Jedi Order (545)Full unit name: Jedi Order
Last updated: 13.10.2024 15:02:21
Navigation (51)
Basic info
First appearance: Tales of the Jedi : The Golden Age of the Sith
Included into
Tales of the Jedi, Volume 1
Known Facts (243)
Siege of Kaleth (5) »
Battle of Columus (1) »
Battle of Corbos (6900BBY) (2) »
Great Hyperspace War (1) »
Jedi Civil War (1) »
Death of Jedi Council (3951BBY) (1) »
  • A number of them were killed by Kreia
The Cold War (4) »
Taris Resettlement Initiative (4) »
Resettling Tython (1) »
  • Many of them have been killed
Flesh Raider Uprising (19) »
Mission to Raxus Prime (Cold War) (1) »
Attack of the Flesh Raiders (14) »
The Path of a Jedi (3) »
Early Lessons (7) »
High-Tech Savages (4) »
Pilgrims (2) »
Lost Pilgrim (2) »
The Thousand Steps (2) »
Elixir of Power (2) »
Enemy Force (3) »
Trials in Kaleth (4) »
Hero Worship (4) »
Lovers and Secrets (6) »
The Last Defenders (3) »
The Chamber of Speech (3) »
Flesh Eating Baby (3) »
The Face of the Enemy (1) »
Hunter's Eye (2) »
Clear Out Tythos Ridge (2) »
Flesh Raider Fact-Finding (4) »
New Recruit (3) »
Assault on the Flesh Raider Command Base (2) »
Pilgrim Medicine (2) »
Raid on Flesh Raider camps (2) »
Dark Temptations (1) »
The Footsteps of the Fallen (2) »
Commune with the Light (4) »
Rajivari's Legacy (2) »
Clear Out the Forge (2) »
The Threat of the Dark Plague (1) »
The Forge (5) »
Keshk's Last Stand (2) »
Horranth Control (1) »
The Jedi Envoy (3) »
The Arrival (2) »
Bringing Down the Hammer (Republic) (1) »
Jedi Masters Meets Supreme Chancellor (2) »
Stolen Secrets (1) »
Secret Signals (1) »
Kidnapping of Doctor Tarnis (3) »
The Rescue (1) »
The Flow of Goods (1) »
The Coming Darkness (2) »
Shadows (1) »
Tracking Down the Traitor (1) »
Ugnaught Saboteurs (1) »
White Noise (1) »
Justicar Injustice (1) »
Trouble in Deed (1) »
A Diverting Assignment (1) »
Killed in Custody (1) »
Ancient Secrets (5) »
Race to the Ruins (1) »
Power Outage (1) »
Planetary Checkup (1) »
Meltdown (1) »
Core Dump (1) »
Enemy Droid-Machines (1) »
Enemies of the Republic (1) »
Core Complications (1) »
Insult to Injury (1) »
New Intelligence (1) »
The Expedition (prologue) (1) »
Reconstruction Efforts (1) »
The Architect of Annihilation (1) »
The Expedition (1) »
Fall of the Locust (1) »
Reclaiming What's Ours (1) »
Prized Possessions (1) »
Beyond Redemption (1) »
Catching up with Watcher One (1) »
Wake of the Spire (1) »
Fallen Stars (1) »
The Corpse Counters (1) »
Legacy of Death (1) »
Pirate Medicine (1) »
Last Battle of the Endar Spire (1) »
Burial Grounds (1) »
The Junction (1) »
Catalyst (1) »
AWOL (1) »
Total Elimination (1) »
Mission to the ChemWorks Factory (1) »
Supplies and Demands (1) »
A More Immediate Concern (1) »
Rakghoul Invasion (2) »
The Rescue (1) »
Super Reactor (1) »
The Archive (1) »
Rakghoul Release (1) »
Chasing History (1) »
Jedi Expedition to the Tularan Marsh (2) »
Mission to Transport Station 5 (1) »
More Reconstruction Efforts (1) »
Mission to the Northeast Tularan Region (1) »
Missing Link (1) »
Making Trouble (1) »
Future Threat (1) »
The Thrill of Discovery (1) »
Power Flux (1) »
The Loudest Bait (1) »
Operation Salvage (1) »
Disease on a Distant World (1) »
Suicide Mission (1) »
Indelicate Operation (2) »
When Diplomacy Fails (1) »
Armed and Dangerous (1) »
One Fell Swoop (1) »
Slave Raiding (1) »
Blood Money (1) »
Strike the Mountain Asunder (1) »
Shore Leave (1) »
Back Alley (1) »
Nar Shaddaa Blood Sport (1) »
Cleansing the Spice Trade (1) »
Double Negative (1) »
Genocide (1) »
Mandalorian Rage (1) »
Tempting Fate (1) »
Fate's Wrath (1) »
Chemical Agent (1) »
Extermination (1) »
The Jedi Order, later known as the Old Jedi Order, was an ancient monastic peacekeeping organization unified by its belief and observance of the Force, specifically the light side. The Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic, and became perhaps the most well known of the various groups that relied on the Force for their power. During Great Jedi Purge at the end of the Clone Wars the Jedi Order was almost completely eradicted. The New Jedi Order
New Jedi Order
New Republic
, also known simply as the Jedi Order, was the restored and reformed Jedi Order, in the wake of the Great Jedi Purge and subsequent fall of the Galactic Empire. The Jedi Knights, reduced in number to only a handful, were slowly restored, primarily under the leadership of Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Major Characters
The order was formally established in a wake of the Force Wars
Force Wars (25793-25783BBY)
Pre-Republic Era (before 25000BBY)
, when a faction of those, who followed Light Side of the Force, left their homeworld of Tython
and moved to Ossus
. Later they began calling themselves the Jedi Order. At their new enclave they became a monastic warrior people, devoting themselves to the pursuit of peace and knowledge, rather than personal power.


See also
Related organizations
Strike Team Oricon
New Jedi Order
Green Jedi
Related units, characters and other technologies
Darth Krayt (A'Sharad Hett)
Qui-Gon Jinn
Anakin Skywalker
Ashoka Tano
Zayne Carrick
Grand Inquisitor
Kanan Jarrus
Cal Kestis
Exar Kun
Bastila Shan
Meetra Surik
Mace Windu
Stass Allie
Vodo-Siosk Baas
Depa Billaba
Jolee Bindo
Maris Brood
Sora Bulq
Tott Doneeta
Barrison Draay
Krynda Draay
Lucien Draay
Kit Fisto
Adi Gallia
Sharad Hett
Sian Jeisel
Dass Jennir
Agen Kolar
Plo Koon
Eeth Koth
An'ya Kuro
Arden Lyn
Voolvif Monn
Barriss Offee
Ferus Olin
Kazdan Paratus
Jax Pavan
Even Piell
Cay Qel-Droma
Ulic Qel-Droma
Qu Rahn
Oppo Rancisis
Aayla Secura
Seventh Sister
Aurra Sing
Shaak Ti
Saesee Tiin
Antinnis Tremayne
Quinlan Vos
Xiaan Amersu
Ausar Auset
Tsui Choi
Cin Drallig
Theen Fida
Micah Giiett
Tarados Gon
Jocasta Nu
Diala Passil
Awdrysta Pina
Yarael Poof
Lilit Twoseas
Nahdar Vebb
Komari Vosa
Shu Yen
Zett Jukassa
Galen Besk
Tyus Huols
Darb Misken
Yem Ordalien
Kaiya Stas
Haune Tiar
Delta-7A Interceptor
Delta-7B Interceptor
Eta-2 Interceptor
Known members
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Show all (15)DetailsSecond Mission to Yinchorri System (Jedi Padawan)Ambassadors to NabooJourney from Otoh Gunga to TheedEscape from TheedAnakin's Test (32BBY)Return to NabooBattle of TheedPalpatine arrives on NabooQui-Gon Jinn's funeralTheed CelebrationThe Hunt for the HunterGeonosis Arena Battle (Jedi Master)Battle of ChristophsisBattle of Coruscant (ROTS)Battle of Utapau
Show all (119)DetailsThe Path of a Jedi (Jedi Padawan)Early Lessons (Jedi Padawan)Pilgrims (Jedi Padawan)Lost Pilgrim (Jedi Padawan)The Thousand Steps (Jedi Padawan)Elixir of Power (Jedi Padawan)Trials in Kaleth (Jedi Padawan)Hero Worship (Jedi Padawan)Lovers and Secrets (Jedi Padawan)The Last Defenders (Jedi Padawan)The Chamber of Speech (Jedi Padawan)Flesh Eating Baby (Jedi Padawan)Hunter's Eye (Jedi Padawan)Clear Out Tythos Ridge (Jedi Padawan)Flesh Raider Fact-Finding (Jedi Padawan)New Recruit (Jedi Padawan)Pilgrim Medicine (Jedi Padawan)The Footsteps of the Fallen (Jedi Padawan)Commune with the Light (Jedi Padawan)Rajivari's Legacy (Jedi Padawan)Clear Out the Forge (Jedi Padawan)The Forge (Jedi Padawan, Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Keshk's Last Stand (Jedi Padawan)Horranth Control (Jedi Padawan)The Arrival (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Esseles incident (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Dark Tidings (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Raid on Emperor's Glory (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Crisis in Galactic City (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Bringing Down the Hammer (Republic) (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Bringing Down the Hammer (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Secret Signals (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Republic's Most Wanted (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)The Senator's Stolen Goods (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)For Better or Worse (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Cantina Contusions (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Peace is a Lie (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)The Politics of Dissent (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Rebuilding Coruscant (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Hydrosupply Leak (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Follow the Money (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)The Flow of Goods (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)The Freightskippers (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)The Face Merchants (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)The Pickup (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Boom (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)The Coming Darkness (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Partial Eclipse (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Secret Passages (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Shadows (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Ugnaught Saboteurs (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)White Noise (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Justicar Injustice (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Trouble in Deed (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)A Diverting Assignment (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Killed in Custody (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Ancient Secrets (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Power Outage (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Planetary Checkup (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Meltdown (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Core Dump (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Enemy Droid-Machines (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Enemies of the Republic (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Core Complications (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Insult to Injury (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Reconstruction Efforts (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)The Expedition (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Fall of the Locust (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Reclaiming What's Ours (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Prized Possessions (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Beyond Redemption (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Wake of the Spire (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Fallen Stars (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)The Corpse Counters (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Legacy of Death (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Pirate Medicine (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Last Battle of the Endar Spire (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Burial Grounds (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)The Junction (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Catalyst (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)AWOL (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Total Elimination (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Mission to the ChemWorks Factory (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Supplies and Demands (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Rakghoul Invasion (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Super Reactor (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)The Archive (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Rakghoul Release (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Chasing History (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Mission to Transport Station 5 (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)More Reconstruction Efforts (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Mission to the Northeast Tularan Region (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Missing Link (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Making Trouble (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Future Threat (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)The Thrill of Discovery (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Power Flux (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)The Loudest Bait (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Operation Salvage (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Disease on a Distant World (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Suicide Mission (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Indelicate Operation (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)When Diplomacy Fails (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Armed and Dangerous (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)One Fell Swoop (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Slave Raiding (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Blood Money (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Strike the Mountain Asunder (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Shore Leave (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Back Alley (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Nar Shaddaa Blood Sport (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Cleansing the Spice Trade (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Double Negative (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Genocide (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Mandalorian Rage (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Tempting Fate (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Fate's Wrath (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Chemical Agent (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)Extermination (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)
Hero of Tython
Show all (119)DetailsAttack of the Flesh Raiders (Jedi Padawan)Early Lessons (Jedi Padawan)High-Tech Savages (Jedi Padawan)Lost Pilgrim (Jedi Padawan)The Thousand Steps (Jedi Padawan)Elixir of Power (Jedi Padawan)Enemy Force (Jedi Padawan)Hero Worship (Jedi Padawan)Lovers and Secrets (Jedi Padawan)The Last Defenders (Jedi Padawan)The Chamber of Speech (Jedi Padawan)Flesh Eating Baby (Jedi Padawan)The Face of the Enemy (Jedi Padawan)Clear Out Tythos Ridge (Jedi Padawan)Flesh Raider Fact-Finding (Jedi Padawan)New Recruit (Jedi Padawan)Pilgrim Medicine (Jedi Padawan)Dark Temptations (Jedi Padawan)Commune with the Light (Jedi Padawan)Weapon of the Jedi (Jedi Padawan, Jedi Knight)Clear Out the Forge (Jedi Padawan)Keshk's Last Stand (Jedi Padawan)Horranth Control (Jedi Padawan)The Jedi Envoy (Jedi Knight)Esseles incident (Jedi Knight)Dark Tidings (Jedi Knight)Raid on Emperor's Glory (Jedi Knight)Crisis in Galactic City (Jedi Knight)Bringing Down the Hammer (Republic) (Jedi Knight)Bringing Down the Hammer (Jedi Knight)Stolen Secrets (Jedi Knight)Republic's Most Wanted (Jedi Knight)The Senator's Stolen Goods (Jedi Knight)For Better or Worse (Jedi Knight)Kidnapping of Doctor Tarnis (Jedi Knight)Cantina Contusions (Jedi Knight)Peace is a Lie (Jedi Knight)The Politics of Dissent (Jedi Knight)Rebuilding Coruscant (Jedi Knight)Hydrosupply Leak (Jedi Knight)Follow the Money (Jedi Knight)The Rescue (Jedi Knight)The Freightskippers (Jedi Knight)The Face Merchants (Jedi Knight)The Pickup (Jedi Knight)Boom (Jedi Knight)Partial Eclipse (Jedi Knight)Secret Passages (Jedi Knight)Tracking Down the Traitor (Jedi Knight)Ugnaught Saboteurs (Jedi Knight)White Noise (Jedi Knight)Justicar Injustice (Jedi Knight)Trouble in Deed (Jedi Knight)A Diverting Assignment (Jedi Knight)Killed in Custody (Jedi Knight)Race to the Ruins (Jedi Knight)Power Outage (Jedi Knight)Planetary Checkup (Jedi Knight)Meltdown (Jedi Knight)Core Dump (Jedi Knight)Enemy Droid-Machines (Jedi Knight)Enemies of the Republic (Jedi Knight)Core Complications (Jedi Knight)Insult to Injury (Jedi Knight)New Intelligence (Jedi Knight)Reconstruction Efforts (Jedi Knight)The Architect of Annihilation (Jedi Knight)Fall of the Locust (Jedi Knight)Reclaiming What's Ours (Jedi Knight)Prized Possessions (Jedi Knight)Beyond Redemption (Jedi Knight)Catching up with Watcher One (Jedi Knight)Wake of the Spire (Jedi Knight)Fallen Stars (Jedi Knight)The Corpse Counters (Jedi Knight)Legacy of Death (Jedi Knight)Pirate Medicine (Jedi Knight)Last Battle of the Endar Spire (Jedi Knight)Burial Grounds (Jedi Knight)Catalyst (Jedi Knight)AWOL (Jedi Knight)Total Elimination (Jedi Knight)Mission to the ChemWorks Factory (Jedi Knight)Supplies and Demands (Jedi Knight)A More Immediate Concern (Jedi Knight)The Rescue (Jedi Knight)The Archive (Jedi Knight)Rakghoul Release (Jedi Knight)Chasing History (Jedi Knight)Mission to Transport Station 5 (Jedi Knight)More Reconstruction Efforts (Jedi Knight)Mission to the Northeast Tularan Region (Jedi Knight)Missing Link (Jedi Knight)Making Trouble (Jedi Knight)Future Threat (Jedi Knight)The Thrill of Discovery (Jedi Knight)Power Flux (Jedi Knight)The Loudest Bait (Jedi Knight)Operation Salvage (Jedi Knight)Disease on a Distant World (Jedi Knight)Suicide Mission (Jedi Knight)Indelicate Operation (Jedi Knight)When Diplomacy Fails (Jedi Knight)Armed and Dangerous (Jedi Knight)One Fell Swoop (Jedi Knight)Slave Raiding (Jedi Knight)Blood Money (Jedi Knight)Strike the Mountain Asunder (Jedi Knight)Shore Leave (Jedi Knight)Back Alley (Jedi Knight)Nar Shaddaa Blood Sport (Jedi Knight)Cleansing the Spice Trade (Jedi Knight)Double Negative (Jedi Knight)Genocide (Jedi Knight)Mandalorian Rage (Jedi Knight)Tempting Fate (Jedi Knight)Fate's Wrath (Jedi Knight)Chemical Agent (Jedi Knight)Extermination (Jedi Knight)
Rahm Kota
The Clone Wars (Jedi Master)
Mandalorian Wars
Satele Shan
Show all (11)DetailsRetaking Korriban (Jedi Padawan)Battle of Alderaan (GGW) (Jedi Knight)Battle of Rhen Var (Jedi Knight)The Cold War (Jedi Grand Master)Rediscovering Tython (Jedi Grand Master)Attack of the Flesh Raiders (Jedi Grand Master)High-Tech Savages (Jedi Grand Master)Weapon of the Jedi (Jedi Grand Master)The Forge (Jedi Grand Master)Bringing Down the Hammer (Republic) (Jedi Grand Master)Ancient Secrets (Jedi Grand Master)
Nomi Sunrider
Second Battle of Empress Teta (3997 BBY) (Jedi Knight)
Kira Carsen
Show all (78)DetailsHigh-Tech Savages (Jedi Padawan)Enemy Force (Jedi Padawan)Investigation on Coruscant (Jedi Padawan)The Jedi Envoy (Jedi Padawan)Stolen Secrets (Jedi Padawan)Kidnapping of Doctor Tarnis (Jedi Padawan)The Rescue (Jedi Padawan)Tracking Down the Traitor (Jedi Padawan)Ugnaught Saboteurs (Jedi Padawan)White Noise (Jedi Padawan)Justicar Injustice (Jedi Padawan)Trouble in Deed (Jedi Padawan)A Diverting Assignment (Jedi Padawan)Killed in Custody (Jedi Padawan)Race to the Ruins (Jedi Padawan)Power Outage (Jedi Padawan)Planetary Checkup (Jedi Padawan)Meltdown (Jedi Padawan)Core Dump (Jedi Padawan)Enemy Droid-Machines (Jedi Padawan)Enemies of the Republic (Jedi Padawan)Core Complications (Jedi Padawan)Insult to Injury (Jedi Padawan)New Intelligence (Jedi Padawan)Reconstruction Efforts (Jedi Padawan)The Architect of Annihilation (Jedi Padawan)Fall of the Locust (Jedi Padawan)Reclaiming What's Ours (Jedi Padawan)Prized Possessions (Jedi Padawan)Beyond Redemption (Jedi Padawan)Catching up with Watcher One (Jedi Padawan)Wake of the Spire (Jedi Padawan)Fallen Stars (Jedi Padawan)The Corpse Counters (Jedi Padawan)Legacy of Death (Jedi Padawan)Pirate Medicine (Jedi Padawan)Last Battle of the Endar Spire (Jedi Padawan)Burial Grounds (Jedi Padawan)Catalyst (Jedi Padawan)AWOL (Jedi Padawan)Total Elimination (Jedi Padawan)Mission to the ChemWorks Factory (Jedi Padawan)Supplies and Demands (Jedi Padawan)A More Immediate Concern (Jedi Padawan)The Rescue (Jedi Padawan)The Archive (Jedi Padawan)Rakghoul Release (Jedi Padawan)Chasing History (Jedi Padawan)Mission to Transport Station 5 (Jedi Padawan)More Reconstruction Efforts (Jedi Padawan)Mission to the Northeast Tularan Region (Jedi Padawan)Missing Link (Jedi Padawan)Making Trouble (Jedi Padawan)Future Threat (Jedi Padawan)The Thrill of Discovery (Jedi Padawan)Power Flux (Jedi Padawan)The Loudest Bait (Jedi Padawan)Operation Salvage (Jedi Padawan)Disease on a Distant World (Jedi Padawan)Suicide Mission (Jedi Padawan)Indelicate Operation (Jedi Padawan)When Diplomacy Fails (Jedi Padawan)Armed and Dangerous (Jedi Padawan)One Fell Swoop (Jedi Padawan)Slave Raiding (Jedi Padawan)Blood Money (Jedi Padawan)Strike the Mountain Asunder (Jedi Padawan)Shore Leave (Jedi Padawan)Back Alley (Jedi Padawan)Nar Shaddaa Blood Sport (Jedi Padawan)Cleansing the Spice Trade (Jedi Padawan)Double Negative (Jedi Padawan)Genocide (Jedi Padawan)Mandalorian Rage (Jedi Padawan)Tempting Fate (Jedi Padawan)Fate's Wrath (Jedi Padawan)Chemical Agent (Jedi Padawan)Extermination (Jedi Padawan)
Orgus Din
Show all (13)DetailsAssault on the Jedi Temple (3653BBY) (Jedi Master)Attack of the Flesh Raiders (Jedi Master)High-Tech Savages (Jedi Master)Enemy Force (Jedi Master)The Face of the Enemy (Jedi Master)Assault on the Flesh Raider Command Base (Jedi Master)Raid on Flesh Raider camps (Jedi Master)Dark Temptations (Jedi Master)Capture of Master Din (Jedi Master)Weapon of the Jedi (Jedi Master)The Jedi Envoy (Jedi Master)Jedi Masters Meets Supreme Chancellor (Jedi Master)Kidnapping of Doctor Tarnis (Jedi Master)
Arca Jeth
The End of the Beast Wars of Onderon (4000BBY) (Jedi Master)
Aryn Leneer
Show all (2)DetailsAlderaan Peace Conference (Jedi Knight)Duel between Darth Malgus and Aryn Leneer (Jedi Knight)
Bengel Morr
Assault on the Jedi Temple (3653BBY) (Jedi Padawan)
Battle of Kirrek (Jedi Master)
Yuon Par
Show all (12)DetailsEncounter on Belkadan (Jedi Consular)The Path of a Jedi (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)Pilgrims (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)Trials in Kaleth (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)Hunter's Eye (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)The Footsteps of the Fallen (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)Rajivari's Legacy (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)The Forge (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)The Arrival (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)The Flow of Goods (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)The Coming Darkness (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)Ancient Secrets (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)
Ters Sendon
Rajivari's Coup (Jedi Master)
Luminara Unduli
Show all (7)DetailsMeeting in Palpatine's office (AOTC)Anakin and Padme depart TatooineGeonosis Arena Battle (Jedi Master)Battle of Geonosis (Jedi Master)Ambush on IlumRescue on the Tranquility (Jedi Master)Battle of Kashyyyk
Ven Zallow
Assault on the Jedi Temple (3653BBY)
Unaw Aharo
Attack of the Flesh Raiders (Jedi Padawan)
The Cold War (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)
Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Padawan)
Show all (2)DetailsAttack of the Flesh Raiders (Jedi Padawan)Early Lessons (Jedi Padawan)
Syo Bakarn
Show all (5)DetailsThe Path of a Jedi (Jedi Master)Trials in Kaleth (Jedi Master)The Threat of the Dark Plague (Jedi Master)The Forge (Jedi Master)Ancient Secrets (Jedi Master)
Attack of the Flesh Raiders (Jedi Master)
Shol Bestros
Resettling Tython (Jedi Master)
Tol Braga
Show all (2)DetailsHigh-Tech Savages (Jedi Master)Weapon of the Jedi (Jedi Master)
Cala Brin
Rajivari's Coup (Jedi Master)
The Cold War
Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Master)
Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Padawan)
Liam Dentiri
Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Master)
Hero Worship (Jedi Padawan)
Attros Finn
Show all (6)DetailsThe ArrivalSecret SignalsThe Flow of GoodsThe Coming DarknessShadowsAncient Secrets
Commune with the Light (Jedi Padawan)
Kalisa Gehnso
Flesh Raider Fact-Finding (Jedi Master)
The Cold War (Jedi Master)
Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Padawan)
Garon Jard
Rajivari's Coup (Jedi Master)
Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Padawan)
Show all (2)DetailsAttack of the Flesh Raiders (Jedi Padawan)Early Lessons (Jedi Padawan)
Anora Jessel
Hoth Confrontation (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)
Danah Jor
Missing Link (Jedi Knight)
Jaric Kaedan
Show all (5)DetailsHigh-Tech Savages (Jedi Master)Trials in Kaleth (Jedi Master)Weapon of the Jedi (Jedi Master)The Forge (Jedi Master)Ancient Secrets (Jedi Master)
Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Knight)
The Cold War (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)
Taris Resettlement Initiative (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)
Jedi Expedition to the Tularan Marsh (Jedi Master)
Bela Kiwiiks
Show all (6)DetailsHigh-Tech Savages (Jedi Master)Enemy Force (Jedi Master)Investigation on Coruscant (Jedi Master)The Jedi Envoy (Jedi Master)Jedi Masters Meets Supreme Chancellor (Jedi Master)Kidnapping of Doctor Tarnis (Jedi Master)
Dark Temptations (Jedi Knight)
Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)
Jedi Expedition to the Tularan Marsh (Jedi Master)
Sedni Maruk
Horranth Control
Attack of the Flesh Raiders (Jedi Knight)
Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Padawan)
Show all (2)DetailsAttack of the Flesh Raiders (Jedi Padawan)Early Lessons (Jedi Padawan)
Lovers and Secrets (Jedi Padawan)
Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Master)
Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Master)
Flesh Eating Baby (Jedi Master)
Commune with the Light (Jedi Master)
Devon Race
Indelicate Operation (Jedi Padawan)
Early Lessons (Jedi Master)
The Cold War (Jedi Master)
Lovers and Secrets (Jedi Master)
Lovers and Secrets (Jedi Padawan)
Assault on the Jedi Temple (3653BBY) (Jedi Master)
New Recruit (Jedi Master)
Show all (3)DetailsMission to Raxus Prime (Cold War) (Jedi Master)Hero Worship (Jedi Master)The Last Defenders (Jedi Master)
Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Master)
Tre Trimbal
Jedi Expedition to the Tularan Marsh (Jedi Master)
Cin Tykan
Show all (5)DetailsTaris Resettlement Initiative (Jedi Master)The Expedition (prologue) (Jedi Master)The Junction (Jedi Master)Rakghoul Invasion (Jedi Master)Super Reactor (Jedi Master)
Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Master)
Reena Vari
Battle of Corellia (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)
Aris Vauranelle
Show all (4)DetailsTaris Resettlement Initiative (Jedi Padawan)The Expedition (Jedi Padawan)Rakghoul Invasion (Jedi Padawan)Super Reactor (Jedi Padawan)
Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Master, Jedi Consular)
Derrin Weller
Attack of the Flesh Raiders (Jedi Knight)
Meeb Wix
Flesh Raider Fact-Finding (Jedi Master)
Lovers and Secrets (Jedi Master)
Taris Resettlement Initiative (Jedi Master)
Do Zonn
The Chamber of Speech (Jedi Knight)
Weapon of the Jedi
Indelicate Operation (Astromech)
Known parent organizations
Galactic Republic
Known sub-organizations
Jedi Council
Known founders
Ters Sendon
Cala Brin
Garon Jard
Droid models that were used by this organization
COURIER-A01 Protocol Droid
Weapon of the Jedi
PO12 Protocol Droid
Flesh Raider Uprising
TG6-A01 Astromech Droid
Indelicate Operation
Starships that were used by this organization
Defender-class Light Corvette
Known sentient species
Arkanian Offshoot
The End of the Beast Wars of Onderon (4000BBY)
Show all (2)DetailsAttack of the Flesh RaidersSavage Attack
Flesh Eating Baby
Show all (3)DetailsAnakin's Test (32BBY)Hunt for Aurra SingMeeting in Palpatine's office (AOTC)
Anakin's Test (32BBY)
Siege of Saleucami
Battle of Kirrek
Flesh Raider Fact-Finding
Show all (5)DetailsAnakin's Test (32BBY)Qui-Gon Jinn's funeralGeonosis Arena BattleRepublic Advance (CW)Duel in Palpatine's office
Commune with the Light
Show all (5)DetailsTaris Resettlement InitiativeThe Expedition (prologue)The JunctionRakghoul InvasionSuper Reactor
Kel Dor
Show all (8)DetailsMission to Raxus Prime (Cold War)High-Tech SavagesHero WorshipThe Last DefendersWeapon of the JediAnakin's Test (32BBY)Meeting in Palpatine's office (AOTC)Anakin and Padme depart Tatooine
Show all (2)DetailsSiege of SaleucamiBattle of Kashyyyk
Battle of Geonosis
Anakin's Test (32BBY)
Show all (3)DetailsResettling TythonHoth ConfrontationWhite Terror's Rampage
Show all (15)DetailsThe Cold WarFlesh Raider UprisingThe ArrivalSecret SignalsThe Flow of GoodsThe Coming DarknessShadowsAncient SecretsMeeting in Palpatine's office (AOTC)Anakin and Padme depart TatooineGeonosis Arena BattleBattle of GeonosisAmbush on IlumRescue on the TranquilityBattle of Kashyyyk
Mon Calamari
Mission to Vassek 3
Show all (5)DetailsAssault on the Jedi Temple (3653BBY)Taris Resettlement Initiative (Jedi Consular)Meeting in Palpatine's office (AOTC)Mission to Vassek 3Duel in Palpatine's office
Siege of Saleucami
Anakin's Test (32BBY)
Dark Temptations
Show all (2)DetailsAnakin's Test (32BBY)Siege of Saleucami
Show all (5)DetailsAnakin's Test (32BBY)Hunt for Aurra SingAnakin and Padme depart TatooineBattle of GeonosisBattle of Coruscant (ROTS)
Show all (8)DetailsHigh-Tech SavagesEnemy ForceInvestigation on CoruscantThe Jedi EnvoyJedi Masters Meets Supreme ChancellorKidnapping of Doctor TarnisRepublic Advance (CW)Overseeing Clone Cadets Training (Shaak Ti)
Show all (4)DetailsThe End of the Beast Wars of Onderon (4000BBY)Flesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Consular)Battle of Corellia (Jedi Consular)Siege of Saleucami
Lovers and Secrets
Siege of Saleucami
Show all (12)DetailsRajivari's CoupTaris Resettlement InitiativeFlesh Raider UprisingAttack of the Flesh RaidersEarly LessonsLovers and SecretsThe Chamber of SpeechHoth ConfrontationSavage AttackAnakin's Test (32BBY)Geonosis Arena BattleDuel in Palpatine's office
All characters who worked for/with this organization without being its member
Flesh Raider Uprising (Cantina Vendor)
Known ranks
Jedi Padawan
Show all (22)DetailsObi-Wan KenobiBarsen'thorHero of TythonSatele ShanKira CarsenBengel MorrUnaw AharoAvenAvitlaCoraElsorFiaFlingeldHallenJerikkoJerridanMatareMennausMoracenDevon RaceSpaniosAris Vauranelle
Jedi Knight
Show all (13)DetailsBarsen'thorHero of TythonBastila ShanSatele ShanNomi SunriderKrynda DraayAryn LeneerDanah JorKaldonaLaotahMatareDerrin WellerDo Zonn
Jedi Master
Show all (47)DetailsQui-Gon JinnObi-Wan KenobiRahm KotaOrgus DinArca JethOdan-UrrYuon ParTers SendonLuminara UnduliAriasSyo BakarnBennShol BestrosTol BragaCala BrinCabarilLiam DentiriKalisa GehnsoHalaciaGaron JardAnora JesselJaric KaedanKamKaruKirbiBela KiwiiksLiv'traiLuquenaMuheedaQuaneraQuilbQuilljaykRelnexRuusSilvarteStarsnowStrayenTill'inTravinTre TrimbalCin TykanTyriaReena VariWettleMeeb WixYolloZhin
Jedi Grand Master
Satele Shan
Known roles
Jedi Guardian
Jedi Consular
Show all (10)DetailsBarsen'thorKrynda DraayYuon ParAriasAnora JesselKamKaruLiv'traiReena VariWettle
Jedi Seer
Krynda Draay
Known weaponry & equipment
L3 Electroblade
Show all (4)DetailsTaris Resettlement InitiativeThe ExpeditionRakghoul InvasionIndelicate Operation
Training Saber
Show all (24)DetailsFlesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Padawans)Attack of the Flesh RaidersThe Path of a JediEarly LessonsPilgrimsLost PilgrimThe Thousand StepsElixir of PowerTrials in KalethHero WorshipLovers and SecretsThe Last DefendersThe Chamber of SpeechFlesh Eating BabyHunter's EyeClear Out Tythos RidgeFlesh Raider Fact-FindingNew RecruitPilgrim MedicineThe Footsteps of the FallenCommune with the LightRajivari's LegacyClear Out the ForgeKeshk's Last Stand
H2 Jedi Lightsaber
Show all (5)DetailsHigh-Tech SavagesEnemy ForceThe Jedi EnvoyJedi Masters Meets Supreme ChancellorKidnapping of Doctor Tarnis
H4 Jedi Lightsaber
Show all (7)DetailsThe Path of a JediPilgrimsTrials in KalethHunter's EyeThe Footsteps of the FallenRajivari's LegacyThe Forge
H5 Jedi Lightsaber
Show all (14)DetailsAttack of the Flesh RaidersThe Path of a JediHigh-Tech SavagesEnemy ForceTrials in KalethThe Face of the EnemyAssault on the Flesh Raider Command BaseRaid on Flesh Raider campsThe Threat of the Dark PlagueThe ForgeThe Jedi EnvoyJedi Masters Meets Supreme ChancellorKidnapping of Doctor TarnisAncient Secrets
L1 Jedi Lightsaber
Show all (5)DetailsFlesh Raider Uprising (Jedi Guardians, Jedi Masters)Flesh Raider Fact-FindingThe ArrivalThe Coming DarknessAncient Secrets
L1 Jedi Dual Lightsaber
Show all (81)DetailsAttack of the Flesh RaidersHigh-Tech SavagesEnemy ForceThe ForgeThe Jedi EnvoyBringing Down the Hammer (Republic)Stolen SecretsKidnapping of Doctor TarnisThe RescueTracking Down the TraitorUgnaught SaboteursWhite NoiseJusticar InjusticeTrouble in DeedA Diverting AssignmentKilled in CustodyAncient SecretsRace to the RuinsPower OutagePlanetary CheckupMeltdownCore DumpEnemy Droid-MachinesEnemies of the RepublicCore ComplicationsInsult to InjuryNew IntelligenceReconstruction EffortsThe Architect of AnnihilationFall of the LocustReclaiming What's OursPrized PossessionsBeyond RedemptionCatching up with Watcher OneWake of the SpireFallen StarsThe Corpse CountersLegacy of DeathPirate MedicineLast Battle of the Endar SpireBurial GroundsCatalystAWOLTotal EliminationMission to the ChemWorks FactorySupplies and DemandsA More Immediate ConcernThe RescueThe ArchiveRakghoul ReleaseChasing HistoryMission to Transport Station 5More Reconstruction EffortsMission to the Northeast Tularan RegionMissing LinkMaking TroubleFuture ThreatThe Thrill of DiscoveryPower FluxThe Loudest BaitOperation SalvageDisease on a Distant WorldSuicide MissionIndelicate OperationWhen Diplomacy FailsArmed and DangerousOne Fell SwoopSlave RaidingBlood MoneyStrike the Mountain AsunderShore LeaveBack AlleyNar Shaddaa Blood SportCleansing the Spice TradeDouble NegativeGenocideMandalorian RageTempting FateFate's WrathChemical AgentExtermination
L2 Jedi Lightsaber
Show all (6)DetailsFlesh Raider UprisingAttack of the Flesh RaidersTrials in KalethNew RecruitThe ForgeAncient Secrets
L3 Jedi Lightsaber
Show all (5)DetailsMission to Raxus Prime (Cold War)Hero WorshipThe Last DefendersFlesh Eating BabyDark Temptations
L1 Lightsaber
Show all (15)DetailsThe Cold WarTaris Resettlement InitiativeFlesh Raider UprisingAttack of the Flesh RaidersLovers and SecretsThe Chamber of SpeechCommune with the LightHorranth ControlThe ArrivalSecret SignalsThe Flow of GoodsThe Coming DarknessShadowsAncient SecretsJedi Expedition to the Tularan Marsh
L3 Lightsaber
Show all (11)DetailsThe Cold WarTaris Resettlement InitiativeFlesh Raider UprisingAttack of the Flesh RaidersEarly LessonsLovers and SecretsFlesh Raider Fact-FindingThe Expedition (prologue)The JunctionRakghoul InvasionSuper Reactor
L4 Lightsaber
The Cold War
Complete list

Full unit name: Jedi Order Last updated: 13.10.2024 15:02:21