Leia Organa Solo (104)Full unit name: Solo, Leia Organa
Last updated: 09.01.2025 16:13:40
Navigation (37)
Basic info
First appearance: A New Hope
A New Hope
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Was born from: Padme Amidala
Padme Amidala
Major Characters
(The birth of Luke and Leia (ROTS)
The birth of Luke and Leia (ROTS)
New Order
Relations: New Jedi Order
New Jedi Order
New Republic
Family Relations
Granddaughter of: Ruwee Naberrie
Ruwee Naberrie
Minor Characters
, Jobal Naberrie
Jobal Naberrie
Minor Characters
, Shmi Skywalker
Shmi Skywalker
Minor Characters
Daughter of: Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker
Major Characters
, Padme Amidala
Padme Amidala
Major Characters
Adoptive daughter of: Bail Organa
Bail Organa
Supporting Characters
, Breha Organa
Breha Organa
Supporting Characters
Sister of: Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Major Characters
Wife of: Han Solo
Han Solo
Major Characters
Mother of: Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Major Characters
, Jaina Solo
Jaina Solo
Major Characters
, Anakin Solo
Anakin Solo
Major Characters
Aunt of: Ben Skywalker
Ben Skywalker
Major Characters
Niece of: Sola Naberrie
Sola Naberrie
Minor Characters
Known Facts (50)
The birth of Luke and Leia (ROTS) (1) »
Mission to Kashyyyk (TFU) (2) »
  • Was held captive on Kashyyyk
  • Was rescued
Battle of Scarif (1) »
Attack on Tantive IV (3) »
Destruction of Alderaan (1) »
Escape from Death Star (4) »
Mission to Jarnollen (2) »
Battle of Hoth (1) »
Falcon's Escape (18) »
  • Was among the passengers on board of Millennium Falcon when it departed from Hoth
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Han Solo
    I saw them! I saw them!
    Leia Organa Solo
    Saw what?
    Han Solo
    Star Destroyers, two of them, coming right at us.
    Threepio bumps and bangs his way into the cockpit.
    Sir, sir! Might I suggest...
    Han Solo
    Leia, shut him up or shut him down!
    Chewie, check the deflector shield!
    Chewbacca barks a reply as he readjusts an overhead switch.
    Han Solo
    Oh, great. Well, we can still outmaneuver them.
  • Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Han Solo
    Prepare to make the jump to lightspeed.
    But, sir!
    Leia Organa Solo
    They're getting closer!
    Han Solo
    Oh yeah? Watch this.
    Expectantly, they look out the cockpit window as stars do not go into hyperspace, but just sit there. Han and Chewie look at each other and are thrown into an acute state of concern.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Watch what?
    Han tries again. Still nothing.
    Han Solo
    I think we're in trouble.
    If I may say so, sir, I noticed earlier that the hyperdrive motivator has been damaged. It's impossible to go to lightspeed!
    Han Solo
    We're in trouble!
  • Han Solo, C-3PO, Chewbacca
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Han Solo
    Horizontal boosters...!
    Han Solo
    Alluvial dampers...! Well that's not it.
    Han Solo
    Bring me the hydrospanners!
    Chewbacca hurries over to the pit and places the tools on the edge.
    Han Solo
    I don't know how we're going to get out of this one.
    Suddenly, a loud thump hits the side of the Falcon, causing it to lurch radically. Chewie barks. The tools fall into the pit on top of Han.
    Han Solo
    Oww! Chewie!
    More turbulence rocks the ship.
    Han Solo
    That was no laser blast! Something hit us.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Han, get up here!
    Han Solo
    Come on, Chewie!
    Han climbs out of the hold like a shot. Both he and Chewie run out of the hold and toward the cockpit.
  • Han Solo, Chewbacca
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Leia Organa Solo
    Han Solo
    Oh, no! Chewie, set two-seven-one.
    Leia Organa Solo
    What are you doing? You're not actually going into an asteroid field?
    Han Solo
    They'd be crazy to follow us, wouldn't they?
    Leia Organa Solo
    You don't have to do this to impress me.
    Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately three thousand, seven hundred and twenty to one.
    Han Solo
    Never tell me the odds!
  • Chewbacca, Han Solo, C-3PO
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Han Solo
    You said you wanted to be around when I made a mistake; well, this could be it, sweetheart.
    Leia Organa Solo
    I take it back. We're going to get pulverized if we stay out here much longer.
    Han Solo
    I'm not going to argue with that.
    Han Solo
    I'm going in closer to one of those big ones.
    Leia Organa Solo
  • Han Solo, C-3PO, Chewbacca
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Oh, this is suicide!
    Han notices something on his main scope and nudges Chewbacca, pointing.
    Han Solo
    There. That looks pretty good.
    Leia Organa Solo
    What looks pretty good?
    Han Solo
    Yeah. That'll do nicely.
    Excuse me, ma'am, but where are we going?
    The Millennium Falcon dives into the huge crater and disappears.
    Leia Organa Solo
    I hope you know what you're doing.
    Han Solo
    Yeah, me too.
  • Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Han Solo
    I'm going to shut down everything but the emergency power systems.
    Sir, I'm almost afraid to ask, but... does that include shutting me down, too?
    Raawk (yes)
    Han Solo
    No, I need you to talk to the Falcon, find out what's wrong with the hyperdrive.
    Suddenly, the ship lurches, causing all the loose items in the cockpit to go flying.
    Sir, it's quite possible this asteroid is not entirely stable.
    Han Solo
    Not entirely stable? I'm glad you're here to tell us these things. Chewie, take the professor in the back and plug him into the hyperdrive.
    Oh! Sometimes I just don't understand human behavior. After all, I'm only trying to do my job in the most...
  • Chewbacca, Han Solo, C-3PO
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Suddenly, the ship lurches again, throwing Leia across the cabin into Han's arms. Then, abruptly, the motion stops as suddenly as it started. With some surprise, Han and Leia realize they are in each other's arms.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Let go.
    Han Solo
    Leia Organa Solo
    Let go, please.
    Han Solo
    Don't get excited.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited.
    Han Solo
    Sorry, sweetheart. We haven't got time for anything else.
  • Han Solo
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Han Solo
    Hey, Your Worship, I'm only trying to help.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Would you please stop calling me that?
    Han SoloSure, Leia.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Oh, you make it so difficult sometimes.
    Han Solo
    I do, I really do. You could be a little nicer, though. Come on, admit it. Sometimes you think I'm all right.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Occasionally... when you aren't acting like a scoundrel.
    Han Solo
    Scoundrel? Scoundrel? I like the sound of that.
    With that, Han takes her hand and starts to massage it.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Stop that.
    Han Solo
    Stop what?
    Leia Organa Solo
    Stop that! My hands are dirty.
    Han Solo
    My hands are dirty, too. What are you afraid of?
    Leia Organa Solo
    Han Solo
    You're trembling.
    Leia Organa Solo
    I'm not trembling.
    Han Solo
    You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life.
    Leia Organa Solo
    I happen to like nice men.
    Han Solo
    I'm a nice man.
    Leia Organa Solo
    No, you're not. You're...
    Han kisses Leia, but suddenly, Threepio appears in the doorway, speaking excitedly.
  • Han Solo
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Han Solo
    Sir, sir! I've isolated the reverse power flux coupling.
    Han Solo
    Thank you. Thank you very much.
    Oh, you're perfectly welcome, sir.
  • Han Solo, C-3PO
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Leia Organa Solo
    There's something out there.
    Han Solo
    Leia Organa Solo
    Outside, in the cave.
    There it is. Listen! Listen!
    Han Solo
    I'm going out there.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Are you crazy?!
    Han Solo
    I just got this bucket back together. I'm not going to let something tear it apart.
    Han and Chewie grab their breath masks off a rack and hurry out. Leia follows.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Then I'm going with you.
    I think it might be better if I stay here and guard the ship. Oh, no.
  • Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO
  • Wore Roamer-6 Breath Mask
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Leia Organa Solo
    This ground sure feels strange. It doesn't feel like rock at all.
    Han Solo
    There's an awful lot of moisture in here.
    Leia Organa Solo
    I don't know. I have a bad feeling about this.
  • Han Solo, Chewbacca
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Han Solo
    Watch out!
    Han Solo
    Yeah, that's what I thought. Mynock. Chewie, check the rest of the ship, make sure there aren't any more attached. They're chewing on the power cables.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Han Solo
    Go on inside. We'll clean them off if there are any more.
  • Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Han Solo
    All right, Chewie, let's get out of here!
    Leia Organa Solo
    The Empire is still out there. I don't think it's wise to...
    Han Solo
    No time to discuss this in committee.
    Leia Organa Solo
    I am not a committee! You can't make the jump to light-speed in this asteroid field...
    Han Solo
    Sit down, sweetheart. We're taking off!
    Han Solo
    I see it, I see it.
    Suddenly, a row of jagged white stalagmites and stalactites can be seen surrounding the entrance. And as the Falcon moves forward, the entrance to the cave grows ever smaller. Han pulls hard on the throttle, sending his ship surging forward.
    We're doomed!
    Leia Organa Solo
    The cave is collapsing.
    Han Solo
    This is no cave.
    Leia Organa Solo
  • Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Oh, thank goodness we're coming out of the asteroid field.
    Han Solo
    Let's get out of here. Ready for light-speed? One... two... three!
    Han pulls back on the hyperspace throttle and - nothing happens.
    Han Solo
    It's not fair!
    Han Solo
    The transfer circuits are working. It's not my fault!
    Leia Organa Solo
    No light-speed?
    Han Solo
    It's not my fault.
    Sir, we just lost the main rear deflector shield. One more direct hit on the back quarter and we're done for.
    Han Solo
    Turn her around.
    Han Solo
    I said turn her around! I'm going to put all power in the front shield.
    Leia Organa Solo
    You're going to attack them?!
    Sir, the odds of surviving a direct assault on an Imperial Star Destroyer...
    Leia Organa Solo
    Shut up!
  • Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Captain Solo, this time you have gone too far.
    No, I will not be quiet, Chewbacca. Why doesn't anyone listen to me?
    Han Solo
    Chewie, the fleet is beginning to break up. Go back and stand by the manual release for the landing claw.
    I really don't see how that is going to help. Surrender is a perfectly acceptable alternative in extreme circumstances. The Empire may be gracious enough...
    Leia reaches over and shuts off Threepio, mid-sentence.
    Han Solo
    Thank you.
    Leia Organa Solo
    What did you have in mind for your next move?
    Han Solo
    Well, if they follow standard Imperial procedure, they'll dump their garbage before they go to light-speed, then we just float away.
    Leia Organa Solo
    With the rest of the garbage.Then what?
    Han Solo
    Then we've got to find a safe port somewhere around here. Got any ideas?
    Leia Organa Solo
    No. Where are we?
    Han Solo
    The Anoat system.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Anoat system. There's not much there.
    Han Solo
    No. Well, wait. This is interesting. Lando.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Lando system?
    Han Solo
    Lando's not a system, he's a man. Lando Calrissian. He's a card player, gambler, scoundrel. You'd like him.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Han Solo
    Bespin. It's pretty far, but I think we can make it.
    Leia Organa Solo
    A mining colony?
    Han Solo
    Yeah, a Tibanna gas mine. Lando conned somebody out of it. We go back a long way, Lando and me.
    Leia Organa Solo
    Can you trust him?
    Han Solo
    No. But he has no love for the Empire, I can tell you that.
    Han Solo
    Here we go, Chewie. Stand by. Detach!
  • Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO
Ambush on Cloud City (1) »
Escape from Cloud City (3) »
Rendezvous on Redemption (1) »
Arrival of Leia and Chewbacca (1) »
Arrival of Luke Skywalker (1) »
Battle at the Sarlacc's Pit (2) »
Arrival at Endor (ROTJ) (3) »
Leia Meets Wicket (ROTJ) (4) »
Search for Skywalker (Nar Shaddaa) (1) »
Leia Organa Solo was, at various stages of her life, a politician, revolutionary, and Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order
New Jedi Order
New Republic
. The daughter of Jedi Knight
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker
Major Characters
and Senator Padme Amidala
Padme Amidala
Major Characters
of Naboo
, Leia was the younger twin sister of Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Major Characters
, and, shortly after her birth
The birth of Luke and Leia (ROTS)
New Order
, she became the adopted daughter of Bail Organa
Bail Organa
Supporting Characters
and Queen Breha
Breha Organa
Supporting Characters
of Alderaan
, making her a Princess of Alderaan. An accomplished Senator, Leia Organa was most famous for her strong leadership during the Galactic Civil War and other subsequent galactic conflicts, making her one of the galaxy's greatest heroes. Later she married Han Solo
Han Solo
Major Characters
, and became the mother of their three children: Jaina
Jaina Solo
Major Characters
, Jacen
Jacen Solo
Major Characters
, and Anakin Solo
Anakin Solo
Major Characters
. Due to her powerful Force heritage, Leia, following her family's legacy, became a Jedi Knight in the New Jedi Order.
In her youth Leia had a fiery attitude and was headstrong, though not as much as her brother and father. As a child, Leia was not fond of her role as the Princess of Alderaan. She was often seen by many, especially her family, as a tomboy and was sometimes mistaken for a domestic girl rather than a princess. As she matured her outspoken nature blossomed and her dislike of her title ceased. Leia also had a strong personality and a bright intellect. Unlike her brother, Luke Skywalker, and her father, Anakin, Leia never looked for adventure or rushed into things without thinking. Like her mother, Leia avoided the corruption of politics, and instead concentrated on helping others.
Despite growing up on the peaceful world of Alderaan, Leia never became soft. Throughout the Galactic Civil War, Leia proved to be the leader that everyone was willing to follow. Her fierceness and determination to restore freedom to the galaxy helped the Rebel Alliance get through even the toughest of battles. Leia had always put duty before her own personal needs, making her the perfect leader for the New Republic. However, this would be a burden as she had to be away from her young children. Over time her strong stance on political matters ceased and by the time of the Black Fleet Crisis many were seeking to oust Solo from her position as Chief of State.
Leia was known for having compassion for her friends, and would go to great lengths to help them, whenever she could. This was why she had a strong bond with her son, Jacen, who shared her view.


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Rebel Alliance Special Forces
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ) (Endor Strike Team)Battle of Endor (Endor Strike Team)
Endor Strike Team
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Battle of Endor
Rebel Alliance
Show all (3)DetailsAttack on Tantive IVBattle of YavinFalcon's Escape
Known for serving on the following ships
Millennium Falcon
Known for traveling as a passenger on the following ships
Millennium Falcon
Tantive IV
Known for operating the following planetary vehicles or structures
Aratech 74-Z Speeder Bike
Known weaponry & equipment
Defender Sporting Blaster Pistol
Attack on Tantive IV
X-30 'Lancer' Precision Blast Pistol
Show all (2)DetailsArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Leia Meets Wicket (ROTJ)
E-11 Blaster Rifle
Show all (2)DetailsEscape from Death StarEscape from Cloud City
Known armor & apparel
Roamer-6 Breath Mask
All characters this character met
Falcon's Escape
Han Solo
Falcon's Escape
Leia Meets Wicket (ROTJ)
Falcon's Escape
Complete list

Full unit name: Solo, Leia Organa Last updated: 09.01.2025 16:13:40