Havoc Squad (43)Full unit name: Havoc Squad
Last updated: 12.02.2025 0:37:08
Navigation (6)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic : Hope (Game Trailer)
Known Facts (401)
The Cold War (2) »
Mission to Ando Prime (1) »
Hit the Ground Running (2) »
The Spy (9) »
The Ambush (2) »
Mannett Point (6) »
Oradam Village (2) »
The Separatists' Stronghold (16) »
The Coruscant Assignment (2) »
Esseles incident (2) »
Dark Tidings (2) »
Raid on Emperor's Glory (2) »
Crisis in Galactic City (2) »
Bringing Down the Hammer (Republic) (2) »
Bringing Down the Hammer (2) »
Destroying the War Droids (13) »
Republic's Most Wanted (2) »
The Senator's Stolen Goods (2) »
For Better or Worse (2) »
Cantina Contusions (2) »
Peace is a Lie (2) »
The Politics of Dissent (2) »
Rebuilding Coruscant (2) »
Hydrosupply Leak (2) »
Follow the Money (2) »
The Black Sun's Poison (4) »
The Freightskippers (2) »
The Face Merchants (2) »
The Pickup (2) »
Boom (2) »
Partial Eclipse (2) »
Secret Passages (2) »
The Senate Inquiry (3) »
More Old Friends (7) »
Ugnaught Saboteurs (2) »
White Noise (2) »
Justicar Injustice (2) »
Trouble in Deed (2) »
A Diverting Assignment (2) »
Killed in Custody (2) »
Assault on the Works (6) »
Power Outage (2) »
Planetary Checkup (2) »
Meltdown (2) »
Core Dump (2) »
Enemy Droid-Machines (2) »
Enemies of the Republic (2) »
Core Complications (2) »
Insult to Injury (2) »
Public Relations (10) »
Recruitment into Coruscant Aegis (2) »
Operation Midnight Freedom (2) »
Makem Te Assault (2) »
Assault on Balosar Outpost (2) »
Reconstruction Efforts (2) »
Welcome Party (3) »
Lost and Found (3) »
Fall of the Locust (2) »
Reclaiming What's Ours (2) »
Prized Possessions (2) »
Beyond Redemption (2) »
Fallenspire Stronghold (9) »
  • Aric Jorgan used Republic Sniper Rifle (as member of Republic Operatives)
  • Aric Jorgan wore Havoc Squad Armor (as member of Republic Operatives)
  • Killed a number of Scavenger Ambushers
  • Killed a Kintan Strider
  • Rescued Tane
  • Rescued 17 members of patrol teams 3, 5 and 8
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Whoa! Who are you? You took that thing down easy!
    Commanding officer, Havoc Squad.
    You're kidding. They actually sent Havoc Squad after us!
    Report, soldier.
    We're pretty banged up, sir, but we'll live. We were running our patrol route when these damned scavengers jumped us. I'm Ensign Tane, sir. It's a good thing you found us - the scavengers were going to ship us off to some guy named "Needles" as soon as we healed up.
    Aric Jorgan
    Needles? As in Ryler Dorant, the Havoc Squad medic?
    I really don't know. "Needles" is all they ever called the guy. I figure it must be a code name, right?
    "Needles" is a code name.
    Guess you've heard of him, then. The scavengers also said-
  • Tane
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Elara Dorne
    Here they are! Cav, Goran - cover the exit. Vise, Marko, Tabber - see to these men's wounds.
  • Goran, Tabber, Cav, Marko, Vise, Elara Dorne, Tane
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Oh, great. Sergeant Dorne's here to make sure we got stomped according to regulation.
    Elara Dorne
    Report, Ensign. Did you learn anything about the enemy?
    Uh, yes, sir, Sergeant, sir. As I was just telling the lieutenant here, we were captured for some guy named Needles. And get this: There are Imperials here, on Taris! They're working with this Needles guy in a hidden base out in the swamps.
    Sounds like you overheard quite a bit.
    Yes, sir, Lieutenant. The scavengers were pretty sloppy about talking in front of us. So, are you excited, Dorne? You'll finally have the chance to correct your old buddies' paperwork again!
    This is no time for jokes, Ensign. Speak plainly.
    Uh, yes, sir, Lieutenant. Sorry, sir.
    Elara Dorne
    Many of the local troops feel that my adherence to regulations is a result of my upbringing, Lieutenant. I was born Imperial. However, after two years' service in the Imperial military, I defected. Given my extensive knowledge and training, I was awarded this position under Service Code 37-R.
    What made you change sides?
    Elara Dorne
    The Imperials regularly violated their own stated regulations and intentions, without cause. I refused to participate.
    I'm not happy that you hid this from me, Sergeant.
    Elara Dorne
    The personal details I am required to disclose are clearly designated in Service Code 5, subsection three, Lieutenant. We can discuss non-mission-critical issues later.
    My team and I will get these men back to base, Lieutenant. You proceed with your mission against Needles and his Imperial installation.
    I have the lead I was after. Time to act on it.
    Elara Dorne
    I'm glad I could help point you in the right direction, sir. Good luck.
  • Elara Dorne, Tane
Wake of the Spire (2) »
Fallen Stars (2) »
The Corpse Counters (2) »
Legacy of Death (2) »
Pirate Medicine (2) »
Last Battle of the Endar Spire (2) »
Burial Grounds (2) »
An Imperial Presence (6) »
  • Aric Jorgan used Republic Sniper Rifle (as member of Republic Operatives)
  • Aric Jorgan wore Havoc Squad Armor (as member of Republic Operatives)
  • Killed at least 10 Imperial Troopers and Sergeants
  • Destroyed a number of Imperial Defense Droids
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Looking for Needles, are you? I'm afraid he's long gone, my friend.
    Let's see those hands, nice and slow.
    Don't worry, I won't give you any trouble. I wouldn't stand a chance fighting you. So, I won't. Instead, let me make a suggestion. I'll tell you everything you need to know about Needles. But in exchange, you have to let me go.
    You seem to know an awful lot about my mission here.
    You're wearing a Havoc Squad insignia and searching Needles's files. It doesn't take a great mind to put the two together.
    You're in no position to bargain.
    No, I'm in no position to fight. I'm in an excellent position to bargain. I have information you need, it's as straightforward as that. You and I are both soldiers, yes? Coincidence makes us enemies, but that's no reason we can't come to an honorable agreement. It's simple. Let me live, and I will tell you everything. Kill me, and you'll learn nothing.
    Elara Dorne
    Come in, Lieutenant. This is Sergeant Dorne. Do not trust this man - I served with him in the Empire. His name is Thorus.
    What? Who is that, who are you talking to? Dorne? D- Dorne, is that you?
    Elara Dorne
    Thorus is a mass murderer, Lieutenant. A war criminal.
    I'm listening, Sergeant. Go on.
    Elara Dorne
    Military actions against civilian populations are explicitly unlawful, as defined in the Treaty of Coruscant. During my time in Imperial service, Thorus ordered the executions of hundreds of civilian non-combatants and full-scale bombings of unarmed populations. Furthermore, these actions were committed in circumvention of direct orders from Imperial Command.
    I am a soldier! I- I do what I must to achieve my objectives! Just like you, Lieutenant.
    I don't kill civilians, you Imp scum.
    Please, listen! I'll tell you everything, everything I know! Needles is doing experiments on the rakghouls. He wants to understand their disease, t- to turn it into a weapon. He- he left here a few hours ago. He said he was visiting some "friends" in the ruins of an old transport station, to get more samples.
    I'm going to need a lot more detail, here.
    R- rakghouls. He needs more t- to continue his research. He won't say who his "friends" are, but they supplied the rakghouls. I've given you what you wanted. Now what about me?
    You'd know better than I would, Sergeant. What should I do here?
    Elara Dorne
    I respectfully suggest you discharge your weapon into Thorus's skull, Lieutenant.
    No! This isn't fair!
    Since you helped me, you're free to go - for now.
    I'm glad we could work out an arrangement. Farewell, friend.
    Elara Dorne
    I'll meet you back at the SAR office, Lieutenant. Dorne out.
  • Thorus, Elara Dorne
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Elara Dorne
    You spared a war criminal, Lieutenant. That man murdered hundreds of people, and you simply let him walk out of the Imperials' base.
    I'll take your opinion under advisement, Sergeant.
    Elara Dorne
    I'd appreciate it.
    Let's move on, shall we?
  • Elara Dorne
Catalyst (2) »
AWOL (2) »
Total Elimination (2) »
Mission to the ChemWorks Factory (2) »
Supplies and Demands (2) »
The Arrangement (8) »
  • Aric Jorgan used Republic Sniper Rifle (as member of Republic Operatives)
  • Aric Jorgan wore Havoc Squad Armor (as member of Republic Operatives)
  • Killed at least 10 Imperial Sentries, Riflemen and ChemTroopers
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Ryler 'Needles' Dorant
    Sergeant, is that really you? I take it you're to blame for the Coruscant relay's destruction. We've been busy, haven't we?
    I convinced Jek Kardan to give up on your insane defection.
    Ryler 'Needles' Dorant
    Senility has clearly ravaged the old man's mind. I knew he'd outlasted his usefulness to us. Why Tavus and the others continued to admire him is beyond me.
    It's not too late to end this peacefully, Needles.
    Ryler 'Needles' Dorant
    I see you aren't alone - you've brought that pathetic worm all the way from Ord Mantell, just to die along with you.
    Aric Jorgan
    Talk all you want, Dorant. You're not getting out of here alive.
    Ryler 'Needles' Dorant
    But your timing is impeccable. Just as I find myself with plenty of pathogen but no more test subjects, you arrive. The transformation will hurt at first, but that's merely your organs rupturing and realigning. It's all over quickly, I assure you.
    It's nice of you to offer, but I think I'll pass.
    Ryler 'Needles' Dorant
    Struggle if you must, then. But you'll wish you hadn't made it so hard on yourself. Vorzoth, please assist me in subduing our newest volunteer.
    With pleasure.
    I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, Needles. Fire at will!
    Aric Jorgan
    Let's go!
    Take them.
  • Ryler 'Needles' Dorant, Vorzoth, Sarven (Nekghoul)
  • Killed Sarven (Nekghoul)
  • Killed Vorzoth
  • Killed Ryler 'Needles' Dorant
  • Destroyed Rakghoul Plague Pathogen
The Archive (2) »
Rakghoul Release (2) »
Chasing History (2) »
Mission to Transport Station 5 (2) »
A New Ally (6) »
More Reconstruction Efforts (4) »
Mission to the Northeast Tularan Region (4) »
Missing Link (4) »
Making Trouble (4) »
Future Threat (4) »
The Thrill of Discovery (4) »
Power Flux (4) »
The Loudest Bait (4) »
Operation Salvage (4) »
Disease on a Distant World (4) »
Suicide Mission (4) »
Indelicate Operation (4) »
When Diplomacy Fails (4) »
A New Player (4) »
Armed and Dangerous (4) »
The Republic's Finest (13) »
  • Aric Jorgan used Republic Sniper Rifle (as member of Republic Operatives)
  • Elara Dorne wore Havoc Squad Armor
  • Aric Jorgan wore Havoc Squad Armor (as member of Republic Operatives)
  • Elara Dorne used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Traveled through Nar Shaddaa from Deucalon Spaceport to the Lower Promenade using Air Taxi
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Jonas Balkar
    Ah. There you are. Go ahead, take a seat. And keep your voice down.
    Jonas Balkar, correct?
    Jonas Balkar
    Let's just stick with Jonas. Hope you like the cantina. It's not one of my favorites, but it is conveniently located. There's a vault, not far from here. It's a merc operation, holds valuables for anybody with the credits to pay. Our mutual friend is about to pay them a visit.
    Do we have a welcome party arranged?
    Jonas Balkar
    Not exactly, no. A group of paramilitary-types always shows up on the scene before the droid's attacks. We've already spotted them casing the vault. You could head in now, but I don't want to scare them off. We wouldn't want the guest of honor to skip the party, would we?
    It would be bad if our party was ruined. Definitely bad.
    Jonas Balkar
    I have people with eyes on the vault. Once they spot our target, we'll get the party started. So, Havoc Squad, huh? Pretty nice of Garza to loan us her very best. I'm- ah, excuse me.
    SIS Agent
    Jonas! I just wanted to let you know I made it to Ithor safe and sound.
    Jonas Balkar
    That's great! I'll talk to you later, then. That's our cue. The target is in the vault. Are you ready to move out?
    Let's get this party started.
    Jonas Balkar
    Take care of the droid and we'll have you on your way within the hour. Nice and tidy. Good luck. We'll have our eyes on you.
  • Jonas Balkar
  • Traveled through Nar Shaddaa from the Upper Promenade to the Nikto Sector using Air Taxi
  • Destroyed a number of War Droids
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    We're wasting time. There is an entire galaxy full of depraved lunatics plotting against our great Republic, and we're busy rummaging for valuables!
    Be patient, Forex - black ops aren't cheap. Commander Tavus needs us to be resourceful.
    But I've been operational for days, now- Imperial vermin across the galaxy should be cursing the Republic ingenuity that created me!
    You know you're not actually serving the Republic here, right?
    Contact! Multiple armed subjects!
    Engage and terminate!
    Negative. Subjects confirmed as Republic Army personnel - fellow heroes in our war on evil and oppression!
    Great. Look, this is a top secret mission. Commander Tavus sent us himself. Does "Havoc Squad Commander Tavus" mean anything to you?
    I'm the commander of Havoc Squad. Tavus is a traitor to the Republic.
    Tavus isn't the traitor - he was betrayed. And there are some of us who aren't standing for it. Forex, secure the package and follow me. The rest of you, gun this scum down and rendezvous with us at Objective Seven.
    Negative! What you suggest is an act of betrayal, the murder of fellow-
    M1-4X Override Code Five-Five-Eight! Secure the objective and follow me, now!
    Sir, yes, sir!
    Belay that order, M1-4X! I am your commanding officer - ignore this man's orders.
    Negative - override code condition five-five-eight. Obey only orders given by Commander Harron Tavus or personnel designated by same.
    Let's go! Move, move! Open fire!
  • Andrik, M1-4X
  • Killed Republic Defector Trooper
  • Killed Republic Defector Corporal
  • Meteor used Holotransmitter
One Fell Swoop (4) »
Slave Raiding (4) »
Blood Money (4) »
Strike the Mountain Asunder (4) »
Reaching Out (12) »
  • Aric Jorgan used Republic Sniper Rifle (as member of Republic Operatives)
  • Elara Dorne wore Havoc Squad Armor
  • Aric Jorgan wore Havoc Squad Armor (as member of Republic Operatives)
  • Elara Dorne used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Traveled through Nar Shaddaa from the Nikto Sector to the Red Light Sector using Air Taxi
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Jonas Balkar
    Hey there. Welcome to Balkar Interior Refurbishments, Incorporated. Be sure you review the new employee manual.
    Giving up the spy business?
    Jonas Balkar
    Thought I'd like a less conspicuous career than "Republic Intelligence team leader." Although I will miss the benefits. I've got bad news. The droid and his friend gave us the slip just after you and I spoke on the holo. They jumped into an access tunnel and blew it behind themselves. Tracking them down again is going to take time.
    Time isn't something we have a lot of, Jonas.
    Jonas Balkar
    Which is why we need to work with what we've got. If these men are traitors, then they'll have Imperial supervisors. We just need to find out where. I'll bet these guys would call for help if you shot up their arms factory. Then, we trace that call straight to whoever's really in charge.
    That's a good plan. Let's make it happen.
    Jonas Balkar
    First thing's first: You'll need to plant these signal trackers around the arms factory so that we can trace the distress call. Then, you kick down the door and do what you do best while we see who gets a call. Sound like a plan? We'll be waiting for you here when the party's over. Have fun.
  • Jonas Balkar
  • Received 3 Signal Tracker from Jonas Balkar
  • Installed 3 Signal Tracker
  • Killed at least 4 Marpessa Security
  • Destroyed 2 Marpessa Security Droids
  • Killed Marpessa Security Officer
Shore Leave (4) »
Back Alley (4) »
Nar Shaddaa Blood Sport (4) »
Cleansing the Spice Trade (4) »
Double Negative (4) »
Climbing the Ladder (16) »
  • Aric Jorgan used Republic Sniper Rifle (as member of Republic Operatives)
  • Elara Dorne wore Havoc Squad Armor
  • Aric Jorgan wore Havoc Squad Armor (as member of Republic Operatives)
  • Elara Dorne used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Jonas Balkar
    Club Vertica is an extremely public place. We have to get you through the casino and up to the penthouse without any bloodshed. That's where my friend Niall Piv comes in. Niall's our top slicer here. He'll make sure nobody hassles you on the way to the penthouse.
    Pleasure to meet you, Niall.
    Niall Piv
    Hm... oh, yes, thanks. It's nice to meet you, too.
    Jonas Balkar
    SpecForce gave us their best, so it's the least we can do. Club Vertica has a "safe list" - a list of people allowed to go in and out of the penthouse at any time. It's Niall's job to get you added to that safe list. But he needs your help.
    Niall Piv
    Hm? Oh, yes, Club Vertica's systems are highly secured. The only way to add you to the safe list is from inside the system.
    Jonas Balkar
    There's a substation down in the Lower Industrial Sector. It belongs to the casino, so its computers are tied into the casino's systems. We need you to get Niall inside.
    What kind of opposition should I expect?
    Jonas Balkar
    Security for the substation is heavy - the casino's contracted some of the priciest mercenaries around. Good luck to you.
  • Jonas Balkar, Niall Piv
  • Traveled through Nar Shaddaa from the Red Light Sector to the Lower Industrial Sector using Air Taxi
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Niall Piv
    Just keep me covered and I'll take care of everything for you
  • Niall Piv
  • Killed at least 10 Cartel Mercenary Security
  • Killed 2 Club Vertica Mercenaries
  • Killed 1 Club Vertica Mercenary Captain
  • Killed 2 Club Vertica Mercenary Recruits
  • Killed 1 Club Vertica Mercenary Captain
Genocide (4) »
Mandalorian Rage (4) »
Tempting Fate (4) »
Fate's Wrath (4) »
Chemical Agent (4) »
Extermination (4) »
The Havoc Squad was an elite Republic Special Forces
Republic Special Forces Division
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
squad of troopers in the army
Republic Army
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
of the Galactic Republic, who fought against the Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
. Originally known as Infantry Squad 326, Havoc Squad soon gained its name under the leadership of its commander Jace Malcom, and it was later led by Malcom's executive officer Jek Kardan
Jek Kardan
Minor Characters (TOR)
, Kardan's protege Harron Tavus
Harron Tavus
Supporting Characters
, and Meteor
Major Characters
. Havoc Squad saw action on many fronts throughout the war, from Ord Mantell
Ord Mantell
to the Battle of Alderaan
Battle of Alderaan (GGW)
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
, and even after the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, the commandos of Havoc Squad continued to combat Sith threats during the resulting Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
and Galactic War.


Known members
Show All (3)DetailsSergeant, Ord Mantell (between Hit the Ground Running and The Separatists' Stronghold)Lieutenant (promoted from Sergeant), Commander (The Separatists' Stronghold)Lieutenant, Commander (since The Coruscant Assignment)
Vanto 'Fuse' Bazren
Show All (2)DetailsMission to Ando PrimeLieutenant, Explosives Expert, Ord Mantell (between Hit the Ground Running and The Separatists' Stronghold)
Ryler 'Needles' Dorant
Show All (4)DetailsMission to Ando PrimeThe SpyOradam VillageThe Separatists' Stronghold
Elara Dorne
Sergeant, Medic (since A New Ally)
Aric Jorgan
Sergeant, XO (since The Coruscant Assignment)
Harron Tavus
Show All (2)DetailsMission to Ando PrimeCommander, Ord Mantell (between Hit the Ground Running and The Separatists' Stronghold)
Show All (2)DetailsMission to Ando PrimeCaptain, Assassin and XO, Ord Mantell (between Hit the Ground Running and The Separatists' Stronghold)
Bex "Gearbox" Kolos
Show All (2)DetailsMission to Ando PrimeOrd Mantell (between Hit the Ground Running and The Separatists' Stronghold)
Jek Kardan
Commander (Mission to Ando Prime)
Known parent organizations
Republic Special Forces Division
Known ships on which a members of this organization served or were a passengers
Havoc Squad's BT-7
Starships that were used by this organization
Havoc Squad's BT-7
Show All (5)DetailsAssault on the WorksPublic RelationsWelcome PartyA New AllyA New Player
Vehicles, structures and fixed equipment used by this organization
Air Speeder
Known sentient species
Show all (107)DetailsThe Cold WarThe Coruscant AssignmentEsseles incidentDark TidingsRaid on Emperor's GloryCrisis in Galactic CityBringing Down the Hammer (Republic)Bringing Down the HammerDestroying the War DroidsRepublic's Most WantedThe Senator's Stolen GoodsFor Better or WorseCantina ContusionsPeace is a LieThe Politics of DissentRebuilding CoruscantHydrosupply LeakFollow the MoneyThe Black Sun's PoisonThe FreightskippersThe Face MerchantsThe PickupBoomPartial EclipseSecret PassagesThe Senate InquiryMore Old FriendsUgnaught SaboteursWhite NoiseJusticar InjusticeTrouble in DeedA Diverting AssignmentKilled in CustodyAssault on the WorksPower OutagePlanetary CheckupMeltdownCore DumpEnemy Droid-MachinesEnemies of the RepublicCore ComplicationsInsult to InjuryPublic RelationsRecruitment into Coruscant AegisOperation Midnight FreedomMakem Te AssaultAssault on Balosar OutpostReconstruction EffortsWelcome PartyLost and FoundFall of the LocustReclaiming What's OursPrized PossessionsBeyond RedemptionFallenspire StrongholdWake of the SpireFallen StarsThe Corpse CountersLegacy of DeathPirate MedicineLast Battle of the Endar SpireBurial GroundsAn Imperial PresenceCatalystAWOLTotal EliminationMission to the ChemWorks FactorySupplies and DemandsThe ArrangementThe ArchiveRakghoul ReleaseChasing HistoryMission to Transport Station 5A New AllyMore Reconstruction EffortsMission to the Northeast Tularan RegionMissing LinkMaking TroubleFuture ThreatThe Thrill of DiscoveryPower FluxThe Loudest BaitOperation SalvageDisease on a Distant WorldSuicide MissionIndelicate OperationWhen Diplomacy FailsA New PlayerArmed and DangerousThe Republic's FinestOne Fell SwoopSlave RaidingBlood MoneyStrike the Mountain AsunderReaching OutShore LeaveBack AlleyNar Shaddaa Blood SportCleansing the Spice TradeDouble NegativeClimbing the LadderGenocideMandalorian RageTempting FateFate's WrathChemical AgentExtermination
Show all (4)DetailsMission to Ando PrimeThe SpyMannett PointThe Separatists' Stronghold
Roles - show all (2)RolesXOAssassin
Show all (4)DetailsMission to Ando PrimeThe SpyThe AmbushThe Separatists' Stronghold
Explosives Expert
Area of operations
Ord Mantell
Show All (24)DetailsHit the Ground RunningClearing the AirSnipe HuntThe SpyUnsafe Safe HousesMercyScavenger HuntThe AmbushMannett PointVictims of WarLost SonThe Untold StoryBridging the GapOradam VillageGenerator ProblemsQuestionable EthicsHail the LiberatorsBuying LoyaltyDestroy the BeaconsCutting of the HeadThe Separatists' StrongholdSecuring the Landing ZoneWitness ProtectionAlliance of Evil
Known ranks
Show all (3)DetailsMeteorElara DorneAric Jorgan
Show all (2)DetailsMeteorVanto 'Fuse' Bazren
Known roles
Show All (3)DetailsHarron Tavus, Ord MantellMeteorJek Kardan
First Officer
Show All (2)DetailsAric Jorgan (XO)Zora (XO), Ord Mantell
Zora, Ord Mantell
Elara Dorne
Explosives Expert
Vanto 'Fuse' Bazren, Ord Mantell
Known weaponry & equipment
H2 Heavy Blaster
H3 Heavy Rifle
Republic Sniper Rifle
Signal Tracker
Known armor & apparel
Havoc Squad Armor
Complete list

Full unit name: Havoc Squad Last updated: 12.02.2025 0:37:08