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Known Facts (4)
Battle of Hoth (2) »
Battle over Endor (2) »
Firmus Piett was a Human male who was the last admiral of the Imperial Navy's Death Squadron, Darth Vader | Darth Vader(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | 's personal fleet of Star Destroyers. Coming from humble beginnings on the backwater Outer Rim world of Axxila, Piett began his naval career with the Axxila antipirate fleet. Though his posting was not notable, Piett's creativity, dedication and integrity made his home sector the safest in the Outer Rim. Piett made an extraordinary number of arrests and suppressions of smugglers | SmugglerOrganizationCommunities | and pirates, and his record earned the attention of high-ranking officers on Imperial Center | CoruscantPlanet | .His star rising in the Imperial Navy, Piett was given the captaincy of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer | Imperial-class Star DestroyerStarshipStarship Models | Accuser, seeing service at the Battle of Turkana before being picked out to serve in Vader's Death Squadron, which prowled the galaxy searching for Rebel Alliance headquarters. When command of the fleet's flagship, Star Dreadnought | Super-class Star DestroyerStarshipStarship Models | Executor | Executor(Super-class Star Destroyer)StarshipNamed Starships | , became vacant, Vader selected Piett to fill the post. As captain of the Executor, Piett relentlessly searched for the hidden Alliance base while secretly undermining his superior, Admiral Kendal Ozzel | Kendal Ozzel(Human)CharacterMinor Characters | . At the Battle of Hoth | Battle of HothEventGalactic Civil War | , Ozzel was summarily executed by Vader for incompetence, allowing Piett to swiftly step into the high admiral's role.Read more... |
See also |
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Imperial NavyCaptain |
Death SquadronCaptain |
Known roles
CaptainExecutor |
Known for serving on the following ships
ExecutorCaptain |
Complete list
Full unit name: Piett, Firmus Last updated: 25.07.2024 18:47:47