Legacy DS |
Legacy DS |
Legacy DS |
SWM Rebel Storm |
SWM Rebel Storm |
SWM Clone Strike |
Welcome to the Future ... Your Guide to the Legacy Era |
Broken, part 1 |
Claws of the Dragon, part 5 |
Twi'lek Bodyguard |
Twi'lek Scoundrel |
Aayla Secura |
RS58 |
RS59 |
CS01 |
Darth Talon |
Tags (4)Darth Krayt (A'Sharad Hett) | Nihl | Nagai | Darth Talon | Twi'lek |
Tags (3)Nihl | Nagai | Darth Talon | Twi'lek |
Tags (2)Aayla Secura | Jedi Order |
Massacre at Ossus |
Geonosis Arena Battle |
SWM Alliance and Empire |
SWM Legacy of the Force |
SWM Legacy of the Force |
SWM Legacy of the Force |
SWM Bounty Hunters |
SWM Bounty Hunters |
Twi'lek Rebel Agent |
Darth Talon |
Twi'lek Scout |
Shado Vao |
Ayy Vida |
Bib Fortuna |
AAE22 |
LOTF07 |
LOTF17 |
LOTF38 |
BH16 |
BH17 |
Rebel Alliance Special Forces |
Tags (2)Darth Talon | Sith Warrior |
Tags (2)Shado Vao | New Jedi Order |
Ayy Vida |
Tags (2)Bib Fortuna | Jabba's Organization |
SWM Knights of the Old Republic |
SWM Clone Wars |
SWM Imperial Entanglements |
Rebel Storm |
Alliance and Empire |
Unleashed Series |
Mission Vao |
General Aayla Secura |
Twi'lek Black Sun Vigo |
Twi'lek Bodyguard (Hasbro Unleashed Promo) |
Twi'lek Rebel Agent |
Aayla Secura Unleashed |
CW13 |
IE37 |
84786 / 85002 |
Tags (2)Mission Vao | Revan's Followers |
Aayla Secura |
Tags (2)Black Sun | Vigo |
Rebel Alliance Special Forces |
Tags (2)Aayla Secura | Jedi Order |
Siege of Saleucami |
BPU - Episode III : Battle of Kashyyyk |
BPU - Ultimate Warriors |
Scum & Villainy |
Order of the Jedi |
TPF The Clone Wars 25 Piece Keychain Set |
The Power of the Force |
Kashyyyk & Felucia Heroes |
Jedi Heroes |
Bib Fortuna, Jabba's Major-Domo |
Aayla Secura, Jedi Master |
Aayla Secura (TPF:CW) |
Bib Fortuna (69812) |
85888 / 85768 |
87771 / 85768 |
2108 |
2155 |
[None] |
69812 / 69605 |
Tags (6)Yoda | Jedi Order | Chewbacca | Wookiee | Tarfful | Aayla Secura |
Tags (8)Shaak Ti | Togruta | Jedi Order | Aayla Secura | Agen Kolar | Zabrak | Plo Koon | Kel Dor |
Bib Fortuna |
Tags (2)Aayla Secura | Jedi Order |
Aayla Secura |
Tags (2)Bib Fortuna | Jabba's Organization |
Battle of Kashyyyk |
The Power of the Force : Cinema Scenes |
The Original Trilogy Collection |
Saga Collection |
Saga Collection |
Saga Collection : Clone Wars |
Revenge of the Sith |
Return of the Jedi : Jabba the Hutt's Dancers (69849) |
Bib Fortuna (OTC#31) |
Orn Free Taa (02-35) |
Aayla Secura : Jedi Knight (03-11) |
Army of the Republic - Jedi Knight Army |
Aayla Secura (Jedi Knight) (III.32) |
69849 / 69650 |
85381 / 84715 |
84804 / 84861 |
84928 / 84861 |
84836 / 84845 |
85360 / 85174 |
Tags (6)Rystall Sant | Theelin | Max Rebo Band | Greeata | Rodian | Lyn Me |
Tags (2)Bib Fortuna | Jabba's Organization |
Tags (2)Orn Free Taa | Hovercam Droid |
Tags (3)Aayla Secura | Jedi Order | Jedi Knight |
Tags (3)Jedi Order | Jedi Knight | Rodian |
Tags (2)Aayla Secura | Jedi Knight |
Jedi Rocks (ROTJ) |
Events (2)Arrival of Luke Skywalker | Rescue of Han Solo (Tatooine) |
Revenge of the Sith |
The Saga Collection |
The Black Series 6'' (Black & Red Box Design) |
Codex : Persons of Note |
Codex : Organizations |
Codex : Organizations |
Aayla Secura (III.67) |
Bib Fortuna (SAGA003) |
Hera Syndulla (#42) |
Governor Saresh |
Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Twin Suns |
86750 / 85174 |
85803 / 85770 |
C2143 / B3834 |
CODEX_PON_00013163 |
CODEX_ORG_00012478 |
CODEX_ORG_00011406 |
Aayla Secura |
Bib Fortuna |
Tags (2)Hera Syndulla | Spectres |
Tags (6)Leontyne Saresh | Governor | Republic Senate | Reconstitued Sith Empire | Taris | Taris Resettlement Authority |
Tags (5)Twi'lek Pilgrims | Tython | Ryloth | Jedi Order | Flesh Raider |
Tags (6)Twin Suns | Pirate | Smuggler | Tatooine | Exchange | Hutt Cartel | Twi'lek |
Codex : Species |
Codex : Lore |
Codex : Lore |
SWTOR Vendors |
SWTOR Vendors |
SWTOR Vendors |
Flesh Raiders |
Ruled by Corruption |
Underworld Influences |
Gandra Palis, Social Items Vendor (Slippery Slopes Cantina, Lower Promenade, Nar Shaddaa) |
Samala Reyn, Companion Gifts Vendor (Lucent Square, Lower Promenade, Nar Shaddaa) |
Sarnok, Starship Upgrades Vendor (Nar Shaddaa, Mezenti Spaceport) |
CODEX_SPECIES_00012400 |
CODEX_LORE_00011875 |
CODEX_LORE_00011865 |
IMG_CHAR_00006109 |
IMG_CHAR_00006090 |
IMG_CHAR_00010648 |
Tags (3)Flesh Raider | Tython | Jedi Order |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Army | Mantellian Separatists | Twi'lek |
Tags (6)Ord Mantell | Republic Army | Czerka Corporation | Ord Mantell Central Authority | Mantellian Army | Twi'lek | Zabrak |
Tags (2)Gandra Palis | Nar Shaddaa |
Tags (7)Samala Reyn | Twi'lek | Nar Shaddaa | Trader | Hutt Cartel | Security | Hutt Cartel Armor A18.8 | Rodian |
Tags (2)Sarnok | Nar Shaddaa |
Flesh Raider Uprising |
The Cold War |
SWTOR Images |
SWTOR Images |
SWTOR Images : Units |
SWTOR Images : Units |
SWTOR Images : Units |
SWTOR Images : Units |
Balmorra, Markaran Plains, Sunstruck Grasslands (014) - OT-09 Defender Droid and Okara Factory Technician |
Balmorra, Sobrik, Sunken Sarlacc Cantina |
Balmorran Resistance Grenadier |
Balmorran Resistance Sentry (001) |
Balmorran Resistance Sentry & Master Sentry |
Balmorran Resistance Sentry (002) |
IMG_00006097 |
IMG_00010646 |
IMG_00010570 |
IMG_00010577 |
IMG_00010622 |
IMG_00010620 |
Tags (4)Balmorra | OT-09 Defender Droid | ROGUE-A01 Battle Droid | Okara Droid Company |
Tags (5)Balmorra | Gormo and the Grackers | Bith | Rodian | Musician |
Tags (2)Balmorran Resistance | Balmorra |
Tags (2)Balmorran Resistance | Balmorra |
Tags (2)Balmorran Resistance | Balmorra |
Tags (2)Balmorran Resistance | Balmorra |
The Cold War |
SWTOR Images : Units |
SWTOR Images : Units |
SWTOR Images : Persons |
SWTOR Images : Persons |
SWTOR Images : Missions |
SWTOR Images : Missions |
Balmorran Resistance Sentry (003) |
Red Nebray Berserker |
Smuggler Phylo Daan (001) |
Smuggler Phylo Daan (002) |
The Darkest Tide (Carrick Station) (020) |
The Darkest Tide (Carrick Station) (030) |
IMG_00010621 |
IMG_00010590 |
IMG_00010604 |
IMG_00010603 |
IMG_00006500 |
IMG_00006501 |
Tags (2)Balmorran Resistance | Balmorra |
Tags (4)Red Nebray | Balmorran Resistance | Balmorra | Manka-class Armored Transport |
Tags (3)Phylo Daan | Balmorra | Smuggler |
Tags (3)Phylo Daan | Balmorra | Smuggler |
Tags (5)Carrick Station | O6-D5 | REP-A01 Astromech Droid | Leontyne Saresh | Twi'lek | Hance Rugel |
Tags (5)Carrick Station | Leontyne Saresh | Twi'lek | Hance Rugel | O6-D5 | REP-A01 Astromech Droid |
Events (2)The Darkest Tide | Dread War |
Events (2)The Darkest Tide | Dread War |
SWTOR Images : Missions |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
The Darkest Tide (Carrick Station) (040) |
Nar Shaddaa | Deucalon Spaceport | Lobby (020) |
The Promenade | Lucent Square (020) |
The Promenade | Lucent Square (130) |
The Promenade | Lucent Square (170) |
The Promenade | Slippery Slopes Cantina | Lowbrow Lounge (010) |
IMG_00006502 |
NARSHA_00013768 |
NARSHA_00013785 |
NARSHA_00013810 |
NARSHA_00013814 |
NARSHA_00013994 |
Tags (3)Carrick Station | Leontyne Saresh | Twi'lek | Hance Rugel |
Tags (10)Nar Shaddaa | Republic Diplomatic Corps | Plennid | Minister | REP-A01 Astromech Droid | Twi'lek | PO12 Protocol Droid | Wyjus-Miin | Zabrak | Trader | Hutt Cartel |
Nar Shaddaa | Twi'lek |
Tags (4)Nar Shaddaa | Letta | Military Armor A16.3 | Smuggler |
Tags (5)Nar Shaddaa | Siriki | Trader | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) | M411 Rifle |
Tags (9)Nar Shaddaa | Strategic Information Service (SIS) | Twi'lek | Nar Shaddaa Dwellers | Security | Sales Representative | Dancer | Waiter | Jonas Balkar | Field Agent |
Events (2)The Darkest Tide | Dread War |
Events (2)When Diplomacy Fails | The Cold War |
Events (4)The Cold War | Nar Shaddaa Landing | When Diplomacy Fails | The Republic's Finest |
The Cold War |
The Cold War |
Events (2)The Republic's Finest | The Cold War |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
Nikto Sector | Wannschok Tenements | Alien Arms Bazaar (010) |
Nikto Sector | Pleasure Barge Docks (020) |
Nikto Sector | Pleasure Barge Docks (040) |
Nikto Sector | Pleasure Barge Docks (080) |
Nikto Sector | Pleasure Barge Docks (090) |
Red Light Sector | Concourse (030) |
NARSHA_00013828 |
NARSHA_00013867 |
NARSHA_00013869 |
NARSHA_00013873 |
NARSHA_00013874 |
NARSHA_00013898 |
Tags (15)Nar Shaddaa | Trader | Devaronian | Slaar | Nikto | M411 Rifle | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) | Twi'lek | Military Armor A16.3 | Jatta Kuum | Chagrian | Strategic Information Service (SIS) | Agent | Uniform A14.2 | Security | Mercenary |
Tags (12)Nar Shaddaa | Pleasure Barge | Hutt Cartel | Gamorrean | Beastmaster | Drooga | Hutt | Bowdaar | Wookiee | Ga'ram | Twi'lek | Bounty Hunter | Kaleesh |
Tags (11)Nar Shaddaa | Hutt Cartel | Ga'ram | Twi'lek | Light Manned Turret | Bowdaar | Wookiee | L3.1.2 Rifle | Kaleesh | Pleasure Barge | BH Medium Armor A01.C02 | Bounty Hunter |
Tags (6)Nar Shaddaa | Hutt Cartel | Drooga | Hutt | Ga'ram | Twi'lek | Pleasure Barge |
Tags (4)Nar Shaddaa | Hutt Cartel | Ga'ram | Holotransmitter |
Tags (10)Nar Shaddaa | Strategic Information Service (SIS) | SP Mask02 A05.C03 | SIS Armor A19.5 | Twi'lek | Zabrak | Hutt Cartel | Security | L2.1.3 Blaster | Hutt Cartel Armor A18.8 | GE Mask01 A18 |
Events (2)The Cold War | Blood Money |
Party Crasher |
Party Crasher |
Party Crasher |
Party Crasher |
The Cold War |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
Red Light Sector | Crimson Road (020) |
Red Light Sector | Balkar Interior Refurbishments (050) |
Red Light Sector | Balkar Interior Refurbishments (060) |
Industrial Sector | Taxi Pad (010) |
Industrial Sector | Club Vertica Security Station (010) |
Industrial Sector | Club Vertica Security Station (020) |
NARSHA_00013901 |
NARSHA_00014015 |
NARSHA_00014016 |
NARSHA_00013953 |
NARSHA_00014018 |
NARSHA_00014019 |
Tags (4)Nar Shaddaa | Nar Shaddaa Dwellers | Mercenary | Twi'lek | SSK Heavy Blaster (L9) |
Tags (9)Nar Shaddaa | Strategic Information Service (SIS) | Jonas Balkar | Field Agent | Slicer | HS1 Handheld Scanner | Uniform A14.1 | H2 Heavy Blaster | Niall Piv | Twi'lek |
Tags (7)Nar Shaddaa | Slicer | HS1 Handheld Scanner | H2 Heavy Blaster | Uniform A14.1 | Strategic Information Service (SIS) | Niall Piv |
Tags (11)Nar Shaddaa | REPM-A01 Protocol Droid | PAC-A01 Pacification Battle Droid | Galactic Republic | Air Speeder | PO12 Protocol Droid | Nar Shaddaa Dwellers | Guard | Cathar | Rodian | TG6-A01 Astromech Droid | Twi'lek |
Tags (6)Nar Shaddaa | Strategic Information Service (SIS) | Niall Piv | Slicer | Uniform A14.1 | H2 Heavy Blaster |
Tags (6)Nar Shaddaa | Mercenary | L3 Electroblade | Twi'lek | Security | Guard | Officer |
Shore Leave |
Climbing the Ladder |
Climbing the Ladder |
Events (4)Eco-Terrorists | Genocide | The Cold War | Climbing the Ladder |
Climbing the Ladder |
Climbing the Ladder |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
Industrial Sector | Club Vertica Security Station (040) |
Imperial Interrogation Chamber (002) |
Imperial Interrogation Chamber (003) |
Lower Office Atrium, Jedi Training Facility (002) |
Lower Office Atrium, Jedi Training Facility (003) |
High Security Lockdown, Republic Hidden Lab (001) |
NARSHA_00014021 |
NARSHA_00011171 |
NARSHA_00011172 |
NARSHA_00011181 |
NARSHA_00011182 |
NARSHA_00011239 |
Tags (5)Nar Shaddaa | Strategic Information Service (SIS) | Slicer | Niall Piv | Uniform A14.1 |
Tags (2)Nar Shaddaa | Sav Darnell |
Tags (2)Nar Shaddaa | Sav Darnell |
Tags (3)Nar Shaddaa | Togruta | Jedi Order |
Tags (2)Nar Shaddaa | Jedi Order |
Tags (4)Nar Shaddaa | Shaclaw | Twi'lek | Republic Army Research Division | Republic Army |
Climbing the Ladder |
Botched Interrogation |
Botched Interrogation |
Recruitment |
Recruitment |
Building a Better Beast |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
High Security Lockdown, Republic Hidden Lab (002) |
High Security Lockdown, Republic Hidden Lab (003) |
High Security Lockdown, Republic Hidden Lab (004) |
High Security Lockdown, Republic Hidden Lab (006) |
High Security Lockdown, Republic Hidden Lab (008) |
High Security Lockdown, Republic Hidden Lab (010) |
NARSHA_00011240 |
NARSHA_00011241 |
NARSHA_00011242 |
NARSHA_00011244 |
NARSHA_00011246 |
NARSHA_00011248 |
Tags (4)Nar Shaddaa | Shaclaw | Twi'lek | Republic Army Research Division | Republic Army |
Tags (4)Nar Shaddaa | Shaclaw | Twi'lek | Republic Army Research Division | Republic Army |
Tags (4)Nar Shaddaa | Shaclaw | Twi'lek | Republic Army Research Division | Republic Army |
Tags (4)Nar Shaddaa | Shaclaw | Twi'lek | Republic Army Research Division | Republic Army |
Tags (4)Nar Shaddaa | Shaclaw | Twi'lek | Republic Army Research Division | Republic Army |
Tags (3)Nar Shaddaa | Twi'lek | Republic Army Research Division | Republic Army |
Building a Better Beast |
Building a Better Beast |
Building a Better Beast |
Building a Better Beast |
Building a Better Beast |
Building a Better Beast |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Nar Shaddaa |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
High Security Lockdown, Republic Hidden Lab (011) |
High Security Lockdown, Republic Hidden Lab (012) |
Street Skifter & Akk Hound (Network Access, Datacenter Back Alley) |
Colonel Harok (Lobby, Mezenti Spaceport) |
Anchorhead (004) |
Anchorhead (006) |
NARSHA_00011249 |
NARSHA_00011250 |
NARSHA_00006113 |
NARSHA_00006189 |
TATOO_00011360 |
TATOO_00011362 |
Tags (7)Nar Shaddaa | Shaclaw | Imperial Operatives | Shaclaw Lab Overseer | Nautolan | Twi'lek | Republic Army Research Division | Republic Army |
Tags (7)Nar Shaddaa | Shaclaw | Shaclaw Lab Overseer | Nautolan | Imperial Operatives | Twi'lek | Republic Army Research Division | Republic Army |
Tags (2)Akk Dog | Nar Shaddaa |
Tags (7)Harok | Nar Shaddaa | Imperial Army (Sith Empire) | Sarnok | Rodian | Kubaz | Shaclaw |
Tags (6)Tatooine | Dewback | Jawa | Sandcrawler | Air Speeder 2 | Speeder Bike v03 | Twi'lek |
Tags (4)Tatooine | Jawa | Twi'lek | REP-A01 Astromech Droid | Sandcrawler |
Building a Better Beast |
Building a Better Beast |
Shattering the Peace |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Tatooine |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Anchorhead, Cantina (002) |
Anchorhead, Cantina (003) |
Junland, Outpost Salara (020) |
Junland, Outpost Salara (030) |
Ord Mantell | Drelliad Village (040) |
Ord Mantell | Drelliad Village (075) |
TATOO_00011503 |
TATOO_00011504 |
TATOO_00006617 |
TATOO_00006618 |
ORDM_00011692 |
ORDM_00011726 |
Tags (2)Tatooine | Twi'lek | Devaronian |
Tags (4)Tatooine | Twi'lek | Jawa | Militia Trooper (M06) | Citizens' Militia |
Tags (2)Tatooine | Jundo Martik |
Tags (2)Tatooine | Jundo Martik |
Tags (4)Ord Mantell | Speeder Bike v02 | Twi'lek | Mantellian Separatists | Speeder Bike v03 |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Twi'lek |
Reap the Whirlwind |
Reap the Whirlwind |
Events (3)Clearing the Air | Hit the Ground Running | Landing Party |
Hit the Ground Running |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Fort Garnik (010) |
Fort Garnik | Specialist Tos, Heavy Armor Vendor |
Fort Garnik | Corporal Hurwell |
Fort Garnik | Shamuillan, Social Items Vendor |
Fort Garnik | Nothern Refugee Camp (010) |
Mannett Point | Area outside maintenance tunnel |
ORDM_00006247 |
ORDM_00006246 |
ORDM_00006248 |
ORDM_00006287 |
ORDM_00011783 |
ORDM_00011828 |
Tags (10)Ord Mantell | Oordu | Triank | Tos | Twi'lek | Exchange Bandit V4 Speeder Bike | Mantellian Army | Republic Army | Hurwell | Forris | REPM-A01 Protocol Droid |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Tos | Mantellian Army |
Tags (7)Ord Mantell | Hurwell | Tos | Twi'lek | Mantellian Army | Republic Army | Republic Trooper Armor A03.2 | Corporal |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Shamuillan | Twi'lek |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Mirru | Twi'lek | Mantellian Army |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | FRD Battle Droid | Mantellian Separatists | Twi'lek |
Mantellian Separatist Crisis |
The Ambush |
Security Breach |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
Mannett Point | Separatist Hideout (030) |
Oradam Village | Zak's Home (010) |
Oradam Village | Zak's Home (020) |
Oradam Village | Zak's Home (030) |
Oradam Village | Zak's Home (040) |
Oradam Village | Zak's Home (050) |
ORDM_00011832 |
ORDM_00011868 |
ORDM_00011869 |
ORDM_00011870 |
ORDM_00011871 |
ORDM_00011872 |
Tags (5)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Gorry | 4-SEN | ROGUE-A01 Assassin Droid | Twi'lek |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Zak | Jaller |
Tags (2)Ord Mantell | Jaller |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Zak | Jaller |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Zak | Jaller |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Zak | Jaller |
Security Breach |
Oradam Village |
Oradam Village |
Oradam Village |
Oradam Village |
Oradam Village |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Ord Mantell |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
Fort Garnik | Avilatan's Rest cantina (020) |
Fort Garnik | Avilatan's Rest cantina (030) |
Separatist Stronghold (010) |
Tython | The Gnarls (025) |
Tython | The Gnarls (030) |
Tython | Jedi Temple (050) |
ORDM_00011981 |
ORDM_00011982 |
ORDM_00006315 |
TYT_00012646 |
TYT_00012377 |
TYT_00012429 |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | Ryn | Twi'lek | GEN-A01 Astromech Droid |
Tags (3)Ord Mantell | GEN-A01 Astromech Droid | Ryn | Twi'lek |
Tags (5)Ord Mantell | Mantellian Separatists | Air Speeder 2 | Speeder Bike v02 | Republic Operatives | Twi'lek |
Tags (5)Tython | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Jedi Consular | Liv'trai |
Tags (5)Tython | Adi'son | Twi'lek | Jedi Order | Republic Power Generator | Trader |
Tags (6)Tython | Beejinz | Twi'lek | Trader | Republic Navy | Republic Pilot Uniform A27.1 | Pilot |
Events (5)Alliance of Evil | The Separatists' Stronghold | Hitting Where It Hurts | Witness Protection | Securing the Landing Zone |
Flesh Raider Uprising |
Flesh Raider Uprising |
Flesh Raider Uprising |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
Tython | Jedi Temple (060) |
Tython | Jedi Temple Archives (010) |
Tython | Jedi Temple Archives (030) |
Tython | Kalikori Village (020) |
Tython | Kalikori Village (022) |
Tython | Kalikori Village (024) |
TYT_00012430 |
TYT_00012444 |
TYT_00012446 |
TYT_00012458 |
TYT_00012655 |
TYT_00012656 |
Tags (15)Tython | Beejinz | Twi'lek | Trader | Jedi Padawan | REP-A01 Astromech Droid | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Republic Navy | Republic Army | H2 Heavy Blaster | Shiden | Jujuin | Republic Pilot Uniform A27.1 | Pilot | Sales Representative |
Tags (12)Tython | Muheeda | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Republic Army | Republic Navy | Jedi Padawan | PO12 Protocol Droid | Wettle | Twi'lek | Jedi Consular | Republic Pilot Uniform A27.1 | Pilot |
Tags (5)Tython | Wettle | Jedi Consular | Jedi Master | Jedi Order |
Tags (4)Tython | Dorsil | Twi'lek | Trader | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (10)Tython | Vanel | Twi'lek | L2 Blaster | Twi'lek Pilgrims | REPM-A01 Protocol Droid | Meeb Wix | Gran | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Bashenn |
Tags (6)Tython | Bashenn | Vanel | Allia | Twi'lek Pilgrims | L2 Blaster |
Flesh Raider Uprising |
Flesh Raider Uprising |
Flesh Raider Uprising |
Flesh Raider Uprising |
Pilgrims |
Pilgrims |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
Tython | Kalikori Village (030) |
Tython | Kalikori Village (040) |
Tython | Kalikori Village (050) |
Tython | Kalikori Village (060) |
Tython | Kalikori Village (070) |
Tython | Kalikori Village (080) |
TYT_00012459 |
TYT_00012460 |
TYT_00012461 |
TYT_00012462 |
TYT_00012463 |
TYT_00012464 |
Tags (6)Tython | Meeb Wix | Gran | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Twi'lek |
Tags (10)Tython | Tazonthe Ghon | Twi'lek | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Meeb Wix | Gran | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Dorsil | Trader | REPM-A01 Protocol Droid |
Tags (7)Tython | Tazonthe Ghon | Twi'lek | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Meeb Wix | Gran |
Tags (3)Tython | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Yuleph Phan |
Tags (5)Tython | Trader | Badmil | Twi'lek | Dendim | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (3)Tython | Vederiat Ayon | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Events (2)Flesh Raider Uprising | Flesh Raider Fact-Finding |
Events (2)Flesh Raider Uprising | Lost Pilgrim |
Lost Pilgrim |
The Thousand Steps |
Flesh Raider Uprising |
Elixir of Power |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
Tython | Kalikori Village (090) |
Tython | Kalikori Village (100) |
Tython | Kalikori Village (110) |
Tython | Kalikori Village | Matriarch's Building (010) |
Tython | Kalikori Village | Matriarch's Building (020) |
Tython | Kalikori Village | Matriarch's Building (030) |
TYT_00012465 |
TYT_00012466 |
TYT_00012467 |
TYT_00012468 |
TYT_00012470 |
TYT_00012471 |
Tags (3)Tython | Vederiat Ayon | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (5)Tython | Dorsil | Twi'lek | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Odumis Mer | L2 Blaster |
Tags (4)Tython | L2 Blaster | Odumis Mer | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (5)Tython | Ranna Tao'Ven | Twi'lek | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Sumari | Moorint |
Tags (4)Tython | Ranna Tao'Ven | Twi'lek | Sumari | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (5)Tython | Ranna Tao'Ven | Twi'lek | Moorint | Twi'lek Pilgrims | L2 Blaster |
Elixir of Power |
Elixir of Power |
Elixir of Power |
High-Tech Savages |
High-Tech Savages |
High-Tech Savages |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
Tython | The Matriarch's Summit (070) |
Tython | The Hollows (050) |
Tython | Nalen's Camp (030) |
Tython | Nalen's Camp (040) |
Tython | Nalen's Camp (050) |
Tython | Nalen's Camp (060) |
TYT_00012477 |
TYT_00012483 |
TYT_00012660 |
TYT_00012661 |
TYT_00012662 |
TYT_00012663 |
Tags (3)Tython | Kolovish | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (3)Tython | Poronth Ghon | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (3)Tython | Nalen Raloch | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (3)Tython | Nalen Raloch | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (3)Tython | Nalen Raloch | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (3)Tython | Nalen Raloch | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
The Thousand Steps |
Lost Pilgrim |
Pilgrims |
Pilgrims |
Pilgrims |
Pilgrims |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
Tython | Kalikori Village | Matriarch's Building (040) |
Tython | Kalikori Village | Matriarch's Building (050) |
Tython | Kalikori Village | Matriarch's Building (070) |
Tython | Kalikori Village | Matriarch's Building (090) |
Tython | Kalikori Village (130) |
Tython | The Hollows (090) |
TYT_00012496 |
TYT_00012497 |
TYT_00012499 |
TYT_00012544 |
TYT_00012546 |
TYT_00012549 |
Tags (5)Tython | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Saylew | Twi'lek | Ranna Tao'Ven | L2 Blaster |
Tags (6)Tython | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Orgus Din | Saylew | Twi'lek | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (8)Tython | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Orgus Din | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Ranna Tao'Ven | Twi'lek | Moorint | H5 Jedi Lightsaber |
Tags (8)Tython | Ranna Tao'Ven | Twi'lek | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Orgus Din | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | T7-O1 | T7-series Astromech Droid |
Tags (3)Tython | Trea Kobbeth | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (2)Tython | Bahlea's Husband |
High-Tech Savages |
High-Tech Savages |
Enemy Force |
The Face of the Enemy |
New Recruit |
Pilgrim Medicine |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
Tython | Tythos Ridge (100) |
Tython | Tythos Ridge | Flesh Raider Cave (090) |
Tython | Tythos Ridge | Flesh Raider Cave (100) |
Tython | Jedi Temple (260) |
Tython | Kalikori Village (170) |
Tython | Kalikori Village | Matriarch's Building (100) |
TYT_00012560 |
TYT_00012688 |
TYT_00012689 |
TYT_00012691 |
TYT_00012569 |
TYT_00012572 |
Tags (6)Tython | Fashk | Flesh Raider | Flesh Raider Forces | Viyo Kobbeth | Twi'lek | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (6)Tython | Allia | Twi'lek | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Qyzen Fess | Trandoshan | L1 Electrostaff |
Tags (4)Tython | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Allia | L2 Blaster |
Tags (6)Tython | Nalen Raloch | Twi'lek | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Yuon Par |
Tags (3)Tython | Bahlea | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (4)Tython | Eseni | Twi'lek | Ranna Tao'Ven | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
New Recruit |
Hunter's Eye |
Hunter's Eye |
Hunter's Eye |
Pilgrim Medicine |
The Face of the Enemy |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
Tython | Tythos River Valley (010) |
Tython | Lower Kaleth (097) |
Tython | Kalikori Village | Matriarch's Building (110) |
Tython | Kalikori Village | Matriarch's Building (120) |
Tython | Kalikori Village | Matriarch's Building (130) |
Tython | Waterfall Cave (010) |
TYT_00012577 |
TYT_00012699 |
TYT_00012584 |
TYT_00012585 |
TYT_00012586 |
TYT_00012704 |
Tags (3)Tython | Viyo Kobbeth | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (3)Tython | Vadria Tallion | Twi'lek | Rajivari's Followers |
Tags (5)Tython | T7-O1 | T7-series Astromech Droid | Ranna Tao'Ven | Twi'lek | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (8)Tython | Saylew | Twi'lek Pilgrims | T7-O1 | T7-series Astromech Droid | Moorint | Eseni | L2 Scattergun |
Tags (6)Tython | Moorint | Saylew | Twi'lek Pilgrims | T7-O1 | T7-series Astromech Droid |
Tags (2)Tython | Twi'lek | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
New Recruit |
The Footsteps of the Fallen |
Dark Temptations |
Dark Temptations |
Dark Temptations |
Rajivari's Legacy |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
Tython | Waterfall Cave (020) |
Tython | Waterfall Cave (030) |
Tython | Waterfall Cave (040) |
Tython | The Ancient Forge (250) |
Tython | The Ancient Forge (260) |
Tython | The Ancient Forge (270) |
TYT_00012705 |
TYT_00012706 |
TYT_00012707 |
TYT_00012738 |
TYT_00012739 |
TYT_00012740 |
Tags (2)Tython | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (3)Tython | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Qyzen Fess | Twi'lek |
Tags (3)Tython | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Qyzen Fess |
Tags (4)Tython | Nalen Raloch | Twi'lek | Allia | Keth |
Tags (6)Tython | L3 Electroblade | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Nalen Raloch | Twi'lek | Allia | Keth |
Tags (8)Tython | Qyzen Fess | Trandoshan | Barsen'thor's Followers | L4 Electroblade | Nalen Raloch | Twi'lek | Twi'lek Pilgrims | L3 Electroblade |
Rajivari's Legacy |
Rajivari's Legacy |
Rajivari's Legacy |
Events (2)The Forge | Raloch's Journey |
Events (2)The Forge | Raloch's Journey |
The Forge |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Tython |
SWTOR : Corellia |
SWTOR : Corellia |
SWTOR : Corellia |
SWTOR : Corellia |
Tython | The Ancient Forge (280) |
Tython | The Ancient Forge (290) |
Blastfield Shipyards | Shipwright Auxiliary Spaceport (150) |
Blastfield Shipyards | Shipwright Auxiliary Spaceport (250) |
Blastfield Shipyards | Gilded Descent Casino | SpecForce checkpoint |
Blastfield Shipyards | Gilded Descent Casino | SpecForce Recon |
TYT_00012741 |
TYT_00012742 |
COREL_00006358 |
COREL_00006354 |
COREL_00006364 |
COREL_00006365 |
Tags (7)Tython | Qyzen Fess | Trandoshan | Barsen'thor's Followers | L4 Electroblade | Nalen Raloch | Twi'lek | Twi'lek Pilgrims |
Tags (5)Tython | Twi'lek Pilgrims | Nalen Raloch | Allia | Keth |
Tags (6)Corellia | Wyll Kander | Zabrak | Republic Army | Reena Vari | Twi'lek | Jedi Consular |
Tags (19)Corellia | Tyus Huols | Arcona | Jedi Order | Vortine | Voss | Iskrila | Leskogo | Light Manned Turret | P-T48 | COURIER-A01 Protocol Droid | Yem Ordalien | Nautolan | Wyll Kander | Zabrak | Reena Vari | Twi'lek | Nina Gallendo | Smuggler | Jedi Consular |
Tags (3)Corellia | Twi'lek | Republic Special Forces Division | Republic Army |
Tags (3)Corellia | Republic Special Forces Division | Republic Army | Twi'lek |
The Forge |
The Forge |
SWTOR : Corellia |
SWTOR : Corellia |
SWTOR : Corellia |
SWTOR : Corellia |
SWTOR : Oricon |
SWTOR : Oricon |
Blastfield Shipyards | Gilded Descent Casino | SpecForce Commander |
Axial Park | North Tram Station (010) |
Axial Park | Monarch's Green (090) |
Labor Valley | Republic Base (040) |
Launch Staging Support (180) |
Launch Staging Support (190) |
COREL_00006366 |
COREL_00006416 |
COREL_00006427 |
COREL_00006433 |
ORICON_00006592 |
ORICON_00006593 |
Tags (7)Corellia | Twi'lek | Republic Special Forces Division | Republic Army | H2 Heavy Blaster | Republic Officer Uniform A02.1 | Republic Trooper Armor A03.2 | TR2 A03.2 Helmet |
Tags (2)Corellia | Danison |
Tags (3)Corellia | Republic Army | Imperial Prototype Manned Turret | Twi'lek |
Tags (3)Corellia | Republic Army | Light Manned Turret | Twi'lek |
Tags (6)Oricon | Dread Guard | Thrasher | Troop Transport (Sith Empire) | Imperial Battle Walker | Hekken Brol'trop | Twi'lek |
Tags (6)Oricon | Dread Guard | Troop Transport (Sith Empire) | Imperial Battle Walker | Thrasher | Hekken Brol'trop | Twi'lek |
Events (2)The Darkening Stars | Dread War |
Events (2)The Darkening Stars | Dread War |
SWTOR : Oricon |
SWTOR : Oricon |
SWTOR : Oricon |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
Launch Staging Support (200) |
Launch Staging Support (240) |
Launch Staging Support (250) |
Senate Tower (0102.2) |
Senate Tower (0102.3) |
Old Galactic Market | Dancers' Quarters (010) |
ORICON_00006594 |
ORICON_00006598 |
ORICON_00006599 |
CORUS_00012883 |
CORUS_00012884 |
CORUS_00012804 |
Tags (6)Oricon | Dread Guard | Troop Transport (Sith Empire) | Imperial Battle Walker | Thrasher | Hekken Brol'trop | Twi'lek |
Tags (4)Oricon | Hekken Brol'trop | Dread Guard | Thrasher |
Tags (3)Oricon | Hekken Brol'trop | Dread Guard |
Tags (12)Coruscant | Jedi Consular | Jedi Master | Jedi Order | Attros Finn | Mirialan | L1 Lightsaber | Qyzen Fess | Trandoshan | Pharen | Twi'lek | Barsen'thor's Followers | Yuon Par |
Tags (5)Coruscant | Pharen | Twi'lek | Attros Finn | Mirialan | Jedi Order |
Tags (3)Coruscant | Migrant Merchants' Guild | Dancer |
Events (2)The Darkening Stars | Dread War |
Events (2)The Darkening Stars | Dread War |
The Arrival |
The Arrival |
For Better or Worse |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
Old Galactic Market | Dancers' Quarters (020) |
Old Galactic Market | Dancers' Quarters (030) |
Old Galactic Market | Dancers' Quarters (040) |
Old Galactic Market | Dealer's Den Cantina (010) |
Old Galactic Market | Dealer's Den Cantina (020) |
Old Galactic Market | Dealer's Den Cantina (040) |
CORUS_00012805 |
CORUS_00012806 |
CORUS_00012807 |
CORUS_00012816 |
CORUS_00012817 |
CORUS_00013287 |
Tags (3)Coruscant | Twi'lek | Migrant Merchants' Guild | Dancer |
Tags (4)Coruscant | Arcona | Twi'lek | Migrant Merchants' Guild | Dancer |
Tags (5)Coruscant | Migrant Merchants' Guild | Ria Deleru | Nautolan | Dancer |
Tags (7)Coruscant | Zooki | Rodian | Black Sun | Twi'lek | Gambo | Houk | Black Sun Armor A18.7 |
Tags (7)Coruscant | Twi'lek | Zooki | Rodian | Black Sun | Gambo | Houk | Black Sun Armor A18.7 |
Coruscant | Twi'lek |
For Better or Worse |
For Better or Worse |
For Better or Worse |
Cantina Contusions |
Cantina Contusions |
Peace is a Lie |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
SWTOR : Coruscant |
Senate Tower | Level 2 (036.02) |
Senate Tower | Level 2 (036.03) |
Senate Plaza (030) |
Senate Plaza (040) |
Justicar Territory | Justicars' Computer Lab (040) |
The Works | Hydrosupply (010) |
CORUS_00012906 |
CORUS_00012907 |
CORUS_00012909 |
CORUS_00012910 |
CORUS_00012967 |
CORUS_00012312 |
Tags (5)Coruscant | Pharen | Twi'lek | Jedi Order | Attros Finn | Mirialan |
Tags (2)Coruscant | Pharen |
Tags (3)Coruscant | Nurls Yorksin | Strategic Information Service (SIS) |
Tags (3)Coruscant | Coruscant Security Force | Nurls Yorksin | Twi'lek |
Tags (5)Coruscant | Jessa Bo'den | Justicars' Brigade | Justicars' Heavy Armor | H3 Heavy Sniper Rifle |
Tags (3)Coruscant | Ozurist | Coruscant Engineering Service |
The Flow of Goods |
The Flow of Goods |
The Freightskippers |
Events (2)The Cold War | The Freightskippers |
Secret Passages |
Meltdown |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
Republic Resettlement Zone | Governor's Office (010) |
Republic Resettlement Zone | Governor's Office (020) |
Republic Resettlement Zone | Overrun Settlement (010) |
Republic Resettlement Zone | Locust Hideout (060) |
Republic Resettlement Zone | Locust Hideout (070) |
Republic Resettlement Zone | Locust Hideout (120) |
TARISR_00013161 |
TARISR_00013162 |
TARISR_00013184 |
TARISR_00013202 |
TARISR_00013203 |
TARISR_00013208 |
Tags (7)Taris | Leontyne Saresh | Twi'lek | Governor | Trig | Chief | Specialist Uniform A33.3 | Taris Resettlement Authority |
Tags (7)Taris | Leontyne Saresh | Twi'lek | Governor | Trig | Chief | Specialist Uniform A33.3 | Taris Resettlement Authority |
Tags (6)Taris | G-5KN | ORM-A01 Probe Droid | RSF Team 7 | Republic Security Force | Amille Razna | Twi'lek |
Tags (7)Taris | RSF Team 7 | Republic Security Force | Amille Razna | Twi'lek | Agent | RSF1 | RSF2 |
Tags (7)Taris | RSF Team 7 | Republic Security Force | Amille Razna | Twi'lek | Agent | RSF1 | RSF2 |
Tags (6)Taris | RSF Team 7 | Republic Security Force | RSF2 | Twi'lek | Amille Razna | RSF1 |
Reconstruction Efforts |
Reconstruction Efforts |
Fall of the Locust |
Fall of the Locust |
Fall of the Locust |
Fall of the Locust |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
Republic Resettlement Zone | Locust Hideout (130) |
Republic Resettlement Zone | Governor's Office (030) |
The Sinking City | Fallenspire Stronghold (110) - Infirmary |
The Brell Sediment | Draay Outpost (090) |
The Brell Sediment | Draay Outpost (100) |
The Brell Sediment | Draay Outpost (110) |
TARISR_00013209 |
TARISR_00013228 |
TARISR_00013374 |
TARISR_00013403 |
TARISR_00013405 |
TARISR_00013406 |
Tags (8)Taris | RSF Team 7 | Republic Security Force | Amille Razna | Twi'lek | The Locust | Gen'Dai | The Locust Scavengers | Gen'Dai Heavy Armor A3.1 |
Tags (6)Taris | Taris Resettlement Authority | Leontyne Saresh | Twi'lek | Hull | Zabrak | Governor |
Tags (5)Taris | Ryamn | Doctor | Medic | Death's Claw |
Tags (6)Taris | Kahrin Wek | Quartermaster | Republic Trooper Armor A03.1 | Republic Army | Private |
Tags (7)Taris | Kahrin Wek | Twi'lek | Republic Army | Quartermaster | Gardit | Commander | Private |
Tags (5)Taris | Kahrin Wek | Republic Army | Quartermaster | Private |
Fall of the Locust |
Reconstruction Efforts |
Pirate Medicine |
Supplies and Demands |
Supplies and Demands |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
SWTOR : Taris (Republic) |
Olaris Spaceport (060) |
The Tularan Marsh | Shattered Pipeworks | Camp Lytle (042) |
The Tularan Marsh | Shattered Pipeworks | Camp Lytle (060) |
The Tularan Marsh | Shattered Pipeworks | Camp Lytle (070) |
Olaris Spaceport (070) |
The Search Begins (025) |
TARISR_00013553 |
TARISR_00013491 |
TARISR_00013489 |
TARISR_00013490 |
TARISR_00013577 |
TARISR_00006646 |
Tags (5)Taris | Strom | Taris Resettlement Authority | Leontyne Saresh | Governor |
Tags (6)Taris | Republic Army | Commander | Bhoenn | Myahh | Twi'lek | Light Manned Turret |
Tags (7)Taris | Bhoenn | Republic Army | Commander | Republic Trooper Armor A03.1 | L3 Electroblade | Myahh | Twi'lek |
Tags (7)Taris | Bhoenn | Republic Army | Commander | Republic Trooper Armor A03.1 | L3 Electroblade | Myahh | Twi'lek |
Tags (9)Taris | Strom | Bardo | Leontyne Saresh | Twi'lek | Taris Resettlement Authority | Republic Operatives | Kira Carsen | Governor | Jedi Order |
Tags (6)Taris | Voidhound | Rakghoul | Republic Operatives | Twi'lek | KD-36 Bioweapon Dispersal Drone | SEN-A01M Probe Droid |
More Reconstruction Efforts |
Operation Salvage |
Operation Salvage |
Operation Salvage |
More Reconstruction Efforts |
The Search Begins (Taris) |
SWTOR : Quesh |
SWTOR : Quesh |
SWTOR : Hoth |
SWTOR : Hoth |
SWTOR : Hoth |
SWTOR : Hoth |
Republic Operational Headquarters (030) |
Republic Operational Headquarters (040) |
Whiterock Wastes | Republic Outpost (020) |
Whiterock Wastes | Republic Outpost (030) |
Whiterock Wastes | Republic Outpost (040) |
Whiterock Wastes | Republic Outpost (060) |
QUESH_00006649 |
QUESH_00006650 |
HOTH_00006817 |
HOTH_00006820 |
HOTH_00006821 |
HOTH_00006823 |
Tags (6)Quesh | Suria | Twi'lek | Strategic Information Service (SIS) | Manka-class Armored Transport | SIS Armor A19.5 | Agent |
Tags (5)Quesh | Suria | Strategic Information Service (SIS) | SIS Armor A19.5 | Agent |
Tags (3)Hoth | Imperial Army (Sith Empire) | Republic Army | Twi'lek |
Tags (4)Hoth | Imperial Army (Sith Empire) | Light Manned Turret | Republic Army | Twi'lek |
Tags (4)Hoth | Imperial Army (Sith Empire) | Republic Army | Light Manned Turret | Twi'lek |
Tags (4)Hoth | Imperial Army (Sith Empire) | Imp. Heavy Manned Turret | Republic Army | Twi'lek |
Extracting the Scientist |
Extracting the Scientist |
Prisoner Extraction |
Prisoner Extraction |
Prisoner Extraction |
Prisoner Extraction |
SWTOR : Hoth |
SWTOR : Hoth |
SWTOR : Hoth |
SWTOR : Communications |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
Whiterock Wastes | Republic Outpost (080) |
Clabburn Tundra | Drift Hills Republic Depot (050) |
Outpost Senth | Command Bunker (020) |
Doctor Ryamn | Doctor Death's Claw Says Hi |
Esseles | Passenger Deck Lounge (0010) |
Esseles | Passenger Deck Lounge (0040) |
HOTH_00006825 |
HOTH_00006877 |
HOTH_00006933 |
COMM_00013394 |
FP_00012003 |
FP_00012006 |
Tags (3)Hoth | Imperial Army (Sith Empire) | Republic Army | Twi'lek |
Tags (3)Hoth | Fabel | Republic Army |
Tags (3)Hoth | Republic Army | Calia | Twi'lek |
Tags (6)Ryamn | Death's Claw | Medic | Doctor | Rakghoul | Taris |
Tags (4)Nautolan | Togruta | COURIER-A01 Protocol Droid | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek |
Tags (2)Esseles | Vyn Asara |
Prisoner Extraction |
Raid on the Drift Hills Research Outpost |
Overcoming the Onslaught |
Pirate Medicine |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
Esseles | Passenger Deck Lounge (0070) |
Esseles | Passenger Deck Lounge (0080) |
Esseles | Passenger Deck Lounge (0100) |
Esseles | Passenger Deck Lounge (0110) |
Esseles | Passenger Deck Lounge (0130) |
Esseles | Passenger Deck Lounge (0140) |
FP_00012009 |
FP_00012010 |
FP_00012012 |
FP_00012014 |
FP_00012016 |
FP_00012013 |
Tags (3)Republic Navy | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek | Esseles |
Tags (3)Twi'lek | Esseles | Nautolan | Republic Navy |
Tags (3)Vyn Asara | Twi'lek | Esseles | Republic Navy |
Tags (2)Togruta | Twi'lek | Esseles |
Tags (4)Esseles | Nautolan | Twi'lek | Togruta | Advozse |
Tags (2)Esseles | Vyn Asara |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
Esseles | Passenger Deck (0080) |
Esseles | Docking Level (060) |
Esseles | Docking Level (065) |
Esseles | Command Deck | Bridge (0200) |
Esseles | Command Deck | Bridge (0210) |
Esseles | Starboard Hangar Bay (0050) |
FP_00012019 |
FP_00012052 |
FP_00012873 |
FP_00012083 |
FP_00012084 |
FP_00012090 |
Esseles | Twi'lek |
Tags (4)Dol Narlock | Mon Calamari | Esseles | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek |
Tags (8)Narlock's Team Member 1 | Narlock's Team Member 2 | Narlock's Team Member 3 | Dol Narlock | Mon Calamari | Narlock's Security Team | Republic Navy | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek |
Tags (5)Esseles | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek | Dol Narlock | Mon Calamari | Republic Navy |
Tags (6)Esseles | Haken | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek | Dol Narlock | Mon Calamari | Republic Navy |
Tags (8)Esseles | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek | Republic Navy | REP-A01 Assault Droid | Fortitude-class Troop Transport | Asara's Guard 3 | Asara's Guard 2 | Asara's Guard 1 |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
Esseles | Starboard Hangar Bay (0060) |
Emperor's Glory | Maintenance Deck | Hangar (010) |
Emperor's Glory | Maintenance Deck | Hangar (050) |
Emperor's Glory | Maintenance Deck | Hangar (070) |
Emperor's Glory | Maintenance Deck | Hangar (140) |
Emperor's Glory | Maintenance Deck | Hangar (162) |
FP_00012091 |
FP_00012093 |
FP_00012124 |
FP_00012126 |
FP_00012133 |
FP_00012768 |
Tags (8)Esseles | G5-M1 | COURIER-A01 Protocol Droid | Republic Navy | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek | Fortitude-class Troop Transport | Asara's Guard 3 | Asara's Guard 2 |
Tags (6)Emperor's Glory | Binary Load Lifter | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek | Republic Navy | Asara's Guard 1 | Asara's Guard 3 |
Tags (7)Emperor's Glory | Republic Navy | Asara's Guard 2 | Asara's Guard 1 | Asara's Guard 3 | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek | Fortitude-class Troop Transport |
Tags (6)Emperor's Glory | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek | Asara's Guard 3 | Asara's Guard 1 | Asara's Guard 2 | Republic Navy |
Tags (4)Emperor's Glory | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek | Vokk | Sith Lightsaber |
Tags (10)Asara's Guard 3 | Asara's Guard 1 | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek | Esseles | Thranta-class Corvette | Vokk | Fortitude-class Troop Transport | Emperor's Glory | Harrower-class Dreadnought | Sith Lightsaber |
Esseles incident |
Events (2)Raid on Emperor's Glory | Esseles incident |
Events (2)Raid on Emperor's Glory | Esseles incident |
Events (2)Raid on Emperor's Glory | Esseles incident |
Events (2)Raid on Emperor's Glory | Esseles incident |
Events (2)Raid on Emperor's Glory | Esseles incident |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWTOR : Flashpoints |
SWO : Databank : Characters |
SWO : Databank : ISB Reports |
SWO : Toshara |
Emperor's Glory | Maintenance Deck | Hangar (164) |
Emperor's Glory | Maintenance Deck | Hangar (190) |
Esseles | Command Deck | Bridge (0230) |
Eleera Soi |
Eleera Soi |
Mirogana | Market's Back Alley |
FP_00012769 |
FP_00012138 |
FP_00012140 |
SWO_DB_00014077 |
SWO_DB_00014176 |
SWO_TOS_00014116 |
Tags (10)Imperial Army (Sith Empire) | L7 Rifle | Asara's Guard 1 | Asara's Guard 3 | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek | Fortitude-class Troop Transport | Vokk | Sith Lightsaber | Emperor's Glory | Harrower-class Dreadnought |
Tags (2)Emperor's Glory | Vyn Asara |
Tags (5)Esseles | Thranta-class Corvette | Haken | Republic Navy | Vyn Asara | Twi'lek |
Tags (6)Eleera Soi | Crimson Dawn | Leader | Toshara | Qi'ra | Pyke Syndicate |
Tags (10)Eleera Soi | Imperial Security Bureau | Crimson Dawn | Qi'ra | Leader | Field Agent | Pyke Syndicate | Toshara | Galactic Empire | Thorum |
Tags (10)Toshara | Smuggler | Kay Vess' Crew | Lalini Ledeno | Twi'lek | Kay Vess | Nix | Merqaal | Toshara Dwellers | Chadra-Fan | Data Spike |
Events (2)Raid on Emperor's Glory | Esseles incident |
Events (2)Raid on Emperor's Glory | Esseles incident |
Esseles incident |
3 ABY |
Events (3)12 BBY | 35 BBY | 3 ABY |
On the Run |
SWO : Renpalli Station |
SWO : Renpalli Station |
SWO : Renpalli Station |
SWO : Renpalli Station |
SWO : Renpalli Station |
SWO : Renpalli Station |
Renpalli Station Denizens (010) |
Renpalli Station Denizens (020) |
Renpalli Station Denizens (030) |
Renpalli Station Denizens (035) |
Renpalli Station Musicians (010) |
Renpalli Station Musicians (020) |
SWO_TOS_00014082 |
SWO_TOS_00014083 |
SWO_TOS_00014084 |
SWO_TOS_00014109 |
SWO_TOS_00014092 |
SWO_TOS_00014093 |
Tags (2)Renpalli Station | Toshara Dwellers |
Tags (3)Renpalli Station | Toshara Dwellers | Twi'lek | Weequay |
Tags (3)Renpalli Station | Toshara Dwellers | Sullustan | Twi'lek |
Tags (5)Renpalli Station | R2-series Astromech Droid | R5-series Astromech Droid | Toshara Dwellers | Sullustan | Twi'lek |
Tags (8)Renpalli Station | Toshara Dwellers | Twi'lek | Musician | Synthesizer | Guitar | WED-15 Septoid Treadwell Droid | Danzikan | Tri-Drum |
Tags (6)Renpalli Station | Toshara Dwellers | Musician | WED-15 Septoid Treadwell Droid | Twi'lek | Danzikan | Tri-Drum |
3 ABY |
3 ABY |
3 ABY |
3 ABY |
3 ABY |
3 ABY |
SWO : Renpalli Station |
SWO : Tatooine |
SWO : Tatooine |
SWO : Tatooine |
SWO : Tatooine |
SWO : Art |
Renpalli Station Musicians (030) |
Wayfar | Outskirts (020) |
Mos Eisley (010) |
Mos Eisley (020) |
Mos Eisley (050) |
Tatooine Dwellers (010) |
SWO_TOS_00014094 |
SWO_TAT_00014275 |
SWO_TAT_00014142 |
SWO_TAT_00014162 |
SWO_TAT_00014278 |
SWO_ART_00014210 |
Tags (6)Renpalli Station | Toshara Dwellers | Twi'lek | Musician | WED-15 Septoid Treadwell Droid | Synthesizer | Tri-Drum |
Tags (4)Wayfar | Tatooine Dwellers | Twi'lek | Bantha | Sienar-Chall Utilipede Transport |
Tags (7)Mos Eisley | Tatooine Dwellers | Dewback | Twi'lek | Jawa | ENF1 Enforcer Droid | BFF-1 Bulk Freighter | Scurrier |
Tags (10)Mos Eisley | Tatooine Dwellers | Stormtrooper Corps | Bantha | Dewback | Stormtrooper Helmet | Stormtrooper Armor | Sullustan | Twi'lek | Security | Scurrier |
Tags (5)Mos Eisley | Tatooine Dwellers | 4S-1M Landspeeder | M-68 Landspeeder | Aratech 712-AvA Speeder Bike | Twi'lek |
Tags (3)Tatooine Dwellers | Twi'lek | Dewback | Tatooine |
3 ABY |
3 ABY |
3 ABY |
3 ABY |
3 ABY |
3 ABY |
The Official Star Wars Fact File |
The Official Star Wars Fact File |
The Official Star Wars Fact File |
The Official Star Wars Fact File |
The Official Star Wars Fact File |
The Official Star Wars Fact File |
Jabba the Hutt's Space Cruiser (V.JAB4) |
TIE Interceptor (V.TIE6) |
Trade Federation Battleship Core (V.TRA9) |
Wild Karrde (V.WIL1) |
Mace Windu (C.MAC14) |
The Max Rebo Band (C.MAX3) |
V.JAB4 |
V.TIE6 |
V.TRA9 |
V.WIL1 |
C.MAC14 |
C.MAX3 |
Tags (7)Star Jewel | Ubrikkian Minstrel-class Space Yacht | Jabba the Hutt | Hutt | Droid Hover Taxi | Scuppa | Bib Fortuna |
Tags (4)TIE Interceptor | Tatooine | Firith Olan | [Firith Olan's Transport] |
Tags (10)Geonosis | Core Ship | GAR Clone Trooper, Phase I Armor | AT-TE | Aayla Secura | Jedi Order | Hardcell-class Transport | SPHA-T | Homing Spider Droid | Hailfire Droid |
Tags (14)Wild Karrde | Action VI Bulk Transport | Talon Karrde | Luke Skywalker | R2-D2 | R2-series Astromech Droid | Chin | Weequay | Sullustan | Hijarna | Arcona | Fynn Torve | Karrde's Organization | Aves |
Tags (9)Mace Windu | Geonosis | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Aayla Secura | B1 Battle Droid | B2 Super Battle Droid | Tarados Gon | Klatooinian | Jedi Order |
Tags (15)Max Rebo Band | Joh Yowza | Yuzzum | Barquin D'an | Bith | Rappertunie | Shawda Ubb | Greeata | Rodian | Rystall Sant | Theelin | Lyn Me | Sy Snootles | Pa'lowick | Tatooine |
Attack on Firith Olan's Hideout (Tatooine) |
Battle of Geonosis |
Events (2)Escape from Myrkr | Formation of Smuggler's Alliance |
Geonosis Arena Battle |
Jedi Rocks (ROTJ) |
The Official Star Wars Fact File |
The Official Star Wars Fact File |
The Official Star Wars Fact File |
The Official Star Wars Fact File |
The Official Star Wars Fact File |
The Official Star Wars Fact File |
The Max Rebo Band (C.MAX4) |
The Max Rebo Band (C.MAX5) |
Music and Musicians (C.MUS2) |
Music and Musicians (C.MUS4) |
Bail Organa (C.ORG1) |
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (C.PAL9) |
C.MAX4 |
C.MAX5 |
C.MUS2 |
C.MUS4 |
C.ORG1 |
C.PAL9 |
Tags (7)Max Rebo Band | Droopy McCool | Kitonak | Lyn Me | Greeata | Rodian | Tatooine |
Tags (19)Max Rebo Band | Joh Yowza | Yuzzum | Doda Bodonawieedo | Rodian | Barquin D'an | Bith | Rappertunie | Shawda Ubb | Sy Snootles | Pa'lowick | Rystall Sant | Theelin | Lyn Me | Greeata | Tatooine | Jabba's Organization | Umpass-stay | Klatooinian |
Tags (22)Tatooine | Max Rebo Band | Droopy McCool | Kitonak | Max Rebo | Ortolan | Doda Bodonawieedo | Rodian | Joh Yowza | Yuzzum | Barquin D'an | Bith | Rappertunie | Shawda Ubb | Sy Snootles | Pa'lowick | Greeata | Lyn Me | Jabba's Organization | Ak-rev | Weequay | Musician |
Tags (15)Tatooine | Max Rebo Band | Jabba's Organization | Salacious Crumb | Kowakian Monkey-Lizard | Max Rebo | Ortolan | Joh Yowza | Yuzzum | Sy Snootles | Pa'lowick | Lyn Me | Greeata | Rodian | Musician |
Tags (4)Bail Organa | Jar Jar Binks | Gungan | Orn Free Taa |
Tags (3)Palpatine | Coruscant | Orn Free Taa |
Jedi Rocks (ROTJ) |
Jedi Rocks (ROTJ) |
Jedi Rocks (ROTJ) |
Jedi Rocks (ROTJ) |
Aayla Secura (Unique) |
Hera Syndulla (Unique) |
Hera Syndulla (Unique) |
Glitterstim |
Sensor Team |
Hera Syndulla | Ghost (Unique) |
UID00004640 |
UID00007566 |
UID00006996 |
UID00005622 |
UID00004421 |
UID00009023 |
Tags (4)Aayla Secura | Jedi Order | 327th Star Corps | Bly |
Tags (4)Hera Syndulla | Ghost | VCX-100 Light Freighter | Spectres |
Tags (4)Hera Syndulla | Ghost | VCX-100 Light Freighter | Spectres |
Mon Calamari |
Tags (3)Hera Syndulla | Ghost | VCX-100 Light Freighter |
Sky Battle of Quell |
Imperial Assault Miniature Game : Miniatures |
Imperial Assault Miniature Game : Miniatures |
Cham Syndulla (Unique) |
Diala Passil, Haunted Exile (SWI01) |
Hera Syndulla, Spectre-2 (SWI43) |
Blood Feud (Jabba the Hutt) |
Dangerous Bargains |
Deathblow (Any Figure) |
UID00000636 |
SWI01 |
SWI43 |
UID00008789 |
UID00005887 |
UID00009476 |
Cham Syndulla |
Diala Passil |
Hera Syndulla |
Tags (5)Jabba the Hutt | Hutt | Bib Fortuna | Tatooine | Jabba's Organization |
Duro |
Tags (2)Rebel Alliance Fleet Trooper | Imperial Sandtrooper |
Escalating Hostility (Any Figure) |
Evacuate (Hera Syndulla) |
Force Surge (Force User) |
Guardian Stance (Guardian) |
Sarlacc Sweep (Diala Passil) |
Devious Scheme |
UID00010457 |
UID00009118 |
UID00008260 |
UID00004913 |
UID00004919 |
UID00004703 |
Tags (6)Hera Syndulla | Rebel Alliance Special Forces | Rebel Alliance Army | Rebel Alliance | Phantom | VCX-series Auxiliary Starfighter |
Boc |
Jedi Order |
Tags (5)Jabba the Hutt | Hutt | Tatooine | Jabba's Organization | Gamorrean |
Diala Passil |
Headhunter |
Hera Syndulla, Spectre-2 |
Lie in Ambush |
Diala Passil, Haunter Exile |
Shady Dealings : Tatooine - Outskirts |
UID00004674 |
UID00008061 |
UID00009115 |
UID00010478 |
UID00004663 |
UID00005547 |
Diala Passil |
Lambda-class Shuttle |
Tags (2)Hera Syndulla | Spectres |
Stormtrooper Corps |
Diala Passil |
Tags (2)Gran | Saska Teft |
Temptation : Yavin 4 - Wilderness (Diala Passil) |
30th Floor Plaza - B : On Our Way |
Anchorhead Bar - B : Line of Fire |
Corellian Underground - A : Local Trouble |
Mos Eisley Outskirts - A : Get to the Ship |
Nal Hutta Swamps - B : Raining Freight |
UID00004724 |
UID00009367 |
UID00008264 |
UID00005106 |
UID00004756 |
UID00008776 |
Tags (2)Diala Passil | Shu Yen |
Tags (5)Sabine Wren | Hera Syndulla | Chopper | C1-series Astromech Droid | Spectres |
Aqualish |
Tags (3)Tatooine | SoroSuub X-34 Landspeeder | Stormtrooper Corps |
The tatoos don't look the same as those sported by Diala, and LAAT can be seen in the background. It can be assumed that the picture shows Diala during the Clone Wars, but there is no confirmation. |
[Original art] |
EotE Specialization Deck Cards |
EotE Specialization Deck Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
Capital Escape |
Trophy Hunting |
The Hard Way (Ord Mantell - Outskirts) |
Grit |
Sorry About the Mess |
0154 : Unit : Believer of the Old Ways |
UID00009381 |
UID00008858 |
UID00005930 |
UID00010733 |
UID00010742 |
0154 |
Tags (3)Stormtrooper Corps | Rodian | Coruscant |
Tags (2)Devaronian | Trandoshan |
Tags (12)Jabba the Hutt | Hutt | Rodian | Jawa | Gamorrean | Boba Fett | Salacious Crumb | Kowakian Monkey-Lizard | Han Solo | Oola | Tatooine | Jabba's Organization |
Lambda-class Shuttle |
Search for the Bardottan Sphere |
Events (2)Trophy Hunting | Jabba's Realm |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
0378 : Enhance : Prized Possession |
0506 : Unit : Aquaris Freeholders |
0554 : Unit : Hired Guns |
0556 : Event : Make Your Own Luck |
0564 : Unit : Galactic Scum |
0588 : Event : Watchful Eyes |
0378 |
0506 |
0554 |
0556 |
0564 |
0588 |
Tags (12)Jawa | Rodian | Boba Fett | Jabba the Hutt | Hutt | Han Solo | Gamorrean | Salacious Crumb | Kowakian Monkey-Lizard | Jabba's Organization | Tatooine | Oola |
Tags (3)Devaronian | Trandoshan | Aquaris Freeholders |
Tags (2)Bith | Mercenary |
Tags (3)Rodian | Gotal | Wookiee |
Tags (2)Abyssin | Aqualish |
Tags (6)Jawa | C-3PO | 3PO-series Protocol Droid | R2-D2 | R2-series Astromech Droid | Tatooine |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
0726 : Objective : Called to Arms |
0734 : Enhance : Spacer Cantina |
0756 : Unit : Imperial Enforcers |
0780 : Unit : Information Broker |
0791 : Enhance : Den of Thieves |
0925 : Objective : Mission Command |
0726 |
0734 |
0756 |
0780 |
0791 |
0925 |
Tags (6)Duro | Wookiee | Alliance Starfighter Corps | Rebel Alliance Navy | Rebel Alliance | Mon Calamari |
Tags (3)Rodian | Aqualish | Ithorian |
Tags (5)Imperial Snowtrooper | Imperial Inquisitor | [Four-Eye] | E-11 Blaster Rifle | Enforcer |
Tags (2)Rodian | Information Broker |
Tags (2)Drall | Selonian |
Trandoshan |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
0932 : Event : Force Persuasion |
0933 : Objective : Secret Weapons |
0944 : Unit : Boc |
0947 : Mission : Dark Genocide |
0964 : Objective : Solidarity of Spirit |
1001 : Objective : Schemes and Intrigues |
0932 |
0933 |
0944 |
0947 |
0964 |
1001 |
Tags (4)Luke Skywalker | Bib Fortuna | Tatooine | Jabba's Organization |
Tags (4)Chalan Talosi | Twi'lek | WAC-77 | DUM-Series Pit Droid | Technician |
Boc |
Tags (7)Jerec | Miraluka | Boc | Sariss | Imperial Inquisitor | Yun | Epicanthix |
Tags (7)Alliance Starfighter Corps | Rebel Alliance Navy | Rebel Alliance | Wookiee | T-65 X-Wing | Sullustan | Mustafarian |
Tags (5)Gamorrean | Tessek | Quarren | Bib Fortuna | Jawa |
Events (2)Arrival of Luke Skywalker | Rescue of Han Solo (Tatooine) |
Galactic Civil War |
SWTCG : Cards |
SWTCG : Cards |
1025 : Objective : Hunter for Hire |
2079 : Fate : Allies of Necessity |
1025 |
2079 |
Tags (5)Jabba the Hutt | Hutt | Gamorrean | Bib Fortuna | Jabba's Organization |
Tags (4)Stormtrooper Corps | SoroSuub X-34 Landspeeder | IG-series Assassin Droid | Tatooine |
According to SWIA this event happened at Mos Eisley outskirts |
[Original art] |