Codex : Planets |
Codex : Locations |
Codex : Locations |
Codex : Locations |
Codex : Locations |
Codex : Locations |
Ord Mantell |
Drelliad Village (Ord Mantell) |
Fort Garnik (Ord Mantell) |
Imperial Listening Post (Ord Mantell) |
Mannett Point (Ord Mantell) |
Oradam Village (Ord Mantell) |
CODEX_PLANET_00012024 |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Ord Mantell Central Authority |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Smuggler | Mantellian Army | Ulla Drelliad |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Smuggler | Pirate | Republic Army |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Reconstitued Sith Empire | Strategic Information Service (SIS) | Galactic Republic |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Pirate | Republic Army |
Ord Mantell |
Mantellian Separatist Crisis |
Mantellian Separatist Crisis |
Mantellian Separatist Crisis |
Events (2)New Intelligence | Mantellian Separatist Crisis |
Events (2)Mantellian Separatist Crisis | Takeover of Mannett Point |
Codex : Locations |
Codex : Locations |
Codex : Bestiary |
Codex : Lore |
Codex : Lore |
SWTOR Champions |
Separatist Stronghold (Ord Mantell) |
Talloran Village (Ord Mantell) |
Savrip |
Ruled by Corruption |
Split by Rebellion |
Jax Stog and Dev Farkus (Ord Mantell) (010) |
CODEX_LORE_00011875 |
CODEX_LORE_00006250 |
IMG_CHAR_00011972 |
Ord Mantell |
Ord Mantell |
Tags (4)Mantellian Savrip | Ord Mantell | Gapillian Grazer | Mantellian Separatists | Ord Mantell Central Authority |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Army | Twi'lek |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Army | Ord Mantell Central Authority |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Dev Farkus | Mantellian Separatists | Jax Stog | Speeder Bike v02 |
Mantellian Separatist Crisis |
Events (2)Mantellian Separatist Crisis | Takeover of Talloran village |
Mantellian Separatist Crisis |
SWTOR Champions |
SWTOR Champions |
SWTOR Champions |
SWTOR Champions |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Jax Stog and Dev Farkus (Ord Mantell) (020) |
Commando Ethen Remak (Ord Mantell) (010) |
Commando Ethen Remak (Ord Mantell) (020) |
Commando Ethen Remak (Ord Mantell) (030) |
Ord Mantell | Drelliad Village (015) |
Ord Mantell | Drelliad Village (020) |
IMG_CHAR_00011973 |
IMG_CHAR_00011978 |
IMG_CHAR_00011979 |
IMG_CHAR_00011980 |
ORDM_00011696 |
ORDM_00011690 |
Tags (5)Ord Mantell | Jax Stog | Mantellian Separatists | Speeder Bike v02 | Dev Farkus | L3 Electroblade |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Ethen Remak | Speeder Bike v02 | Commando |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Ethen Remak | Mantellian Separatists | Commando |
Tags (5)Ord Mantell | Razoronn | Ethen Remak | Mantellian Separatists | Speeder Bike v02 | Commando |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Speeder Bike v03 |
Tags (5)Ord Mantell | 31st Recon | Mantellian Army | Blyes | Mantellian Separatists | H3 Heavy Rifle |
Mantellian Separatist Crisis |
Events (3)Hit the Ground Running | Clearing the Air | Landing Party |
Events (2)Clearing the Air | Landing Party |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Ord Mantell | Drelliad Village (040) |
Ord Mantell | Drelliad Village (050) |
Ord Mantell | Drelliad Village (060) |
Ord Mantell | Drelliad Village (075) |
Ord Mantell | Drelliad Village (085) |
Ord Mantell | Drelliad Village | Air Defense Control Station |
ORDM_00011692 |
ORDM_00011693 |
ORDM_00011694 |
ORDM_00011726 |
ORDM_00011727 |
ORDM_00011716 |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Speeder Bike v02 | Twi'lek | Mantellian Separatists | Speeder Bike v03 |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Speeder Bike v03 | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Speeder Bike v02 |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Twi'lek |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Events (3)Clearing the Air | Hit the Ground Running | Landing Party |
Events (3)Clearing the Air | Hit the Ground Running | Landing Party |
Events (3)Hit the Ground Running | Clearing the Air | Landing Party |
Hit the Ground Running |
Landing Party |
Landing Party |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Ord Mantell | Drelliad Spaceport Hangar (010) |
Ord Mantell | Drelliad Village (120) | Snipe Hunt |
Fort Garnik (012.010) |
Fort Garnik (012.020) |
Fort Garnik (012.030) |
Talloran Village Outskirts | Southern Entrance |
ORDM_00011720 |
ORDM_00011733 |
ORDM_00011743 |
ORDM_00011744 |
ORDM_00011745 |
ORDM_00006252 |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Corso Riggs | Mantellian Separatists | Air Speeder 2 |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Large Radar |
Tags (6)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Army | Speeder Bike v02 | Mantellian Separatists | Gapillian Grazer | H3 Heavy Rifle | H2 Heavy Rifle |
Tags (6)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Army | Speeder Bike v02 | H3 Heavy Rifle | Mantellian Separatists | Gapillian Grazer | H2 Heavy Rifle |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Republic Army | H2 Heavy Blaster | Gapillian Grazer | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Army | Mantellian Separatists |
Landing Party |
Snipe Hunt |
Mantellian Separatist Crisis |
Mantellian Separatist Crisis |
Mantellian Separatist Crisis |
Events (4)Unsafe Safe Houses | The Spy | Scavenger Hunt | Hungry for Information |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Talloran Village Outskirts | Mercy |
Talloran Village | Unsafe Safe Houses |
Talloran Village | Unsafe Safe Houses |
Talloran Village | Unsafe Safe Houses |
Talloran Village | Unsafe Safe Houses |
Talloran Village | Unsafe Safe Houses |
ORDM_00011765 |
ORDM_00006256 |
ORDM_00006257 |
ORDM_00006258 |
ORDM_00006259 |
ORDM_00006260 |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid | L4 Blaster |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid | L4 Blaster |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid | L3 Rifle |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid | Air Speeder 2 | L4 Blaster |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Mercy |
Events (3)Unsafe Safe Houses | The Spy | Hungry for Information |
Events (3)Unsafe Safe Houses | The Spy | Hungry for Information |
Events (3)Unsafe Safe Houses | The Spy | Hungry for Information |
Events (3)Unsafe Safe Houses | The Spy | Hungry for Information |
Events (3)Unsafe Safe Houses | The Spy | Hungry for Information |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Talloran Village | Separatist Armsmaster |
Nothern Talloran Beach |
Mirrian Peninsula | Unsafe Safe Houses |
Mirrian Peninsula | Unsafe Safe Houses |
Mirrian Peninsula | Unsafe Safe Houses |
Mirrian Peninsula | Unsafe Safe Houses |
ORDM_00006262 |
ORDM_00006264 |
ORDM_00006265 |
ORDM_00006266 |
ORDM_00006267 |
ORDM_00006268 |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Gapillian Grazer | Small Radar |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Small Radar | Mantellian Separatists | L5M Rifle |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Small Radar | Mantellian Separatists | Gapillian Grazer |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | L5M Rifle |
Unsafe Safe Houses |
Unsafe Safe Houses |
Unsafe Safe Houses |
Unsafe Safe Houses |
Unsafe Safe Houses |
Unsafe Safe Houses |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Mirrian Peninsula | Unsafe Safe Houses |
Mirrian Peninsula | Unsafe Safe Houses |
Mirrian Peninsula | Separatist Relay Hub |
Fort Garnik | The Road to Oradam Village (010) |
Mannett Point Island (010) |
Mannett Point Island (040) |
ORDM_00006269 |
ORDM_00006270 |
ORDM_00006271 |
ORDM_00011785 |
ORDM_00011795 |
ORDM_00011798 |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Gapillian Grazer | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Gapillian Grazer | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | L5M Rifle |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (8)Ord Mantell | Manka-class Armored Transport | Mantellian Army | Air Speeder 2 | Mantellian Separatists | Republic Turret | Fortitude-class Troop Transport | Small Radar | Bragan |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Army | Mantellian Separatists | Small Radar | Fortitude-class Troop Transport |
Unsafe Safe Houses |
Unsafe Safe Houses |
Unsafe Safe Houses |
The Ambush |
Events (6)Mannett Point | Security Breach | Victims of War | The Untold Story | Lost Son | Bridging the Gap |
Events (6)Bridging the Gap | The Untold Story | Mannett Point | Security Breach | Lost Son | Victims of War |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Mannett Point Island (050) |
Mannett Point Island (060) |
Mannett Point Island (070) |
Mannett Point Depot (010) |
Mannett Point Depot (040) |
Mannett Point Depot (050) |
ORDM_00011799 |
ORDM_00011802 |
ORDM_00011801 |
ORDM_00011803 |
ORDM_00011822 |
ORDM_00011823 |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Army | Mantellian Separatists | Small Radar |
Tags (7)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Air Speeder 2 | Manka-class Armored Transport | Fortitude-class Troop Transport | Large Radar | Republic Turret | Small Radar |
Tags (6)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Zabrak | Large Radar | Small Radar | Fortitude-class Troop Transport | Republic Turret |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | FRD Battle Droid |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Events (6)Bridging the Gap | The Untold Story | Mannett Point | Security Breach | Lost Son | Victims of War |
Bridging the Gap |
Bridging the Gap |
Events (3)Bridging the Gap | Mannett Point | Security Breach |
Security Breach |
Security Breach |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Mannett Point Depot (060) |
Mannett Point | Secret Pathway (020) |
Mannett Point | Maintenance Tunnel |
Mannett Point | Area outside maintenance tunnel |
Mannett Point | Separatist Hideout (010) |
Mannett Point | Separatist Hideout (020) |
ORDM_00011835 |
ORDM_00011827 |
ORDM_00011826 |
ORDM_00011828 |
ORDM_00011830 |
ORDM_00011831 |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Small Radar | Manka-class Armored Transport | Air Speeder 2 | Mantellian Separatists |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | FRD Battle Droid | Mantellian Separatists | Twi'lek |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | ENF-A01 Assassin Droid |
Victims of War |
Security Breach |
Security Breach |
Security Breach |
Security Breach |
Security Breach |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Mannett Point | Separatist Hideout (030) |
Mannett Point | Separatist Hideout (040) |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base | Infirmary (010) |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base | Infirmary (020) |
ORDM_00011832 |
ORDM_00011833 |
ORDM_00006282 |
ORDM_00006283 |
ORDM_00011808 |
ORDM_00011809 |
Tags (5)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Gorry | 4-SEN | ROGUE-A01 Assassin Droid | Twi'lek |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | 4-SEN | ROGUE-A01 Assassin Droid | Gorry |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Zabrak | L5M Rifle |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Republic Operatives | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Meteor | Jex | Mantellian Separatists | Banley |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Grannin |
Security Breach |
Security Breach |
Events (3)Lost Son | Mannett Point | The Untold Story |
Events (3)Lost Son | Mannett Point | The Untold Story |
Mannett Point |
Mannett Point |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 | Paul |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 | Paul |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base | Training Rooms (010) |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base | Training Rooms (020) |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 | Forcefield Control (010) |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 | Forcefield Control (020) |
ORDM_00006284 |
ORDM_00006285 |
ORDM_00011806 |
ORDM_00011807 |
ORDM_00011810 |
ORDM_00011811 |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Paul |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Paul |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Waxx |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Waxx |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Lost Son |
Lost Son |
The Untold Story |
The Untold Story |
Mannett Point |
Mannett Point |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 | Secured Storage Area (010) |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 | Secured Storage Area (020) |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 | Secured Storage Area (040) |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 | Secured Storage Area (050) |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 | Command Center (010) |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 | Command Center (020) |
ORDM_00011812 |
ORDM_00011813 |
ORDM_00011815 |
ORDM_00011816 |
ORDM_00011817 |
ORDM_00011818 |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Dalern |
Tags (10)Ord Mantell | Meteor | Havoc Squad | Zora | Mirialan | Mantellian Separatists | Dalern | L5M Rifle | H2 Heavy Blaster | H3 Heavy Rifle | Havoc Squad Armor |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Dalern |
Tags (7)Ord Mantell | Havoc Squad | Mantellian Separatists | Dalern | Zora | Mirialan | H3 Heavy Rifle | Havoc Squad Armor |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Saphrro | Vyru | Bol |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Saphrro |
Mannett Point |
Mannett Point |
Mannett Point |
Mannett Point |
Mannett Point |
Mannett Point |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 | Command Center (030) |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 | Command Center (040) |
Mannett Point | Separatist Base, level 2 | Command Center (050) |
Avilatan Badlands | Generator Problems (060) |
Avilatan Badlands | Generator Problems (070) |
Avilatan Badlands | Generator Problems (080) |
ORDM_00011819 |
ORDM_00011820 |
ORDM_00011821 |
ORDM_00011988 |
ORDM_00011989 |
ORDM_00011990 |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Vyru |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Bol | Saphrro | Vyru |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Saphrro |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Republic Power Generator |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Republic Power Generator | Mantellian Separatists |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Mannett Point |
Mannett Point |
Mannett Point |
Generator Problems |
Generator Problems |
Generator Problems |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Avilatan Badlands | Generator Problems (090) |
Oradam Village | Zak's Home (060) |
Mount Avilatan | Republic Camp (010) |
Mount Avilatan | Republic Camp (015) |
Mount Avilatan | Separatist Base Entrance (010) |
Mount Avilatan | Separatist Base Entrance (020) |
ORDM_00011991 |
ORDM_00011873 |
ORDM_00011887 |
ORDM_00011971 |
ORDM_00011891 |
ORDM_00011892 |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Republic Power Generator |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (6)Ord Mantell | Republic Army | Mantellian Army | Vandal | REPM-A01 Protocol Droid | REP-A01 Astromech Droid | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (5)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Republic Army | Mantellian Army | Vandal | Zabrak |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Generator Problems |
Oradam Village |
Events (4)Securing the Landing Zone | Hitting Where It Hurts | Witness Protection | The Separatists' Stronghold |
Events (4)Hitting Where It Hurts | The Separatists' Stronghold | Witness Protection | Alliance of Evil |
Events (5)Hitting Where It Hurts | Alliance of Evil | The Separatists' Stronghold | Witness Protection | Securing the Landing Zone |
Events (5)Hitting Where It Hurts | The Separatists' Stronghold | Witness Protection | Alliance of Evil | Securing the Landing Zone |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Separatist Stronghold (010) |
Separatist Stronghold (020) |
Separatist Stronghold (025) |
Separatist Stronghold (030) |
Separatist Stronghold (110) |
Separatist Stronghold (120) |
ORDM_00006315 |
ORDM_00006316 |
ORDM_00011893 |
ORDM_00011894 |
ORDM_00011896 |
ORDM_00011897 |
Tags (5)Ord Mantell | Air Speeder 2 | Speeder Bike v02 | Republic Operatives | Twi'lek |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Air Speeder 2 |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid | Mantellian Separatists | Air Speeder 2 |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | L4 Blaster |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | REC-A01 Probe Droid | Forklift-Dozer |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Events (5)Alliance of Evil | The Separatists' Stronghold | Hitting Where It Hurts | Witness Protection | Securing the Landing Zone |
Events (5)Alliance of Evil | The Separatists' Stronghold | Securing the Landing Zone | Hitting Where It Hurts | Witness Protection |
Events (5)Hitting Where It Hurts | The Separatists' Stronghold | Alliance of Evil | Securing the Landing Zone | Witness Protection |
Events (5)Hitting Where It Hurts | Securing the Landing Zone | Witness Protection | The Separatists' Stronghold | Alliance of Evil |
Events (5)Hitting Where It Hurts | The Separatists' Stronghold | Alliance of Evil | Securing the Landing Zone | Witness Protection |
Securing the Landing Zone |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Separatist Stronghold (130) |
Separatist Stronghold | Detention Center (010) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 2 |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 2 |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 2 |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 2 |
ORDM_00011898 |
ORDM_00011900 |
ORDM_00006318 |
ORDM_00006320 |
ORDM_00006321 |
ORDM_00006322 |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Air Speeder 2 | Mantellian Separatists | Speeder Bike v02 | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Army | Light Manned Turret | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid | Mantellian Separatists | L2 Rifle |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Zabrak |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid | Zabrak | L1 Assault Cannon |
Events (5)Hitting Where It Hurts | The Separatists' Stronghold | Alliance of Evil | Witness Protection | Securing the Landing Zone |
Witness Protection |
Events (3)Alliance of Evil | Hitting Where It Hurts | The Separatists' Stronghold |
Events (3)Alliance of Evil | Hitting Where It Hurts | The Separatists' Stronghold |
Alliance of Evil |
Alliance of Evil |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 2 |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 2 |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (010) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (020) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (030) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (040) |
ORDM_00006323 |
ORDM_00006324 |
ORDM_00011904 |
ORDM_00011905 |
ORDM_00011906 |
ORDM_00011907 |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Zabrak | L1 Assault Cannon |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | SEN-A01 Probe Droid | The Shroud's Network | Mantellian Separatists | Light Manned Turret |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Light Manned Turret |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid | Mantellian Separatists | Light Manned Turret |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Alliance of Evil |
Alliance of Evil |
Securing the Landing Zone |
Securing the Landing Zone |
Securing the Landing Zone |
Securing the Landing Zone |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 | Landing Pad (010) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 | Landing Pad (020) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 | Landing Pad (030) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 | Landing Pad (040) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 | Landing Pad (070) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (050) |
ORDM_00011908 |
ORDM_00011909 |
ORDM_00011910 |
ORDM_00011911 |
ORDM_00011914 |
ORDM_00011916 |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Large Radar | Small Radar | Light Manned Turret | Mantellian Separatists |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Light Manned Turret | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Small Radar |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Small Radar | Republic Army | Mantellian Separatists | Light Manned Turret |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid |
Securing the Landing Zone |
Securing the Landing Zone |
Securing the Landing Zone |
Securing the Landing Zone |
Securing the Landing Zone |
Hitting Where It Hurts |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (060) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (070) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (080) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (090) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (100) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (110) |
ORDM_00011917 |
ORDM_00011918 |
ORDM_00011919 |
ORDM_00011920 |
ORDM_00011921 |
ORDM_00011922 |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid | Mantellian Separatists | L5M Rifle |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | CRSEC-A01 Security Droid | Morant | Dareg |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Dareg |
Hitting Where It Hurts |
Hitting Where It Hurts |
Hitting Where It Hurts |
Hitting Where It Hurts |
Hitting Where It Hurts |
Hitting Where It Hurts |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (120) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (130) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (140) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (150) |
Separatist Stronghold, Level 3 (160) |
Savrip Island |
ORDM_00011923 |
ORDM_00011924 |
ORDM_00011925 |
ORDM_00011926 |
ORDM_00011927 |
ORDM_00006327 |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Dareg |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Corso Riggs | Dareg | Mantellian Separatists | Morant |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Flashy | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) | Morant | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (5)Ord Mantell | Flashy | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) | Corso Riggs | Morant | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Corso Riggs | Morant | Mantellian Separatists |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Hitting Where It Hurts |
Hitting Where It Hurts |
Hitting Where It Hurts |
Hitting Where It Hurts |
Hitting Where It Hurts |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Savrip Island |
Savrip Island |
Savrip Island |
New Intelligence | Arrival on Ord Mantell |
ORDM_00006328 |
ORDM_00006329 |
ORDM_00006331 |
ORDM_00013108 |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Mantellian Savrip |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Savrip | Mantellian Separatists |
Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists |
Tags (12)Valor-class Cruiser | Republic Navy | Mantellian Separatists | Frigate | Hero of Tython's Defender-class Corvette | Defender-class Light Corvette | Ord Mantell | Ord Mantell Moon 1 | Ord Mantell Moon 2 | Thranta-class Corvette | Ord Mantell Moon 3 | Ord Mantell Orbital Station | T-1 Space Station |
New Intelligence |