Rebel Alliance (258)Full unit name: Rebel Alliance
Last updated: 17.01.2025 10:42:52
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First appearance: A New Hope
A New Hope
Known Facts (6)
Mission to Eadu (1) »
Attack on Tantive IV (1) »
Battle of Yavin (1) »
3 ABY (1) »
Battle of Hoth (1) »
Falcon's Escape (1) »
The Alliance to Restore the Republic, also known as the Rebel Alliance, or informally as the Rebellion, was a loose alliance of planetary, system, and sector-level insurrectionist factions. They were generally united in common cause, against a common enemy in the form of the Galactic Empire. In order to achieve their primary goal in restoring the former Galactic Republic, the Alliance aimed to remove Emperor Palpatine
Major Characters
from power, and his hegemonic New Order from the galaxy.
The origins of the overall anti-Imperial movement dated back to 19 BBY, shortly before the Galactic Republic's transformation into the Empire. Some of the Alliance's core founders, such as senators
Republic Senate
Galactic Republic
Bail Organa
Bail Organa
Supporting Characters
and Mon Mothma
Mon Mothma
Major Characters
of the Loyalist Committee, joined the Delegation of 2000 in its opposition against the authoritarian leadership of then-Chancellor Palpatine. By 2 BBY, several resistance groups were unified into a single rebellion, thus creating the Rebel Alliance. Ironically, the Rebel Alliance's formation was secretly instigated by the Order of the Sith Lords. In what was supposed to be a plot for drawing the Emperor's enemies out from hiding, the Sith Lord Darth Vader
Darth Vader
Major Characters
ordered his secret apprentice, Starkiller
Galen Marek
Major Characters
, to organize various rebels and dissidents into a large resistance movement. After Starkiller was betrayed by his Master, he ensured the survival of the Rebel leaders.
Hence, the Galactic Civil War erupted with the fledgling Alliance challenging the Empire for control of the galaxy. Rather than challenging the Empire directly, the rebels fought a war of attrition, destroying key Imperial targets and liberating numerous worlds. Though vastly outnumbered in manpower, starships, weapons and various other resources, the Rebels themselves possessed a strong will to fight. By and large, the Alliance was composed of well-trained soldiers and brilliant commanders, some of whom dedicated their lives to the Rebellion after defecting from the Empire due to the atrocities that were committed by the Imperial regime. After securing early victories against the Empire on Kamino and Toprawa, the Rebels achieved one of their most significant triumphs at the Battle of Yavin
Battle of Yavin
Galactic Civil War
. In 4 ABY, roughly four years after the battle of Yavin, Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader both perished during the Battle of Endor
Endor Campaign
Galactic Civil War
In the wake of their victory at Endor, the Rebel Alliance reorganized itself into a more formal state that was originally known as the Alliance of Free Planets before its reorganization into the New Republic.


See also
Known subgroups, subsidiaries or members
Rebel Alliance Navy
Rebel Alliance Army
Rebel Alliance Officer
Rebel Alliance Engineer
Rebel Honor Guard
Known members
Lando Calrissian
Show all (2)DetailsRebel Briefing (ROTJ) (General)Battle over Endor (General)
Luke Skywalker
Ice Plains Patrol
Leia Organa Solo
Show all (3)DetailsAttack on Tantive IVBattle of YavinFalcon's Escape
Cassian Andor
Mission to Eadu (Captain)
Battle over Endor (Admiral, Operation Commander)
Airen Cracken
Battle over Endor (General)
Bren Derlin
Battle of Hoth (Major, Chief of Security, Echo Base, Hoth)
Jan Dodonna
Battle of Yavin (General)
Battle over Endor
Judder Page
Battle of Hoth
Battle of Scarif (Admiral)
Carlist Rieekan
Battle of Hoth (General, Echo Base, Hoth)
Battle of Scarif
Toryn Farr
Battle of Hoth (Communications Officer, Echo Base, Hoth)
Battle of Scarif
Falcon's Escape
Rendezvous on Redemption
Known sub-organizations
Rebel Alliance Navy
Blue Squadron
Rogue Squadron
Specter Squadron
Known founders
Rahm Kota
Galen Marek
Mon Mothma
Garm Bel Iblis
Bail Organa
Droid models that were used by this organization
2-1B Surgical Droid
Rendezvous on Redemption
3PO-series Protocol Droid
Falcon's Escape
Known sentient species
Mon Calamari
Show all (2)DetailsBattle of ScarifBattle over Endor
Operation Commander
All characters who worked for/with this organization without being its member
Falcon's Escape
Han Solo
Falcon's Escape
Area of operations
Echo Base (Battle of Hoth)
Known ranks
Cassian Andor
Bren Derlin
Show all (4)DetailsLando CalrissianAiren CrackenJan DodonnaCarlist Rieekan
Show all (2)DetailsAckbarRaddus
Known roles
Operation Commander
Communications Officer
Toryn Farr, Echo Base, Hoth
Chief of Security
Bren Derlin, Echo Base, Hoth
Known weaponry & equipment
Defender Sporting Blaster Pistol
Attack on Tantive IV
DH-17 Blaster Pistol
Show all (2)DetailsBattle of YavinBattle of Hoth
A280-CFE Blaster Rifle
Mission to Eadu
Relby-v10 Micro Grenade Launcher
Known armor & apparel
Roamer-6 Breath Mask
Complete list

Full unit name: Rebel Alliance Last updated: 17.01.2025 10:42:52