Crisis in Galactic City (37)Full unit name: Crisis in Galactic City
Last updated: 30.08.2024 0:05:50
Navigation (3)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Happened during: The Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Relations: Coruscant
Known Facts (11)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Anitol Rosspar
    I was hoping to meet just one of you. This must be what the saying "an embarrassment of riches" means. Considering your recent accomplishments, I shouldn't be surprised to find you traveling together. Greatness attracts greatness.
    Hero of Tython
    I can't speak for my friends, but I'm just another Jedi here on business.
    Anitol Rosspar
    Don't be so humble. You stopped an attack on Tython's Jedi Temple - as a Padawan. People in high places are talking.
    What is your interest in us? Clearly, our reputations precede us. My questions are, how... and why do you care?
    Anitol Rosspar
    Stopping a threat like Nalen Raloch attracts attention. Your names are known in the right circles.
    My missions are classified. I don't know what you're talking about. Even if I did, I couldn't discuss it with a civilian.
    Anitol Rosspar
    Not trying to violate your security clearance, Lieutenant. I'll just thank you for exposing the traitors on Ord Mantell.
    Wow, I'm already famous. Didn't realize my exploits were public knowledge. You looking for an autograph?
    Anitol Rosspar
    Not exactly, but I am a fan. You stormed a separatist base on Ord Mantell and came back without a scratch. Impressive.
    And unwelcome attention. Greatness also attracts annoying people who want things.
    Anitol Rosspar
    Sad, but true. Rest assured, I'm not here to waste your time.
    I represent Vanara Kayl, Senator of Coruscant. She not only speaks for our capital world in the Galactic Senate, but oversees this planet's government.
    Senator Kayl leads the effort to rebuild what was destroyed during the Sith Empire's invasion. Healing those old wounds has been slow and painful.
    Hero of Tython
    The war's been over a long time. It's hard to believe we're still recovering.
    Anitol Rosspar
    Some wounds run deeper than others.
    Are you requesting donations? You're here collecting credits for the reconstruction, is that it?
    Anitol Rosspar
    A person of your skills can provide more substantial aid.
    This world faces many crises: a shattered infrastructure, a booming refugee population... whole sectors descending into anarchy. All of these hinder the rebuilding.
    Senator Kayl believes you're specially qualified to deal with a dangerous and urgent threat. She'd appreciate the favor of a meeting - immediately.
    Hero of Tython
    The Senator needs to clear this with Master Orgus Din. If he agrees, I'll meet her.
    Anitol Rosspar
    There's no time for standard diplomatic channels. Senator Kayl will explain everything.
    A great Jedi has fallen ill. She is my priority.
    Anitol Rosspar
    Keep an open mind. What's good for Senator Kayl is good for Master Yuon as well.
    I'm here on urgent business. I don't have time for political games.
    Anitol Rosspar
    This is no game, Lieutenant - but I'm not authorized to reveal more. You understand.
    Senator, huh? My time isn't cheap.
    Anitol Rosspar
    Arrangements will be made to ensure you feel properly compensated.
    Senator Kayl is the greatest leader we've had in decades. She'll not only rebuild this world, but the rest of the Republic with it.
    Speak to Minister Imogh at the Senate tower. Tell him you're expected. Good luck - and welcome to Coruscant.
  • Meteor, Voidhound, Aric Jorgan, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, T7-O1, Anitol Rosspar
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Ah, at last! One moment, please... Senator? Your special appointment has arrived.
    Vanara Kayl
    Thank you for coming on short notice. I'm Senator Vanara Kayl. Forgive my abruptness, but time is a luxury I don't possess. As you may have heard, Coruscant is overwhelmed with refugees fleeing Imperial tyranny. Many have been here since the war.
    The refugees took over the old Galactic Market sector, huddling in shops and warehouses that were abandoned during the Sacking of Coruscant. They refuse to leave.
    Hero of Tython
    Is the Republic doing anything to provide for these refugees?
    Vanara Kayl
    Resources are scarce. There's only so much we can do. We've offered to resettle them offworld, but they're demanding to remain here.
    As so often happens when fear and poverty dominate, a criminal element has risen to take advantage of the situation. The Migrant Merchants' Guild began as a political advocacy group for refugees. Over the years, it transformed into a ruthless and murderous criminal syndicate.
    As if these people didn't have enough problems, now they're being controlled by gangsters.
    Vanara Kayl
    These criminals exploit the very people their guild allegedly protects. They rule through intimidation and extortion.
    Do the gangsters have a power structure? A leader?
    Vanara Kayl
    It's a consortium of powerful crime lords. When one falls, another takes his place. It makes them difficult to defeat.
    The Migrant Merchants' Guild has grown increasingly hostile and violent. Their criminal enforcers have acquired military-grade weaponry.
    Earlier today, their thugs took to the streets. They attacked our security personnel, set fires, began rioting. We're facing an armed insurrection.
    Sounds like Ord Mantell. You just described the last enemy I fought.
    Vanara Kayl
    I need your expertise, Lieutenant. We can't rule out the possibility of Imperial influence.
    Have these gangsters made any demands?
    Vanara Kayl
    They only seem intent on destruction.
    For generations, the old Galactic Market was Coruscant's central trade hub. Its importance isn't merely economic - it's a symbol of the Republic's freedom. The comm channels are jammed. We've lost contact with our security forces. I need your help ending this crisis. The criminals must not win.
    Your forces are probably dead. If the situation's as bad as you say, your people didn't survive.
    Vanara Kayl
    There's still hope. If my security forces were dead, those gangsters couldn't resist letting me know.
    Do whatever you must to save innocent lives from that criminal filth. Find my security chief, Captain Winborn. He'll help. Good luck.
  • Meteor, Voidhound, Aric Jorgan, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, T7-O1, Vanara Kayl, Imogh
  • Coruscant Security Force fought against Migrant Merchants' Guild
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Cut power to the whole blasted planet if you have to! We can't let those crazies take over the network!
    Captain Winborn? Senator Kayl said you need backup. What's the situation? Captain Winborn? Senator Kayl said you need backup. What's the situation?
    We're getting cut to pieces down here. We're not trained to fight an army of killers. These gangsters are smart - organized. Clearly trained offworld. They'll kill thousands. Might even destroy the Senate tower.
    Pull your men back, Captain. Let us handle the criminals.
    It's not that simple. They came here with a plan.
    Hero of Tython
    The Senate tower is nowhere near this sector.
    The scum found themselves a way around that little detail.
    The gangsters brought slicers to access every network node in the sector. They're trying to take over the automated speeder flight paths. They'll cause thousands of mid-air collisions. It'll rain debris on the Senate tower like a meteor storm. No telling how many will die.
    Gangsters need a motive. They're criminals, not terrorists. They wouldn't do this unless they stood to gain something.
    Let's ask them - after we crush their army.
    Hero of Tython
    Send a man to warn the Senators. They need to find shelter.
    I sent word right before you got here, but there isn't enough time to save everyone. We have to stop this here.
    The gangsters have armed patrols guarding the network access points. We need to push them back and manually lock down the terminals.
    Get enough terminals, and we might just pull this off. My men will back you up. Good luck in there.
  • Meteor, Voidhound, Aric Jorgan, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, T7-O1, Winborn
  • Republic Operatives killed a number of Guild Thugs, Shooters and Enforcers, Taskmasters and Guild Captain
  • Republic Operatives destroyed a number of Guild Lifter Droids
  • Republic Operatives killed Guild Master Abiss Sol'oras
  • Republic Operatives killed SD-0
  • Vanara Kayl resigned from Republic Senate
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    My men can't believe you took on all those gangsters--and lived. You're a blasted hero, you know that?
    With the network terminals locked down, the speeder traffic is secure. Now all that's left is pushing out those gangsters for good.
    There was some kind of encrypted message on the network. Looks like a recording.
    Let me see that... hmm... it's an old Migrant Merchants' Guild code. Think I can decrypt it.... Here we go.
    Prakath (RECORDING)
    You accepted our friendship, Senator Kayl--and credits. It's time you paid us back. All we want are the housing projects you promised our people. Now.
    Vanara Kayl (RECORDING)
    Your people will have to wait their turn like everyone else. I owe you nothing. If you continue pushing me, I'll destroy you all.
    Senator Kayl and the Migrant Merchants' Guild are at war? That's what this was all about?
    I can't believe Senator Kayl would deal with gangsters. Could that message be forged?
    The call was placed directly to her office.
    Should've known Senator Kayl was too good to be true. She's an even bigger crook than I thought.
    Doesn't make sense. There's gotta be an explanation.
    Vanara Kayl (RECORDING)
    Your extortion attempt has failed. My people are pushing back your little army as we speak. It's over.
    Prakath (RECORDING)
    Nobody breaks a deal with us, Senator. We'll have what we want, one way or another.
    This is way above my pay grade. I'm not destroying the reputation of Coruscant's most popular politician. Take the recording. I don't want it.
    Hero of Tython
    When you wear that uniform, you're upholding the Republic's ideals: freedom, integrity and honesty.
    There's nobody more qualified to handle this than you, Jedi. I know you'll find the truth.
    A security captain who gives away evidence to complete strangers? How did you get this job?
    I follow my conscience. Whatever's happening, there's a reasonable explanation.
    Senator Kayl has done great things for Coruscant. She's a good woman. Give her a chance. My men and I will stay down here. You should go back to the Senate tower.
  • Meteor, Voidhound, Aric Jorgan, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, T7-O1, Winborn
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    How lovely to see you again. Any friend of Senator Kayl's is a friend of mine.
    Vanara Kayl
    That will be all, Minister. Dismissed.
    Captain Winborn contacted me. You thwarted an attack that would've killed thousands. You have my gratitude. Unfortunately, you also have a holorecording I would like destroyed. Its contents will only cause harm.
    You've been lying to everyone, Senator. The only reason those gangsters attacked us was to get at you.
    Vanara Kayl
    I understand your anger, Lieutenant. But you need to understand - things here are complicated.
    Many choices only appear foolish in retrospect. At the time, it felt like the right thing to do.
    My opponent in the elections was a vile man: lazy, stupid and corrupt. He wasn't interested in building, only taking. I had to win. But I didn't possess as much wealth as he did. When those gangsters approached me, I accepted their "donation"- and I'd do it again.
    Do you hear yourself? After everything that's happened, you still won't admit to being wrong.
    I'm not wrong. If you'd witnessed the suffering on this world - the poverty and despair - you'd know that.
    Don't be naive. Wealth can purchase influence - and influence sways popular opinion. My opponent understood that too well. I stole from those criminals to rebuild Coruscant for its people. Set things right. I'll bring the Migrant Merchants' Guild to justice.
    You hold the power to ensure my success. Let me finish healing this world. Please destroy that recording.
    If you really love the people of Coruscant, you'll admit what you've done. Let them decide whether or not to forgive you.
    Vanara Kayl
    You think I'm dishonest? I'm just a realist - but there's no point arguing it with you. I won't force you to go public. I'll call an emergency meeting in the Senate. Tell them the truth. Let them decide.
    Coruscant will be rebuilt, with or without you. We promise to help finish what you've started.
    Vanara Kayl
    Perhaps you should run for office. I'll see to it you're properly recognized for your heroism in the old Galactic Market.
  • Meteor, Voidhound, Aric Jorgan, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, T7-O1, Imogh, Vanara Kayl
As the operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
arrived on Coruscant
and were exiting the spaceport, they were approached by a man who identified himself as Anitol Rosspar
Anitol Rosspar
Minor Characters (TOR)
, Coruscant Special Affairs Liaison. Rosspar congratulated them on the success of their missions on Ord Mantell
Ord Mantell
and Tython
, adding that they attracted a great deal of attention from people in high places - which came as a surprise to them, as their missions were not intended to be made public. He told them that he represented Vanara Kayl
Vanara Kayl
Minor Characters (TOR)
, Senator of Coruscant who not only spoke for the capital world in the Galactic Senate
Republic Senate
Galactic Republic
, but also oversaw the planet's government. He went on to say that Senator Kayl led the effort to rebuild what had been destroyed during the Sith Empire's invasion
Sacking of Coruscant
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
, and Coruscant faced many crises - a shattered infrastructure, a booming refugee population, whole sectors descended into anarchy - all of which hindered the rebuilding. He stressed that Senator Kayl believed that the operatives qualified to deal with a dangerous and urgent threat, and she would appreciate the favor of a meeting. Rosspar instructed the operatives to speak to Minister Imogh
Minor Characters (TOR)
and tell him they were expected. The operatives agreed to meet with the senator and went to the Senate Tower.
The operatives arrived at the Senate Tower and went inside, where they were met by Minister Imogh, who promptly called Senator Kayl. She came a few minutes later and thanked operatives for the quick response. She told the operatives that Coruscant was overwhelmed with refugees fleeing Imperial tyranny, many had been here since the war. The refugees had taken over the Old Galactic Market sector, huddling in shops and warehouses that were abandoned during the Sacking of Coruscant and they refuse to leave. The Senate offered them help in resettle offworld, but they refused and demanded to remain here. The Migrant Merchants' Guild began as a political advocacy group for refugees, but over the years, it transformed into a ruthless and murderous criminal syndicate, ruling through intimidation and extortion. The Migrant Merchants' Guild
Migrant Merchants' Guild
Planetary and Sector
grown increasingly hostile and violent, their enforcers had acquired military-grade weaponry. Earlier today, Guild thugs took to the streets and attacked security personnel
Coruscant Security Force
Planetary and Sector
, set fires, began rioting, which escalated into an armed insurrection. Because of the comm channels being jammed, the contact with the security forces was lost - and the senator turned to the operatives to with a request to help end the crisis. The operatives agreed, she wished them good luck and instructed to find her security chief, Captain Winborn
Minor Characters (TOR)
who would help them in this mission.
The operatives took a taxi
Air Speeder
Ground Vehicle
To Be Identified
and arrived at the Old Galactic Market sector. They located Captain Winborn and his squad at the shipping and receiving docks, who barricaded the entrance to the concourse and tried to defend their positions from the Guild thugs' attack. Winborn admitted that they weren't trained to fight an army of killers - smart, organized and clearly trained offworldtold. He revealed that the gangsters had brought in slicers who tried to access every network node in the sector to take the control over the automated speeder flight paths and then cause thousands of mid-air collisions, which could result in a rain of debris on the Senate tower. One of the Jedi operatives expressed his suspicion that the Guild were criminals, not terrorists, and they wouldn't have done it if they didn't want to achieve something. To which Winborn offered to question the thugs later, once they were defeated. Winborn added that he sent a message to the Senate right before the operatives arrived, but there wasn't enough time to save everyone and they must stop the gangsters before they carry out their plan. The network access points were guarded, and the operatives would needed to defeat the gangsters before they could manually lock down enough terminals to break Guild's control over the transport network. Winborn promised that his men would back the operatives up and wished them luck.
After killing about twenty guards in the docking area, including Guild Master Abiss Sol'oras
Abiss Sol'oras
Minor Characters (TOR)
, the operatives locked down three access points and disrupted the Guild's control over the transport network. Hoping to find more clues as to how the Guild was able to gain control of the secure network in the first place, the operatives decided to search one of the Guild's transport ships
Plug-6 Dropship
Starship Models
, because the approach to its landing pad was guarded by a huge battle droid
(COL-A01 Uber Droid)
and they came to the conclusion that there must be something important there. After a tense fight, the operatives destroyed the droid and went to the ship. As they approached, they were attacked by a Weequay
Sentient Species
ship captain, and after killing him, they searched his body and found an encrypted datapad containing the Guild's smuggling ledger. Not sure if it contained something they were really looking for, they still decided to take it with them. The operatives swept through the shipping docks area one more time to ensure that it was clear of the Guild's thugs, and then returned to the Captain Winborn.
When the operatives returned to Captain Winborn, they reported that the traffic terminals were secure. Winborn thanked him, saying that he could continue the attack and drive the Guild thugs out of the sector. The operatives also gave him a datapad, and Winborn, recognizing the old Migrant Merchants Guild encryption codes, quickly decrypted the data. Among the information, they found a holofile and played it. The holofile showed them a recording of a conversation between Senator Kayl and Prakkath, one of the Guild leaders. It become clear that the Guild's recent offensive was unintentionally instigated by Senator Kayl herself - during her last election campaign, she took money from the Guild to help her win, and when the Guild asked to return the favor by giving them control over housing projects, she refused and threatened to destroy them. Winborn refused to take the datapad and act on the information in any way, asking the operatives to take the action instead, adding that he was sure the senator was a good person, she had done a lot for Coruscant and should have been able to explain her motives.
Returning to the Senate Tower, the operatives again met with the senator. From Captain Winborn's report, she already knew that the operatives had prevented the terror act and thanked them for this. She also knew that they had found a holorecording of her deal with the Guild because the Guild members informed her of it in an attempt to gain her cooperation once again. She explained that she never really intended to cooperate with the Guild, but she needed credits to win the election, her opponent was stupid, corrupt and not interested in rebuilding Coruscant, but he was much richer and used his money to sway public opinion in his favor. She had to win, and thanks to the credits she received from the Guild, she became a senator. She asked the operatives to give her the holotape and allow her to continue her work for the good of Coruscant and the entire Republic.
The operatives assured her that they would continue to do everything to restore Coruscant, and she replied that maybe they should run for office. She promised them that she would ensure that their actions in the Old Galactic Market were properly recognized, after which they parted ways.
Later the operatives received a message from Supreme Chancellor Janarus, who praised them for their deeds and also informed them that Senator Kayl had resigned from her duties in the Senate.


See also
Related organizations
Republic SenateStructureCharactersVanara KaylImoghDorian JanarusSentient speciesGranImogh
Supreme ChancellorStructureCharactersDorian Janarus
Republic Special Forces DivisionStructureCharactersMeteor, Havoc SquadAric Jorgan, Havoc SquadSentient speciesCatharAric Jorgan, Havoc SquadWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsRepublic Sniper RifleAric JorganArmorHavoc Squad ArmorAric Jorgan
Havoc SquadStructureCharactersMeteorAric JorganSentient speciesCatharAric JorganWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsRepublic Sniper RifleAric JorganArmorHavoc Squad ArmorAric Jorgan
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Knight Hero of TythonJedi Knight Barsen'thor (Jedi Consular)RanksJedi KnightHero of TythonBarsen'thorRolesJedi ConsularJedi Knight Barsen'thor
Coruscant Security ForceStructureCharactersCaptain WinbornDroidsADAS-A01 Assassin DroidCoruscant Security DroidsGround vehiclesLight Manned TurretRanksCaptainWinbornWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 BlasterCSF Captains and OfficersCoruscant Security DroidsWinbornL3 ElectrobladeCSF Captains and OfficersCoruscant Security DroidsWinbornArmorCSF UniformVarious membersWinborn
Migrant Merchants' GuildStructureCharactersGuild Master Abiss Sol'orasSD-0PrakkathDroidsBMF-GNK-A01 DroidGuild Lifter DroidsCOL-A01 Uber DroidSD-0Sentient speciesChagrianAdvozseArconaWeequayNiktoGuild Master Abiss Sol'orasDevaronianPrakkathWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL10 BlasterGuild Enforcers, Taskmasters and Guild CaptainGuild Master Abiss Sol'orasL6 RifleGuild Thugs and ShootersWrist-mounted FlamerGuild EnforcersL3 ElectrobladeGuild CaptainGuild Lifter Droids
Republic OperativesStructureCharactersMeteorAric JorganVoidhoundCorso RiggsHero of TythonT7-O1Barsen'thorQyzen FessDroidsT7-series Astromech DroidT7-O1Sentient speciesCatharAric JorganTrandoshanQyzen FessWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsRepublic Sniper RifleAric JorganL4 ElectrobladeQyzen Fess
Related units, characters and other technologies
Barsen'thorMembershipRepublic OperativesJedi OrderJedi Knight Barsen'thor (Jedi Consular)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsBarsen'thor's Lightsaber
Hero of TythonMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight Hero of TythonRepublic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsHero of Tython's Lightsaber
MeteorMembershipHavoc SquadRepublic Special Forces DivisionHavoc SquadRepublic Operatives
VoidhoundMembershipSmugglerRepublic Operatives
Qyzen FessMembershipRepublic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 Electroblade
Aric JorganMembershipHavoc SquadRepublic Special Forces DivisionHavoc SquadRepublic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsRepublic Sniper RifleArmorHavoc Squad Armor
Corso RiggsMembershipRepublic Operatives
ImoghMembershipRepublic Senate
Dorian JanarusMembershipSupreme ChancellorRepublic Senate
Vanara KaylMembershipRepublic Senate
PrakkathMembershipMigrant Merchants' Guild
Anitol Rosspar
Abiss Sol'orasMembershipMigrant Merchants' GuildGuild Master Abiss Sol'orasWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL10 BlasterGuild Master Abiss Sol'oras
WinbornMembershipCoruscant Security ForceCaptain WinbornWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 BlasterL3 ElectrobladeArmorCSF Uniform
SD-0MembershipMigrant Merchants' Guild
T7-O1MembershipRepublic Operatives
COL-A01 Uber DroidUsed by / onMigrant Merchants' GuildSD-0
ADAS-A01 Assassin DroidUsed by / onCoruscant Security ForceCoruscant Security DroidsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 BlasterCoruscant Security DroidsL3 ElectrobladeCoruscant Security Droids
T7-series Astromech DroidUsed by / onRepublic OperativesT7-O1
BMF-GNK-A01 DroidUsed by / onMigrant Merchants' GuildGuild Lifter DroidsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 ElectrobladeGuild Lifter Droids
Light Manned TurretUsed byCoruscant Security Force
AdvozseWere among members ofMigrant Merchants' Guild
ArconaWere among members ofMigrant Merchants' Guild
CatharWere among members ofHavoc SquadAric JorganRepublic Special Forces DivisionAric Jorgan, Havoc SquadRepublic OperativesAric Jorgan
ChagrianWere among members ofMigrant Merchants' Guild
DevaronianWere among members ofMigrant Merchants' GuildPrakkath
GranWere among members ofRepublic SenateImogh
NiktoWere among members ofMigrant Merchants' GuildGuild Master Abiss Sol'oras
TrandoshanWere among members ofRepublic OperativesQyzen Fess
WeequayWere among members ofMigrant Merchants' Guild
CaptainMembershipCoruscant Security ForceWinborn
Jedi KnightMembershipJedi OrderHero of TythonBarsen'thor
Jedi ConsularMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight Barsen'thor
All events that happened during this time period
Destroying the War Droids
Stolen Secrets
Republic's Most Wanted
The Senator's Stolen Goods
For Better or Worse
Complete list

Full unit name: Crisis in Galactic City Last updated: 30.08.2024 0:05:50