Esseles incident (147)Full unit name: Esseles incident
Last updated: 12.02.2025 0:03:44
Navigation (3)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Happened during: The Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Relations: Carrick Station
Carrick Station
Space Stations
, Esseles
(Thranta-class Corvette)
Named Starships
, Coruscant
Known Facts (98)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Priority Transport Officer
    Masters Jedi, Lieutenant, Captain.
    Such a pleasure. Welcome, welcome. Greetings.
    You are headed to the capital maybe? Yes? There is a direct shuttle to Coruscant. It is small but comfortable.
    I was contacted by a group of important people - Jedi Masters Shan and Syo, and General Garza. And Captain, you have two tickets purchased by one named Syreena?
    Your tickets also give you transport on the Esseles. Very comfortable, very fast. VIP Republic transport. Yes?
    Glad to hear it.
    Priority Transport Officer
    Excellent, excellent. Be warned, transport sometimes goes through dangerous space. When you are ready, go through airlock. It will lead you straight to the Esseles.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Priority Transport Officer
  • Republic Operatives boarded Esseles
  • Esseles departed from Carrick Station
  • Republic Operatives was among its passengers
  • Republic Navy was among its crew
  • Vyn Asara was among its passengers
  • Tyrus served as Captain
  • Haken served as First Officer
  • Plex served as Navigator
  • Raste served as Communications Officer
  • Imperial Intelligence Agents and Infiltrators was among its passengers
  • Chief Engineer Salen was among its crew
  • Crewman Vepp was among its crew
  • G5-M1 was among its crew
  • Asara's Guard 1 was among its crew
  • Asara's Guard 2 was among its crew
  • Asara's Guard 3 was among its crew
  • Astromech Droids was among its crew
  • Combat Support Droids joined Republic Operatives
  • Imperial Agents reprogrammed a number of Power Droids
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Vyn Asara
    Excuse me? Yes, could I speak with you for a moment? You're a soldier - Republic Army, right? You're a Jedi, aren't you?. And Captain, some passengers from Ord Mantell mentioned your reputation as a first-rate pilot.
    I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you've been contacted by any of the ship's officers.
    I have not been contacted by any of the ship's personnel. Is there a situation?
    Vyn Asara
    I don't normally do civilian transport, but I could definitely get this hunk of metal to Coruscant faster.
    Vyn Asara
    No, no. I'm sorry, that isn't quite what I meant. Masters?
    Hero of Tython
    I haven't spoken to any members of the crew. But anyone who needs the help of a Jedi will have it.
    No member of the ship's crew has sought me out. Should they have?
    Vyn Asara
    I overheard some passengers talking. You've got quite a reputation. Has the ship's crew spoken to you at all?
    I sense great concern. Why don't you tell us what's wrong?
    Vyn Asara
    I heard a rumor that there's an Imperial warship following us. I know, I know- the Treaty of Coruscant. But I don't trust the Empire to keep the peace.
    It's hard not to be a little afraid - knowing what the Empire was capable of back in the war.
    Hey, there's nothing wrong with looking over your shoulder every once in a while.
    The Imps will always be a threat - no treaty is going to change that.
    Vyn Asara
    It's good to hear I'm not the only one concerned about the Imperials. I just thought that the ship's crew is more likely to talk to someone like you if there's trouble.
    Telling the passengers that Imperials are nearby would only cause a panic.
    Vyn Asara
    I suppose. Still, I think it's unsettling to think that there might be Imperials behind us.
    Warning! Warning! Incoming fire! All hands, brace for incoming! Repeat, all hands-
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Vyn Asara
  • Mark VI Supremacy-class Starfighter attacked Esseles
  • Many of Esseles Security Droids were destroyed during the attack
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Vyn Asara
    Can you hear me? Are you alright? Good, good. That was quite a hit, we're lucky not to be hurt.
    The Imperials seem to have forgotten about the treaty....
    Vyn Asara
    I knew the treaty would break eventually, but I didn't think I'd actually be here to see it.
    Listen- you have to get to the bridge. The captain will need all of the help he can get right now- go, hurry!
    Let's just hope it's not too late to help. We should head for the bridge and see if there's any way we can lend a hand.
    Vyn Asara
    It's never too late to try. With your skills, I'm sure you could make a difference. Good luck.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Vyn Asara
  • Republic Operatives destroyed a number of Rewired Power Droids
  • Emperor's Glory attacked Esseles
  • Many of Republic Navy were killed during the attack
  • Many of Esseles Security Droids were destroyed during the attack
  • Captain Tyrus was killed during the attack
  • Many of Republic Navy have been wounded during the attack
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    First Officer Haken
    Come on, Tyrus! You can make it, sir, you can make it!
    Navigator Plex
    He's gone, sir. You're in charge now - what are our orders?
    First Officer Haken
    Your orders? Our weapons are out, shields are out, comms are out! There's nothing we can do!
    The path may not always be clear, but that doesn't mean there is no path.
    First Officer Haken
    Why is this Jedi standing on our bridge spouting nonsense? We're in a situation here! If you want to be useful, Jedi, then get out of here and stop interrupting us!
    It sounds like you guys could use a captain with some experience.
    First Officer Haken
    Who is this? Who do you think you are? Get out!
    Give us a sitrep, people - what have we got?
    First Officer Haken
    Is your hearing bad, soldier? Because I'm pretty sure I just went over that. We're in the middle of a situation here, the bridge is off-limits.
    Navigator Plex
    Sir, we need all the help we can get. If we don't keep it together here, we're finished.
    First Officer Haken
    Keep what together? The Imperials have us by the throat! We're as good as dead already.
    What's wrong with you? Are you really going to let your ship fall to the Imperials so easily?
    First Officer Haken
    That ship behind us is one of the biggest in the Imperial fleet. We didn't stand a chance. I just can't believe this is happening.
    Are the engines still working? Is there any chance we could run?
    Navigator Plex
    The engines are operational, but we're caught in a tractor beam. Impossible to run for it.
    Communication Officer Raste
    Sir! Incoming message - the Imperial ship is hailing us!
    First Officer Haken
    What? Oh. Well, put them on.
    Grand Moff Kilran
    Republic transport Esseles, this is Grand Moff Rycus Kilran. Your defenses are entirely disabled. Attempt no resistance.
    We're aware of our situation, Kilran. Just tell us why you're here.
    Grand Moff Kilran
    Come, now. I think it's obvious I'm not here for friendly diplomacy. Your ship is transporting a known anti-Imperial terrorist and seditionist: the so-called "Ambassador" Vyn Asara. I've come to collect her.
    First Officer Haken
    Who? We didn't take on any passengers by that name. I've never even heard of this person!
    Grand Moff Kilran
    Interesting. Lying or incompetent? No matter. My agents aboard your ship have confirmed the ambassador is there.
    What are you going to do about it, Kilran? You can't force us to hand this person over.
    Grand Moff Kilran
    I'm fairly confident that I can. Imperial soldiers are preparing to board your ship through its primary air lock. My agents will ensure that you do not interfere with them.
    If you attempt to stop my men from arresting Ambassador Asara, I will have every living thing aboard the Esseles killed.
    Hero of Tython
    Where is the primary air lock? We'll stop the Imperials as they try to board.
    Navigator Plex
    Weren't you listening? If we try to fight, they'll slaughter us! We have to cooperate!
    Let's not panic. We just figure out who this ambassador is and hand her over. No problem.
    First Officer Haken
    It won't matter. Kilran has us, now. He'll kill us all - he's famous for it. The only one he wants alive is the ambassador.
    If Kilran gets the ambassador while we're sitting in his sights, we're goners. Those soldiers have to be stopped before they can succeed.
    We'll show these Imperials the error of their ways.
    First Officer Haken
    It's very brave of you to volunteer. Listen- I'm sorry I lost it earlier. It means a lot to have your help right now. Thank you. I'm sure you're up to anything the Imps can throw at us.
    I'll have our security team meet you by the primary air lock. They haven't seen much action, but Commander Narlock knows his stuff. Good luck. We're all counting on you.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Haken, Plex, Raste, Rycus Kilran
  • Imperial Intelligence Agents and Infiltrators killed a number of Republic Navy
  • Republic Operatives killed a number of Agents and Infiltrators
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Commander Narlock
    This is it, men. This is what you've been training for. The Imperials are coming, and we're not going to let them past, are we?
    Security Team Member 1
    Sir, no, sir!
    Commander Narlock
    We won't be fighting alone! We have some very experienced volunteers - the Imps will never know what hit them!
    Hero of Tython
    My lightsaber is at your service, Commander.
    Commander Narlock
    Do you hear that, men? Our friend here is going to chop through these Imps like nothing!
    The Force will guide us to victory.
    Commander Narlock
    The Force will be with us, men! We'll be unstoppable!
    Hope you're ready to see a real professional at work.
    Commander Narlock
    A professional! We've got nothing to worry about, men - we can't lose!
    Havoc Squad, reporting for duty!
    Commander Narlock
    Havoc Squad! The best in the Republic, and they're fighting by your side, men. We can't fail! We won't!
    The Imps will cut through any second now - we need to take up defensive positions. Move up, men! Get ready!
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Narlock's Team Member 1, Narlock's Team Member 2, Narlock's Team Member 3, Dol Narlock
  • Imperial Transport (Sith Empire) arrived on Esseles
  • Ironfist was among the boarders
  • Mandalorian Warriors, Marksmen, Commandos, Boarders and Privateers was among the boarders
  • Imperial Transport (Sith Empire) arrived on Esseles
  • Lieutenant Isric was among the boarders
  • Imperial Boarding Troopers was among the boarders
  • Republic Operatives killed a number of Imperial Boarding Troopers
  • Narlock's Security Team killed a number of Imperial Boarding Troopers
  • Republic Operatives killed Lieutenant Isric
  • Mandalorians killed a number of Republic Navy
  • Mandalorian Boarders and Privateers captured First Officer Haken
  • Mandalorian Boarders and Privateers captured Navigator Plex
  • Mandalorian Boarders and Privateers captured Communications Officer Raste
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Commander Narlock
    Hah! Victory! We've done it, men, we've done it! The ship is saved!
    Vyn Asara
    I'm sorry, Commander, but that... that isn't the case.
    We defeated the entire boarding party - nobody could've slipped past us.
    Vyn Asara
    No, you're right - it's not you the Imperials slipped past.
    You're Ambassador Asara? That Imperial said that you're the one they were sent to capture.
    Vyn Asara
    Listen, that's not important right now - we have a serious problem. First Officer Haken walked us right into a trap. The attack on this air lock was a ruse.
    After Haken sent you here, Imperial commandos snuck aboard, they were led by a Mandalorian mercenary called "Ironfist." The Mandalorians work for the Empire - they're some of the best warriors in the galaxy. And Ironfist is one of the most famous.
    It gets worse, I'm afraid. Ironfist and his Imperial commandos stormed the bridge, and now the entire area is locked down tight. That's why I rushed to find you. We have to do something - we have to act fast.
    How did you learn about all of this?
    Vyn Asara
    I watched the whole thing happen on the security cams.
    Commander Narlock
    Look, what is this all about? Why are the Imperials so desperate to capture you?
    Vyn Asara
    Because of my work. I'm a Republic ambassador. I travel to Imperial-controlled planets and convince their governments to come over to our side.
    Turning potential enemies into friends spares us unnecessary conflicts.
    Vyn Asara
    Not all battles can be avoided, but diplomacy can gain us so much more than fighting.
    Talk about running dangerous cargo. Who gets you in and out of these places?
    Vyn Asara
    I slip in on passenger ships like this one and blend in. But we can talk about my work later.
    Commander Narlock
    We need to retake the bridge. The longer we leave the Imperials in control, the harder it will be to remove them.
    Vyn Asara
    I already told you, Ironfist has the bridge locked down. There's no way in or out.
    Commander Narlock
    A security lockdown... that is bad. Chief Engineer Salen might know of a workaround.
    Hopefully we can get to Salen before the Imperials. Do you know where he is?
    Dol Narlock
    He and his team will be down in the engineering section. I'm sure they'll be able to help us.
    Vyn Asara
    We'll need a diversion. If the Imperials notice the hatches to engineering opening, they'll flood the area with soldiers.
    Dol Narlock
    My men and I can handle that. Form up, men! We're going to go start some trouble!
    Let's get that bridge open!
    Dol Narlock
    We'll give those Imps something to think about, won't we, boys?
    Vyn Asara
    It's a lot to ask of you, I know. But we have to get the bridge open. I'll go along with Commander Narlock. Once you've cleared a path to engineering, I'll double-back and join up with you there. Good luck.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Narlock's Team Member 1, Narlock's Team Member 2, Narlock's Team Member 3, Dol Narlock, Vyn Asara
  • Vyn Asara received H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Raid Assault Pod arrived on Esseles
  • Imperial Sabotage Drones was among the boarders
  • Imperial Seeker Droids was among the boarders
  • Imperial Slicer Droids was among the boarders
  • Imperial Sabotage Drones killed a number of Republic Navy
  • Imperial Seeker Droids killed a number of Republic Navy
  • Imperial Slicer Droids killed a number of Republic Navy
  • Republic Operatives destroyed a number of Imperial Sabotage Drones
  • Republic Operatives destroyed a number of Imperial Seeker Droids
  • Republic Operatives destroyed a number of Imperial Slicer Droids
  • Republic Operatives killed a number of Imperial Agents and Infiltrators
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Hey! Hey, Chief, come here! Look, there's someone out there, on the other side of the door!
    You must be crazy, coming all the way down here with the Imps everywhere.
    Commander Narlock said that you might know of a way to unlock the bridge. The Imperials have it sealed off.
    The Imps pulled the lockdown? You've got to be kidding me.
    Vyn Asara
    You really cleared this place out. I didn't run into a single Imperial on my way down here. Listen- there's no time to waste. Commander Narlock and his men are being overrun - we have to get the bridge unlocked now.
    So I've heard. I'd invite you in, but the lockdown has our doors sealed, too.
    Hero of Tython
    Are you going to be safe in there? Do you need help getting out?
    Getting the bridge back in our control is much more important. Now let's see...
    What about a reactor reset? That would disengage the security locks, wouldn't it, sir?
    Yeah, but a reactor reset vents the engineering compartment - we'd be blown into space. Besides, controls are on the other side of the door.
    What else could we do to open up the bridge?
    The secondary conduits. They're spread around a bit, but if you shut them all down, the security will go down, too. Then we'll be in business.
    We'll get the conduits shut down right away.
    Vyn Asara
    There's no time to go running all over the ship. If we don't act now, the Imperials will overwhelm us. I'm sorry, Salen. We need to unlock the bridge while we have the chance. We have to reset the reactor. You and your men will be remembered.
    We can't send these people to their deaths! Not when there's an alternative!
    Vyn Asara
    Fine. But you're dooming everyone on this ship. Sometimes, sacrifices have to be made for the greater good.
    Hero of Tython
    We're trying to save the people on this ship, not kill them.
    Vyn Asara
    Fine. Who am I to argue?
    Crazy witch! Shutting down the secondary conduits will work, I promise.
    Vyn Asara
    If you're going to do it, go now. The longer you wait, the more Imperials you'll have after you.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Vyn Asara, Salen, Vepp
  • Republic Operatives destroyed a number of Imperial Sabotage Drones
  • Republic Operatives destroyed a number of Imperial Seeker Droids
  • Republic Operatives destroyed a number of Imperial Slicer Droids
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Vyn Asara
    I don't know how you managed it, but you did. The security doors around the bridge have opened.
    The bridge is open, and no innocent lives had to be sacrificed to do it.
    Vyn Asara
    You were right- I'm sorry. Please understand, I didn't want to kill anyone, I just... it seemed like the only way to be sure.
    I'll go and help Narlock with another diversion. So you have as little resistance as possible when you attack the bridge.
    You'll still have to deal with Ironfist, though. And that's no small challenge.
    What do you know about Ironfist?
    Vyn Asara
    I only know Ironfist by reputation, but he's been doing Grand Moff Kilran's dirty work for a long time now.
    He's never been captured, defeated or even driven back. You have your work cut out for you.
    They didn't just train me to do the easy jobs, ma'am.
    So if Ironfist goes down, I become famous. Works for me.
    Vyn Asara
    I'm not sure if fame should be the first thing on your mind at a time like this.
    Just be careful. Mandalorians always have a few tricks up their sleeves.
    All right, no more time to waste. Narlock, are you there? Can you hear me?
    Dol Narlock
    Copy, this is Narlock! Set for second offensive?
    Vyn Asara
    That's right, Commander. I'm on my way to join you now.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Vyn Asara, Dol Narlock
  • Narlock's Security Team killed a number of Mandalorian Warriors, Marksmen and Commandos
  • Republic Operatives killed a number of Mandalorian Warriors, Marksmen and Commandos
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Well, well. I was wondering when you'd finally show up. This is it? There aren't more of you?
    Hero of Tython
    Just give up, Ironfist. We don't want to have to hurt you or your men.
    Strange view of the situation. Guess you'd have to be a little crazy to put up the fight you have. Just give me a decent fight for once, will you?
    Let's vape this worthless scum and get back to work.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Ironfist
  • Republic Operatives killed Ironfist
  • Republic Operatives killed a number of Mandalorian Boarders and Privateers
  • Republic Operatives rescued Haken
  • Republic Operatives rescued Plex
  • Republic Operatives rescued Raste
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Vyn Asara
    First Officer Haken, do you have any spare shuttles in the hangar bay?
    Spare shuttles? Yes, we do, but I don't-
    Vyn Asara
    Then that's our only chance. You have to board Grand Moff Kilran's ship and disable the tractor beam so that we can all escape.
    Why not? We've been fighting insane odds all along. No sense stopping now.
    I'm in. A bit of fancy flying followed by some daring heroics? You've come to the right person.
    Vyn Asara
    I knew we could count on you.
    I've been aboard warships like Kilran's. The tractor beam controls should be easy to find, if you know where you're going.
    Ambassador, you're familiar with the layout, perhaps you should go along to help get the tractor beam shut down.
    Vyn Asara
    Hmm. We need every advantage we can get.
    Sounds like a plan. It will be good to have you along, Ambassador.
    Vyn Asara
    I'll do my best to help in any way I can.
    Dol Narlock
    Ambassador, before you go - take a spare uniform. We wouldn't want any Imperials to recognize you.
    Vyn Asara
    Good thinking, Commander - thank you. Now let's get moving.
    Good luck out there. We're all counting on you.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Raste, Plex, Vyn Asara, Dol Narlock, Haken
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Salen called First Officer Haken and told him of what happened on the engineering deck, and how Ambassador Asara wanted to kill all the engineers in order to open the bridge.
  • Haken, Salen
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Hey! Hold up a minute. I need to talk to you before you go.
    I just talked to Salen from engineering. He told me what Asara tried to make you do down there. Thank you for stopping her.
    She was just doing what she thought she had to do to save the ship.
    And she would've killed a lot of good people if you hadn't stopped her. Thank you.
    Listen, I've been thinking. I really believe this plan is going to work. But there's only one way to guarantee that we all make it home safe. And that's to make sure the Imperials have no reason to keep chasing us.
    What are you suggesting, Haken?
    You want us to hand the ambassador over to the Imperials, don't you?
    Yes. For the sake of us all, I want you to leave Asara behind on the Grand Moff's ship. With the tractor beam down, we'll be able to escape. But Kilran will just chase us down again - unless he's already captured his target.
    Asara is the reason for all of this. If you're serious about doing whatever it takes to save this ship, then you'll make sure she doesn't come back with you.
    Hero of Tython
    We didn't sacrifice the engineers to get us out of this. We won't sacrifice Asara, either. Don't let your anger at the ambassador cloud your judgment.
    My judgement isn't clouded. This is what has to be done, I'm sure of it.
    Ambassador Asara is a Republic official. It's our duty to protect her.
    It's going to be dangerous over there. If Asara didn't make it, nobody would even think twice about it.
    Is this really what's best for the ship? Or are you just looking for a bit of payback?
    Maybe. Doesn't change the fact that leaving her behind will save the rest of us. Just think about it. I'd even make it worth your while if things go the way I'm suggesting.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Haken
  • Fortitude-class Troop Transport departed from Esseles
  • Republic Operatives was among its passengers
  • Vyn Asara was among its passengers
  • Asara's Guard 1 was among its passengers
  • Asara's Guard 2 was among its passengers
  • Asara's Guard 3 was among its passengers
  • Fortitude-class Troop Transport arrived on Esseles
  • Republic Operatives was among its passengers
  • Vyn Asara was among its passengers
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Everyone's aboard, Plex! Get us out of here, now! We're safe! You did it - you did what no one else could have done. You've saved us all. We owe you our lives... every one of us. So, on behalf of the passengers and crew of the Republic transport Esseles, thank you.
    You're welcome. It's been an honor to help and protect you all.
    If you hadn't been here, we'd all have been doomed. We can't thank you enough.
    I took up a collection from everyone on the ship - hopefully, these credits will help you save other people in need, the same way you've saved us.
    Hero of Tython
    Please - keep your credits. I'm sure you all need them more than we.
    That's extremely gracious of you. Thank you very much.
    Ambassador Asara, it's... it's a relief to see that you made it back to us safely as well.
    Vyn Asara
    Really? I imagine it comes as a bit of a surprise to see me here at all, Haken.
    I- I don't know what you mean. Of course I'm glad to see you. Why would you think differently?
    You offered us a reward to leave her on the Grand Moff's ship, Haken.
    You must have misunderstood me. I would never... I wouldn't do something like that.
    Vyn Asara
    Thank you for telling me the truth and for everything else you've done here. The Republic needs heroes like you now more than ever.
    I should warn you, though. Grand Moff Kilran is never going to forget what we've done. He'll stop at nothing to get his revenge.
    Thanks for the warning. Sounds like we'd better keep our guard up from now on.
    Vyn Asara
    That would be wise. There's nothing Kilran isn't capable of.
    Anyway, enough of that. I'd say it's about time we all relaxed a bit and enjoyed the rest of our trip. Thanks again - and good luck in the future.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Plex, Vyn Asara, Haken, Raste, Dol Narlock
  • Esseles arrived on Coruscant
  • Haken served as First Officer
  • Plex served as Navigator
  • Raste served as Communications Officer
  • Republic Navy was among its crew
  • Chief Engineer Salen was among its crew
  • Crewman Vepp was among its crew
  • G5-M1 was among its crew
  • Republic Operatives was among its passengers
  • Vyn Asara was among its passengers
  • Emergency Droids was among its crew
  • Astromech Droids was among its crew
The Esseles incident was joined operation under the command of Grand Moff Rycus Kilran
Rycus Kilran
Supporting Characters
carried out by the Imperial Navy, Army and Intelligence in 3643 BBY during the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
with the objective of arresting Republic Ambassador Vyn Asara on charges of terrorism and sedition against the Sith Empire. During the opening phase of the operation, a group of Imperial agents
Imperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)
Reconstituted Sith Empire
on Kilran's orders secretly infiltrated the Republic transport Esseles, which Asara was using to covertly travel to Coruscant. The agents' goal was to disable the weapons and all critical transport systems so that Kilran's forces could board the ship and capture the ambassador.

A group of Republic operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
had just arrived at Carrick Station
Carrick Station
Space Stations
and were about to leave for Coruscant
. On their way to Coruscant's departure concourse they were approached by a Neimoidian
Sentient Species
Priority Transport Officer
Minor Characters (TOR)
, who asked them if they would be interested in travelling on board of VIP transport Esseles
(Thranta-class Corvette)
Named Starships
- fast and comfortable - instead of a regular shuttle. He added that it was General Garza
Elin Garza
Supporting Characters
who had arranged the tickets for Meteor
Major Characters
and Jorgan
Aric Jorgan
Supporting Characters
, the tickets Syreena
Minor Characters (TOR)
had given the Voidhound
Major Characters
and Riggs
Corso Riggs
Supporting Characters
were suitable for traveling on Esseles, and permission to board the Esseles for Jedi was arranged by Masters Shan
Satele Shan
Major Characters
and Bakarn
Syo Bakarn
Minor Characters (TOR)
. The operatives accepted the offer and boarded through the airlock leading to the Esseles. Several minutes later the transport departed from the Carrick station. After passing through the passenger deck, the operatives entered the lounge and took their seats. The lounge was full of other passengers - mostly humans, but also Twi'leks
Sentient Species
, Cathars
Sentient Species
, Togrutas
Sentient Species
, Advozse
Sentient Species
and Nautolans
Sentient Species
- lounging, chatting or playing sabacc.

Some time later, they were approached by a female Twi'lek passenger
Vyn Asara
Supporting Characters
who asked them if they were contacted by the ship's crew - mentioning that there was talks through the ship that they all had quite a reputation. Suprised by the question, Meteor replied that they hadn't been contacted and it was not normal for a crew to speak with passengers, and Voidhound added that he didn't normally fly civilian transport, but he could definitely get this hunk of metal to Coruscant faster. Jedi
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
members said that they had have sensed great concern and asked the passenger to tell them what had happened. The Twi'lek then told them that she had heard a rumor that there was an Imperial warship following Esseles and she was worried that despite the Treaty of Coruscant the Empire won't keep the peace. The operatives agreed with her concerns, but assured her that she would be safe. She thanked them, saying that she only wished she could get someone from the crew to answer her questions - and she just thought that the ship's crew would more likely to talk to the operatives if there was trouble.

Meanwhile, Kilran's agents confirmed that Ambassador Asara was indeed on the ship, and began disabling the ship's weapons, shields, and communications. They also reprogrammed two power droids
BMF-GNK-A01 Droid
Old Republic Gonk Droid classes
and armed them with heavy blasters
H1 Heavy Blaster
Blaster pistols
, ordering them to attack anyone in sight.

It was at this moment that the ship was suddenly attacked by an Imperial starfighter
Mark VI Supremacy-class Starfighter
Starfighter Models
. A loud voice came out of Intercom -"Warning! Warning! Incoming fire! All hands, brace for incoming! Repeat, all hands --", then the ship shook terribly, everyone on in lounge fell onto the deck. After a series of explosions the ship shook several more times, silence fell, interrupted only by the howl of sirens and the groans of injured passengers. The Twi'lek woman, shaken but alive, called out to the operatives that they should go to the bridge, the captain would need all the help he could get. The operatives expressed hope that it was not too late, and the woman replied that it was never too late to try, with their skills they could make a difference. The operatives ran out of the lounge and towards the bridge. They were joined by Combat Support Droid
REP-A01 Assault Droid
Old Republic Assault Droid classes
who informed them that it would follow and assist.

Operatives ran across the passenger deck, seeing the wounded and the dead everywhere. In one of the rooms, they came across a couple of armed power droids that attacked the operatives. It was unusual for power droids to wield weapons, let alone attack sentient beings. The operatives destroyed both of the crazed machines and found out that the droids were armed with Imperial H1 blasters. The operatives continued on their way, becoming more and more worried about the situation. Here and there they saw more and more of the wounded and the dead, as well as repair droids
REP-A01 Astromech Droid
Old Republic Astromech Droid classes
trying to reactivate immobilized security droids. Finally, the operatives made it to the turbolift to the command deck.
The turbolift arrived on the command deck, and seconds later the operatives were running towards the bridge. As they entered the bridge, the ship shook again, this time much more violently than before. The bridge hall was shrouded in smoke, electrical sparks were visible here and there, and through the wide bridge window, the operatives saw a huge form Imperial dreadnought
Harrower-class Dreadnought
Starship Models
hovering directly in front of the Esseles.
Operatives climbed to the captain's bridge and saw First Officer Haken
Minor Characters (TOR)
kneeling beside the body of Captain Tyrus
Minor Characters (TOR)
. Plex
Minor Characters (TOR)
, Esseles' navigator, told Haken that Tyrus was gone and asked Haken what their orders were. Haken, losing his nerve, replied that their weapons, shields and communications were disabled, there was nothing they could do. The operatives requested a situation report, Haken angrily protested that they should not be on the bridge, but Plex disagreed, stating that they would need all the help they could. Haken angrily barked back at Plex that they were as good as dead already. Meteor, starting to lose patience, asked Haken if he really wanted the ship to fall into the hands of the Imperials so easily, but Haken protested that it was one of the largest ships in the Imperial Navy
Imperial Navy (RSE)
Reconstituted Sith Empire
and they had no chance anyway. It was then that Raste
Minor Characters (TOR)
, the communications officer, announced that an Imperial ship was hailing them, and Haken ordered the channel to be opened.
Raste activated the holocomm, and the figure of Grand Moff Kilran appeared. He said Esseles' defenses were completely disabled and ordered them to stand down. He continued that he was aware that the ship was carrying a known anti-imperial terrorist and seditionist, the so-called "Ambassador" Vyn Asara, and he had come to collect her. The dumbfounded Haken replied that they did not have such a passenger on board. Kilran said he didn't care if Haken was lying or just incompetent, he had confirmation from his agents that she was on board. He went on to say that Imperial soldiers were preparing to board Esseles through the main airlock, and his agents would see to it that no one interfered with them. He emphasized that if anyone tried to stop them, he would kill everyone aboard the Esseles - and broke the connection.
The operatives decided to defend the ship and asked where the main airlock was. Plex nervously tried to stop them, saying that the Imperials would kill them if they would not cooperate, but Haken, who seemed to have regained his composure, retorted that it didn't matter if they cooperated or not, Kilran would still kill everyone as soon as he would get the ambassador because he was well known for his cruelty - the imperial soldiers must be stopped before they can succeed. The operatives agreed and Haken apologized for his earlier behavior, thanking the operatives for their help. He said he ordered a security team to meet them at the main airlock, adding that they hadn't seen much action, but Commander Narlock
Dol Narlock
(Mon Calamari)
Minor Characters (TOR)
knew his stuff. Wasting no time, the operatives ran to their objective.
On their way across the command deck to the docking level turbolift, the operatives encountered, fought and killed several Imperial agents and infiltrators.
Meanwhile, Ironfist
Minor Characters (TOR)
and his company of elite mercenaries had infiltrated the transport through another airlock and rushed to the command section. They stormed into the bridge, disarmed and captured everyone inside and initiated a complete security lockdown.
Arriving at the docking level, the operatives met with Commander Narlock and his small security team. Commander Narlock gave a speech to his troops in an attempt to boost their morale, emphasizing that with the help of operatives, they could protect the ship. Seconds later, the first wave of Imperial boarding troops
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)
Reconstituted Sith Empire
, led by Lieutenant Isric
Minor Characters (TOR)
, broke through the lock and attacked. Although the Imperials outnumbered the defenders, the participation of operatives came as a surprise to them. With no casualties on their part, the operatives and the security team repulsed the boarding and killed Isric in the process.
As Narlock began praising his men, saying that they just had saved the ship, a Twi'lek woman whom the operatives had met before the attack appeared and said that their troubles were far from over. She told them that the bridge was captured - she watched the whole thing happen on the security cams - and she rushed over here to warn the operatives. Narlock asked who she was and what it all meant, and she explained that she was Vyn Asara, the Republic's ambassador to the Sith Empire, and she had been trying to convince the governments of the Empire-controlled worlds to defect to the Republic. Narlock said they needed to recapture the bridge, and he hoped Chief Engineer Salen
Minor Characters (TOR)
would find a way to release the security lockdown from the outside - he and his crew were down in the ship's engineering section. Asara suggested that they would need a distraction to draw the Imperials away from this section. They all made a plan - while the operatives go in search of Salen, Narlock, along with his team and Asara, will arrange a diversion. When the operatives clear the way to the engineering section, Asara will join them there.
The Imperials began launching assault pods
Raid Assault Pod
Utility Ships & Devices
from the Emperor's Glory to bring in battle droids and secure the entire ship.
Fighting their way the horde of Imperial sabotage drones
AT-A01 Assassin Droid
Old Republic Assassin Droid classes
, seeker droids
UNW-A01 Heavy Assassin Droid
Old Republic Assault Droid classes
and huge slicer battle droids
IMP-A01 Military Battle Droid
Old Republic Battle Droid classes
, the operatives made their way to the engineering deck elevator. As they emerged from the turbolift on to the engineering deck, the operatives saw several more agents and infiltrators, supported by a group of the sabotage drones and seeker droids. The sabotage drones tried to open a blast doors which were blocking a passage to the next section. After killing or destroying them all, they activated a nearby communications console and greeted those on the other side of the blast doors.
The blast door opened, but the force field behind the doors remained in place, effectively separating the two sections. Engineers on the other side rushed towards the force field, led by Salen himself. He greeted the operatives, praising their bravery, and told them that he was trapped in the engineering compartment with the rest of the engineering team after the lockdown was put in place. The operatives asked if there was a way to release the lockdown, and Vepp
Minor Characters (TOR)
, one of Salen's subordinates, suggested restarting the reactor to disable the safety locks. Salen chastised Vepp, explaining that a reactor reset would vent the engineering compartment and blown the engineering crew into space. Salen then suggested to the operatives that they reroute the three secondary power conduits instead of depressurizing the engineering compartment, but the conduits were spread out across the whole deck. Believing they didn't have time to traverse the entire section and fight the Imperials along the way, Ambassador Asara, who had caught up with the operatives, urged them to reset the reactor to release the lockdown, adding that sometimes sacrifices had to be made for the greater good. To the engineers' relief and Asara's displeasure, the operatives refused, saying they could not send the crew to their deaths when there was an alternative, and ran in search of conduits.
The operatives split up, quickly located and disabled all three power conduits, destroying more Imperial sabotage droids along the way. As soon as the last conduit was shut down, the lockdown was ended and the security doors to the bridge opened. They returned to Asara, who thanked the operatives and apologized for her previous behavior. She commed Commander Narlock and told him to wait for her before launching another diversion to get as many Imperials out of the area around the bridge as possible. She wished the operatives good luck in storming the bridge, warning them that Ironfist and his Mandalorians would be strong opponents.
A turbolift brought the operatives on the port hangar deck. The deck was under total Mandalorian control, and operatives spotted two parked Imperial transports
Imperial Transport (Sith Empire)
Starship Models
, which was apparently how the Mandalorians arrived on the ship. Fighting their way through an entire company of Mandalorian warriors, marksmen and commandos, the operatives killed them all as they made their way through the hangar towards another turbolift. The turbolift brought the operatives back to the command deck and they rushed towards the bridge, fending of Mandalorians who tried to stop their advance. When the operatives reached the bridge, they hacked into the bridge door controls, deactivated the auxiliary force field protecting the entrance and stormed inside.
The bridge was a total carnage, many of the crew lay dead and many were injured. The Mandalorians were everywhere. Haken, Plex, and Raste were alive, but they were tied up and guarded by one of the Mandalorians. Ironfist got up from the chair and looked at the operatives who ordered him to surrender. He laughed and replied that the operatives were crazy to come here, but they had to be a little crazy in order to survive the fight they had dragged themselves into. Then, without further words, he ordered his men to attack. It was an hard battle, the Mandalorians were worth their reputation, but in the end, all of them, including Ironfist, were killed by operatives. The operatives freed the officers, and that's when Asara and Commander Narlock burst onto the bridge.
Asara asked if Haken had a spare shuttle, and when he confirmed, she told them that the only way to escape was to board Kilran's ship and disable the tractor beam. As an ambassador she had been on a ships like Kilran's, and she was confident that the tractor beam control would be easy to find if the one knew where to look. Haken then suggested to Asara to go with the operatives due to her knowledge and she reluctantly agreed. Narlok suggested that Asara get a spare uniform to make it harder for the Imperials to recognize her and she thanked him for a good thinking. They agreed to meet at the hangar as soon as possible.
Right before the operatives entered the turbolift to the starboard hangar bay, Haken caught up with them and said that he had just spoken to Chief Engineer Salen. He thanked the operatives for saving the engineers. He then reluctantly added, that although he was sure their plan would work, the only way to ensure their safety was to make Imperials had no reason to chase them - and that meant to leave Asara on Kilran's ship. He was sure that Kilran wouldn't stop until he caught them again unless, he had already captured his target. He added that he tired of risking all of the lives on Esseles for that woman. The operatives refused, stating that they had not sacrificed engineers and they wouldn't sacrifice Asara either. Haken nevetheless asked them to think it over and even offered to make it worth their while. He wished them luck and the operatives entered the elevator.
At the hangar the operatives met with Asara and her three security guards who had been assigned to her by Commander Narlock. Wasting no time, they all boarded the shuttle and set off from Esseles to the Emperor's Glory. They successfully deactivated
Raid on Emperor's Glory
(Esseles incident)
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
the tractor beam on the Emperor's Glory and returned back to Esseles. Back on the bridge, the operatives reported success, and Haken immediately ordered Navigator Plex to get Esseles into hypespace, which he did without wasting time. Dressed again in civilian clothes, Vyn Asara entered the bridge and told Haken about his betrayal, who at first refused, but when operatives intervened, confessed. Esseles continued on their way to Coruscant and reached it without further incidents.


See also
Related organizations
Republic ArmyStructureOrganizationsRepublic Special Forces DivisionEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory
Republic Special Forces DivisionStructureOrganizationsHavoc Squad (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Part of / Served onRepublic ArmyEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory
Havoc SquadStructureCharactersLieutenant Meteor, Commander (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Sergeant Aric Jorgan, XO (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Sentient speciesCatharSergeant Aric Jorgan, XO (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)RanksSergeantAric Jorgan (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)LieutenantMeteor (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)RolesFirst OfficerSergeant Aric Jorgan (XO) (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)CommanderLieutenant Meteor (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Part of / Served onRepublic Special Forces DivisionEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsRepublic Sniper RifleAric Jorgan (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)ArmorHavoc Squad ArmorAric Jorgan (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
Republic NavyStructureCharactersHakenPlexRasteTyrusSalenVeppAsara's Guard 1 (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Asara's Guard 2 (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Asara's Guard 3 (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Narlock's Team Member 1, Narlock's Security TeamNarlock's Team Member 2, Narlock's Security TeamNarlock's Team Member 3, Narlock's Security TeamDol Narlock, Narlock's Security Team, CommanderDroidsCOURIER-A01 Protocol DroidREP-A01 Astromech DroidSentient speciesMon CalamariDol Narlock, Narlock's Security Team, CommanderRolesCommanderDol Narlock, Narlock's Security TeamPart of / Served onEsselesVarious membersNarlock's Security Team (Security)Weapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH2 Heavy BlasterVarious membersHakenRasteTyrusSalenH3 Heavy RifleAsara's Guard 1 (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Asara's Guard 2 (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Asara's Guard 3 (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Various membersDol NarlockNarlock's Team Member 1Narlock's Team Member 2Narlock's Team Member 3L3 ElectrobladeAsara's Guard 1 (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Asara's Guard 2 (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Asara's Guard 3 (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Various membersPlexRasteTyrusDol NarlockVeppArmorRepublic Officer Uniform A02.1Esseles EnsignsTyrusRepublic Officer Uniform A02.2HakenPlexRaste
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)StructureCharactersLieutenant IsricDroidsAT-A01 Assassin DroidImperial Sabotage DronesAuto Troopers (Raid on Emperor's Glory)UNW-A01 Heavy Assassin DroidImperial Seeker DroidsIMP-A01 Military Battle DroidImperial Slicer DroidsCBD-A02 Combat Battle DroidDreadnought Battledroids (Raid on Emperor's Glory)INT-A01 Probe DroidSecurity Probes (Raid on Emperor's Glory)RanksLieutenantIsricWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH1 Heavy BlasterImperial Sabotage DronesImperial Officers and Medics (Raid on Emperor's Glory)L13 BlasterImperial Officers (Raid on Emperor's Glory)L7 RifleIsricImperial Corporals, Troopers and Guards (Raid on Emperor's Glory)L7.1.4 Imperial RifleImperial Auto Troopers (Raid on Emperor's Glory)H3 Heavy Assault CannonImperial Seeker DroidsL5 ElectrobladeImperial Boarding TroopersImperial Officers (Raid on Emperor's Glory)
Imperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)Part of / Served onEsselesImperial Intelligence Agents and Infiltrators was present among the passengers on EsselesWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH1 Heavy BlasterL5 Electroblade
Imperial Navy (RSE)StructureCharactersRycus Kilran (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)StarshipsHarrower-class DreadnoughtEmperor's Glory (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Mark VI Supremacy-class StarfighterWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH2 Heavy BlasterRycus Kilran (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
Sith OrderStructureCharactersSith Apprentice Vokk (Raid on Emperor's Glory)RanksSith ApprenticeVokk (Raid on Emperor's Glory)Weapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsSith LightsaberVokk (Raid on Emperor's Glory)
MandalorianStructureCharactersIronfistWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH1 Heavy BlasterIronfistALT-25 Blaster Pistol (L12)L7 RifleWrist-mounted FlamerL3 ElectrobladePlasma Probe
Galactic RepublicStructureOrganizationsRepublic Operatives (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Knight Hero of Tython (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Jedi Knight Barsen'thor, Jedi Consular (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)RanksJedi KnightHero of Tython (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Barsen'thor (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)RolesJedi ConsularJedi Knight Barsen'thor (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
MercenaryStructureCharactersIronfistWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH1 Heavy BlasterIronfist
SmugglerStructureCharactersVoidhound (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
Narlock's Security TeamStructureCharactersNarlock's Team Member 1Narlock's Team Member 2Narlock's Team Member 3Dol Narlock, CommanderSentient speciesMon CalamariDol Narlock, CommanderRolesCommanderDol NarlockPart of / Served onEsselesSecurityWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH3 Heavy RifleDol NarlockNarlock's Team Member 1Narlock's Team Member 2Narlock's Team Member 3L3 ElectrobladeDol Narlock
Republic OperativesStructureCharactersMeteor (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Aric Jorgan (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Voidhound (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Corso Riggs (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Hero of Tython (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)T7-O1 (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Barsen'thor (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Qyzen Fess (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)DroidsT7-series Astromech DroidT7-O1 (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)REP-A01 Assault DroidCombat Support Droids (Raid on Emperor's Glory)Sentient speciesCatharAric Jorgan (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)TrandoshanQyzen Fess (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Part of / Served onGalactic RepublicEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryFortitude-class Troop TransportWas present among the passengers on Fortitude-class Troop Transport (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)EsselesWas present among the passengers on EsselesWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH2 Heavy RifleCombat Support Droids (Raid on Emperor's Glory)Republic Sniper RifleAric Jorgan (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)L4 ElectrobladeQyzen Fess (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)ArmorHavoc Squad ArmorAric Jorgan (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
Related units, characters and other technologies
Barsen'thorMembershipRepublic OperativesEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryJedi OrderJedi Knight Barsen'thor, Jedi Consular (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Weapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsBarsen'thor's LightsaberEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory
Hero of TythonMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight Hero of Tython (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Republic OperativesEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsHero of Tython's LightsaberEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory
MeteorMembershipRepublic OperativesEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryHavoc SquadLieutenant Meteor, Commander (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
VoidhoundMembershipSmugglerEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryRepublic OperativesEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory
Vyn AsaraMembershipFortitude-class Troop TransportPassenger (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)EsselesPassengerWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH2 Heavy BlasterRaid on Emperor's Glory
Qyzen FessMembershipRepublic OperativesEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsL4 ElectrobladeEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory
Aric JorganMembershipHavoc SquadSergeant Aric Jorgan, XO (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Republic OperativesEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsRepublic Sniper RifleEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryArmorHavoc Squad ArmorEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory
Rycus KilranMembershipImperial Navy (RSE)Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryEmperor's GloryPassenger (Raid on Emperor's Glory)Weapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH2 Heavy BlasterEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory
Corso RiggsMembershipRepublic OperativesEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory
HakenMembershipRepublic NavyEsselesFirst OfficerWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH2 Heavy BlasterArmorRepublic Officer Uniform A02.2
IronfistMembershipMercenaryMandalorianWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH1 Heavy Blaster
IsricMembershipImperial Army (Sith Empire)Lieutenant IsricWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsL7 Rifle
Dol NarlockMembershipRepublic NavyNarlock's Security Team, CommanderNarlock's Security TeamCommanderEsselesSecurityWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH3 Heavy RifleL3 Electroblade
PlexMembershipRepublic NavyEsselesNavigatorWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsL3 ElectrobladeArmorRepublic Officer Uniform A02.2
RasteMembershipRepublic NavyEsselesCommunications OfficerWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH2 Heavy BlasterL3 ElectrobladeArmorRepublic Officer Uniform A02.2
SalenMembershipRepublic NavyEsselesChief Engineer SalenWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH2 Heavy Blaster
TyrusMembershipRepublic NavyEsselesCaptainWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH2 Heavy BlasterL3 ElectrobladeArmorRepublic Officer Uniform A02.1
VeppMembershipRepublic NavyEsselesCrewman VeppWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsL3 Electroblade
VokkMembershipSith OrderSith Apprentice Vokk (Raid on Emperor's Glory)Weapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsSith LightsaberRaid on Emperor's Glory
Priority Transport Officer
Asara's Guard 1MembershipRepublic NavyEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryFortitude-class Troop TransportPassengerEsselesWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH3 Heavy RifleEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryL3 ElectrobladeEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory
Asara's Guard 2MembershipRepublic NavyEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryFortitude-class Troop TransportPassengerEsselesWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH3 Heavy RifleEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryL3 ElectrobladeEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory
Asara's Guard 3MembershipRepublic NavyEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryFortitude-class Troop TransportPassengerEsselesWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH3 Heavy RifleEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's GloryL3 ElectrobladeEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory
Narlock's Team Member 1MembershipRepublic NavyNarlock's Security TeamNarlock's Security TeamEsselesSecurityWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH3 Heavy Rifle
Narlock's Team Member 2MembershipNarlock's Security TeamRepublic NavyNarlock's Security TeamEsselesSecurityWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH3 Heavy Rifle
Narlock's Team Member 3MembershipNarlock's Security TeamRepublic NavyNarlock's Security TeamEsselesSecurityWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH3 Heavy Rifle
ISS-994 Prototype Power DroidWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH2 Heavy ElectrobladeRaid on Emperor's Glory
T7-O1MembershipRepublic OperativesEsseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory
ISS-7 Guardian Battledroid
CBD-A02 Combat Battle DroidUsed by / onImperial Army (Sith Empire)Dreadnought Battledroids (Raid on Emperor's Glory)
IMP-A01 Military Battle DroidUsed by / onImperial Army (Sith Empire)Imperial Slicer Droids
ADPC-A01 DroidUsed by / onEsselesEsseles Security Droids (Security)Weapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH3 Heavy RifleEsseles Security Droids
AT-A01 Assassin DroidUsed by / onImperial Army (Sith Empire)Imperial Sabotage DronesAuto Troopers (Raid on Emperor's Glory)Weapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH1 Heavy BlasterImperial Sabotage DronesL7.1.4 Imperial RifleImperial Auto Troopers (Raid on Emperor's Glory)
REP-A01 Assault DroidUsed by / onRepublic OperativesCombat Support Droids (Raid on Emperor's Glory)Weapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH2 Heavy RifleCombat Support Droids (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
UNW-A01 Heavy Assassin DroidUsed by / onImperial Army (Sith Empire)Imperial Seeker DroidsWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH3 Heavy Assault CannonImperial Seeker Droids
COURIER-A01 Protocol DroidUsed by / onRepublic NavyEsselesEmergency Droids
GEN-A01 Astromech Droid
REP-A01 Astromech DroidUsed by / onRepublic NavyEsselesAstromech Droids
T7-series Astromech DroidUsed by / onRepublic OperativesT7-O1 (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
BMF-GNK-A01 DroidWeapons and EquipmentWeapons, equipment and toolsH1 Heavy BlasterRewired Power Droids
INT-A01 Probe DroidUsed by / onImperial Army (Sith Empire)Security Probes (Raid on Emperor's Glory)
CatharWere among members ofHavoc SquadSergeant Aric Jorgan, XO (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Republic OperativesAric Jorgan (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
Mon CalamariWere among members ofRepublic NavyDol Narlock, Narlock's Security Team, CommanderNarlock's Security TeamDol Narlock, Commander
TrandoshanWere among members ofRepublic OperativesQyzen Fess (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
Fortitude-class Troop TransportCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersVyn Asara (Passenger) (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Asara's Guard 1 (Passenger)Asara's Guard 2 (Passenger)Asara's Guard 3 (Passenger)OrganizationsRepublic Operatives was present among the passengers on Fortitude-class Troop Transport (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
Harrower-class DreadnoughtUsed by / Part of complementImperial Navy (RSE)Emperor's Glory (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
Imperial Transport (Sith Empire)
Carrick Station
Mark VI Supremacy-class StarfighterUsed by / Part of complementImperial Navy (RSE)
Raid Assault Pod
Emperor's GloryCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersRycus Kilran (Passenger) (Raid on Emperor's Glory)Used by / Part of complementImperial Navy (RSE)Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory
EsselesCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersTyrus (Captain)Haken (First Officer)Plex (Navigator)Raste (Communications Officer)Vyn Asara (Passenger)Chief Engineer SalenCrewman VeppG5-M1Asara's Guard 1Asara's Guard 2Asara's Guard 3Narlock's Team Member 1 (Security)Narlock's Team Member 2 (Security)Narlock's Team Member 3 (Security)Dol Narlock (Security)OrganizationsRepublic Operatives was present among the passengers on EsselesRepublic NavyVarious membersNarlock's Security Team (Security)Imperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)Imperial Intelligence Agents and Infiltrators was present among the passengers on EsselesDroidsCOURIER-A01 Protocol DroidEmergency DroidsREP-A01 Astromech DroidAstromech DroidsADPC-A01 DroidEsseles Security Droids (Security)RolesCaptainTyrusFirst OfficerHakenNavigatorPlexCommunications OfficerRasteSecurityEsseles Security DroidsNarlock's Team Member 1Narlock's Team Member 2Narlock's Security TeamNarlock's Team Member 3Dol Narlock
SergeantMembershipHavoc SquadAric Jorgan (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
LieutenantMembershipImperial Army (Sith Empire)IsricHavoc SquadMeteor (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
Jedi KnightMembershipJedi OrderHero of Tython (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)Barsen'thor (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
Sith ApprenticeMembershipSith OrderVokk (Raid on Emperor's Glory)
CommanderMembershipNarlock's Security TeamDol NarlockRepublic NavyDol Narlock, Narlock's Security TeamHavoc SquadLieutenant Meteor (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
Communications OfficerMembershipEsselesRaste
First OfficerMembershipHavoc SquadSergeant Aric Jorgan (XO) (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)EsselesHaken
SecurityMembershipEsselesEsseles Security DroidsNarlock's Team Member 1Narlock's Team Member 2Narlock's Security TeamNarlock's Team Member 3Dol Narlock
Jedi ConsularMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight Barsen'thor (Esseles incident, Raid on Emperor's Glory)
Sith Warrior
Events that took place during this period
Raid on Emperor's Glory
Complete list

Full unit name: Esseles incident Last updated: 12.02.2025 0:03:44