Supplies and Demands (6)Full unit name: Supplies and Demands
Last updated: 23.07.2024 12:00:29
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Taris
Events: Taris Resettlement Initiative
Taris Resettlement Initiative
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (4)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Welcome to Taris. I hear you've done the Republic a good turn in the past, so I'm sorry not to have a warmer welcome for you.
    Hero of Tython
    You look worried.
    Uh, we're having some trouble, nothing you could have predicted, but... there you are. Our bases here are far from self-sufficient. We're not farmers, and there's no existing infrastructure here to work with.
    I can't believe the Republic sent you out here without sufficient supplies.
    Oh, we get supplies. Every month. Shipped in from Ord Mantell. Problem is, this month's ship went nose-down into some of the worst territory on Taris. It'll take another month before the next one arrives, and in the meantime, my men are stewing their gloves.
    So, deal with it.
    Oh, we'll live. But you know soldiers - spend half their paychecks on pazaak, then wonder why they've got nothing left for a rainy day. Lot of discipline slips since the reduced rations went into effect, though. Almost let a rakghoul right through the perimeter. It'd be a great service to the Republic if you want to help us out...
    No one should be left to starve while serving the Republic.
    The Republic thanks you for your service. Every package you recover from the crash site means another week we can hold out at full strength. Our men tried to reach the ship once, but they turned back after taking serious casualties. They said it's more than just rakghouls, but couldn't make an ID. You still want to go, you'll need to talk to our quartermaster at the supply shed across the base. She's got the exact coordinates of the crash.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Gardit
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Kahrin Wek
    And you're just going to make this all better, huh? I'm Kahrin Wek, quartermaster. Commander Gardit just called to say you're retrieving our supplies. For which, by the way, I and the rest of the troops here humbly thank you.
    Hero of Tython
    Want to calm down and point me to where your supply ship crashed?
    Kahrin Wek
    Of course! You think I want to see everyone here starve? But I don't want Commander Fat-Pants to think it means he gets away with this. Steal from your troops, spend the Republic's money on vintage wine and silks from Alderaan, build your office out of Alderaanian timber, but it's fine, because there's a gang of big-hearted heroes around to save you.
    That's a serious accusation.
    Kahrin Wek
    Then let me be straight. Getting our supplies would be a great help, but pulling Commander Gardit from his position would be the best help of all. I said over and over that that ship needed repairs. The left stasis generator was loose, and the hyperdrive motivator was seeping fluid. But Gardit had already spent our allotted maintenance budget. On himself.
    Can you prove this?
    Kahrin Wek
    Every shipment has some personal item he's bringing in. And then some! But he simply slashed the rations budget in half and figures it's over. The men are starving. And starving men don't hold up well against creatures where one tiny scratch could lead to a base-wide epidemic.
    You have proof?
    Kahrin Wek
    I'm telling the truth. Somehow he's juggling the numbers he sends to HQ. No commander needs a personal vehicle in an outpost this size. If you can take this holocamera out to the crash site, you could get the evidence I need to get him court-martialed.
    Give me the camera.
    Kahrin Wek
    Thank you. If you take holopics of the engines, I can show that the documented lack of repairs is what caused the crash. The most important thing is the supplies, though. The crash site isn't far. When you get everything, bring it back here so I can distribute it.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Kahrin Wek
  • Republic Operatives killed a number of Bogstalker
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Kahrin Wek
    We don't have antibiotics. They come on the same ship as everything else.
    You're supposed to keep better tabs on that sort of thing. These men have the Csillian flu. They could die if- Ah, you've returned. And with all of you unhurt. Dare I ask if you've managed to recover our supplies?
    Tell your men they're off rationing.
    Not a moment too soon, Lieutenant. Let me tell you, you really saved my stripes on this one. The men came close to mutiny when I cut rations again. Hmph. They knew this wasn't going to be a luxury cruise.
    Your outpost won't starve now, no thanks to you.
    Now you just watch yourself. I did everything in my power to-
    Kahrin Wek
    What do you expect? You ask your men to starve while you eat bantha steaks from offworld?
    These pictures prove you knew the ship was damaged, and you sent it anyway.
    Kahrin Wek
    They're going to Republic Command. Along with my documentation of every personal purchase you've made. These men left their families and risked their lives to come here. If they die, it should be for someone better than you.
    I- I didn't know the ship was so bad. I thought, if it was serious, they'd catch it on Ord Mantell.
    The men on Taris deserve a better leader.
    A good commander lives under the same conditions as his troops.
    I never realized how quickly we go through our supplies. If I'd thought we couldn't last the month, I- I have some, uh, personal stores. I'll distribute them while you finish here. As a gesture of good faith.
    Kahrin Wek
    I never thought I'd see anyone put the righteous fear into him like that. Good job, and thank you. But there may be something else, too.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Gardit, Kahrin Wek
This event took place during the Taris Resettlement Initiative
Taris Resettlement Initiative
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on the planet Taris
While they were at Waypoint Station Draay, Commander
Minor Characters (TOR)
, the outpost's commanding officer, asked a group of Republic operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
to recover the supplies from the downed craft. Gardit sent them to Kahrin Wek
Kahrin Wek
Minor Characters (TOR)
, outpost's quartermaster
, for the location of the crash. However, Wek suspected her superior to be corrupt - the human used his position to ensure good rations and benefits for himself, while the rest of the base was forced to survive on meager supplies. She told the operatives that when the supply ship was set to leave for the nearest supply depot, she noticed that one of the ship's engines was damaged. She informed Gardit who dismissed her concerns and allowed the ship to leave. Wek convinced the operatives to help expose her superior and gave the operatives a holocamera along with the ship's location, telling them to record the damaged engine as evidence.
The operatives succeeded, recovering all of the supplies that remained, and returned to Wek with the evidence she needed. She and the operatives then confronted Gardit, who shamefacedly told the pair that he had not realized the ship was that badly damaged - he thought it could make it to the nearest refueling station. Regardless, Wek planned to court-martial the commander, and thanked the operatives for the help.
Related organizations
Republic ArmyStructureCharactersGardit (Commander of Waypoint Station Draay)Private Kahrin Wek (Quartermaster of Waypoint Station Draay)Sentient speciesTwi'lekPrivate Kahrin Wek (Quartermaster of Waypoint Station Draay)RanksPrivateKahrin Wek (Waypoint Station Draay)RolesCommanderGardit (Waypoint Station Draay)QuartermasterPrivate Kahrin Wek (Waypoint Station Draay)Part of / Served onGalactic RepublicWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterGarditL3 ElectrobladeKahrin WekArmorRepublic Trooper Armor A03.1GarditKahrin Wek
Republic Special Forces DivisionStructureCharactersLieutenant Meteor, Havoc Squad (Commander)Sergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadSentient speciesCatharSergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadRanksLieutenantMeteor, Havoc SquadSergeantAric Jorgan, Havoc SquadRolesCommanderLieutenant Meteor, Havoc SquadWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsRepublic Sniper RifleAric JorganArmorHavoc Squad ArmorAric Jorgan
Havoc SquadStructureCharactersLieutenant Meteor (Commander)Sergeant Aric JorganSentient speciesCatharSergeant Aric JorganRanksLieutenantMeteorSergeantAric JorganRolesCommanderLieutenant MeteorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsRepublic Sniper RifleAric JorganArmorHavoc Squad ArmorAric Jorgan
Galactic RepublicStructureOrganizationsRepublic OperativesRepublic Army
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Knight Barsen'thor (Jedi Consular)Jedi Knight Hero of TythonJedi Padawan Kira CarsenRanksJedi KnightBarsen'thorHero of TythonJedi PadawanKira CarsenRolesJedi ConsularJedi Knight Barsen'thorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 Jedi Dual LightsaberKira Carsen
Republic OperativesStructureCharactersMeteorAric JorganVoidhoundCorso RiggsBarsen'thorQyzen FessHero of TythonKira CarsenT7-O1DroidsT7-series Astromech DroidT7-O1Sentient speciesCatharAric JorganTrandoshanQyzen FessPart of / Served onGalactic RepublicWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsRepublic Sniper RifleAric JorganL4 ElectrobladeQyzen FessL1 Jedi Dual LightsaberKira Carsen
Related units, characters and other technologies
Barsen'thorMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight Barsen'thor (Jedi Consular)Republic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsBarsen'thor's Lightsaber
Hero of TythonMembershipRepublic OperativesJedi OrderJedi Knight Hero of TythonWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsHero of Tython's LightsaberRelationsKira Carsen (Apprentice)
MeteorMembershipHavoc SquadLieutenant Meteor (Commander)Republic Special Forces DivisionLieutenant Meteor, Havoc Squad (Commander)Republic Operatives
VoidhoundMembershipSmugglerRepublic Operatives
Kira CarsenMembershipJedi OrderJedi Padawan Kira CarsenRepublic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 Jedi Dual LightsaberRelationsHero of Tython (Master)
Qyzen FessMembershipRepublic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 Electroblade
Aric JorganMembershipRepublic Special Forces DivisionSergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadHavoc SquadSergeant Aric JorganRepublic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsRepublic Sniper RifleArmorHavoc Squad Armor
Corso RiggsMembershipRepublic Operatives
GarditMembershipRepublic ArmyCommander of Waypoint Station DraayWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterArmorRepublic Trooper Armor A03.1
Kahrin WekMembershipRepublic ArmyPrivate Kahrin Wek (Quartermaster of Waypoint Station Draay)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 ElectrobladeArmorRepublic Trooper Armor A03.1
T7-O1MembershipRepublic Operatives
T7-series Astromech DroidUsed by / onRepublic OperativesT7-O1
CatharWere among members ofRepublic Special Forces DivisionSergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadHavoc SquadSergeant Aric JorganRepublic OperativesAric Jorgan
TrandoshanWere among members ofRepublic OperativesQyzen Fess
Twi'lekWere among members ofRepublic ArmyPrivate Kahrin Wek (Quartermaster of Waypoint Station Draay)
PrivateMembershipRepublic ArmyKahrin Wek (Waypoint Station Draay)
SergeantMembershipRepublic Special Forces DivisionAric Jorgan, Havoc SquadHavoc SquadAric Jorgan
LieutenantMembershipHavoc SquadMeteorRepublic Special Forces DivisionMeteor, Havoc Squad
Jedi PadawanMembershipJedi OrderKira Carsen
Jedi KnightMembershipJedi OrderBarsen'thorHero of Tython
CommanderMembershipRepublic ArmyGardit (Waypoint Station Draay)Havoc SquadLieutenant MeteorRepublic Special Forces DivisionLieutenant Meteor, Havoc Squad
QuartermasterMembershipRepublic ArmyPrivate Kahrin Wek (Waypoint Station Draay)
Jedi ConsularMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight Barsen'thor
Complete list

Full unit name: Supplies and Demands Last updated: 23.07.2024 12:00:29