that ignorant ambassador are his pathetic instruments of revenge - and you have failed.Barsen'thorBareesh will answer for his lies, and you will answer for your crimes.The Mountain BrothersYour Force is powerless against us, Jedi. Your death will be slow and painful. When this is over, the Mountain will string your entrails across the whole sector. Brothers! We fight as one! |
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Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillExcellent work, my dauntless friends! I will ensure all the Mountain's explosives are recovered from your spaceport and dismantled. I am aware of what those Nikto filth revealed to you. They never found all my surveillance devices after they drove me out. So... you know I was once leader of the Kintan Kings. What will you do with this knowledge?MeteorThe Republic does not form alliances with gangsters, Bareesh. This information must be revealed to Ambassador Averdon.Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillDo not be so hasty to shatter the young diplomat's illusions. What if I were no longer a gangster? I am no traitor to the Republic's cause, I assure you. Damaging my reputation is not in the Republic's best interests.When I lost control of the Kintan Kings and came to the Promenade, I discovered the greatest profits come from legitimate enterprises. I am done with crime. Let me aid the Republic's cause. Your people make excellent business partners - much better than the Empire.Hero of TythonYou're still only motivated by greed, Bareesh.Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillNot completely! There's something satisfying about legitimacy. Do you know how much overhead it takes to run a criminal empire? It's ludicrous.Barsen'thorWhy should we believe you?Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillWithout my help, the Republic's mission will fail. Do you want Nar Shaddaa in the Empire's hands? If Ambassador Averdon learns of my past indiscretions, I fear it will doom our flourishing alliance.MeteorYou can't buy your way to respectability. You have to earn it.Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillBlast you! Have you no sense of the greater good? If the truth must come out, I will be the one to reveal it. Ambassador Averdon and I will see you on the Promenade. |
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AverdonThe Kintan Kings are retreating, thanks to you. The Republic's citizens are finally safe. I should be happier, but Bareesh just told me some distressing news.Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillI revealed my shameful past. Are you pleased with yourself? I should kill you for humiliating me! Er... but I am reformed, so I will not.VoidhoundI'm sure you still have plenty of skeletons in your cargo locker.Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillYou speak nonsense while an important alliance hangs by a thread.AverdonNar Shaddaa is critical to the Republic's future, and allies are in short supply. I'll work with you, Bareesh - but I'll keep a close eye on your activities.Bareesh Fenn'ak TorillWonderful! I will never disappoint you.AverdonThank you for everything you did - especially revealing the truth. I hope my decision to trust Bareesh hasn't upset you. The truth is, I still need your help. As you're among the few people I can trust here, would you take on another matter? A local man named Ilox has requested Republic assistance in the Red Light Sector. If you find yourself there, please speak to him. You and I have much to discuss, Bareesh. Farewell, my friends. |
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From: Ambassador AverdonSubject: The Republic's relations with BareeshI must thank you again for safeguarding the Republic's interests on Nar Shaddaa from the Kintan Kings gang. I requested additional security forces to the Nikto Sector and am confident we will establish a peaceful base of operations there.Regarding your discovery of Bareesh's criminal past, the Republic has decided to limit its interactions with him until we are more confident he can be trusted. Nar Shaddaa is dangerous enough without "friends" like him. We will see how sincere Bareesh truly is about aiding the Republic. In the meantime, we will be more vigilant about our alliances. |
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IloxThe name's Ilox. I'm a freelance private investigator. We need to talk. Looks like you've got the tools and talent to handle big problems. Maybe you can help. Someone from the Republic needs to know what I've stumbled onto, in case I get "disappeared.MeteorI don't understand. Are you in some kind of danger?IloxAlmost always - but this is different. There's bad business going down at Club Ufora. Saw some Republic fleet officers go in, but they never came out. I decided to snoop around. Made it to one of the back rooms. It was full of slave cages.MeteorWho hired you to follow around those Republic fleet officers?IloxNobody. I'm just returning a favor. Republic soldiers rescued me from the Empire when I was a kid. Saved my life. I keep tabs on any Republic military that come here on shore leave. Make sure they don't get in trouble.Hero of TythonThe Republic is lucky to have a friend like you.IloxWish I could do more, but this is out of my league. Club Ufora has major security - way above normal. The guards are boosted with combat adrenals and cybernetic implants. Whatever's happening, it's worth killing to keep secret. Somebody needs to rescue those officers.MeteorNobody puts my people in a cage and gets away with it.IloxGood luck, soldier. I'm betting you can handle those thugs. Besides, you'll have the element of surprise. I've done all I can. The rest is up to you.Hero of TythonYou did the right thing, Ilox. We'll handle this.IloxMay the Force be with you. Heh... always wanted to say that. |
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RaleThank you. I'm Lieutenant Rale of the cruiser Coruscani Flame. Not sure how you people found me - just glad you did. You busting in here is the highlight of my life. Blast, I can barely see straight. They pumped me full of... something. Makes my face numb.MeteorWho's "they"?RaleNever heard any names. Most of these people don't even speak Basic.Hero of TythonTell us what happened to the other officers.RaleI'm the only one left. Don't know what happened to the rest.VoidhoundIsn't that what you came for?RaleWe never asked for this. We just wanted to have some fun. Look, I'm from Dantooine. They don't have places like this back home. These cute little dancers brought me and my shipmates here to blow off steam. Next thing we knew, the dancers were gone. Guards beat us half to death. Threw us in these cages like animals!Barsen'thorDid they ever say what they wanted with you?RaleI'm not sure, but I think these people work for someone else.Hero of TythonCalm down - it's over.RaleI'm rescued, but what about the others? They smuggled us out one by one in waste containers. Nobody came back except for a gunnery ensign. He was... different. Didn't even recognize me. There was something seriously wrong with that ensign. Wherever they took him, something terrible happened.MeteorWe're going to find out what.RaleI think I might know where to start. I heard the guards mention the quarantine zone. I think that's where they took the others. Please, you have to save them. Thanks for busting me out. I owe you one. Be careful. The quarantine zone is toxic. If bad guys can survive there, they must be pretty tough.MeteorQuarantine zone? What's that?RaleThe quarantine zone's an old industrial district, a toxic dump. Great place for bad guys to hide. |
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RarkgahA word please? Only take a minute. Traveling in a group is a good idea, but I'm still required to give you a warning: Don't leave the tourist area. It's too dangerous.VoidhoundProblems in the district?RarkgahMy superior says I have to warn everyone. So I'm warning you. Gang war is heating up: Officially everything past the security droids is off limits. It's the Bleeders again. Used to just drag tourists off and harvest a body part or two. Now they're rich, armed and getting ambitious. Bleeders have declared war on all the red light gangs and any outsiders. Cartel's official stance is "just let them fight it out." If the Bleeders win, they'll want more and more.MeteorIt'll only get worse that way.RarkgahAnd you're already smarter than anyone in my chain of command. I don't want to just stand here and watch my district burn, no matter what the cartel says. I've got a pile of credits and equipment donated from the local merchants for anyone who wades in there and teaches those Bleeders a lesson in humility. Just saying... |
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RarkgahBleeders have already contacted the cartel. They want me to negotiate a peace with the other gangs. Apparently the Bleeders are under the impression one of the other gangs brought in offworlders who can take down a dozen men at will. On an unrelated note, I have a token of affection here from the local merchants' association... |
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REPUBLIC EMBASSY SECURITY SERVICECITIZEN TRAVEL ADVISORYTo all Republic citizens in the Red Light Sector: Be advised the Gauntlet criminal gang has set up a death duel tournament in the back alleys. Poor refugees are running the gang's ordeal for credit rewards. The Gauntlet is broadcasting holos of these fights. No refugee has survived to collect a prize.The Hutt Cartel refuses to intervene in this despicable "entertainment." All tourists should avoid the area, but trained Republic agents are encouraged to end the Gauntlet's activities by destroying its holorecording equipment and driving off the gangsters. |
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MalahanYou know the names of your masters: Glitterstim and giggledust, magnetar and whiff. And I know them, too... I've walked that road you walk. Yet here I stand, spice-free. I was addicted to ryll for twenty-one years. Only managed to kick it when my connection dried up. That's why, for the sake of these other fiends here, someone's got to cut off the supply.VoidhoundIt sounds like a good idea, but you hardly look up to it.MalahanScars of a wild life, you know? I was hoping you could help. If you're new to town, you'd be hard to track. If you want to clean up this town, you've got to destroy the distribution network. And that's not far from here. There's ryll labs up and down these blocks, serving thousands of addicts. Take them out, and those addicts will be forced clean by pure lack of supply. Can you imagine making that difference?MeteorI've always hated the spice trade. We're in.MalahanYes, sir. Time to get it done. Here, I'll show you where the ryll labs are. They're like the hearts of the operation. Or lungs or something you've got a few of. Take them down and the dealers run out of product. It's all downstream from there. |
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MalahanWhat you did is being felt all over. I saw a line of addicts going north and another going east trying to find new suppliers. But the ones they found were swamped. Nearly everyone's been turned away.Barsen'thorHow badly will they suffer?MalahanI've been through it. It's ice in your veins. Cramps, too, a lot of throwing up. But that pain's like pulling out a hook, you know? Once it's out....Hero of TythonThen it's working well.MalahanYeah, it's rough, though. Some of them are lashing out. I'll try to calm them. Not easy, of course. You can't just walk up and say, "Get clean." It's why we had to do it this way. What you did here, it's gonna change some lives. Carry that with you. |
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CharnagusGood evening. Doctor Charnagus, at your service. My, what a powerful collection of individuals you are. Impressive. I've never had the pleasure of meeting a Jedi in person. Well, not one who was still alive. I assume you've come to liberate your brothers in arms. That seems only fair. This seems an opportune moment to reveal that I am not Imperial. I merely work - ahem, worked - for them.Hero of TythonWe'll withhold judgment until you reveal your purpose here.CharnagusA reasonable request I'll happily fulfill.MeteorIn my book, working for Imperials is the same as being one.CharnagusI sympathize with your perspective, and I dearly wish to change it. Perhaps I can change your mind with a goodwill gesture? Give me moment, and I'll revive the good Captain Trezin. I'm sure he's eager to speak with you. |
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TrezinWhat... what's going on?CharnagusYou've been rescued. Isn't that wonderful?TrezinWhoever you people are, thank you. Thought I was as dead as my crew.MeteorWe freed Lieutenant Rale from Club Ufora. He sent me.TrezinGlad he made it. What happened here was beyond horrifying. It was gruesome. I can't bear to think about it. What they did here... it's inhuman. This lunatic doctor has been tearing our bodies apart - grafting pieces onto Imperial spies so they look like us!CharnagusA combination of surgery and genetic splicing. Amazing procedure. I'm the first to successfully perform it. It's not nearly as awful as you might think. The subjects feel no pain.Hero of TythonWhy did the Empire have you perform this "procedure" on our people?CharnagusIt was all part of a rather ingenious plan. The Empire was secretly replacing Republic fleet officers with its own agents. Men enjoying their shore leave made perfect targets. The Imperials wanted saboteurs throughout the Republic's warships. They planned to destroy the vessels from within.VoidhoundThose saboteurs are loose. From what Lieutenant Rale said, you've already replaced some of our people.CharnagusYes, but they'll remain "sleepers" until they receive a signal to act. There's still plenty of time to apprehend them. The facility's commander was quite forthcoming, at least with me.TrezinYou deserve to die, monster.CharnagusLet's not be hasty. I'll gladly offer my expertise to the Republic. Think of all you could do.TrezinTo infiltrate the Empire? I... I guess I'd go along with using this filth.VoidhoundThe only thing we should do with this horrible man is lock him away.TrezinYou're right, of course. I'm- I'm not thinking too clearly right now.CharnagusOh, dear. You people are passing up a golden opportunity.TrezinI'll escort this sicko to my superiors for punishment. Thanks for all your help.MeteorIf you need someone to say "fire" at his execution, call me.TrezinWill do, sir.Barsen'thorI'm glad you stayed true to the Republic's ideals.TrezinIt's what my men would've wanted. Goodbye, Master Jedi. |
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IloxHeard there was quite a rumble in the quarantine zone. Guessing that was you.MeteorThe Imperials were behind the abductions at Club Ufora. We took out their base.IloxKnew this whole deal was over my head, but I didn't know it was that high. I'll be sure to steer Republic people away from Club Ufora from now on. Take care. If you get a chance, an old friend in the industrial zone could use someone like you. His name's Ganuk. |
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GanukFinally, humans not wearing the Imperial uniform. Don't see much else when the Empire's working us to death. I'm Ganuk. Foreman's my official post, but most of my time's spent organizing the resistance. First the Hutts, now the Empire, you know?Hero of TythonA Jedi's never too busy to aid a friend of the Republic.MeteorIf you're fighting the Empire, Havoc Squad can probably help.GanukWe need help now more than ever. There's a chemical plant nearby. Sources say the Empire's designing toxins to kill specific sentient species. I sent an agent to dig up intel, find out what they're planning - but she's gone missing. The plant is crawling with Imperial guards, so infiltration's not an option. I need an assault on the plant, head-on. We need to get into their mainframe, see what the Empire's plotting. I can barely walk after a lifetime serving the Empire. If you're out, I don't know what we'll do.VoidhoundThe Empire can't keep any secrets from us. We'll do it.GanukTheir defenses are strong, even for you. Find the plant's mainframe. Plug this data scanner in, and I'll get remote access. We'll find out who exactly the Empire's planning to murder with their chemicals. |
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Clan Sharratt issues a challenge to the Republic's so-called champions. If you're warrior enough to face the greatest Mandalorian clan on Nar Shaddaa, come to our coordinates. We promise a warm welcome, but only if you come quickly. We have just sipped upon the finest combat stims on Nar Shaddaa, and we're feeling especially good right now. We want a worthy challenge. If you won't come to us, we'll just have to start torching Republic buildings until we find something better to amuse us.-- Kassor Quade, Clan Sharratt Chieftain |
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DamroschHaha. Your reputation proceeds you. Not so many scruples as the rest of these Republic tourists.... Perhaps for once, we can be on the same side...? When the Empire abducts men off the streets for their experiments, it offends us all, no?VoidhoundSince when have Hutts cared about the well-being of people on their worlds?DamroschI said we have a mutual interest in stopping the Empire from profiting off them. Not that I'm shedding big weepy tears for their suffering. Our research shows Betterlife Pharmaceuticals is a front company for an Imperial research group. They've been kidnapping people to experiment on them. I'm guessing you'll want them to have freedom, happiness, all the synthfood they can eat.... We just want our share of the profits.Voidhound"Share..." That's an interesting word... just how much are you willing to share?DamroschI can pay for your services.MeteorYou're disgusting.DamroschThe whole galaxy says that about Hutts. It stops no one from working with us. All I need is evidence. If the Imperials are cheating us, I assure you we'll shut down their lab and return the victims to their miserable little lives. If you can get inside the front company, you should be able to secure an access code to break into their system. Small work for a group like you. Once you get an access code off of one of their scientists, you'll need to use the information terminal in the lab. It will provide instructions on how to send a complete memory dump straight to this datapad. Best of luck. |
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DamroschThe evidence you collected makes it clear the Imperials deliberately violated the terms of their agreement with us. Destroy their main laboratory and we all benefit.Barsen'thorWe should know better than to listen to a Hutt, but your case is sound. The lab should be eliminated.DamroschDon't worry, Master Jedi. You can do this with a clean conscience. The lab location is right here.MeteorThat lab is a legitimate military target. You've got nothing to do with it.VoidhoundThe Imperials must have paid you guys good credits to keep quiet about this one....DamroschYou say keelpuna, I say keepunah. As far as I'm concerned, anything moving inside is a target. Anything nailed down, shoot that too. Then let me know when it's done, so I can send our former partners a message... |
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MeteorThe Imperials won't be manufacturing any more bioweapons in that lab.DamroschWhat an astonishing coincidence. We were just about to revoke their lease... Now if you'll excuse me, it's probably best if we're not seen together. Wouldn't want anyone thinking you're on a Hutt's payroll, haha. |
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GanukI've got access. Excellent! I'll have this security down in no time. Take a minute to rest. Must've been tough fighting through their defenses. Just another second and- there! I'm in. Here we are. Everything about the toxins, what the Empire's doing with them and.... These chemicals - the Empire's using them to kill every Evocii on Nar Shaddaa. Probably a favor to the Hutts....Hero of TythonThey must be stopped! Whoever's behind this, we'll make 'em pay!GanukWe've got to act fast. No telling how many Evocii they've killed already. Looks like these chemicals are used at some kind of extermination factory run by a Commander Vergost. I need you to storm that factory and shut it down! Now!MeteorWe'll strike them immediately. The Empire won't have time to react.GanukThank you. You'll have thanks from the entire Evocii community. Get inside the extermination factory, then find some way to shut it down. |
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Kalda BissNice moves. Thought I was gonna be sick if those Imperials touched me one more time. I'm Kalda Biss. Republic agent. Ganuk send you?MeteorWe took down the chemical plant for him. You're the one he sent into the chemical plant?Kalda BissThat's right. Didn't think he'd find a replacement so fast. Vergost, the commander here, he's a real monster. Once you hit the chemical plant, he stepped up the slaughter. Now Vergost's holed up in his command post, killing Evocii as part of his genocide program. You've got to take him down!Barsen'thorHe'll answer for every alien life he's taken.Kalda BissI wish that were possible. Find him quick. I'll get us Republic backup. One more note: The commander has some guests, Imperial bigwigs who enjoy torturing aliens. They're prime targets, haven't been this vulnerable in years. If you see 'em, put a blaster bolt between their eyes. Now hurry! Stop Vergost, and his genocide program's toast! |
Dialog transcript |
VergostMy work's nearly complete. You can't stop me. No one can! My Evocii friends will have to be patient while I destroy you.MeteorYou're finished, Vergost. Surrender while you can.VergostMy progress can't be slowed. How do I explain this to a Republic lackey?Barsen'thorHow can you kill thousands of Evocii?VergostI'll show you the death machine blueprints, if you're interested. Aliens are weak and impure, a blight on the galaxy. I'm carrying out the Emperor's will and gaining key alliances. This is only the beginning. |
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VergostThe Empire's invested decades into this operation. It doesn't end here!Kalda BissShut up, Vergost! You're finished. What are you waiting for? Kill the monster!VergostWait! I- I know everything about the Empire's other extermination factories. You can't afford to lose me!Kalda BissHe's bluffing. Kill him!VergostDon't be fools! Kill me and you've accomplished nothing. Kill me, and you'll never find out the truth.MeteorEnjoy Republic custody. You'll spend the rest of your life there.Kalda BissI hope you're right about this.VergostLeave the decisions to your superiors, girl.Kalda BissI'll look forward to your interrogation. That felt good. Great job taking him down.On my way here, I saw the bodies of those Imperial captains. Nice work.MeteorWe couldn't let them escape in the chaos.GanukThe Republic troops just contacted me. You've taken the factory, and Kalda- where is she?Kalda BissLook no further, chief. Your friends sprung me. And captured Commander Vergost. If you ask me, he'd be better off dead.Barsen'thorWe came here to resolve the situation, not engage in senseless slaying.GanukTrue, Master Jedi. He's worth more to us alive anyway. Whatever this commander knows, we'll find out.Hero of TythonHow will you proceed?Kalda BissWe'll comb over the factory, see what Imperial dirt we can dig up.GanukI've got to take off. The factory's survivors are coming in now, and they need my help. The Evocii are in your debt. You've given us the strength to keep fighting for our home.Kalda BissGanuk's right. You should be proud. Now go on... I'll take over from here.RTR1We could use your help in Shadow Town. If you're interested, look up Zan Loren. He's with the SIS. |
Kira Carsen was a female human who served the Jedi Order
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Tags (2) |
Tags (7)Jedi Order | Sith Inquisitor | Jedi Padawan | Sith Lightsaber | Ferav | Sith Inquisitor Armor A01.1 | Sith Order |
Tags (5)Hero of Tython | Jedi Padawan | T7-O1 | T7-series Astromech Droid | Jedi Knight |
Tags (10)Tython | Jedi Council | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Tol Braga | Jaric Kaedan | Orgus Din | Bela Kiwiiks | Togruta | Jedi Padawan |
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Tags (7)Tython | Jedi Padawan | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Bela Kiwiiks | Togruta | Jedi Council |
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Tags (7)Tython | Jedi Padawan | Bela Kiwiiks | Togruta | Flesh Raider | Jedi Master | Jedi Order |
Tags (5)Coruscant | Jedi Padawan | Galen | Strategic Information Service (SIS) | Eli Tarnis |
Tags (4)Coruscant | Galen | Strategic Information Service (SIS) | Jedi Padawan |
Tags (5)Coruscant | Hero of Tython's Followers | Jedi Padawan | T7-O1 | T7-series Astromech Droid |
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Tags (7)Coruscant | Jedi Padawan | T7-O1 | T7-series Astromech Droid | Hero of Tython's Followers | Hero of Tython | Jedi Knight |
Tags (5)Coruscant | Jedi Padawan | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) | Black Sun | Zeer |
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Tags (8)Coruscant | Hero of Tython's Followers | Jedi Padawan | Hero of Tython | T7-O1 | T7-series Astromech Droid | Zeer | Black Sun |
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Tags (9)Coruscant | Republic Army | Var Suthra | Mon Calamari | Jedi Order | General | Jedi Padawan | H2 Heavy Blaster | Republic Officer Uniform A02.2 |
Tags (4)Coruscant | Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan | L1 Jedi Dual Lightsaber |
Tags (6)Coruscant | Republic Operatives | Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan | ORM-A01 Probe Droid | L1 Jedi Dual Lightsaber |
Tags (10)Coruscant | Hero of Tython | Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan | L2 Lightsaber | Eli Tarnis | Sith Lord | Sith Order | Sith Inquisitor Armor A02.1 | Jedi Knight |
Tags (13)Coruscant | Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan | Hero of Tython | Hero of Tython's Followers | Sith Order | Sith Lord | Nefarid | Sadic | Darth Angral | Praven | Sith | Jedi Knight |
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Tags (5)Taris | Rakghoul | Jedi Padawan | Jedi Order | Republic Operatives |
Tags (7)Taris | Jedi Padawan | Jedi Order | Skull Eater | Rakghoul | L1 Jedi Dual Lightsaber | Republic Operatives |
Tags (9)Taris | Hero of Tython's Followers | Jedi Padawan | Jedi Order | L1 Jedi Dual Lightsaber | SREC-A01 Assassin Droid | L7 Rifle | Watcher One | Watcher |
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Tags (3) |
Tags (7)Taris | Republic Operatives | Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan | Death's Claw | Death's Claw Armor A19.3 | L4 Blaster |
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Tags (6)Taris | Republic Operatives | Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan | L1 Jedi Dual Lightsaber | Rakghoul |
Tags (7)Taris | Republic Operatives | Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan | L1 Jedi Dual Lightsaber | Nekghoul | L4 Electroblade |
Tags (7)Taris | Nekghoul | L4 Electroblade | L1 Jedi Dual Lightsaber | Republic Operatives | Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan |
Tags (6)Taris | Jedi Padawan | Jedi Order | Republic Operatives | L1 Jedi Dual Lightsaber | Scyk |
Tags (6)Taris | Jedi Padawan | Jedi Order | Republic Operatives | L1 Jedi Dual Lightsaber | Scyk |
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Tags (9)Taris | Strom | Bardo | Leontyne Saresh | Twi'lek | Taris Resettlement Authority | Republic Operatives | Governor | Jedi Order |
Full unit name: Carsen, Kira Last updated: 12.02.2025 0:37:08