Endor Campaign (175)Full unit name: Endor Campaign (ROTJ)
Last updated: 30.07.2024 18:21:07
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Basic info
First appearance: Return of the Jedi
Return of the Jedi
Relations: Endor
The Battle of Endor, fought between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire in 4 ABY, was one of the largest and most important engagements of the Galactic Civil War. It signified the decline of the Empire, with the deaths of Emperor Palpatine
Major Characters
and Darth Vader
Darth Vader
Major Characters
, as well as many major Imperial leaders, and the destruction of the Death Star II
Death Star 2
Space Stations
. Plans for the battle began after the Rebels learned that the Empire was building a new Death Star above the forest moon
of Endor. In addition, spies had informed Rebel leadership that not only were the Death Star's defense systems incomplete, but also that the Emperor himself would be overseeing the completion of the superweapon's construction. Seeing an opportunity to strike a crippling blow to the Empire, the Alliance planned an attack
Rebel Briefing (ROTJ)
(Endor Campaign)
Galactic Civil War
on the incomplete space station. One group of Rebels would fight on the moon's surface in an attempt to destroy the shield generator
SLD-26 Planetary Shield Generator
Ground Vehicle
protecting the Death Star, while another would fight in space, assaulting the battle station in Endor's orbit once the protective shield was deactivated. Unbeknownst to the Rebels, Palpatine had deliberately leaked false information to them - the Death Star was, in actuality, operational and ready for combat. The Emperor also had a fleet of Star Destroyers waiting to ambush and destroy the Rebel Fleet upon their arrival. On the ground, a group of Rebels led by General Han Solo
Han Solo
Major Characters
fought the Imperial stormtroopers
Imperial Stormtrooper
Galactic Empire Military
stationed on the forest moon in an attempt to destroy the shield generator protecting the Death Star. Meanwhile in space, the Alliance Fleet, led by Admiral Ackbar
(Mon Calamari)
Supporting Characters
and aided by Lando Calrissian
Lando Calrissian
Major Characters
in the Millennium Falcon
Millennium Falcon
(YT-1300 Light Freighter)
Named Starships
, battled the Empire's naval forces and attacked the battle station
Battle over Endor
(Endor Campaign)
Galactic Civil War
. However, the Empire held a significant advantage in the space battle due to the massive fleet of Star Destroyers defending the battle station. In addition to the numerical advantage of the Imperials, Darth Sidious's battle meditation further helped the Imperials by scattering the attacking Rebel forces.
Shortly, the Rebels realized that they had been tricked, for the Death Star's weapon systems were already operational. Despite this quick realization, the Rebel fleet still suffered severe losses through the Death Star's superlaser, secretly controlled by IG-88
(IG-series Assassin Droid)
, who also planned to overthrow the Empire. With the strike team on the ground still struggling
Battle of Endor
(Endor Campaign)
Galactic Civil War
to take down the shield, the Rebels were able to turn the tide of the battle with the help of the native Ewok
Sentient Species
and gain access to the generator command bunker and rig it with explosives. After Solo's team was able to take down the shield generator, several squadrons of Rebel snubfighters led by Calrissian and Wedge Antilles
Wedge Antilles
Major Characters
began their attack on the Death Star's reactor core.
At the same time, Darth Vader brought Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Major Characters
to the Emperor in order to turn his son to the dark side of the Force. Skywalker dueled his father in the Emperor's throne room, and used his anger to emerge as the victor. However, after Skywalker refused to give in to Sidious's demands and kill Vader, the Sith Lord attempted to torture the young Jedi using his Force lightning. Unable to see his son die, Vader saved his son and killed his master by grabbing him and throwing him down the Death Star's reactor shaft. He had redeemed himself, becoming Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker
Major Characters
once again and fulfilling his role as the Chosen One, though due to the damage inflicted by the Emperor's Force lightning, he died in the act. Soon after, Calrissian and Antilles were able to destroy the Death Star's reactor core, setting off a chain reaction that obliterated the entire battle station, along with IG-88 and the other Imperials inside it. The Rebel fleet was able to escape its destruction, as did Skywalker. The Imperials, having seen the destruction of the Death Star and no longer having Sidious's battle meditation on their side, were forced to retreat. On Endor, Skywalker and the others celebrated their freedom, as did the inhabitants of many other worlds. With its two main leaders dead, the Empire began its long decline, with multiple warlords fighting for power. Many Rebel heroes of the battle, such as Wedge Antilles, were hailed as liberators, and they helped form the New Republic shortly thereafter. While the actions of the battle did not signify the end of the war, they marked the beginning of the end for the Empire and also succeeded in restoring balance to the Force.


See also
Related organizations
Imperial NavyStructureCharactersCaptain Akal Zed (Battle over Endor)OrganizationsBlack SquadronBattle over EndorObsidian SquadronBattle over EndorSaber SquadronBattle over EndorScimitar SquadronBattle over EndorStarshipsImperial-class Star DestroyerDevastator (Battle over Endor)Chimaera (Battle over Endor)Avenger (Battle over Endor)Tyrant (Battle over Endor)Stalker (Battle over Endor)Super-class Star DestroyerExecutor (Battle over Endor)RanksCaptainAkal Zed (Battle over Endor)Part of / Served onGalactic EmpireBattle over Endor
Black SquadronPart of / Served onImperial NavyBattle over Endor
Obsidian SquadronStructureCharactersHowlrunner (Battle over Endor)Part of / Served onImperial NavyBattle over Endor
Saber SquadronPart of / Served onImperial NavyBattle over Endor
Scimitar SquadronStructureCharactersRhymer (Battle over Endor)Part of / Served onImperial NavyBattle over Endor
Imperial Scout Trooper
Imperial StormtrooperWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsE-11 Blaster RifleVarious members (Luke's Surrender (ROTJ))
Imperial OfficerStructureCharactersDyer (Battle of Endor)Renz (Battle of Endor)Igar (Luke's Surrender (ROTJ))
Rebel Alliance NavyStructureCharactersLak Sivrak, Alliance Starfighter Corps (Battle over Endor)Grizz Frix, Alliance Starfighter Corps (Battle over Endor)OrganizationsAlliance Starfighter CorpsBattle over EndorStarshipsMC80 Mon Calamari Star CruiserHome One (Battle over Endor)Liberty (Battle over Endor)Independence (Battle over Endor)Defiance (Battle over Endor)EF-76 Nebulon-B FrigateYavaris (Battle over Endor)Redemption (Battle over Endor)Sentient speciesShistavanenLak Sivrak, Alliance Starfighter Corps (Battle over Endor)Part of / Served onRebel AllianceBattle over Endor
Alliance Starfighter CorpsStructureCharactersLak Sivrak (XW2) (Battle over Endor)Grizz Frix (XW1) (Battle over Endor)OrganizationsGold SquadronBattle over EndorRed SquadronBattle over EndorBlue SquadronBattle over EndorGray SquadronBattle over EndorGreen SquadronBattle over EndorStarshipsT-65 X-WingXW1, XW2 (Battle over Endor)Sentient speciesShistavanenLak Sivrak (XW2) (Battle over Endor)Part of / Served onRebel Alliance NavyBattle over EndorGroup AssignmentsXW1T-65 X-WingGrizz Frix (Pilot) (Battle over Endor)XW2T-65 X-WingLak Sivrak (Pilot) (Battle over Endor)
Blue SquadronStructureCharactersTen Numb (Blue 5) (Battle over Endor)Palso Thern (Pilot) (Blue 7) (Battle over Endor)Keyan Farlander (Blue 9) (Battle over Endor)StarshipsB-WingBlue 5, Blue 9 (Battle over Endor)Sentient speciesSullustanTen Numb (Blue 5) (Battle over Endor)RolesPilotPalso Thern (Battle over Endor)Part of / Served onAlliance Starfighter CorpsBattle over EndorGroup AssignmentsBlue 5B-WingTen Numb (Pilot) (Battle over Endor)Blue 7Palso Thern (Pilot) (Battle over Endor)Blue 9B-WingKeyan Farlander (Pilot) (Battle over Endor)
Gold SquadronStructureCharactersLando Calrissian (Commander) (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)Nien Nunb (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)Airen Cracken (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)Blount (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)StarshipsMillennium FalconGold Leader (Battle over Endor)BTL Y-WingGold Group (Battle over Endor)Sentient speciesSullustanNien Nunb (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)RolesCommanderLando Calrissian (Battle over Endor)Part of / Served onAlliance Starfighter CorpsBattle over EndorGroup AssignmentsGold GroupBTL Y-WingBattle over EndorGold LeaderMillennium FalconLando Calrissian (Pilot and Captain) (Battle over Endor)Nien Nunb (Pilot) (Battle over Endor)Airen Cracken (Gunner) (Battle over Endor)Blount (Gunner) (Battle over Endor)
Gray SquadronStructureCharactersColonel Horton Salm (Commander) (Gray Leader) (Battle over Endor)Karie Neth (Gray 2) (Battle over Endor)StarshipsBTL Y-WingGray Leader, Gray 2 (Battle over Endor)RanksColonelHorton Salm (Battle over Endor)RolesCommanderColonel Horton Salm (Battle over Endor)Part of / Served onAlliance Starfighter CorpsBattle over EndorWeapons and EquipmentArmorY-W Flight HelmetKarie Neth (Battle over Endor)Group AssignmentsGray LeaderBTL Y-WingHorton Salm (Pilot) (Battle over Endor)Gray 2BTL Y-WingKarie Neth (Gunner) (Battle over Endor)
Green SquadronStructureCharactersArvel Crynyd (Commander) (Green Leader) (Battle over Endor)Gemmer Sojan (Green 2) (Battle over Endor)Tycho Celchu (Green 3) (Battle over Endor)Jake Farrell (Green 4) (Battle over Endor)StarshipsA-WingGreen Leader, Green 2, Green 3, Green 4 (Battle over Endor)RolesCommanderArvel Crynyd (Battle over Endor)Part of / Served onAlliance Starfighter CorpsBattle over EndorWeapons and EquipmentArmorY-W Flight HelmetTycho Celchu (Battle over Endor)Group AssignmentsGreen LeaderA-WingArvel Crynyd (Pilot) (Battle over Endor)Green 2A-WingGemmer Sojan (Pilot) (Battle over Endor)Green 3A-WingTycho Celchu (Pilot) (Battle over Endor)Green 4A-WingJake Farrell (Pilot) (Battle over Endor)
Red SquadronStructureCharactersWedge Antilles (Commander) (Red Leader) (Battle over Endor)Derek Klivian (Red 4) (Battle over Endor)StarshipsT-65 X-WingRed Leader, Red 4 (Battle over Endor)RolesCommanderWedge Antilles (Battle over Endor)Part of / Served onAlliance Starfighter CorpsBattle over EndorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsDH-17 Blaster PistolWedge Antilles (Battle over Endor)ArmorK-22995 Light Flight HelmetWedge Antilles (Battle over Endor)Diagnostech Life Support UnitWedge Antilles (Battle over Endor)Group AssignmentsRed LeaderT-65 X-WingWedge Antilles (Pilot) (Battle over Endor)Red 4T-65 X-WingDerek Klivian (Pilot) (Battle over Endor)
Rebel Alliance Special ForcesStructureCharactersGeneral Han Solo, Endor Strike Team (Commander) (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Han Solo, Endor Strike Team (Battle of Endor)Leia Organa Solo, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Chewbacca, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Luke Skywalker, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))C-3PO, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)R2-D2, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Nik Sant, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Bren Derlin, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Judder Page, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Orrimaarko, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Droids3PO-series Protocol DroidC-3PO, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)R2-series Astromech DroidR2-D2, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Sentient speciesWookieeChewbacca, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)DressellianOrrimaarko, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)RanksGeneralHan Solo, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))RolesCommanderGeneral Han Solo, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))
Endor Strike TeamStructureCharactersGeneral Han Solo (Commander) (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Han Solo (Battle of Endor)Chewbacca (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Luke Skywalker (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Leia Organa Solo (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)C-3PO (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)R2-D2 (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Bren Derlin (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Judder Page (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Nik Sant (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Orrimaarko (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Droids3PO-series Protocol DroidC-3PO (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)R2-series Astromech DroidR2-D2 (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Sentient speciesWookieeChewbacca (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)DressellianOrrimaarko (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)RanksGeneralHan Solo (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))RolesCommanderGeneral Han Solo (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))
Rebel AllianceStructureCharactersGeneral Lando Calrissian (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ), Battle over Endor)Admiral Ackbar (Operation Commander) (Battle over Endor)General Airen Cracken (Battle over Endor)Ibtisam (Battle over Endor)OrganizationsRebel Alliance NavyBattle over EndorSentient speciesMon CalamariAdmiral Ackbar (Operation Commander) (Battle over Endor)Ibtisam (Battle over Endor)RanksAdmiralAckbar (Battle over Endor)GeneralLando Calrissian (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ), Battle over Endor)Airen Cracken (Battle over Endor)RolesOperation CommanderAdmiral Ackbar (Battle over Endor)
Galactic EmpireStructureCharactersMoff Jerjerrod (Battle over Endor)OrganizationsImperial NavyBattle over EndorStarshipsDeath Star 2 (Battle over Endor)RanksMoffJerjerrod (Battle over Endor)
Related units, characters and other technologies
Lando CalrissianMembershipGold SquadronCommander (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)Rebel AllianceGeneral Lando Calrissian (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ), Battle over Endor)Millennium FalconPilot and Captain (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)
ChewbaccaMembershipRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Endor Strike TeamArrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of EndorTydiriumArrival at Endor (ROTJ)
Darth Vader
Anakin Skywalker
Luke SkywalkerMembershipEndor Strike TeamArrival at Endor (ROTJ)Rebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Aratech 74-Z Speeder BikeArrival at Endor (ROTJ)TydiriumPassenger (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Lambda-class ShuttlePilot (Throne Room Duel)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsLuke's Second LightsaberArrival at Endor (ROTJ), Luke's Surrender (ROTJ), Throne Room Duel
Han SoloMembershipRebel Alliance Special ForcesGeneral Han Solo, Endor Strike Team (Commander) (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Endor Strike Team (Battle of Endor)Endor Strike TeamGeneral Han Solo (Commander) (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Battle of EndorTydiriumArrival at Endor (ROTJ)
Leia Organa SoloMembershipEndor Strike TeamArrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of EndorRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Aratech 74-Z Speeder BikeArrival at Endor (ROTJ)TydiriumPassenger (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))
Wedge AntillesMembershipRed SquadronCommander (Red Leader) (Battle over Endor)T-65 X-WingPilot (Red Leader) (Battle over Endor)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsDH-17 Blaster PistolBattle over EndorArmorK-22995 Light Flight HelmetBattle over EndorDiagnostech Life Support UnitBattle over Endor
Mon MothmaMembershipHome OnePassenger (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ))
AckbarMembershipRebel AllianceAdmiral Ackbar (Operation Commander) (Battle over Endor)Home OneRebel Briefing (ROTJ), Battle over Endor
Tycho CelchuMembershipGreen SquadronGreen 3 (Battle over Endor)A-WingPilot (Green 3) (Battle over Endor)Weapons and EquipmentArmorY-W Flight HelmetBattle over Endor
Airen CrackenMembershipGold SquadronGold Leader (Battle over Endor)Rebel AllianceGeneral Airen Cracken (Battle over Endor)Millennium FalconGunner (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)
Bren DerlinMembershipEndor Strike TeamArrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of EndorRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)TydiriumPassenger (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))
Keyan FarlanderMembershipBlue SquadronBlue 9 (Battle over Endor)B-WingPilot (Blue 9) (Battle over Endor)
Soontir Fel
Janus GreejatusMembershipDeath Star 2Passenger (Battle over Endor)
IbtisamMembershipRebel AllianceBattle over EndorB-WingPilot (Battle over Endor)
Derek KlivianMembershipRed SquadronRed 4 (Battle over Endor)T-65 X-WingPilot (Red 4) (Battle over Endor)
Crix MadineMembershipHome OnePassenger (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ), Battle over Endor)
Ten NumbMembershipBlue SquadronBlue 5 (Battle over Endor)B-WingPilot (Blue 5) (Battle over Endor)
Nien NunbMembershipGold SquadronGold Leader (Battle over Endor)Millennium FalconPilot (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)
Judder PageMembershipEndor Strike TeamArrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of EndorRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)TydiriumPassenger (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))
Turr Phennir
Firmus PiettMembershipExecutorBattle over Endor
Horton SalmMembershipGray SquadronColonel Horton Salm (Commander) (Gray Leader) (Battle over Endor)BTL Y-WingPilot (Gray Leader) (Battle over Endor)
Rae Sloane
Walex Blissex
BlountMembershipGold SquadronGold Leader (Battle over Endor)Millennium FalconGunner (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)
ChiraneauMembershipExecutorBattle over Endor
Arvel CrynydMembershipGreen SquadronCommander (Green Leader) (Battle over Endor)A-WingPilot (Green Leader) (Battle over Endor)
DyerMembershipImperial OfficerBattle of Endor
Jake FarrellMembershipGreen SquadronGreen 4 (Battle over Endor)A-WingPilot (Green 4) (Battle over Endor)
Fel's Wrath
Grizz FrixMembershipAlliance Starfighter CorpsXW1 (Battle over Endor)Rebel Alliance NavyAlliance Starfighter Corps (Battle over Endor)T-65 X-WingPilot (XW1) (Battle over Endor)
GherantMembershipExecutorBattle over Endor
IgarMembershipImperial OfficerLuke's Surrender (ROTJ)
JerjerrodMembershipGalactic EmpireMoff Jerjerrod (Battle over Endor)Death Star 2Commander (Battle over Endor)
JonusMembershipDeath Star 2Passenger (Battle over Endor)
Jhared MontferratMembershipDevastatorBattle over Endor
Karie NethMembershipGray SquadronGray 2 (Battle over Endor)Home OnePassenger (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ))BTL Y-WingGunner (Gray 2) (Battle over Endor)Weapons and EquipmentArmorY-W Flight HelmetBattle over Endor
OrrimaarkoMembershipEndor Strike TeamArrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of EndorRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)TydiriumPassenger (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Home OnePassenger (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ))
PaplooMembershipAratech 74-Z Speeder BikeBattle of Endor
HowlrunnerMembershipObsidian SquadronBattle over Endor
RenzMembershipImperial OfficerBattle of Endor
RhymerMembershipScimitar SquadronBattle over Endor
Nik SantMembershipEndor Strike TeamArrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of EndorRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)TydiriumPassenger (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))
Lak SivrakMembershipAlliance Starfighter CorpsXW2 (Battle over Endor)Rebel Alliance NavyAlliance Starfighter Corps (Battle over Endor)T-65 X-WingPilot (XW2) (Battle over Endor)
Gemmer SojanMembershipGreen SquadronGreen 2 (Battle over Endor)A-WingPilot (Green 2) (Battle over Endor)
Palso ThernMembershipBlue SquadronPilot (Blue 7) (Battle over Endor)Home OnePassenger (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ))
Akal ZedMembershipImperial NavyCaptain Akal Zed (Battle over Endor)StalkerCaptain (Battle over Endor)
C-3POMembershipEndor Strike TeamArrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of EndorRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)TydiriumPassenger (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))
R2-D2MembershipEndor Strike TeamArrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of EndorRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)TydiriumPassenger (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))
2-1BMembershipHome OnePassenger (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ))
[ROTJ Male Rebel Alliance Officer 01]
[ROTJ Male Rebel Alliance Officer 02]
[ROTJ Mon Cal Rebel Alliance Officer 01]
[ROTJ Female Rebel Alliance Member 01]
[ROTJ Female Rebel Alliance Member 02]
3PO-series Protocol DroidUsed by / onEndor Strike TeamC-3PO (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Rebel Alliance Special ForcesC-3PO, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)
R2-series Astromech DroidUsed by / onRebel Alliance Special ForcesR2-D2, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Endor Strike TeamR2-D2 (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)
Aratech 74-Z Speeder BikeCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersLuke Skywalker (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Leia Organa Solo (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Paploo (Battle of Endor)
SLD-26 Planetary Shield Generator
DressellianWere among members ofRebel Alliance Special ForcesOrrimaarko, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Endor Strike TeamOrrimaarko (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)
Mon CalamariWere among members ofRebel AllianceAdmiral Ackbar (Operation Commander) (Battle over Endor)Ibtisam (Battle over Endor)
ShistavanenWere among members ofAlliance Starfighter CorpsLak Sivrak (XW2) (Battle over Endor)Rebel Alliance NavyLak Sivrak, Alliance Starfighter Corps (Battle over Endor)
SullustanWere among members ofBlue SquadronTen Numb (Blue 5) (Battle over Endor)Gold SquadronNien Nunb (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)
WookieeWere among members ofRebel Alliance Special ForcesChewbacca, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)Endor Strike TeamChewbacca (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ), Battle of Endor)
Lambda-class ShuttleCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersLuke Skywalker (Pilot) (Throne Room Duel)RolesPilotLuke Skywalker (Throne Room Duel)
Death Star 2Crew, Passengers and CargoCharactersJerjerrod (Commander) (Battle over Endor)Janus Greejatus (Passenger) (Battle over Endor)Jonus (Passenger) (Battle over Endor)RolesCommanderJerjerrod (Battle over Endor)Used byGalactic EmpireBattle over Endor
BTL Y-WingCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersHorton Salm (Pilot) (Gray Leader) (Battle over Endor)Karie Neth (Gunner) (Gray 2) (Battle over Endor)RolesPilotHorton Salm (Battle over Endor)GunnerKarie Neth (Battle over Endor)Used byGray SquadronGray Leader, Gray 2 (Battle over Endor)Gold SquadronGold Group (Battle over Endor)
B-WingCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersTen Numb (Pilot) (Blue 5) (Battle over Endor)Keyan Farlander (Pilot) (Blue 9) (Battle over Endor)Ibtisam (Pilot) (Battle over Endor)RolesPilotIbtisam (Battle over Endor)Keyan Farlander (Battle over Endor)Ten Numb (Battle over Endor)Used byBlue SquadronBlue 5, Blue 9 (Battle over Endor)
T-65 X-WingCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersWedge Antilles (Pilot) (Red Leader) (Battle over Endor)Derek Klivian (Pilot) (Red 4) (Battle over Endor)Lak Sivrak (Pilot) (XW2) (Battle over Endor)Grizz Frix (Pilot) (XW1) (Battle over Endor)RolesPilotWedge Antilles (Battle over Endor)Derek Klivian (Battle over Endor)Lak Sivrak (Battle over Endor)Grizz Frix (Battle over Endor)Used byRed SquadronRed Leader, Red 4 (Battle over Endor)Alliance Starfighter CorpsXW1, XW2 (Battle over Endor)
A-WingCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersArvel Crynyd (Pilot) (Green Leader) (Battle over Endor)Gemmer Sojan (Pilot) (Green 2) (Battle over Endor)Tycho Celchu (Pilot) (Green 3) (Battle over Endor)Jake Farrell (Pilot) (Green 4) (Battle over Endor)RolesPilotTycho Celchu (Battle over Endor)Arvel Crynyd (Battle over Endor)Jake Farrell (Battle over Endor)Gemmer Sojan (Battle over Endor)Used byGreen SquadronGreen Leader, Green 2, Green 3, Green 4 (Battle over Endor)
AvengerUsed byImperial NavyBattle over Endor
ChimaeraUsed byImperial NavyBattle over Endor
DefianceUsed byRebel Alliance NavyBattle over Endor
DevastatorCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersJhared Montferrat (Battle over Endor)Used byImperial NavyBattle over Endor
ExecutorCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersFirmus Piett (Battle over Endor)Chiraneau (Battle over Endor)Gherant (Battle over Endor)Used byImperial NavyBattle over Endor
Home OneCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersCrix Madine (Passenger) (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ), Battle over Endor)Karie Neth (Passenger) (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ))Orrimaarko (Passenger) (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ))Ackbar (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ), Battle over Endor)Mon Mothma (Passenger) (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ))Palso Thern (Passenger) (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ))2-1B (Passenger) (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ))Used byRebel Alliance NavyBattle over Endor
IndependenceUsed byRebel Alliance NavyBattle over Endor
LibertyUsed byRebel Alliance NavyBattle over Endor
Millennium FalconCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersLando Calrissian (Pilot and Captain) (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)Nien Nunb (Pilot) (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)Airen Cracken (Gunner) (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)Blount (Gunner) (Gold Leader) (Battle over Endor)RolesPilotLando Calrissian (Battle over Endor)Nien Nunb (Battle over Endor)CaptainLando Calrissian (Battle over Endor)GunnerAiren Cracken (Battle over Endor)Blount (Battle over Endor)Used byGold SquadronGold Leader (Battle over Endor)
RedemptionUsed byRebel Alliance NavyBattle over Endor
StalkerCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersAkal Zed (Captain) (Battle over Endor)RolesCaptainAkal Zed (Battle over Endor)Used byImperial NavyBattle over Endor
TydiriumCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersHan Solo (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Chewbacca (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Luke Skywalker (Passenger) (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Leia Organa Solo (Passenger) (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Bren Derlin (Passenger) (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Judder Page (Passenger) (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Nik Sant (Passenger) (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))C-3PO (Passenger) (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))R2-D2 (Passenger) (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Orrimaarko (Passenger) (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))
TyrantUsed byImperial NavyBattle over Endor
YavarisUsed byRebel Alliance NavyBattle over Endor
CaptainMembershipImperial NavyAkal Zed (Battle over Endor)
ColonelMembershipGray SquadronHorton Salm (Battle over Endor)
GeneralMembershipRebel AllianceLando Calrissian (Rebel Briefing (ROTJ), Battle over Endor)Airen Cracken (Battle over Endor)Rebel Alliance Special ForcesHan Solo, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Endor Strike TeamHan Solo (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))
AdmiralMembershipRebel AllianceAckbar (Battle over Endor)
MoffMembershipGalactic EmpireJerjerrod (Battle over Endor)
Operation CommanderMembershipRebel AllianceAdmiral Ackbar (Battle over Endor)
CaptainMembershipStalkerAkal Zed (Battle over Endor)Millennium FalconLando Calrissian (Battle over Endor)
CommanderMembershipRed SquadronWedge Antilles (Battle over Endor)Gray SquadronColonel Horton Salm (Battle over Endor)Green SquadronArvel Crynyd (Battle over Endor)Endor Strike TeamGeneral Han Solo (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Rebel Alliance Special ForcesGeneral Han Solo, Endor Strike Team (Arrival at Endor (ROTJ))Gold SquadronLando Calrissian (Battle over Endor)Death Star 2Jerjerrod (Battle over Endor)
PilotMembershipBlue SquadronPalso Thern (Battle over Endor)BTL Y-WingHorton Salm (Battle over Endor)A-WingTycho Celchu (Battle over Endor)Arvel Crynyd (Battle over Endor)Jake Farrell (Battle over Endor)Gemmer Sojan (Battle over Endor)B-WingIbtisam (Battle over Endor)Keyan Farlander (Battle over Endor)Ten Numb (Battle over Endor)Millennium FalconLando Calrissian (Battle over Endor)Nien Nunb (Battle over Endor)T-65 X-WingWedge Antilles (Battle over Endor)Derek Klivian (Battle over Endor)Lak Sivrak (Battle over Endor)Grizz Frix (Battle over Endor)Lambda-class ShuttleLuke Skywalker (Throne Room Duel)
GunnerMembershipBTL Y-WingKarie Neth (Battle over Endor)Millennium FalconAiren Cracken (Battle over Endor)Blount (Battle over Endor)
Events that took place during this period
Rebel Briefing (ROTJ)
Arrival at Endor (ROTJ)
Leia Meets Wicket (ROTJ)
Search for Leia (ROTJ)
Night at Bright Tree Village (ROTJ)
Luke's Surrender (ROTJ)
Battle of Endor
Throne Room Duel
Battle over Endor
Complete list

Full unit name: Endor Campaign (ROTJ) Last updated: 30.07.2024 18:21:07