Race the Devil (21)Full unit name: Race the Devil
Last updated: 26.07.2024 21:09:11
Navigation (2)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Coruscant
Known Facts (24)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Skavak hired Fabizan and asked to look after his ship and receive cargo that was to be delivered to Docking Bay 87 of the Coruscant spaceport. He also said there might be a troublemaker or two dropping and paid extra for security to take care of it.
  • Skavak, Fabizan
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    The Murustavan Ruby. It's even more exquisite than I imagined. This will be the perfect centerpiece for my gift to the Grand Moff.
    I'm sure it'll earn you a nice, fat promotion. Maybe the Grand Moff will finally let you go home to Dromund Kaas?
    Watch your tone, Skavak. My agent is standing by at the spaceport, ready to deliver the item. You have someone ready to receive it?
    There's a twitchy little starship merchant named Fabizan in my docking bay. He'll accept my payment.
    Lieutenant, transmit the signal. I don't know what you want with that grotesque trophy, Skavak, but it's all yours now.
    You need any other priceless relics, Commander, just let me know.
    Hi there! Sorry I'm late to the party, boys. Traffic was crazy. Where's my ship, Skavak?
    Is it too much to ask that someone guard the entrance to our secret base? Skavak, is this some sort of trick?
    Captain. Seriously, I admire your persistence, but this is ridiculous.
    How do you know this man, Skavak?
    He's an acquaintance who just can't take a joke.
    Corso Riggs
    You're gonna be a floor stain when we're done with you, Skavak.
    Corso, heard about your job. Don't let unemployment make you bitter, all right?
    You the one who fouled up my identity record and sent half the galaxy chasing me? That wasn't very nice, Captain.
    What are friends for? It's the least I could do for you, old pal.
    You know, holding on to anger like that will give you health problems. I understand you're upset. It's a very nice ship. But you're taking things way too far.
    Honestly, did you have to frame me as a Sith spy? A pirate would've been so much more romantic. Or was it necessary to tell every woman in the civilized galaxy I have Bothan Nether Rot? That's just low. Framing me with the crime syndicates wasn't very nice. You know how hard it is to get out of trouble with them? Oh, wait - that's right, you do. I hear Rogun the Butcher just raised the price on your head. Congratulations.
    Enough of this. The captain is your problem, Skavak. Deal with it.
    Commander, would you mind vaporizing the captain for me? I've got places to be....
    Skavak! Blast that scoundrel. Always leaving me to clean up his messes.... Troops, dispose of this garbage.
    Miel Muwn
    Attention, Imperial lawbreakers! You are in violation of Statute 1983 of the Sullustan Criminal Code. Drop your weapons and surrender the gem!
    Who do you think you are giving me orders? You're as good as dead, you alien filth.
    Boy am I happy to see you.
    Miel Muwn
    Imperials, you are guilty of smuggling and crimes too numerous to mention. Do not make things harder on yourselves by resisting arrest! I have already disabled your comlinks and cut you off from any reinforcements! Drop your weapons now!
    Spare me your false heroics. Men, kill this alien scum!
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Kasstroff, Skavak, Miel Muwn
  • Miel Muwn killed Imperial Guard
  • Kasstroff wounded Miel Muwn
  • Voidhound's Followers killed 2 Imperial Guards
  • Voidhound's Followers killed Kasstroff
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Miel Muwn
    I... I do not think I will be filing any more reports....
    Hang on, Miel. We'll get you to a kolto tank.
    Miel Muwn
    It is too late for that.
    You should've stayed away. Why didn't you let me handle those Imperials myself?
    Miel Muwn
    It was my duty as a member of the Sullustan Constable Brigade to apprehend the lawbreakers. I am unable to maintain pursuit of Skavak. You must go on without me. I have something that will help you. Find Skavak. Bring him to justice... for me....
    Corso Riggs
    Poor little guy. He didn't deserve to go out like this.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Miel Muwn
  • Miel Muwn died
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Excuse me, but in case it wasn't obvious by the locked door you sliced through, this is a private docking bay.
    Three words, pal. Where's... my... ship?
    I don't know you, and I sure don't have your ship.
    What are you doing here?
    Me? I'm just a humble merchant waiting for his buyer, and that ain't you. Skavak said there might be a troublemaker or two dropping by. He paid extra for security to take care of it. Boys, like the man says, the customer's always right. You know what to do.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Fabizan
  • Voidhound's Followers killed 2 Fabizan's Goons
  • Voidhound's Followers wounded Fabizan
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    All right, all right! I get it - you're tough! Don't hurt me. I'm not armed. I'm just a starship salesman!
    For the last time... where's my starship?
    That mean machine Skavak brought to Coruscant? I've been taking really good care of it. I'm just trying to earn a living. It was none of my business where Skavak got that ship, so I never asked.
    Why would Skavak need to buy a starship after he stole mine?
    He's shopping for upgrades. Nobody in their right mind would replace that sweet ride of yours. Listen, your ship's in great shape. All the cargo is still on board. Even had it detailed. No harm done, right?
    Corso Riggs
    Not yet - but you owe the captain something for all the trouble.
    I could give you a nice ship upgrade and charge it to Skavak's account. Interested?
    As long as Skavak's paying, I'm buying.
    I carry the finest starship upgrades. You won't find a better deal on Coruscant, or my name's not Fabizan. It's nice to have friends with money, isn't it?
    You're gonna let Fabizan scoot along now, right? I've got other business far, far away from here.
    Then get to it.
    May this ship bring you many fine years of service. If you encounter any problems, please contact the manufacturer. I'm out of here. Thanks for not killing me!
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Fabizan
  • Voidhound boarded Voidhound's XS Freighter
  • Corso Riggs boarded Voidhound's XS Freighter
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    C2-N2 (Voidhound)
    My new master, at last. I am Seetoo Enntoo, steward of this vessel. It is my extreme good fortune to serve you.
    You were bought by a thieving, gutless son of a kath hound - but this is my ship. You take orders from me, got it?
    C2-N2 (Voidhound)
    I am programmed to serve this vessel's captain, not my purchaser. I will happily accept your every command. C2-series droids represent the latest advances in everything from starship technical maintenance to nutritional advice tailored for your specific organic needs. Welcome aboard your Corellian XS Light Freighter: a marvel of customization. I can only speculate why such large engines were mounted to its hull. Along with the usual accommodations, you'll find a secure captain's locker for storing valuables. Your bridge contains an ever-updating map of the galaxy. It's quite beautiful to look at. Priority alerts from the Republic network are accessible at the HoloNet console. Long-range communications are available via the holoterminal. And finally, the ship's intercom will inform your crew that you wish to meet. Do you have any questions, master?
    Nope - thanks for the review. It's been too long since I was aboard. I'd almost forgotten all that stuff.
    C2-N2 (Voidhound)
    My duty is to ensure you need never concern yourself with such matters, master. Which brings up one final point... As you can see, I am not equipped for physical danger. My function is to maintain this starship as your home away from home. I am happy to assist you with any non-hazardous task, of course. I pride myself on the utmost attention to detail.
    What do you consider a "non-hazardous" task?
    C2-N2 (Voidhound)
    I am programmed to modify other technology. I can also perform long-range surveillance and diplomacy. I'm quite useful, I assure you.
    Hmm... add a little armor, some combat protocols and a blaster, and you just might be worth something.
    C2-N2 (Voidhound)
    Master, please... Any non-factory modification will void my warranty. Whenever you are ready to depart, consult the galaxy map on the bridge. The ship's computers will handle the rest. Oh... and you may wish to investigate the cargo compartment. The items within it arrived before I did.
  • C2-N2 (Voidhound), Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Voidhound's XS Freighter departed from Coruscant
  • Voidhound served as Pilot and Captain
  • Corso Riggs was among its crew
  • Risha Drayen was among its passengers
  • Gonk Droid was among its passengers
  • C2-N2 (Voidhound) served as Steward and Maintenance
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Risha Drayen
    I'm taking a wild guess that my life just got a new kind of complicated.
    This freighter and everything in it belongs to me, lady.
    Risha Drayen
    That so? What an exciting development. My name's Risha. I've been traveling with Skavak as part of a business arrangement.
    Corso Riggs
    What kinda business are you in, that you keep a guy's head in a jar?
    Risha Drayen
    Don't judge me by my cargo. A girl can't always choose how she earns a living, or who she deals with. He and I had a deal to deliver the things you see here.
    You picked a bad partner. Skavak isn't known for honoring his deals.
    Risha Drayen
    Then maybe my luck is about to change. Skavak was going to deliver this cargo, but he's proving unreliable. I think you might be a much better partner.
    Lady, I barely know you. Why would I agree to any deal?
    Risha Drayen
    Because I'm willing to earn your trust. The real question is, will you give me the chance to make you rich? What do you know... that's Skavak on the ship's holo. This should be an interesting conversation.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Risha Drayen
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Risha Drayen
    You're late, Skavak - and I just made a new friend. I think you two will loathe each other.
    Congratulations, Captain. You're officially number one on my list of people to kill. When I get my hands on you, you'll wish you'd never left Ord Mantell.
    Corso Riggs
    Hope there's room for me on that list. I hate feeling left out.
    Don't sweat it, Corso. I promise to kill you second.
    Can't kill what you can't catch, Skavak. And you don't have a ship.
    Plenty of ships to steal on Coruscant. I'm sure I'll find something fast and deadly. You don't even know what you've stumbled into, Captain. You're messing up a deal I spent months putting together. Don't know how you got away from those Imperials, but next time I'll kill you myself. Assuming Rogun the Butcher doesn't get you first. I sold all those blasters you were supposed to deliver for him on Ord Mantell. Can't imagine he'll be happy you lost them.
    I'll make sure Rogun hears who really fouled things up for him.
    I'm sure you'll have lots to say while Rogun tortures you to death.
    Risha Drayen
    Are you done posturing, Skavak? The captain and I have cargo to deliver.
    Don't even think about cutting me out of this deal, Risha!
    Risha Drayen
    "Finders keepers." Isn't that what you always say? Not my fault the captain here beat you to the big prize.
    Risha Drayen
    Sweetheart, you two just made the biggest mistake of your lives.
  • Risha Drayen, Skavak, Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Risha Drayen
    Thought that blowhard would never switch off. So, we were discussing how I can make you fabulously wealthy. The items here are pieces to a key - a key that unlocks the lost treasure of a very rich dead man named Nok Drayen.
    Who's Nok Drayen?
    Risha Drayen
    Please tell me you're joking. The man was a criminal legend. Nok Drayen was the greatest gangster who ever lived. He personally wiped out the Rath Cartel and the Vandelhelm Combine during the Syndicate Wars. When he died ten years ago, Nok had more wealth than some Outer Rim worlds. Even the Hutts were jealous.
    Nok sounds like my kind of guy.
    Risha Drayen
    He was ruthless, bloodthirsty and vindictive. The only criminals who didn't fear him were the dead ones.
    What happened to Nok's fortune after he died?
    Risha Drayen
    Now we're getting to the interesting part. Nok hid his fortune right before he died. For ten years, treasure hunters across the galaxy have searched for it in vain - until now. You see, I've finally figured out how to get the lost riches of Nok Drayen.
    But you can't do it alone.
    Risha Drayen
    Working with a professional would be refreshing. Whoever gets Nok's riches will become an underworld legend. Skavak had his chance and blew it. Now it's your turn. Help me deliver these things in your cargo hold, and Nok Drayen's wealth will be all yours.
    What are you getting out of this?
    Risha Drayen
    I'm after something personal. The money doesn't mean anything to me, Captain. I'm the only one who can help you trade these items to get Nok Drayen's treasure, but I won't tell you everything up front. To get the riches, you trust me the same way I trust you: one step at a time. Deal?
    We'll see if this treasure hunt of yours is worth it.
    Risha Drayen
    Once you get a taste of this job, I think you'll be hooked. We have deals set up on Taris and Nar Shaddaa. I'll make all the arrangements and introductions for you on both planets. I'll be in my bunk. That caged beast there isn't much good for conversation, so come visit if you feel like chatting. Looking forward to working with you, Captain.
  • Voidhound, Risha Drayen, Corso Riggs
This event took place shortly before the end of the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Arriving in the Works, Voidhound
Major Characters
and Riggs
Corso Riggs
Supporting Characters
joined forces with other Republic operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
and fought their way through the tunnels, defeating many hostile droids
Enemy Droid-Machines
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
and battling
Core Complications
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)
Reconstituted Sith Empire
. Eventually the duo intercepted Skavak
Supporting Characters
at a meeting with another group of Imperials. Skavak handed the stolen Murustavan Ruby over to Imperial Commander
Minor Characters (TOR)
. The Commander intended to use the Ruby as a centerpiece for his gift for the Grand Moff, hoping to get a promotion and even being allowed to go back to Dromund Kaas
Dromund Kaas
. In return Skavak would get an item, a grotesque trophy, which he led the Empire deliver to a starship merchant named Fabizan
Minor Characters (TOR)
at his docking bay.
The duo
Voidhound's Followers
Temporary Unions
interrupted the meeting, much to the distaste of Kasstroff, meanwhile, Miel Muwn
Miel Muwn
Minor Characters (TOR)
made his way into the area as well. Skavak mentioned he wasn't too happy about his record being fouled by Voidhound, but then remarked how Rogun
Rogun the Butcher
Supporting Characters
increased the bounty on the smuggler as well. Skavak ran away, leaving Kasstroff and his troopers to deal with the duo. Miel entered, demanding the Imperial lawbreakers surrender, since they were in violation of Statute 1983 of the Sullustan Criminal Code. Miel informed them he'd disabled their comlinks, so he urged the Imperials to surrender. However, the Imperials opened fire, hitting Miel. After Voidhound and Corso killed the Imperials, they talked to Miel. He said he wouldn't be filing any reports anymore, that he couldn't maintain his pursuit of Skavak. With his final breath, Miel asked the smuggler to bring Skavak to justice, for him.
On the way to the spaceport, Voidhound examined the Ruby that the duo took from Kasstroff's body and realized that it was clearly a fake.
Arriving at Docking Bay 87, the duo were greeted by Fabizan who was hired by Skavak to look after his ship
Voidhound's XS Freighter
(XS Stock Light Freighter)
Named Starships
and receive cargo that was to be delivered. Fabizan rejected Voidhound's claims that the ship belonged to them and not Skavak, and ordered his goons to attack the duo. After a short firefight, both of his mercenaries
were killed, and Fabizan himself was wounded, with Voidhound's blaster pointed at his face. Fabizan explained himself, and Voidhound spared his life in exchange for several upgrades, which he quickly installed on the Voidhound's freighter. Voidhound and Corso boarded the ship and flew into Coruscant orbit.
After the starship made it the orbit, Voidhound checked the ship's cargo hold and found Risha
Risha Drayen
Supporting Characters
inside, who had been traveling with Skavak as part of a business arrangement to deliver the items in the cargo hold. Since Skavak had proven unreliable, Risha offered to work with Voidhound instead. Then, on the ship's holo, Skavak called. After realizing he lost the ship he stole, he put the smuggler at the top of his list of people to kill. Skavak had sold the blasters Voidhound was supposed to deliver to Rogun the Butcher on Ord Mantell
Ord Mantell
, threatening the smuggler with the revenge from the crime lord. Risha told Skavak that from now on she worked with Voidhound, which he called the biggest mistake of their lives. Risha informed the captain that the cargo on the ship were pieces to a key, that unlocked the lost treasure of Nok Drayen
Nok Drayen
Supporting Characters
, a very rich dead man. She called Nok the greatest gangster who ever lived, personally wiping out the Rath Cartel
Rath Cartel
Organizations that little was known about
and Vandelhelm Combine
Vandelhelm Combine
Organizations that little was known about
during the Syndicate Wars
Syndicate Wars
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
. Since she was the only who could trade the items to get Nok's treasure, the captain agreed to the partnership.


See also
Related organizations
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)StructureCharactersKasstroff (Commander)RolesCommanderKasstroffWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH1 Heavy BlasterKasstroffL7 RifleImperial Guards - L7.1.4 Rifles, AMM: EX AmmoSmoke GrenadeKasstroffSticky GrenadeImperial GuardsInterrogation ProbeKasstroffAdvanced Kolto PackKasstroffArmorImperial Heavy Trooper Armor A11.1Imperial GuardsGE01 A10.1 HatKasstroffGE01 A11.1 Heavy HelmetImperial GuardsImperial Officer Uniform A10.3Kasstroff
Sullustan Constable BrigadeStructureCharactersOfficer Miel MuwnSentient speciesSullustanOfficer Miel MuwnRanksOfficerMiel MuwnWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterMiel MuwnArmorSullustan Constable Brigade Uniform A14.1Miel Muwn
MercenaryStructureRolesSecurityWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)Fabizan's Goons - L9.1.1 BlastersWrist-mounted LauncherFabizan's Goons, AMM: Sleep Dart and Toxic DartTriple-bladed Energy KnifeFabizan's GoonsArmorBH Medium Armor A01.C01Fabizan's GoonsBH1 A01.1 HeadgearFabizan's Goons
TraderStructureCharactersFabizanSentient speciesBithFabizanWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)Fabizan - L9.1.1 BlasterWrist-mounted LauncherFabizanWrist-mounted FlamerFabizanGrapple GunFabizanFire BombFabizan
Voidhound's FollowersStructureCharactersVoidhound (Leader)Corso RiggsRolesLeaderVoidhound
Related units, characters and other technologies
VoidhoundMembershipVoidhound's FollowersLeaderSmugglerVoidhound's XS FreighterPilot and Captain
Risha DrayenMembershipVoidhound's XS FreighterPassenger
Corso RiggsMembershipVoidhound's FollowersVoidhound's XS Freighter
SkavakWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 ElectrobladeFlash GrenadeThermal GrenadeTorchyRelationsEmployed Fabizan
FabizanMembershipTraderWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)L9.1.1 BlasterWrist-mounted LauncherWrist-mounted FlamerGrapple GunFire BombRelationsWorked for Skavak
KasstroffMembershipImperial Army (Sith Empire)CommanderWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH1 Heavy BlasterSmoke GrenadeInterrogation ProbeAdvanced Kolto PackArmorGE01 A10.1 HatImperial Officer Uniform A10.3
Miel MuwnMembershipSullustan Constable BrigadeOfficer Miel MuwnWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterArmorSullustan Constable Brigade Uniform A14.1
C2-N2 (Voidhound)MembershipVoidhound's XS FreighterSteward and Maintenance
MawvorrUsed byVoidhound's XS FreighterMale Shanjaru Beast (Cargo)
BMF-GNK-A01 DroidUsed by / onVoidhound's XS FreighterGonk Droid (Passenger)
BithWere among members ofTraderFabizan
SullustanWere among members ofSullustan Constable BrigadeOfficer Miel Muwn
Voidhound's XS FreighterCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersVoidhound (Pilot and Captain)Corso RiggsRisha Drayen (Passenger)C2-N2 (Voidhound) (Steward and Maintenance)DroidsBMF-GNK-A01 DroidGonk Droid (Passenger)CreaturesMawvorrMale Shanjaru Beast (Cargo)
OfficerMembershipSullustan Constable BrigadeMiel Muwn
CommanderMembershipImperial Army (Sith Empire)Kasstroff
LeaderMembershipVoidhound's FollowersVoidhound
Complete list

Full unit name: Race the Devil Last updated: 26.07.2024 21:09:11