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The LOM-series protocol droid was a protocol droid series produced by Industrial Automaton | Industrial AutomatonOrganizationManufacturers | to compete with Cybot Galactica | Cybot GalacticaOrganizationManufacturers | 's popular 3PO-series protocol droid | 3PO-series Protocol DroidDroid | . A model of third-degree protocol droid, Industrial Automaton's LOM-series were designed for the niche alien market, just as Cybot Galactica had attempted with the PD-series protocol droid. If their droid proved successful, Industrial Automaton planned to introduce a Human-based protocol droid within two years. The LOM unit was humanoid in form, but the head, with its large, compound eyes, was structured to look familiar to such insectoid races as the Brizzits, Verpines | VerpineSentient Species | , Gand | GandSentient Species | , Yam'rii, Vuvrians, and Xi'Dec.Read more... |
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Full unit name: LOM-series Protocol Droid Last updated: 26.11.2024 23:42:38