YT-1300 Light Freighter (83)Full unit name: YT-1300 Light Freighter
Last updated: 07.07.2024 21:21:47
Navigation (16)
Basic info
First appearance: A New Hope
A New Hope
Relations: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Corellian Engineering Corporation
Known Facts (1)
Battle over Endor (1) »
The YT-1300 light freighter was one of Corellian Engineering Corporation
Corellian Engineering Corporation
's freighter designs. The most notable example of this model was the Millennium Falcon
Millennium Falcon
(YT-1300 Light Freighter)
Named Starships
, a heavily modified YT-1300. Conceived by a panel of CEC shipbuilding experts with help from Narro Sienar, the YT-series went on to become one of the most popular space transport hulls ever produced, revolutionizing the interstellar shipping industry with its unparalleled application of modular design. Whole sections could be mass-produced and arranged into new configurations as needed without extensive retooling. This saved CEC enormous amounts of credits by allowing the starships to be brought to market at extremely competitive prices. The YT-1300 model exemplified this concept with a circular main corridor and modular compartments that could be mounted around it, all radiating outwards from a central core inside a saucer-shaped hull making for both a convenient and economic design. It was considered an equivalent of its time to the Galactic Republic Barloz cargo freighter
Barloz-class Freighter
Starship Models


See also
Sub-classes or named ships
Millennium Falcon
Organizations that used this starship
Gold Squadron
Complete list

Full unit name: YT-1300 Light Freighter Last updated: 07.07.2024 21:21:47