"You worthless criminal vermin. How dare you invade my fortress and murder my courageous brothers-in-arms?"- Dareg to Voidhound and Corso RiggsDareg was one of the leaders of the Mantellian Separatist Movement
and the head of the Separatist stronghold inside Mount Avilatan.A Human male who lived during period of the Cold War, Dareg's family inhereited a droid at some point. The droid contained records of credits legally owed to House Teraan, a Royal family on Alderaan
because of the corruption and what he felt was the oppression of the people of Ord Mantell. He joined the Separatists and would become a prominent leader of the Movement.During the Separatist War
Dareg would command a legion of troops in a Separatist stronghold established in the heart of Mount Avilatan. At one time Dareg scheduled a meeting with Skavak
, who had only been with Dareg a few months, as he considered the droid ancient and worthless. By the time the smuggler infiltrated the Separatist base and confronted
Dareg and his men Skavak was already gone. Dareg attacked the smuggler in retaliation but was killed instead, leaving Morant alive to tell where Skavak was instead.A muscular dark-skinned human with brown hair and eyes, Dareg held a fanatical view of the Separatist Movement, considering his members courageous "brothers in arms" and "executioners of justice" for the people of Ord Mantell that he felt were oppressed by their corrupt planetary government. Viidu
, on the other hand, considered him a psychopath.Dareg wasn't willing to negotiate with Voidhound for the location of Skavak because of the members killed, while Morant felt would have been avoided if he just told the truth about Skavak's betrayal.Dareg despised alien species.