Bastila Shan (9)Full unit name: Shan, Bastila
Last updated: 02.02.2025 19:59:20
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Basic info
First appearance: Knights of the Old Republic (Video Game)
Knights of the Old Republic (Video Game)
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Was born on: Talravin
Relations: Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
Family Relations
Wife of: Revan
Major Characters
Ancestor of: Satele Shan
Satele Shan
Major Characters
Known Facts (2)
Shadows (1) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Jesper Altax
    Be careful where you walk, Jedi. The path of the dark side intersects with that of the light at many crossroads. This is the Noetikon of Secrets. We are the Masters who have seen the darkness and turned back to the light.
    The other two Noetikons told me you might know something about a Jedi plague. But I'm surprised the order would preserve such dangerous secrets.
    Bastila Shan
    Do not be. Having succumbed to the lure of the dark side, we have greater respect for its pull. We would not claim to be immune, but we have come out stronger for our trials.
    But also, we are only imprints, programs with traces of personality. Neither dark nor light have any sway over us now.
    Bastila Shan
    If the Noetikon of Science and the Noetikon of Light had no answers, what makes you think we can help? We are neither doctors nor healers.
    Patience, Bastila. What she means, Jedi, is that for you to consult us, this illness must be remarkable indeed.
    Bastila Shan
    Yes, I'm sorry. Tell us what you know about this illness, and we will see what we can find.
    There's this one phrase.... Yuon keeps repeating the words, "the darkness is coming."
    It started back on Tython, but we didn't know Yuon was ill until she collapsed.
    Jesper Altax
    You were right to consult us. It was only those things eliminated by the other Noetikons that put us on track....
    It's an illness the Jedi have seen before, one created by an ancient Sith named Terrak Morrhage. He used it to turn Jedi to the dark side by the hundreds and leech their strength from them. In this way, he waged war on the Jedi.
    But Yuon's the only one who's fallen ill.
    According to the records, Morrhage's plague spread gradually as well.
    How was he defeated?
    A Jedi healer, whose sacrifice, unlike his name, has not been forgotten, developed a shielding technique to release Morrhage's hold on his victims.
    Bastila Shan
    One by one, the healer cut Morrhage off from his army, the source of his strength.
    Jesper Altax
    Each time he used the technique, however, it cost him some of his own strength.
    By the time the battle was won, the healer was weakened beyond the point of recovery. He sacrificed his life to save the Jedi Order.
    Is it possible for someone to learn this technique?
    Jesper Altax
    The ritual is recorded in an ancient terminal in the Jedi Temple. Learning it will require the combined knowledge of all the Noetikons. If you are thinking of learning the technique, Jedi, I would caution you - powers such as these weigh heavily on those who wield them.
    Bastila Shan
    But it seems your Master doesn't have time for caution. For your Master to survive, you must go to the Jedi Temple and learn the ritual as soon as possible.
    I will go there as soon as possible.
    Then we will do our best to help you learn the technique. Take all three Noetikons to the terminal in the temple and activate them. We will teach you what you must know. Later, others may learn the technique as well - but for now, time is of the essence.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Jesper Altax, Chamma
Ancient Secrets (1) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    This is it--the database where the ritual that can shield your Master from the plague is kept.
    Vandar Tokare
    A stellar work, one part computer, one part holocron. Truly ingenious.
    Noab Hulis
    Masters, you know why we've gathered.
    The Jedi Order is imperiled by an ancient plague - one that warps the minds of even the wisest of Masters and turns them to the dark side.
    Nomi Sunrider
    This young Jedi has stepped forward in search of a way to help her ailing Master and save the Jedi Order.
    Bastila Shan
    But it cannot be done without our help.
    Vandar Tokare
    Millennia ago, a powerful ritual was developed to shield the Jedi from the power of this ancient plague.
    Tharis Orne
    The ritual cut off the plaguemaster from his victims, but it exacted a great price from the healer who wielded it.
    Jesper Altax
    It is once again necessary for someone to use the ritual.
    Wole Vahn
    The ritual is a difficult one to learn, Jedi, and will take many hours of deep meditation and study.
    Arca Jeth
    Are you ready to learn it?
    Yes. I am ready, Master.
    Bastila Shan
    Then open your mind, and we will teach you....
    Arca Jeth
    You seem to have mastered everything we have to show you, Jedi.
    Nomi Sunrider
    Such a bright, inquisitive mind. It has been an honor to teach you.
    Vandar Tokare
    But remember - the shielding ritual will draw on your strength, and you can only regain what you've spent when the plaguemaster's bond with his victims is broken.
    How do I break the bond between plaguemaster and victim?
    Death was what broke the hold of the original plaguemaster, Terrak Morrhage. But there may be another way.
    Noab Hulis
    You now have the knowledge you need to save your Master. Use it wisely and well, and may the Force be with you.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Jesper Altax, Chamma, Nomi Sunrider, Noab Hulis, Wole Vahn, Arca Jeth, Tharis Orne, Vandar Tokare
Bastila Shan was a human female member of the Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
during the Jedi Civil War
Jedi Civil War
Jedi Civil War
. Born on the planet Talravin
to Helena Shan and a treasure hunter, her mother gave her up to the Jedi Order, believing that their lifestyle of travel and exertions was not suitable for her daughter. Shan was found to have an exceptional gift with a Force power known as battle meditation; which increased her allies' morale while demoralizing her enemies. Shan sided with the Jedi Council
Jedi Council
Jedi Order
when the Jedi Knights
Jedi Knight
Major Characters
and Malak
Major Characters
rebelled against the Council and joined
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
the Galactic Republic
Galactic Republic
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
in its war against the invading Mandalorian
Neo-Crusaders. One year after the final battle of the Mandalorian Wars
Mandalorian Wars
Mandalorian Wars
, Revan returned from the Unknown Regions
Unknown Regions
as the new Dark Lord of the Sith
Dark Lord of the Sith
, with Malak as his apprentice, at the head of a new Sith Empire
Revan's Sith Empire
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
. Two years into the Jedi Civil War, Shan was the leader of a Jedi strike team sent to capture Darth Revan and Darth Malak.
At some point late in her life, Bastila's appearance and thought patterns were recorded into the Noetikon of Secrets
Noetikon of Secrets
, as she was a Jedi Master
Jedi Master
who had experienced both the light and dark sides of the Force. This holocron-recording would later aid
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Major Characters
in saving Jedi Master Yuon Par
Yuon Par
Supporting Characters
from a maddening dark side illness
The Dark Plague
Viruses, poisons, diseases and bioweapons


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Revan's Followers
Show all (2)DetailsJedi Civil WarDestruction of Taris
Known technologies which contained a personality of this character
Noetikon of Secrets
All characters this character met
Show all (2)DetailsShadowsAncient Secrets
Nomi Sunrider
Ancient Secrets
Qyzen Fess
Show all (2)DetailsShadowsAncient Secrets
Arca Jeth
Ancient Secrets
Vandar Tokare
Ancient Secrets
Noab Hulis
Ancient Secrets
Jesper Altax
Show all (2)DetailsShadowsAncient Secrets
Show all (2)DetailsShadowsAncient Secrets
Tharis Orne
Ancient Secrets
Wole Vahn
Ancient Secrets
Complete list

Full unit name: Shan, Bastila Last updated: 02.02.2025 19:59:20